Gianna squinted as she painstakingly arranged tiny snowberries on top of each of each tart along with a perfect dollop of fresh whipped cream. She was almost finished with the last dozen when she spied movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Argis," she snapped. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Uhhh...taste testing. Making sure these aren't poisoned," said the large blond housecarl. Gianna glared at him, not knowing if he knew about the poisoned tarts she had made once upon a time. She grabbed a wooden spoon and pointed it at the door to the kitchen.

"Out. Now," she snapped. The housecarl was dressed in his nicest tunic and pants for the event, but he still had his large greatsword strapped to his back. "And Argis? I want the balls of anyone else trying to sneak in here before I am done."

"But what if it's a woman?" he asked.

Her only answer was lowering her eyelids just a fraction more. The man quickly vacated the kitchen. Once again she found herself alone in the kitchen of the Blue Palace where she was finishing up the last of the personal apple and cheese tarts she was making for the wedding reception.

The ceremony that morning had been very formal. Gianna was excited to have been asked to prepare the royal feast for the evening. The first course had been a beautiful mudcrab and slaughter fish chowder, followed by enough roasts to feed the Stormcloak army. Gianna had hand crafted the seasoning herself, using her own special blend of herbs and spices with a pinch of void salts. Gianna was almost done with the service, except for the desserts.

"It smells fantastic in here," said a familiar voice, making Gianna pause in her decorating of the last tarts.

"I told Argis to take the balls of the next person who walked in..." she warned.

"Good thing Argis didn't see me come in here, then," said Fen, walking close behind Gianna and wrapping his strong arms around her waist. "They are still giving speeches, my love. You have time. There's a line of people waiting actually, I would say you have plenty of time. Well, we have plenty of time..."

His large hands started to wander up from her waist, grasping at her breasts through her chef's outfit. Fen started to pull down the top of her bodice and Gianna tried to twist out of his grasp. "They are waiting on these pastries! It's the grand finale of my dinner service," she whined, though her body was already responding to his touch.

The tables were covered with finished pastries, leaving the room smelling of apples and spices. "I take it your business was successful?"

"It was a good death," he breathed against her neck before kissing along her jaw and down to her shoulder. "I was a little distracted though, thinking of you in here cooking apple tarts. You know they're my favorite."

"Not the bread pudding?" she asked, turning around to give him a sly smile. Fen's hair was cut shorter now, though it still fell wild and unkempt. He had shaved recently but auburn stubble was already present on his face. Fen was wearing a nice woolen tunic with an amulet of Talos hanging in the middle of his chest. He had on his nicest leather pants and boots, looking every bit the proper Thane for the wedding. Gianna suddenly felt very under dressed in her white chef's outfit.

"I have many favorites," he grinned, moving his hands up her sides, lightly caressing the top of her breasts left visible by her bodice. "None of them compare to the taste of you Gia."

"Fen," she shushed, looking paranoid around the room. "This really isn't the..."

She was silenced by a kiss. His lips were claiming hers, forceful and demanding. His deft fingers untied her bodice and slid beneath the fabric as it fell open allowing access to her breasts. He was fondling her, kissing her, pressing a knee forward to grind between her legs.

"These tarts aren't going to finish themselves..." she said, though her voice was breathy and soft as her body betrayed her desire for Fen. He grabbed one of her hands and moved it to his pants where a growing bulge brushed against her fingers.

"This won't finish itself either," he grinned, causing her to groan at the bad joke. "I can be quick," he said, his fingers returning to her sensitive nipples, teasing them to peaks. "You may not want me to be once we get started though..."

She kissed him then, no longer denying the liquid heat she could feel between her thighs. She could never get enough of kissing Fen, feeling the swell of his muscles under his fine clothes, and grinding her hips against his to feel his erection straining against leather pants. He quickly shed the over coat until he was wearing only his under shirt. Then he untied the ties on his leather pants. She was watching his hands work, licking her lips, concentrating on the object of her desire.

"See something you like Gia," he practically growled the question, making a show of slowly freeing his hardness from its confinement. Gianna bit her lip to stop a loud moan from escaping. It half way worked. Soon they were kissing again with a new desperation. Her fingers wrapped around his length and began to stroke him from base to tip, feeling the first beads of leaking fluid. Fen moaned loudly into her mouth.

He roughly turned her around and lifted her skirt in one fluid movement. He pulled her small clothes down and pushed her forward until her hands were on the table. She was careful not to hit any of the pastries, though her addled mind no longer cared about that. All she could focus on was the hot need Fen stoked within her and the burning desire to feel him deep inside of her.

"I want it, Fen. Please," she moaned, looking back over her shoulder. Fen was staring intently at her exposed sex. He lightly ran his fingers over her outer lips, feeling the moisture already coating her nether lips. He brought a finger to his lips, tasting her. She moaned just watching him. He met her eyes and gave a small smirk before moving his manhood to her dripping entrance. With one quick thrust he was inside of her, the force of it causing her to lurch forward knock one of the tarts to the ground.

Gianna didn't care about the tart. She closed her eyes, focusing only on the rough, hard in and out movement of her lover. Fen's hips met hers with a wet slapping sound, drawing out a loud string of moans from Gianna.

"You always feel so good, Gia..." he groaned, fingers digging into her hips as he rutted insistently against her from behind. He moved his hands to palm her ass, squeezing and admiring. Fen bent over to slide his hand to the spot that drove her mad with lust. Her back was arched and he could tell her eyes were closed. The expression on her face was one of pure ecstasy and it never failed to excite him watching her come undone because of him.

He held nothing back as he drove into his beloved, feeling his impending climax approaching with each thrust. She was groaning now, the way he loved. He slammed into her harder, deeper, until he felt her walls tighten and her legs seem to shudder underneath her. The ragged cry she let out as she came had him spilling inside of her warmth, thrusting through the last spurts. He reached forward, pulling her upright against his chest, feeling himself slide out of her. He kissed her sex warmed cheek and whispered hotly against her ear, "I love you, wife."

She turned to kiss him, letting her skirts fall back down as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned into him. "I love you too, husband. Forever."

The wedding guests had finally stopped their speeches for the wedding between Ulfric Stormcloak and Jarl Elisif the Fair. Everyone knew that Elisif was less than pleased about being married to the man who had slain her first husband, but Fen had helped convince her this was best for Skyrim. He had also delivered a message from her husband that Fen had received, in Sovngarde. Sometimes it was difficult to accept that her sexy Fen was the legendary Dragonborn.

Elisif was dressed beautifully in a fine wedding gown of white with slashes of Stormcloak blue. She smiled happily as dessert was finally served. Fen and Gianna had taken their places at the table with the High King and his bride.

"These are amazing, Gianna! We are so lucky to have the most famous chef in Skyrim cooking for our wedding," said Elisif. Even if she wasn't excited to be marrying Ulfric, she was still regal and polite. Gianna blushed at the compliment, but also at the suggestive grin Fen was giving her.

"I am pleased you like them, Lady Elisif," said Gianna, formally.

"You will have to sign my copy of your book," said Elisif, giving a sincere smile. "I don't think anyone in the province hasn't bought a copy at this point."

Over the last year, Gianna had become more than just Fen's wife. She was also a published author of the best selling Skyrim cook book, A Taste of Skyrim. She had used some of the Gourmet's recipes that she had adjusted, but for the most part, it was her own original recipes. Possibly being the wife of the legendary Dragonborn had helped get the publishing deal and spurred the popularity of the book, but the continued use in kitchens across the province indicated that the book was a success. Gianna couldn't have been happier.

"I'm honored you enjoyed the recipes," said Gianna.

"I still wish she'd gone with my title suggestion," said Fen, digging into his own apple tart.

"No one would buy a cook book titled How to Feed Your Dragon," said Gianna, giving a flat stare to her husband.

"I would," he said, smiling with a bit of apple on his scruffy face. Gianna picked it off and ate it, grinning at him all the while. Then they were kissing. Until the sound of someone loudly clearing their throat brought them back to the moment.

"How is the house coming?" asked Galmar, the bear skin wearing housecarl of Ulfric Stormcloak that Gianna had first seen at the battle for Solitude.

"It would have been finished months ago, if not for my lovely wife," said Fen, grinning at Gianna.

"The kitchen wasn't big enough," she pouted, drawing out laughter from her husband.

"Don't worry. Next time the kitchen will be twice as large. There will be two ovens and enough storage for an entire army. I promise," said Fen once he regained his composure.

"What is next for you then, Dragonborn?" asked Ulfric, sitting tall and regal at the table. The war may have been won a year ago, but the fighting had not stopped and there was still the Aldmeri Dominion to defend against.

Fen pulled away from his wife long enough to give a the High King a roguish grin. "There is nothing in this plane or another that could make me happier than I with my life right now." He reached under the table to find Gianna's hand and gave it a firm squeeze. She smiled lovingly at her husband.

"Love you Gia," he whispered softly into her ear.

Everyone at the wedding thought they knew the Dragonborn. Gianna knew that she was the only one who truly knew the Dragonborn. And she would love him, unconditionally, forever.