Things to know about each scene:

Ending Battles: Takes place at the end of Batman: Under the Red Hood movie (or comic with different quotes) and in a dimension where Danny and Batman never made up in Dark-Net. Both are roughly the same age.

Beginning of the Spiral: Takes place as Jason is resurrected in the Lazarus Pit and, once again, Danny and Batman have not made up in Dark-Net. Jason is a teenager (I'd say about fifteen/sixteen since it was never clarified) and Danny is twenty-two.

Street-Rats: Takes place before Dark-Net and before the movie/comic while both Jason and Danny, at age twelve, are both living on the streets. Danny does not have his powers.

The Flu: Takes place before Dark-Net, after Danny is with Calculator. It also takes place near the end of the Red Hood: The Lost Days and Hush story-lines, right at the beginning of Under the Red Hood (movie or comic). Danny is fourteen and Jason is in his twenties. Danny does not have his powers at this time.

Ch.21: Bonus Chapter

End of the Battle

Danny gulped from his spot, sitting atop an abandoned building that mirrored another abandoned site right across from him. Luminescent green eyes peered through a pair of binoculars that were locked onto three people inside the building across from his. His hands were clenched around them tightly as his tense body struggled to remain still so he could watch the scene taking place. The voices talking in his ears from the bug he'd barely been able to place inside the building made his insides twist painfully.

"This is what it's all been about. This! You, me, him! Now is the time you decide! If you won't kill this psychotic piece of filth, I will! If you want to stop me, you're going to have to kill me!"

Danny sighed worriedly and thought about how sorely disappointed Red Hood was going to be.

"You know I won't…"

"I'm going to blow his deranged brains out! And if you want to stop it, you're going to have to shoot me! Right in my face!"

"This is turning out better than I'd hoped!"

Danny felt his jaw clench at the sound of the Joker's voice. His shoulders hunched forward defensively. He hated to admit it but Joker scared Danny more than Batman ever did. Because of this fear, Danny was actually rooting for the ebony-haired male to kill and end the lunatic for good. He just wished it didn't have to end like this.

Through the binoculars, Danny saw Batman drop the gun, letting it clatter to the ground. He turned, letting Danny see his drawn face. He felt his gut twist a little at Jason's forlorn and surprised face as his father-figure began walking away. Desperation started creeping up through Jason's body as his arm tensed around the Joker's neck.

"It's him or me! You have to decide!"

Batman kept walking away, towards the window. An old joke rang through Danny's ears but it wasn't funny; not now.

"Decide now! Do it! Him or me! Decide!"

The next few motions made Danny's head spin. Jason shot the gun but Batman managed to dodge the bullet and throw one of his trademark weapons towards the younger. The bat-a-rang was caught in the barrel of the gun just as Jason pulled the trigger again. There was a loud bang! as the gun exploded in the anti-hero's hands, making Jason yell out in pain as he dropped the remains of the handgun and the Joker to the floor. The ebony-haired male's uninjured wrist went instantly to clasp his other one as blood dripped down his fingers. Gashes lined the flesh on his hand, leaking the vital fluid at all points. A grimace of pain appeared on Jason's face as he tightened his hand around his wrist, trying to get his injured hand to move. The Red Hood moved in and out of a crouch, trying to catch his breath and get his brain back up to speed.

Danny felt himself flinch when he heard Joker laughing manically in his ears. Another lump appeared in the white-haired male's throat but he found he couldn't swallow it like he could the others.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha~! I can't believe you got him! You expert, rootin-tootin, eagle-eyed, goth-loving marksman! I love it! You managed to find a way to win…and everybody still loses!"

Danny felt his jaw fall open, lose in its socket. For Jason had managed to stay standing and, taking his uninjured hand from his wrist, pulled out a trigger with a button on the top. He didn't have to see Batman's face to know his face had twisted into horror at the younger's doing. However, Jason either didn't care or didn't register Batman's obvious worry as his finger pressed down on the button on top of the trigger.

In the fireplace, little red lights lit up along the sides of five or six boxes. Two red numbers appeared in a small rectangle, counting down as soon as it was lit up. In his ear, Danny could hear the telltale ticking as the numbers lowered in value.

20. 19. 18.

Batman was immediately running towards it, planning on saving the three and shutting the bomb down. He was barely halfway there when Joker threw his injured body at the Dark Knight, slamming them both into the hardwood ground.

"NO! Don't spoil it! This is better!"

Danny couldn't help the lurch his body took when he saw Joker clasp his hands around the Dark Knight's throat as he held him down, smiling manically at his archenemy. The pinpricks of his eyes gleamed with a dark victory. His injured body shook with the superior feeling flowing through his veins.

"I'm the only one who's going to get what he wants tonight! Yes! Big-bang-boom! We all go out together!"

Behind the two enemies, Jason slowly sunk to the floor while holding his bruised side. His shoulders were slumped forward in total defeat as he struggled to control his breathing. Eyes watched as his father-figure and killer stayed in the middle of the room, closest to the bombs. Every intention of staying there when the bomb went off was clear in his demeanor and posture.

Danny stood and, without hesitation, jumped off the side of the building. He caught himself a second later and let himself enter invisibility.

"Don't you all just love a happy ending?! Heh hehheh HAHAHA!"

Batman, an angered expression flashing across his face, threw himself forward and punched the deranged clown off of him. His momentum brought him to his feet and he raced forward, leaving the Joker behind him. As he passed Jason, he grabbed the front of the younger's shirt and dragged him to his feet, ignoring the yelp Jason gave. As one ran and the other stumbled after, the two quickly made it to the door and exited.

Danny flew through the hallway wall and rammed into Jason just as the bomb went off. Intangibility spread through the two as Batman's grip on his old partner was ripped away by the blast. The white-haired male and the black-haired eighteen-year-old fell through the floors of the building as they collapsed until Danny regained control of his flight, zipping the two from the building as everything continued to cave. Danny got them to his original spot as the unstable building began settling.

The two fell away from the other and began breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath from the scare that had just shocked their entire systems. The two's hearts thundered in their chests rapidly, sounding like bombs in their ears. Everything attached to them shook as all the events of the past few minutes came back to them.

Jason, who'd collapsed to his knees against the edge of the roof, stared at the one who had pulled him to the rooftops. Behind his green mask, blue eyes were knitted together to figure out who the white-haired male was and why he would pull him from the wreckage, even though Batman had pretty much taken care of it, though how he would've protected both of them from the blast remained a mystery.

As soon as his breathing was under control again, Jason questioned "Who the hell are you?"

Danny's glowing green eyes journeyed from the sky down to where Jason was leaning against the edge of the roof. He straightened his posture to make it seem he wasn't too affected by anything, which was typical of him. It'd become habit to take such a stance. "I go by a lot of names but you can just call me Phantom for now. You can count me as an ally and an old…friend of Bats."

"Old friend?" Jason scoffed, shaking his head at the other. "You hardly look like the type that Batman would keep around and you don't come up in any news. So who are you?"

Danny let out a hollow laugh, eyes wandering blankly around the horizon of Gotham. In the east, light was breaking out and chasing all the darkness away, bringing out a new day. He still felt anxious though, despite the promise of another beginning in the distance. "You see me a lot in the news, actually. You just don't know it's me. As for being that type, you're right. But I wasn't always that way and neither were you."

Jason frowned at the stranger and watched as Danny held his hand out to him, inviting the other to take his hand to be helped up. Jason's masked eyes stared at the invitation for a long time but he never accepted it. Danny never retracted it either. "Come on, Hood. We gotta get out of here. Bats ain't so fond of me anymore and he'll surely be looking for you."

After a few more seconds, Jason finally accepted the help and grasped Danny's wrist gingerly with his uninjured hand. Holding his side with his bloodied appendage, the former Robin was pulled to his feet and the two's eyes immediately went to the wreckage site. It didn't take a pair of binoculars to see Batman desperately searching through the rubble and you definitely didn't need speakers to hear Joker's echoing laughter at his victory.

Danny tore his eyes away from the sight first, turning his head to look at Jason. The thoroughly beaten male was hunched forward again, looking totally and utterly defeated. His jaw was shaking and his lip quivered. Jason swallowed the lump growing in his throat and took a deep breath, trying to suppress all the emotions running through his body and making him feel like crap.

The ghost-powered eighteen-year-old reached out and gently set his hand on Jason's shoulder. It got no response out of the other defeated male. Frowning but understanding the emotions the other was feeling completely, Danny whispered "Come on. Let's get out of here. It's not worth hanging around. I've got a safe-house we can head to and work on your wounds."

Slowly, Jason nodded and allowed Danny to take one of his arms and drape it around the white haired male's shoulders. With his free arm, the white-haired teen slipped it around Jason's back and carefully press into Jason's side before he lifted carefully into the air, tightening his grip on the other. There was a pained gasp from Jason but Danny chose to ignore it as he carefully glided in the opposite direction of Batman.

Beginning of the Spiral

Danny let his blue eyes wander the dark area. Most of the light only came from the green pool in the center of the large cave. On his sides and a few feet away, other men dressed in the same long, red vests with their hoods up stood on either side of him and surrounded the pool in a giant circle. Small streams spewing green liquid flooded into the pool, coming from all directions. Standing near the exit, Ra's Al Ghul and his daughter, Talia, stood together quietly.

The undercover male's eyes drifted upwards when he heard the sounds of rattling chains. A limp body covered in gauze from head to toe like a mummy was lowered towards the green pool. His eyes hardened as he watched the figure slowly descend; the corpse of Jason Todd, the second Robin, lowered towards the Lazarus Pit.

Ra's just had to go and hire the Joker, who went and killed Jason with a bomb and a crowbar… There were many times Danny found his undercover jobs were sometimes hard to complete because he usually wanted to rip someone's throat out but this one… This one took the cake. The only condolence was that Jason's death could be avenged once his job was over if Ra's plan didn't work the way he wanted it to.

Danny, for once, actually felt bad for the Bat. He knew how much the kids meant to him, though he had a funny way of showing it. Losing one of the two was probably killing him, especially since the first seemed to avoid his mentor as much as possible. Unless that changed, Batman was easily going to slip back into the 'loneliest superhero' rank.

Blue eyes watched apprehensively as Jason's gauze-covered body slipped into the green waters, disappearing under the surface. The chain detached from the ceiling and plunged into the water after the young teenager. Danny held his breath, wondering if the body would remain limp and lifeless or if, by some miracle, it would emerge like Ra's, rejuvenated and empowered.

As it would turn out, neither would happen.

Moments after the water settled from its disturbance, Jason erupted from the depths of the pool, screeching like a banshee as he clawed at his face, desperately ripping the bandages from his eyes, mouth, and nose. Seconds after tearing the gauze from around his face, Jason hunched forward and puked up all the green water he had swallowed when he had been abruptly awoken. Heavy heaves slipped from his mouth as he lifted his head to reveal his terror-stricken face and insane eyes.

Danny had taken a couple steps back when he heard the petrified screams as Jason came back to life. His horror-stricken face was mirrored by the other guards and by their superiors.

There was no time to do anything to calm the crazed teenager as he began stumbling for land. As he raced out of the pool and began rushing for a cave wall, hooded guards jumped in the way to stop him and, potentially, calm him down. Jason lunged at them, giving a loud war-cry as he mangled their bodies and gouged out one's eyeballs.

As Jason began climbing the wall like his life depended on it, Danny kicked into action and he chased after the younger male. Vaguely, he heard a gunshot ring out and prayed the shot wasn't directed at the Bats' second protégé and was relieved to see Jason's efforts weren't hindered by a bullet wound.

Danny began climbing after the younger boy just as he reached the top and began racing down a tunnel at the top. The ebony-haired man didn't take nearly as long as Jason to reach the top and follow him down the tunnel, screaming his name as Jason continued to shout and holler erratically, still nowhere near being in his right mind.

The end of the tunnel slowly became clearer but didn't make the long stretch any brighter. The moonlight outside couldn't reach very far into the cave. However, Danny wasn't worried about lighting. He was worried Jason wasn't going to stop running, too delusional to understand when to bring his rampage to an end.

And it definitely looked like Jason wasn't going to stop running.

"JASON!" Danny screamed as the mad teenager ran right off the side of the cliff, screaming as he fell to certain doom. The older ebony-haired male jumped off right behind him, reaching for the younger's hand to stop themselves from hitting the water of a raging river under them. Danny did his best to pull Jason to him and get a better grip on him so when he turned on his flight the other wouldn't be yanked from his grip. However, Jason fought hard while he screamed and was quickly knocked out by the older.

Danny quickly enveloped Jason in a hug and then realized how far he'd fallen. He yelled a loud "SHIT!" before turning on his flight. All it managed to do was cushion the two bodies as they plunged into the softly roaring river with a loud SMACK!

Under the thundering waves, Danny ignored the sharp pain in his back that screamed for his attention. He kicked his feet and yanked Jason to the surface ahead of him before popping up himself. It didn't take much effort to pull the unconscious teenager to the bank and shift him around so Jason was in a piggy-back as the adult of the two trudged out. Danny sighed and, sopping wet, walked through the woods as the teenager on his back rested his head on his shoulders and slept.

The twenty-two year old weaved through the jungle like he'd been born there. Really, all he knew was that Ra's Al Ghul's palace was situated so it overlooked the ocean in the distance and, along the coast, he had speedboats everywhere for emergencies just in case. Despite being enemies, both Ra's Al Ghul and Batman were equally paranoid in most cases.

Danny wasn't sure how long he walked but it felt like an eternity, avoiding obstacles that would jostle Jason and wake him up. Much to the older's dismay, the bandages that had tightly covered his body were unwinding themselves as Danny walked along. The twenty-two year old prayed the speedboat he found had some clothes in it.

After sending his prayer to the sky, Danny finally broke through the tree-line and stepped onto sand. He thanked the Lord for the small blessing because Jason had started feeling like a thousand pounds half a mile into his trek. Now he only had to find one of the many speed-boats, push it into the ocean, and then take off towards some far-off place.

It actually ended up being easier to find one of the speed-boats than he thought it would be. He found one of the boats lying fairly close to the shore and laid Jason down in it before pushing it to the waves. Before he could let it drift off into the water, he checked the gas level and then went and stole some extra gasoline from the other boats nearby, just in case they ran out before they could make it to a port that was mildly close by.

Another thing Danny did before he pushed the speed-boat into deeper waters was to rip all of the bandages off of Jason's body (since they were falling apart anyways) and get him into some extra clothes that were stored on the boat before lying him back down to rest some more and changing his own damp clothes for something dry. Once that was done, Danny pushed the boat farther into deeper waters, hopped back into the boat, started it up, and sped off, following the coastline. As he steadied his course, he turned on the boat's GPS and managed to find the closest port he and Jason could ditch the boat at.

Since all he had to do for the moment was keep the boat on a steady course, Danny leaned back in his seat and relaxed. After some time of listening to nothing but the motor running and the waves swishing to the sides, Danny slipped his phone from one of his pockets and turned on some music, holding the speaker close to his ear so he could hear it over the noise of the boat and water. With the sounds of music playing in his ears, Danny began wondering how he was going to explain all the things that had happened to Jason when he woke up, especially the part where Jason died and now he was back.

The black-haired criminal wasn't given much time to contemplate his speech, which he figured was well-deserved since his actions hadn't been so stellar the last few years.

It was about an hour and a half into their ride when Jason began stirring. Danny expected him to wake up immediately as he slowed the boat down but was anxious to watch Jason twist and turn a bit before his eyes began fluttering. When they finally cracked open a tiny bit, it was like Jason had been shocked with electricity as he shot up and whipped his head around, trying to find something. "Where the hell am I?! Where's the Joker?! Where's Bruce?! Bruce, Bruce, where's-"

Danny, having shot out of his seat after turning off the boat, pushed Jason onto his back again, earning a grunt from the younger, and held him down for the moment. Ignoring Jason's bewildered look at seeing him, Danny harshly said "Calm the fuck down or I'll restrain you, got it?"

For a moment, Jason was paralyzed and his mind was completely blank. Then he nodded his understanding before being mirrored by Danny. The older of the two got off Jason and went back to his seat, falling into it and turning the boat back on. Danny bumped the speed up to the highest it could go and sat back again, holding the wheel steady. He sighed when he figured it was going to be a long night.

As the boat sped up again, Jason sat up and rubbed his shoulder where Danny had roughly pushed him down. His expression was most obviously confused and cautious of the person driving the boat. After-all, the last villain he clearly remembered being with was the Joker and the criminal in front of him wasn't well-known for being merciful or compassionate, especially to the less-fortunate. All of their past encounters hadn't been all that pleasant either.

Once Jason revisited the last few things he remembered, he tensed up and looked around again, wondering how he had survived the bomb-blast and why he wasn't covered in bruises, gashes, and burns. His blue eyes drifted back to Danny's own tense form and wondered if he had had anything to do with his good health and life. "...Phantom?"

Danny's blue eyes flickered over to the confused Jason, whom was nervously rubbing his arm. The adult focused back on the long stretch of water in front of him and, for a moment, didn't answer the call. Frankly, he didn't want to talk in general, much less explain the unfortunate events that had led Jason and Danny to this confrontation. However, the man also knew that the raven-haired teenager was a curious one and would get his answers one way or another. "First off, call me Danny for now. Something tells me we're going to be together for awhile."

"Ok...Danny...what happened?" Jason asked, confused. His lips turned into a frown as he tried to piece together what happened.

"That depends on what you're talking about. What's the last thing you can remember clearly?" Danny responded, turning the wheel of the boat to avoid an oncoming rock.

Jason's first thoughts were of the bomb ticking down from two seconds and accepting his fate. Following that was a lot of the color red and heat before it all just went blank. He thought he remembered flashes of something else (the color green?) afterwards but every time he thought about it, the memory just slipped from his grasp and became even further away than before. He chalked it up to being a dream and answered "I remember the warehouse blowing up. How did I survive the blast?"

Danny shifted uncomfortably in his seat, really not wanting to talk now. He wanted to dodge the question but knew it would a futile task. Frowning in contempt, the ebony-haired man figured he would give Jason exactly what he wanted, no matter how uncomfortable it would be.

"Jason... You didn't."

Blue eyes widened dramatically and the teenager straightened in his seat uncomfortably. His heart was suddenly very loud in his ears and he could feel a lump forming in his throat. He tried to swallow it down but found it wouldn't budge from its spot. With how tensely he was holding himself, his back was starting to hurt. "What do you mean I didn't? I'm alive, aren't I? I'm here and I'm skin and bones and blood and what do you mean I didn't survive?"

Danny sighed and didn't answer immediately, still struggling to come to terms with everything himself. How could he expect Jason to understand what happened and accept it? He was beginning to rethink telling the truth and found he should have rather lied instead. It would have been easier for him to explain, Jason to accept, and brought the conversation to a closing faster. And to think, he'd only said a couple of words.

Jason was impatient for answers and was pissed off when Danny became enraptured in his reprimanding of himself and the thoughts of all the what-ifs. Frowning angrily, the teenager leaned forward and said "Tell me!"

The voice cut through Danny's thoughts like a knife and he sighed irritably. Once again, the older male dropped the speed and turned the boat off. He spun the chair around to face the young, brash hero and ignored how Jason was surprised by his actions. The adult leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "You didn't survive the blast, Jason. The bomb killed you. Bruce found that out as he pulled your corpse out of the rubble. He even painfully scheduled your burial. You. Were. Dead."

Jason's jaw set forward uneasily and he fingered the ends of his tunic, not even thinking twice about the fabric he was wearing. He tried to figure out how he could be dead but suddenly be alive in a boat with the criminal in front of him. He thought Danny might have had something to do with his return (that was so weird to think about) but the other didn't seem like the kind of person to bring his enemies back from the dead.

"You didn't stay that way and it wasn't anything you did." Danny continued, regaining all of Jason's attention in an instant. "Ra's Al Ghul hired the Joker in the first place. Joker was only supposed to keep you and Bats distracted from his plan. It didn't work out that way. Trying to redeem himself, Ra's had your body stolen and replaced with a dummy so he could try and revive you by having your body submerged in the Lazarus Pit. Needless to say, it worked."

Jason's fists clenched shut tightly.

"However, you came out a little damaged. Don't ask because I'm sparing you the details. All you need to know is that, while screaming your head off, you decided to jump off a cliff. I jumped after you and we both fell in a river. Or didn't you notice that our hair is still a little wet?" Danny asked sarcastically, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched Jason blush, reach up, and touch his damp locks. After rolling his eyes, Danny continued "After getting us out, I piggy-backed you all the way to coastline, put you in a boat, and that's why we're currently sitting in the middle of this giant body of water."

Jason tried to swallow the lump in his throat again and continued to play with the ends of his tunic. His blue eyes couldn't meet the older's and he tried to accept the fact that he died and was suddenly back. He wondered why he couldn't remember being in the Lazarus Pit or why he didn't remember jumping off a cliff with the older male right behind him. He wanted to fill in the gaps but all the small flashes he had just slipped away like sand falling between his fingers.

Danny watched Jason struggle with his thoughts. While most others would try to help in some way, Danny stayed still in his seat and tried nothing. He knew there was no way to help the ebony-haired teen. Jason had to help Jason understand. The adult had said all he could as bluntly as he could. It was all he could do.

Swallowing again but still not accomplishing anything, Jason raised his blue eyes to lock with Danny's crystalline ones. Hesitantly, he asked "Whatever happened to the Joker?"

Danny shrugged, not thinking much of the question. He'd want to know what would happen to his killer as well. Who wouldn't? "Batman found him."


"Threw him in Arkham. What else would he do?"

Jason's fists clenched shut again, turning his knuckles a sickening shade of white. His confused and desperate expression morphed into anger within seconds as he listened to Danny's simple answer. The teen lurched forward angrily and he yelled "He just threw that sick bastard back in Arkham?! That's all he did?!"


"No! That's all he did?! The Joker kills thousands of people, cripples our friends, and kills me and all he does is throw him back in Arkham?! WHY?! So he can just escape again and kill more people?! WHY DID HE-?!"

Danny stood up abruptly while glaring and cut Jason off by saying "Calm down! I said I would restrain you and I still will!"

Jason's fists stayed clenched and he dropped his chin to his chest. Angry, hot tears pricked at his eyes and threatened to cascade down his face. His breathing was labored as he tried to stop himself from crying. He wouldn't; he couldn't in front of the adult in front of him. Danny was still an enemy and he refused to show the other any form of weakness in this way.

The adult sighed and calmed himself down as well. Jason had worked him up really good in such a short amount of time when he was only feeling hurt. Frankly, Danny didn't want to make him feel any worse as it was. He also had a feeling he'd react the same way when coming back from the dead. Who wouldn't want their murderer condemned to the same fate as them?

Danny bumped Jason's head gently with his hand, getting the younger to look up at him. It wasn't hard to see the tears pricking at his eyes, as the moon shone brightly in the sky. It was obvious the teen was biting his tongue to stop any of the salty drops from falling out of his watery blue orbs. Jason's shoulders had started shaking as well.

"I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to say, alright?" Danny said, waiting for the other to give some semblance that he would. After a few minutes, Danny finally received a nod from the younger. "I know, for a fact, that Joker did not go to Arkham unscathed. Far from it, really. But no, Batman did not kill the Joker. That's not the way he does things. It never was; it never will be. And, good God Jason, how do you think Bruce feels about you dying, huh? You've gotta understand that Bruce is mourning you right now. He misses you so much. Burying that casket is the hardest thing he's ever done. "

Jason stared up at the adult for the longest time, trying to decipher any hint of a lie in his features. However, Danny was being perfectly honest with him, giving the younger one of the saddest looks he'd ever seen on the older criminal. Jason dropped his eyes and was conflicted on how to feel. His fists clenched and unclenched, showing just how confused and anxious he was.

"He loves you, Jay." Danny stated.

The floodgates broke and Jason sobbed into his hands, trying to get himself to stop but being unable to. There was too much to process all at once and he just didn't know how to sort out his feelings on it all. Part of him wanted to feel angry and upset but it just wasn't in him to feel such a way when Bruce was hurting just as badly on the other side of the world.

For a moment, Danny didn't know how to deal with a crying, hurting teen. Then he tentatively fell beside him and gently put his arm around the other. He half-expected Jason to fight him and reject the comfort altogether but Jason was too focused on getting himself together to really care. The ebony-haired teenager finally told the older that he wanted to go home.

"You'll be there soon." Danny assured.


Jason shifted his backpack again, peeking over his shoulder in hopes that all of his things stayed inside. It was packed full of 'borrowed' items and the zippers had broken a long time ago with him dragging it all sorts of places. As he had hoped, all of his things were still in place, despite his fast pace bouncing the bag on his back.

However, it didn't stay like that.

As he looking over his shoulder, Jason bumped into someone whom was also not looking where they were going. Both grunted and stumbled back from the other. A few things fell out of Jason's backpack and he nearly tripped over them, almost sending himself sprawling across the ground. However, the preteen caught himself and glared at the other ebony-haired, blue-eyed boy glaring at him. Together, the two yelled "Watch where you're going!" before scowling at the other and growling.

Jason bent down to pick up some of the food that had dropped out of the bag. He didn't bother to notice the way the other kid just watched with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his blue-jeans, still glaring at him. However, something caught the other kid's attention and made him tilt his head to the side as he watched Jason stuff everything back into his bag.

Once everything was gathered, Jason tried the broken zippers for the first time in a long time. Neither one would close the seams together, making the irritated boy frown before he shrugged his bag over his shoulder again. Jason got up and tried to retreat from the scene, only to have the other boy block his way with a dark smirk playing on his lips. "Is that stuff stolen?"

"No!" Jason immediately replied, a blush rising on his cheeks. His blue eyes darted around to the crowd around them but no one had seemed to hear what the other had asked or they didn't care. Everyone just seemed to want to leave the premises and get off the streets as quickly as possible, trying to avoid the downpour that was sure to come if the dark clouds in the sky were anything to go by.

The other boy's smirk only widened and he laughed, making Jason stare at him as if he were crazy or something. The ebony-haired enigma only shook his head at the other in return, grabbed his arm, and dragged him through the crowd and into an alleyway off to the side. Jason tried fighting but that would look suspicious to others and his mysterious kidnapper was rather persistent.

Once they were safely inside the confides of the alley, the unnamed preteen released his hold on Jason and began walking down the alley casually, calling over his shoulder "Come on! Follow me!"

"Why should I?" Jason snarled, angrily fixing his backpack on his shoulder even though it didn't need to be shifted. His free hand was stuffed into his jacket pockets and he half-turned himself in a way that meant he wanted to leave. It was tempting to just bolt without an explanation for the other, especially since the other boy shouldn't need one.

Farther down the alley, the preteen stopped and mimicked the other blue-eyed boy's stance, giving Jason a full view of the boy's profile. To make things more irritating, the boy was still smirking at him like Jason was missing a piece of a puzzle and didn't even know it. Though amusing for him, Jason didn't like being looked at in that way. The unnamed boy asked "Well, you're a street kid, right?"

"No!" Jason denied defensively. He shrugged his shoulders again, really wanting to just leave but finding himself compelled to hear what the other had to say first.

"Hey, chill out, man." The other boy said, waving a hand around in the air casually. It almost seemed like he thought he could disperse all of Jason's anxiousness with the simple gesture. A certain gleam sparked in his eyes. "It takes a street-kid to know a street-kid, am I right?"

Oh... Well that made a load of sense.

"Right..." Jason said, shaking his head and let his nervousness go. If there was one thing he learned from living on the streets was that you could typically rely on other street-kids. It wasn't like they would rat you out if they caught you doing something less than legal; it was guarantee they did the same thing. Really, the only thing unusual was making friends, or trying to, with each other.

Yes, street-kids were reliable, just not very trusting.

"My name's Danny." The other boy stated, still smirking as his eyes flickered in amusement. He tilted his head to the side, totally relaxed. He seemed to be the exact opposite of the usual sort of street-kids Jason usually came across. He was loose, didn't seem to worry about anything, easily amused, and was just, overall, free.

Jason looked the boy up and down before replying "Jason."

Danny grinned before jerking his head down the alley. "Well then, Jason, follow me. I've got some people you should meet."

"More street-kids?"

"Of course!"

Jason sighed but walked up to stand beside the other black-haired, blue-eyed boy. Danny grinned before wandering off in the direction he first set off in with Jason walking quietly beside him. The two didn't talk but they didn't need to. Being quiet was natural for them. It made survival easier if people didn't know you were there or didn't bother to notice.

Or, at least, they were quiet for awhile... Jason found out Danny liked noise when he started clicking his tongue incessantly as they walked through the back-alleys of Gotham City. The strange preteen bobbed his head to whatever beat was in his head and to the clicking of his tongue, which only made Jason roll his eyes and shake his head while Danny cackled.

Finally, Danny led Jason down a narrow alley. At the end, there were flashes of two people walking in front of their exit and their annoyed voices drifted down the passageway, allowing them to hear an ongoing argument the two were having. They didn't seem close to finishing the fight either.

Jason heard Danny mumble something about the two being 'idiots' as he rolled his eyes and slid past a pile of pallets. Jason couldn't help the twitch at the corners of his lips as he listened to Danny continue to affectionately mumble 'flattering' nicknames for the other two at the end of the alleyway they were currently traveling down.

As the two slid out of the exit and faced the two pacing people, Jason saw one was a girl with short, ebony hair and violet eyes and the other was a cocoa-skinned boy with a red beret and a turquoise eyes. Both were very close to the other's face, not quite yelling but not using their indoor voices either. As the two boys appeared, both turned to them and yelled "Will you tell this devil-woman that meat is the most glorious thing ever to have existed/Will you tell this crazy bastard that eating meat is the most disgraceful thing ever to have existed?!"

Jason actually laughed for the first time in a long time when Danny merely shrugged and said "Really guys? We're back on this subject for the sixth time this week?"

Both scowled at the other preteen before their gazes flickered over to the newcomer, who was calming down by this point. Jason, feeling the best he had in forever, merely smiled deviously and waved at them flirtatiously. This got them both to smirk and the girl looked over to her friend and asked "Who's the cutie you brought along?"


"His name's Jason and I bumped into him on the street. Turns out, he's a street-brat like us and brought him along! Who knows? Maybe he'll decide to join this trio and let it become a quartet without the singing!" Danny suggested, throwing his arms and giving them jazz-hands.

Everyone laughed. Jason laughed along, smiled, and said "Yeah... We'll see about that."

The Flu

Jason stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets and pressed his shoulders to his neck in an attempt to keep himself warm from the cold and the snow-flurries flitting about in the air, some sticking to his hair and spotting it white. The young man's expression was morphed into irritation at how cold Gotham could be during late fall when most other cities didn't expect to see snow, even flurries, for a little while longer.

The only bright side was that his apartment was only a few more blocks away and it would definitely be warm and toasty inside (which was all thanks to Talia's money). Another plus side would be getting some just-as-warm food, since his lunch had been rushed and earlier than usual because he had things to do early that afternoon and the sun was now beginning to drop from the sky.

About three blocks from his apartment building, Jason was passing an alleyway when he heard a loud sneeze. Immediately, his head turned to find the source of the sound but found no one inside the alley. He continued to stare anyways, knowing that finding nobody with his eyes meant nothing. After contemplating his next move for a second or two before carefully stepping inside the alley and venturing into the long stretch between the two buildings.

Jason looked carefully behind, around, and in things as he passed them by. He searched places most others would surely wave off but continued to find no person or thing of interest. That was, until he came to a refrigerator box laying on its side beside a dumpster. All of its sides were closed but there a few holes with blankets stuffed in them to keep out the cold air of Gotham City.

Raising an eyebrow, Jason flipped the top up and was not surprised to see a raven-haired boy lying inside with a pile of old but thick and plush blankets on top of him. There was a big, fluffy pillow under his head that looked relatively new and Jason doubted it was obtained legally. The boy himself had made a hood out of one of the blankets and only his face and hair were visible through the many assortment of blankets he had collected.

But, of course, his face was the only thing Jason needed to see anyways.

The teenager was dead asleep in his bundle. His lips were parted and he was breathing through his mouth, probably due to a stuffy nose and not feeling like dealing with it. His skin was paler than Jason thought it should be but his nose and cheeks were puffy and red, a sure sign of some sort of sickness or another.

Jason sighed when he made the small observation and looked to the sky for a moment. He dropped his eyes back to the boy's peaceful face and wondered if he had it in him to leave the little street-brat, like him back in the day, in the box with his countless blankets and plush pillow. It didn't take more than a second for him to realize that, no, it wasn't in him to leave a sick teenager out in the cold and in the streets of Gotham, where anyone could do anything to him at this point.

Sighing, Jason bent down to pick the kid up and felt a blast of warm air hit his face and recoiled back for a moment. Then he reached out and began skimming his hand over the brick-wall the box was set beside and grinned when he felt a nice, toasty draft slipping from the building and landing on the box, warming it up even further. Shaking his head, Jason bent down again and scooped the boy up, mumbling "Smart kid..."

Jason walked the last three blocks to his apartment building and slipped inside, ignoring the strange look from the man sitting behind the front desk. He could always make up a lie as to who the teen was and why he was fast asleep if he needed to. For now, though, he was just going to hunker down in his apartment and figure out what to do with the ebony-haired kid.

After getting inside his apartment, lying the boy on the couch, and getting himself a beer, Jason began pondering his options as what to do with the kid. One of the first options that popped into his head was to call social services but, well, street-kids were street-kids for a reason. They were avoiding social services because they didn't want to put in the system, especially in Gotham City where overcrowding was a huge but normal problem.

The next option was finding the sick boy's parents, any relatives, or, in the very least, his caretakers if his parents and relatives were out of the question. More problems popped up when his parents could easily be dead or involved in 'activities' that the boy didn't want to be a part of. He might have other relatives but that was a big if and they could be in some deep shit as well. And while most caretakers (in place of dead parents and no family) were great people, you always had the few who were involved in things they shouldn't have even started.

If any of the possibilities were the case for the sickly teen on his couch, it would not only be cruel to send him back but also useless. The boy would be back on the streets within a few days, if not the first night.

The third option that came to his mind was bringing the teen to the police's attention. However, the cops led to social services or parents/relatives/caretakers. And if the kid wasn't going to stay where they put him, well then, the cops had more pressing matters to deal with than a runaway teenager who didn't want to go back 'home.'

After that, there really wasn't a whole lot of options for Jason to even begin considering. The kid had to go somewhere but everywhere he could go were all dead-ends. The only other places the teen could go and be welcomed was a trafficker's base or a serial killer's/rapist's house and those weren't exactly child-friendly for obvious reasons.

Jason groaned when he felt a headache forming in his temple from thinking about his horrible mistake. The best he could hope for was talking to the kid about where he could when he woke up, if the teen would go anywhere at all. He definitely wasn't staying with Jason and that meant he would use desperate measures if need be (i.e. social services or cops).

But for now, Jason was just going to sit back, enjoy the warmth, and his beer...

Fortunately for the black-haired man, the nameless boy slept peacefully through the night and through part of the next day, hardly ever stirring. Finally, around eleven in the morning, the teen groaned, rolled onto his back, and cracked his eyes open. From the kitchen, Jason just watched, sipping on a soda, as the boy squinted at the light and tried to figure out why he wasn't lying in a dark but warm refrigerator box. "The hell...?"

Jason couldn't help the smirk that played on his lips as he listened to the teen's voice. It was rough, much more high-pitched than it should be, and sounded like something was blocking some of the noise from coming out of his mouth. It was the result to being sick and having a stopped up nose. It was thoroughly amusing.

The teenager sat up, rubbed his face, looked around the room, and spotted Jason smirking at him from the kitchen. For whatever reason, what color was left in his skin drained from the boy's face as he looked at the older, ebony-haired male. Jason had a feeling it was because the boy would be, by now, paranoid beyond reason like most street-kids and would immediately assume he fell into some sort of trouble.

In a sense, he had.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Jason sarcastically said, still smirking deviously at the younger as he took a sip of his Coke. By now, he was thoroughly amused and couldn't wait to see how the rest of this scene played out. If it had been him that woke up sick in a strange and rather luxurious apartment (for him, anyways), the first thing he would have done was try to bolt and/or fight his way out. He was curious to see how the younger boy would react.

The teen put his hands together, as if in prayer, and, completely serious, said "Please don't make me your sex slave."

Jason spit Coke all over the counter in front of him and choked.

The fuck kind of move is that?!

The nameless teenager watched Jason react violently to his plea and hmphed to himself, still holding his hands together in prayer. The boy tilted his head to the side as he watched and said "Hm... Maybe he's not that kind of psychopath... I can always plea with other terrible acts committed to people in this situation..."

Jason finally calmed his laughing fit and glared at the younger, black-haired male. "Why do I have to be some sort of psychopath? Why can't I be just some nice guy who found a sick kid on the street and decided to help him?"

"Well, for one, this is Gotham City, Home of the Most Insane People Known to Man and where our city-wide sport is crime~!"

"...fair point."

"You also don't give off the vibe as 'a nice guy who found a sick kid on the street and decided to help.'"

"...another fair point."

The ebony-haired teenager, who Jason had determined in a few short minutes was a jackass, actually smiled, tilted his head, and nodded his head in a way that said he already knew he was right. It made Jason scowl and shake his head in return, crossing his arms over his chest as he uttered a small sigh. His hand itched to pick up the phone, call the cops, and keep the kid here until they showed up.

"So, you little bastard..." This made the boy grin wider. "What's your name, hm?" Jason asked, keeping his face straight and his arms crossed over his chest. Now that he realized what he was dealing with, he hoped he could intimidate the younger into listening to him (because it was already obvious that wasn't going to happen easily) and staying quiet for the most part.

"Yours first." The teen said, giving the older male one of his evil smiles, which hid the distrustfulness in his nature.

Jason almost cracked a smile. There was the typical nervous street-rat he'd been searching for in the kid. Most others coming off the street were quiet because they didn't want to be nervous. This teen, however, seemed louder than a herd of sick, dying elephants. At least being anxious around strangers stayed consistent. "Jason."

"...Danny." The other said after a moment's hesitation. His smile was still playing but it looked fake and Jason marked it as a small victory for himself.

"Alright Danny, now what sort of bug did you catch on the streets of Gotham, huh? It seems to be more than a cold, seeing how long you slept on my couch without waking up." Jason stated, giving Danny a pointed look as he continued to stand behind the counter in the kitchen. He tilted his head to the side ever-so-slightly, displaying his curiosity.

The younger boy grinned and it became real again. With his sickly face and way-too-big-but-comfy clothing, he looked a little ridiculous and a little on the deranged side. However, the boy was sick and probably not completely right in the head at the moment so Jason let it slide for the time being. "Well, considering how many times I've vomited in random people's trashcans the past few days, I'd say I have the flu but I'm no medical expert."

Awesome. Just what Jason was hoping for... The flu...

"Wonderful." The ebony-haired male mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes at the greatness of it all. He let out another sigh, shook his head, and then looked back over to where Danny was still grinning at him ridiculously. Jason turned around and began rummaging through the cabinets of his temporary living space. "You hungry?"

The sounds of Danny's stomach rumbling echoed from the living room.

"Well, that's all the answer I need." Jason stated, grabbing a box and turning around. He was pleased to see that Danny actually looked mildly embarrassed, blushing while he relaxed on the couch. The young man walked over to the sofa and handed the box he had grabbed to Danny, who took it and looked the box over.

"Saltines? Seriously?"

"They're easy on the stomach so you don't vomit in half an hour. If you're still hungry when you finish the box, we'll see about trying something more filling." Jason stated, getting the teenager to grin sheepishly before digging into the box, not really caring all that much as it was food and he was starving. Jason nodded and watched with a shake of his head, although inside he knew he would've done the same thing at that age.

Before the ebony-haired man could walk away and get his own food, Danny looked up at him and asked "Do I irritate you at all?"

"Only when your mouth is moving."

Danny grinned and munched on a Saltine. Once he had swallowed, he said "I know it's late but I have to warn you; people say I'm a smart-ass."

"Oh Danny..." Jason said, smiling sweetly as if he found the warning endearing. He reached out and patted the boy's cheek gently, making Danny watch him warily with his first words to the older male ringing in his ears. Jason just continued to smile, ignoring how creeped out the teen was. "First you must be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass."

As Jason walked back to the kitchen, he had to listen to Danny roar with laughter and then cough violently through his mirth as he choked on his own spit.

Over the next couple of days, Danny stayed mostly on the couch as he recovered. Jason was surprised to see him get over the flu rather quickly when he wasn't trying to regain his health by hiding in a refrigerator box and under a dozen, thick blankets. While Danny's quick recovery was seen as a blessing to the boy, Jason was stressed out with what to do with the boy once he was a-ok again, having gotten nothing out of the boy during their 'talks.' Typical street-kid move, especially with a total stranger.

Speaking of talks, man could the boy run his mouth! He never seemed to stop unless he was sleeping or working on the laptop. The only thing Jason truly liked when he talked was that the boy sure was witty and could counter anything he said, which proved for some very interesting conversations, debates, and arguments.

Of course, the kid didn't stop Jason from going out and doing the things he needed to around town. Danny had no idea of what he was doing and Jason intended to keep it that way. So the boy didn't snoop around the apartment while he was gone, Jason always made sure something good was on TV and gave a spare laptop to the boy so he could keep himself occupied. Jason also left the option for food open always.

Things started becoming rocky, though, as Danny continued to get healthier and Jason pressed for answers. The younger of the two didn't want to give up any info, not even a last name, and usually attempted sleep when Jason tried interrogating. However, Jason wouldn't have any of that crap and kept the boy awake until he grew tired of asking over and over again.

In the end, it really didn't matter though. Jason woke up on day five of what he considered 'kid-care' and found Danny had fled during the night. He left the blanket lying on the couch and a scribbled note on the coffee-table. Jason found that his spare backpack had been taken, along with some food and cash. It didn't bother him all that much though.

Street-kids would be street-kids. He would've done the same thing, back in the day.

The greatest thing about Danny becoming missing was that he didn't stay missing for long, much to Jason's infinite irritation and amusement.

The young man was on one of his nightly excursions as his new persona, having just finished scaring the eight most prosperous drug-dealers in Gotham with his AK-47. Now all he had to do was wait for his income to start coming in so he could stop drawing from Talia's funds and cut ties with her completely.

On his way home, he just happened to see Danny running from what Jason knew was a known meth-operation. It was one of the smaller ones but they did bring in good money, somehow managing to make just as much product as the bigger operations. Jason was sure they planned on expanding their 'business' sometime in the future.

However, the guy that ran the place was chasing after Danny, who had a very nice looking bag thrown over his shoulder, and the guy had a pistol. Gunfire rang through the night and the only reason Danny was getting away was because the little bastard was fast, knew the streets, and was constantly weaving in and out of passageways faster than the older man could.

Jason said a curse before shooting his grapple and swinging down from the rooftop very quickly. He passed the head of the meth-operation, shooting him in the back as he did. Quickly after, Jason shoved his handgun in its holster right before he swung by Danny, grabbing the kid by the waist as they swept towards a lower rooftop. As he was grabbed, Danny yelled "HOLY CRAP!"

Good. The kid deserved to be freaked out a little for getting himself in trouble like that.

As Jason landed on the rooftop and released Danny from his hold, the teen stumbled away but Jason grabbed his arm, pulled him back, and said "You little dumb-ass! I can't believe you managed to get yourself in trouble so fucking quickly! That's got to be some kind of record!"

"Um... Do I know you?" Danny asked, looking the intimidating, taller figure up and down with his wary blue eyes. He tugged at his arm but Jason didn't release him as he registered what the younger male had said to him.

...oh SHIT. He was still wearing the fucking red helmet and body armor.

Jason began mentally kicking himself the head for such a stupid mistake. Every mentor he ever had would kill him for such a mistake. How could he be so thorough with his work one minute and then slip in such a way the next moment?! It just didn't make sense! Fate wanted to ruin him! "No but I've seen you around town."

"You sure? I mean, your voice is sort of familiar." Danny commented, continuing to study the much taller figure. He hummed to himself, tilting his head to the side while he tried matching the voice to a person he had seen or met recently. Jason prayed Danny had all but pushed him from his mind, despite the fact the younger boy had stayed with him for a few days and he knew it was a lost cause.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. He was so. Fucking. Screwed.

Suddenly, Danny's eyes widened at Jason and he seemed to pale when he realized who was under the helmet. His entire body went lax in a second and his jaw hung limply in its socket, shocked. "The fuck... Jason?!"


"Holy crap! I knew you were involved in something illegal!" Danny said, a giant fucking grin spreading across his face as he finally wrenched himself free from Jason's grasp. He looked the older up and down with a new light, his grin splitting his face in half. "OOO, and you're going all-out, I see. Are you actually evil or are you just some Batman fan-boy that really wants to get his ass handed to him by his hero? There have been a few of those lately. Hehe, losers."

Jason sighed irritably under his helmet and began walking away. "My business is my business. Now stay away from drug-dealing pimps that would happily shoot you in the head or strangle you with their bare hands. I don't want this to become routine, understood?"

"Hey, could I stay with you for a little longer?" Danny asked, grinning nervously at the back of Jason's head.

The man stopped, felt his anger rise, and turned around so he could look at the smaller figure rubbing his arm anxiously. Danny now seemed eager for something but Jason couldn't pinpoint what exactly. "Hell no. You weren't supposed to stay with me last time but I didn't know where to take you. Be grateful I haven't called the cops."

"Come on, please! It won't be for long, a day at most, and whatever reason you're thinking of, that's not why I'm asking. Hear me out."

"What? You gonna ask to use my computer?"

"...actually, yes."

Jason stared for a moment at Danny's surprised but amused grin. He obviously meant what he said but Jason really couldn't help but feel annoyed with the young boy. "You're joking."

"Not this time! I'm completely serious. See, by most people's standards, I'm considered a 'tech genius.' Computers have always been my thing. When I was ten, I finally wanted to learn more than you could at a school or from regular old adults. So I kind of snuck away from where I was staying and began the fun journey of finding other tech geniuses in the criminal world since they'd really be the only ones that would teach me what I want to know to the fullest extent." Danny explained, tilting his head to the side. "My last mentor was named Noah Kuttler."

"Calculator." Jason stated, remembering the villain clearly.

"The one and only." Danny said, still grinning. "I learned a ton from him but, well, he kinda finally had to send me away because I'm an evil little prick that way that loves to annoy the hell out of people. The only problem is, I didn't yet have another genius to go to after him, despite being with him for a very long time. And I kinda find them through the internet but I don't have a computer..."

"Go rob a Best Buy."

"Those computers are crap and you know it!"

Jason sighed, wished he could rub his face, and thought about it for a moment. Finally, he replied "Fine. You can use my computer. But once you've got the info you need, you're gone, alright?"

"Done." Danny replied, grinning.

Needless to say, that's not quite what happened.

Danny ended up staying with Jason for a few extra days and the young adult found he didn't mind the teen hanging around. Now that they were aware of who the other was and what they each did, they didn't feel like they had to dance around the other and act natural. They just lived, for the time being, in the same space and were equally respectful of each other's space.

Jason also learned a lot from Danny.

Over the years Jason had been dead and then enraptured in an autistic state of living, technology took a huge leap forward and there was a whole new bar to what was standard compared to three or four years before. Talia had found teachers to bring him back up to speed but all the teachers had been really bad at teaching and had to explain things a dozen times before Jason caught on. It was really the only thing Jason hadn't excelled at when he was visiting different mentors (and, occasionally, killing them off).

However, Danny knew how to explain things in the simplest way possible and rarely had to repeat himself. He didn't bother with fancy terms, saying they were typically completely useless anyways, and just spoke in a language that Jason could speak as well. In a few days, he became more up-to-date with technology than the time he spent with all his other teachers combined.

In return, Jason taught Danny some basic martial arts so he wasn't completely defenseless out on the streets. The boy had a little trouble learning because, for one, they did it in the apartment and, two, he was much more used to using his head than he was his body. However, after awhile, he did catch on to the moves Jason showed him and could defend himself from any of the usual nobody pimps on the street.

Of course, those couple of days came to an end and Danny packed up to leave, having found some nobody through Calculator's systems that was highly intelligible. As the boy fixed his bag on his shoulder, Danny turned to where Jason was watching from the sofa and asked "Need anything else before I go?"

"Just one thing."


"If you're ever stuck on the streets again, just come find me, ok?" Jason asked, looking at the laptop in his lap as he utilized the skills Danny had taught him. The young man looked up in time to see Danny beam before he nodded his willingness to come back anytime he needed to.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll do that." Danny said before waving and leaving through the window.

Jason gave a small wave after before turning back to his laptop. After-all, he still had work to do.


Alright, this is the bonus chapter everyone! As you can see, I had lots of fun thinking this up. I'm aware they weren't nearly as funny as the other chapters but I got the idea after watching/reading Batman: Under the Red Hood for the six-billionth time and, well, it's a feely storyline. Deal with it.

You can also see I played with their ages a little bit. I wanted to keep two of the scenes where they were friends but I also wanted to have fun seeing one of them being older than the other because those kinds of relationships are just so endearing to me and these two would be adorable together in their toughness. Haha!

Hope to see you all on another story! Kodi out!

Thanks to these people for favoriting/following: Cheekymanwaffle, Pirony, Uber Kewl, ThunderFriends.


Anime Hotty Lover. 18: Oh my gosh, I know. That show scared me into never, ever committing a crime. Ever. Haha!

Fear the Fuzzy Bear: Haha, thanks! The reference is to a show that records kids who are signed up for a program to show them what prison life is like since they're troublemakers. It's really intense, dude.

KuriMaster13: Thanks. And still no. I have a tendency to put things off when people continue to bring it up because I know it ticks them off (ask Kinzy or my sisters).

Sarra Torrens: Sorry. Never watched Supernatural and I'll never remember any of that! Haha! Thank you!

BringbackDannyPhantom: Glad to hear you thought so too! Haha!

Ninuhuju: Aw, thanks dude! I'm so happy to hear!

Expergiscimini: Not. At. All! Haha, idiots!

Uber Kewl: Thanks for all the reviews! I highly enjoyed them!

Guest(1): Haha! Beyond Scared Straight is just a show that records a program for troublemaking kids that pretty much shows them what prison life is like. It's pretty intense.

KINZ-BEAR: Beyond Scared Straight is just a show that records a program for troublemaking kids that pretty much shows them what prison life is like and scare them out of trouble. *thumbs up* I'M GLAD YOU LIKED BIG GUNS! :D I would love to see anti-heroes/heroes randomly eating pizza somewhere. It'd be perfect. I'll probably do something with these two again so no worries... XD All those turns were ridiculous but of course they can remember them, right?

Candy Phantom: How would that work?

Poohbearmorris: They would be awesome on that show. Haha! I only hide under the blanket when I'm thinking of stalkers and the house starts creaking mysteriously.