A/N: Hey there, minna! This is fic number 2 of 2 for the OP Big Bang. Same dealie with this one as with the other one, the full thing is posted over on my AO3 if y'all don't wanna wait, but 28 chapters is a lot to upload all at once, even if it is Beta'd and ready to go. Unlike the other one this one doesn't have many notes on it. Just because of the limited description of FF's boxes, here's the full tags:

Kidnapping, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Violence, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Pregnancy, Mpreg, Hidden Villain, Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending.

Y'all know what to expect from me by now, ne? XD Enjoy~!

Chapter 1: Luffy Knows! Escape from Raftel!

How had it come to this? Her shoulders hitched, hands covering her face, wet strings of hair trapped between her fingers as sobs wracked her body. Around her, pieces of the splintered cartographer's desk lay forlorn like the scattered fragments of her hopes and dreams. His last words before flinging himself from the building like a cannonball still echoed around the room, pounding with the beat of her heart.

"All you ever do is think about yourself!"

She climbed to her feet, a familiar numbness creeping into her bones. Her mind fell blank but somehow she made herself leave the house. Before it clarified again, she was racing down the path that connected her home to the rest of the town. Rain poured down from broken skies that seemed to mimic her pain, as though the weather was affected by her emotions. She pounded through the puddles, splashing past curious faces and the occasional inquiry of concern. The bangles on her wrists, and the necklace he'd given her, bounced with her pace, though hidden beneath a cloak that had been a wedding gift from Genzo.

The harbor was just down the road and around the corner.

If she was lucky she could stowaway on a ship. Infiltration had always been one of her specialties after all; so even if it was a Marine vessel, she was certain she could make it to the Red Line before needing to find a new place to hide.

Maybe she could even get all the way to the All-Blue before it got too big.

Sliding to a stop at the edge of the road to the dock, her hand fell to the gentle rounding in her midsection that wasn't quite big enough for most of the world to notice. Tears began anew, and she shook her head. If he didn't want her gift, she wasn't about to let him dictate how she cared about it. It was her choice, and she had taken the steps she needed to in order to set it up.

She turned to look over her shoulder, brown eyes wide and reddened from crying. After all this time… how could he just throw her out like that? The only one that had been with him longer was the stupid swordsman, and sure, at first, she'd only used him to get back to Cocoyasi Village, but that was years ago! Hadn't she proved herself? Hadn't she fought by his side, helped him get to where he was today? Hadn't she loved him?

A sound that she resolutely refused to call a whimper escaped her lips, and she pulled the cloak closer around her shoulders. Chopper told her on his last visit that once it worked out she should be careful about getting sick, because even the slightest cold could make things become unstable and she'd lose it. The procedure was experimental at best to begin with, and the little reindeer could make no promises if it would even work in the first place, let alone whether they could try again.

So, she'd kept it secret. She knew how he got his hopes up about things, and the last thing she wanted was for him to be disappointed. It was just how he was, and her heart clenched at that thought. How could he not trust her?

"Navigator-san." The gentle, alto voice broke through her thoughts, startling her.

"Ah. R-Robin!" She quickly wiped her cheeks, trying to hide what she knew the archaeologist had already seen. "I didn't see you there!"

"Naturally." The brunette woman began to smile, but her eyebrows drew together. "Your mind was elsewhere." Her eyes flickered up to the top of the hill, where the innocuous cottage sat, looking over the town. "Perhaps somewhere warm, dry and more suited to waiting out the weather than the middle of the road."

The ginger shook her head vehemently at the implication. "No. I need to find a ship. Please tell me you're docked somewhere nearby?"

If Robin was here, chances were that Franky was around too, and that meant she wouldn't have to stowaway. She could ride comfortably. Maybe she'd go to Drum Island, or back to Water 7. Regardless of where she went, she couldn't stay there. Raftel was no longer home if he wanted nothing to do with her.

Robin pulled the soaked woman into her side to share body heat, supporting her best friend, her favorite chess opponent, her Nakama. "Of course, Nami-san. Come with me and we'll get this all sorted out back on the Lotus."

The ginger didn't even realize she was shivering until that lithe, secretly powerful, arm slid around her shoulders. Her hands trembled harder as she gripped the cloak, hoping to hide what threatened to become both shame and mistake. It really wasn't much, but on her skinny frame the difference was noticeable, especially to those closest to her. It was how he'd found out. Damn his moments of absolute savant level clarity!

She shook her head, feeling the stress weighing heavily on her shoulders. All she wanted to do was curl up with a stack of fresh parchment and a clean quill next to the gently flickering flame of her personal heater. Of course that was ruined now too. The entire room was trashed, but for the locked cabinet next to the door where she kept her finished charts. Even at his most angry, he wouldn't hurt that. She shuddered involuntarily at the memory of the burn in his eyes, and bit her lip to hold back the not-whimper, letting her almost-sister guide her to the small two-person ship.

Robin traveled as fast as she dared. She could tell things were horribly wrong, but this was not the time to be asking questions, especially not painful awkward ones. So she quickly got her Nakama onto the ship, into the galley, and, with the help of so many hands she could hardly see, undressed and redressed the frozen woman in dry clothes. The brunette gave her a blanket to wrap up in while waiting for the tea being brewed on the small stove. Raspberry leaf, specifically, for its health-giving properties regarding the female reproductive system.

During this, the grateful ginger related what had happened between her and the most powerful man in the world over the last several hours.

"So, what is your plan?"

It was routine now. Something would happen that altered the status quo, the navigator would come up with a course of action, then she would brief Robin, who was her most dependable partner, her pillar of support, her trusted right hand.

"Plan? Heh... right... plan." Other than 'get away' she honestly, for once, hadn't thought of anything. "I suppose try to find Sanji-kun and Zoro. At least until he's calmed down and I can actually talk to him about what's going on."

She gripped her mug, relishing the scent of the brewed liquid when a disembodied hand grew from the table to pour the steaming pot into it. She looked lost and for all the world as though nothing made sense anymore.

"I-I'm sorry, Nee-san. I just never thought he wouldn't believe me."

Robin frowned. "...I can't say as I ever thought that either. Luffy is usually so perceptive about these sorts of things. He isn't the type to be easily... misdirected... But Swordsman-san is out. As the first mate and his best friend, Zoro will be the one he goes to first and—oh dear—if he's there, Sanji is probably with him. No matter his personal feelings on the matter, Zoro's first loyalty is to his captain. Given Luffy's reaction… Zoro will most likely not believe you either, and these days, he can prevent Cook-san from offering aid."

The archeologist bit her lip as she turned her own cup in her hands, her thoughts circling faster than the petals of her Devil Fruit. She already wasn't liking this, and judging simply by appearance, the Strawhats had a ways to go before the truth was fully known.

"I wish... well, it doesn't matter what I wish." Nami sighed, "Just... get me to Water 7. I can make it from there. If I can't stay with Sanji-kun, maybe Kaya will be willing, if nothing else, to give me a roof over my head while I try to sort this out fully." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and held her temple, closing her eyes for moment. "Chopper never said I wouldn't be able to think clearly. I didn't even know it was going to rain today."

Robin kissed her forehead, pushing her damp hair out of her face. "Shhh. I'm told from the second it happens the hormones throw everything off, and with the day you've had I cannot blame you for paying less than perfect attention to the weather. It's okay."

The navigator had just decided to rest her head on her arms, when the door to the small vessel's interior banged open with a loud, "Ow! Bobby, you'll never guess..." Sunglasses were pulled down, a sky blue eyebrow arched, and his voice dropped to a distinct growl, "What's she doin' here?"

"I... Franky! It isn't... I mean... don't be angry! I didn't! I swear!" Nami was on her feet again, backing against the wall opposite the large cyborg, who had obviously been to see her husband before coming here.

Robin gave him that most vicious look. It was one he'd seen only three times before—the 'you will shut up right this instant or I will finish the castration I started in Water Seven!' look. This was accompanied with the 'either fuck off or obey me' hand gesture he saw on more of a weekly basis when he done something she didn't agree with, but didn't consider worthy of a nasty look. That woman spoke more without words...

She went straight to Nami afterward, one eye on her man as she soothed, "It's okay, don't stress yourself, dear. Come on, sit back down, shhhh. Franky will get the ship moving and take us anywhere we want to go, isn't that right, honey?"

The smile she added over her shoulder would have had Luffy himself shrinking back from her.

He gulped audibly, his right hand instinctively clutching his family jewels, and taking a step back, "A-anything fer you, Babe! Where we headed, Navigator?"

His second sentence was colder than he probably should have used but he hoped the immediate compliance would help him avoid going to bed that evening in pain. Since he could still hear the girls while securing the rigging and lifting the anchor, he did so, while waiting for instructions.

Nami sank into the seat again, cursing the fact that she was on the verge of more tears. "Anywhere! Just get me out of this hell!"

The desperate tone in the ginger's voice had the cyborg tilting his head back around the frame of the door. He pushed his sunglasses up to the top of his head, bedecked with a Mohawk today, and eyed the two women. Catching his lover's gaze, he hoped the confusion and desire to speak later came across as well as he wanted it to. Silent language was her bag, not his, but somehow she usually knew what he meant anyway.

Robin gave him the 'we'll talk after Nami is in bed, she needs to rest' nod in reply and soothed her Nakama, hugging and rocking her gently. "Shhh, shh. It's okay. It hurts most now. Tomorrow, it'll hurt too, but a little less. Enough, maybe, to go numb and come up with a plan. You know you're our best strategist. You've been the only thing that got us through so many trying times in the past. You'll be able to get through this as well. Things will still look bleak in the morning, I know, but you might be able to think then. It's okay. You're with us."

The stoic older woman never lied, not to her Nakama. It wouldn't look better in the morning, not really. It hadn't when she'd known all the people she loved were dead and she was still a lone survivor. But she'd had to come out of it. She'd had to make a plan in order to keep surviving, to keep going. She knew what to do for her devastated friend, or at least she hoped so.

For once, because everything else seemed to be wrong, and the only thing she wanted was to be wrapped in that impossible embrace again, the navigator let the archeologist soothe her until she fell into a fitful sleep on the ebony-haired woman's shoulder. It was almost enough to make her believe they were back on the Sunny and everything had just been another one of those horrible nightmares all of the crew suffered from occasionally.

Satisfied he'd gotten his message through and wanting to give the girls privacy, Franky used a tiny Coup de Vent to propel the ship back out of the harbor in the direction they'd come. Unfortunately for the women's conversation from before, that meant the Mecha Lotus was on a direct intercept course with the All-Blue.

A couple of hours later, the bright blue hair poked its way silently into the cabin. Thanks to his tricks, and the ship's design itself, a hybrid of his cola-engine and the jet dial technology, they were miles out to sea, and the island's weather was no longer affecting them. The sun was beginning to set, but the air was still warm.

Robin had tucked Nami into the galley bunk with a pillow under her head and was sitting at the table, with a deep, painful frown. It wasn't the kind that said anything, exactly. But this was the frown she wore when reviewing her deepest, most painful memories; when something truly horrible and cruel had happened, the kind of injustice Luffy so valiantly had always charged forth to rectify. Yet in this case, it was the savior himself that had caused such pain.

Seeing Franky at the door, she stood silently. Abandoning her cup, she followed him out on deck where their talk would not wake the poor woman who was their current guest.

His curiosity outweighed what he'd been told for the moment, as he shut the door after his lady, and stepped up to sit cross-legged on the sturdy prow of the small vessel. His glasses were once again on top of his head. This conversation was heavy and needed his full attention. So, that meant, first, waiting for the love of his life to speak, and second, making sure she could read absolutely everything that was going through his head, because he was very painfully aware that he did not explain things the right way sometimes.

"I have the facts. You have... whatever Luffy managed to convey, which is never the facts and certainly not the whole of it, because when has our dearly beloved captain ever had the whole of anything," her voice was as close to sharp and cold as it ever got at the mention of the pirate king and was most telling of her true anger.

She didn't show her emotions lightly, especially not that one, even with him. Her calm was legendary. So, that slight bit of edge to her voice spoke endless volumes about how downright furious she really was about everything. She could usually forgive Luffy his faults, because that was just how he was, but NOT when it hurt their Nakama, his very own wife.

"So… tell me what Luffy told you and we'll clear things up from there."

Again, his right hand slid down into his lap, just barely away from his genitals, in an unconscious gesture of nerves, but his left, which he usually kept at the ready due to its arsenal, he slid up into his Mohawk. "He said she cheated on him. That he had proof of it 'cause she was knocked up, and everybody knows that Devil Fruit users can't have kids." He winced slightly at that, but plowed through it, "He said that she'd been sneaking off, having secret meetings with people fer months and not tellin' him a damn thing about 'em. And he put the numbers t'gether when he realized she was gettin' thick 'round the middle."

Robin sighed, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. "...I see. How... unfortunate. Luffy, as we well know, once he's decided that he's figured something out, nothing can change his mind. It's... such a shame. His... calculations," her voice was cold, devoid of any emotion at all, "were missing a vital 'number'. I happened to have noticed our very own genius doctor visiting Raftel much more often than usual of late, and often conferring with other minds of his level such as Trafalgar-san. But there's nothing for it now, I guess." She heaved a deep sigh, leaning on the railing. "...we have to protect her. Her and the babe. Without Luffy's protection, without Zoro... even if Sanji is on her side, without the protection of the entire Monster Trio..." her voice broke for a moment and she closed her eyes, a fist pressing to her chest as she breathed deeply. Even the thought was enough to grieve her deeply. "...We have to hide her, Franky." Her eyes cut to his, dark and serious and scared. "We won't be enough. She might not realize it yet, but now, from this moment onward—no, from the second Luffy reached the wrong conclusion, stormed off and withdrew his protection... Nami has been marked for death."