Disclaimer: Lets face it, you got it by now.



Jade sat in the Dolby Theater, waiting to find out if she was going to add another trophy to her case. Unlike two years ago, she didn't bother trying for the VIP section. Of course, she was up for a couple of Oscars, again. This time, the big ones was best picture, which she had that rare two nominations for. One for "Everyday Magic", in which she both produced and played the lead, and another for "Seeking," Her opus on the meaning of life.

Both films had been made, edited, released and seen within the two years since she and Tori had gotten together, so naturally this was the show where she would be showing off her wife of only a couple of months. Tori sat in the seat next to hers, resplendent in the purple gown sewn just for her, watching the spectral of the pre-show show. "I hope Everyday Magic wins." Tori told the pale girl.

"I want them both to win." The film maker replied. 'Six nominations across two films. My god, I'm gonna be here all night.' Jade smiled, enjoying the attention. And it was a lot of attention, tying Walt Disney for the most nominations for a single person in one year. Her films were up for even more nominations, but those didn't involve her, nor did they add to any records. "So, since I can't win all my nominations, you'll comfort me when I lose?" A soft, suggestive smile played across her face.

"You remember I'm two months pregnant, right?" Tori asked her wife. "The hormones have kicked in, HARD. That means if I'm not barfing, I'm gonna be needing your 'comfort.' Maybe twice tonight, if we can get you away from the after parties fast enough."

Jade was about to reply when her phone beeped. It was a major breech of educate for her phone to be on during the show, but in this time before they began, she could have it on. "Whats up?' She asked over the Walkie-Talkie app.

"Daisy here, wondering if we get a visit before the show." The girl sounded sure of herself. "I have your brother here, and he wants to know why we're in the fucking bleacher seats?"

"I couldn't get ten extra tickets for inside." The goth replied. "But I'm gonna make sure to hit the Hollywood Arts after party before we head in."

The so called main people of that generation, now seniors, had been given the rare opportunity to be there that night. Even the so called "Bleacher seating", located outside the theater, often had to be arranged months in advance. But Jade promised the kids they could attend, so she'd pulled strings. 'If daisy had just wanted two tickets, I could have gotten them inside.' She mused, looking over to where Trina and Thomas were seated for this magic night. Cat was also invited, having helped with the costumes for "Seeking", but had chosen to watch from home, watching one of the few live telecasts of a modern awards show. Instead, the now happy redhead volunteered to watch Trina's brood.

Cat and Robbie's lives had improved dramatically over the last two years. Rob was now a hit online, making enough to support his family, all the while making more money doing other projects in addition to his on line show. One project was as a writer for a show Jade produced and Thomas ran. Robbie's contributions helped keep it fresh and funny, something the niche show needed to stay relevant, since it's whole job was to reintroduce the youth of today to classic movies and shows. With just enough of a following, that show called "The birth of a plot" was a film makers dream.

Contrarily, Cat's design company never hit it big. In addition to costuming, for which she did make enough, she made special, made to order dresses for awards shows and the like. Jade had worn her stuff to every televised or press covered event she'd been to for the last year and a half. Instead of making the petite girl in demand, it gave Jade a strange mystic, since she had a fashion designer who understood her look and could adapt it to the events. Tonight Tori was also decked out in one of Cat's designs, and while everyone admired the look, it didn't make them any more interested in hiring her to make them a dress. After all, the big names often dressed celebrities for free, just to be seen on the red carpet.

Since the Shapiro's were doing better now, definitely upper middle class, they could afford such things as the occasional night out, or to go on vacation to Jade's place in Hawaii. (Jade lost a bet with Meredith, and wound up buying a place next to Sinjins tropical vacation home. Her revenge was being willing to let just about anyone of her friends or family use it, provided they arrange things in advance. Meredith loved the idea, going so far as to lend the Van Cleef home to Trina's family while Jade was letting David and Holly use her place.) But Cat was still frugal, often complaining about how expensive it was to get a kid through collage these days.

"And their going." Cat had insisted. "All three are getting an education." The reason she'd said three was Cat had decided to be pregnant with Tori, but missed guessed the dates, and was now in her second trimester.

Beyond their friends and family near by, there was the friends who'd spread out across the country. Tori loved the new additions, like Angie, and Trish, and especially Sally. It became the Latina's goal to stay in contact with all of them, visiting as often as she could. The singer turned teacher had even timed her and Jade's marriage for the winter carnival in Canon city, inviting their friends and family to attend the magic of the season. With a couple of rented houses, as well as Sinjin providing rooms for people, they had enough room for everyone. Cat made the gowns.

Tori bought her condo in a nice building in New york, next to where Andre was able to buy his, so they could be neighbors. Tori loved the idea that she was just next door to her best friend in the world, even if it was only on the rare occasion she'd be in New york for business or pleasure.

The gang would get together each summer, visiting and remembering. Beck loved hearing the stories about everything, but always topped everyone else with his about living in his mountain paradise. Andre, for his part, just loved being back in contact with the gang. Secretly, he'd worked with Jade on the music for her second Broadway Musical, "Not all Monsters". It was her goal to get him that last bit of money he needed to get his condo, so she wrote a horror comedy about monster hunters who were actually the monsters, only on humanities side. While it didn't win her any awards, it was making it's way towards Broadway, music by Andre Harris, winning fans and critics to it's side.

Then their was little Cashmere Van Cleef, Sinjin and Meredith's daughter. Tori made the decision to carry as soon as she saw the little bundle of joy. Despite the girl having the attitude of a crawling engine of destruction, Tori loved ever moment she spent around the child, often cuddling or playing with the pre-toddler Cashmere while Jade and Meredith went over the story they would be telling in Jade's first successful Television series. That show was in the middle of it's second season, while being renewed for the next two. Apparently it's darker look at the underbelly of the entertainment business, all sexy and painful, was appealing to a broad audience. Jade just worried about how happy Meredith was to offer her child's used clothing to them, often smiling and saying how cute the girl would look in this or that.

Of course, the West compound now boasted a large guest home slash home office. Jade had found the home theater in the second house priceless both for watching the dailies, and as a good place to see what editing she'd want to do. Overall, the home had been invaluable as a refuge during the various fights and misunderstandings she'd had with Tori, her father, or any member of her extended family. The biggest downside, beyond the taxes she now paid for all this property, was having over a dozen bedrooms, two pools, three hot tubs, and multiple kitchens opened her up to playing host to so many events.

The second home had also made it possible for her to continue to reconnect with her father. She'd hosted Junior while her parents went on a business trip, allowing her to have some brother slash sister moments while giving him his privacy. Bonding with Mikey was a special memory, only marred by catching Cory playing in the third jacuzzi with the Amanda, who to Jade's annoyance lived to teach history. 'How can anyone get it on while being lectured on the daily living conditions of reassurance peasants.' Jade once again wondered. But it seemed to work for Cory, who needed an accomplished woman to complete him. Amanda was very accomplished at her area's of interest, and the two were talking settling down.

The second home also allowed her to host a truly sprawling Thanksgiving meal. Between her various families, Tori's family, friends, extended families, Cory and Devin's dates, Devin's parents down from Oakland, and various studio executives and other who only dropped by, the two houses with their huge combined yard still felt packed. Despite the chaos and confusion, it was one of the best memories the goth had ever had. Part of the reason was it was where she'd proposed to Tori. 'Had to check the film to be sure she'd said yes, what with everyone encouraging her to. Still don't know who the wise guy who kept yelling "wait for a better offer" was.' The memories gave her a deep sense of warmth, filling her in places she used to be unaware were empty. 'I'm not alone.' She thought, glancing at the woman next to her. The woman carrying her own impending engine of destruction...

"And the winner for best original screenplay is…. Seeking!" The words brought Jade out of her thoughts and memories. Tori pulled at her, trying to will the girl out of her chair and up onto the podium.

Jade found herself once again looking out at the crowd of her peers, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. "You won't believe the number of people I have to thank for this one." She opened. "But I'll start with thanking my beautiful wife, who married me despite knowing me since high school. Then, there's the other friends I'd made and lost along the way, who were kind enough to come back into my life. They know who they are. Also, a big shout out to my family, both original and surrogate. Again, they know what that means. They're all the ones who helped me when I lived this drama, the one I added to and spun for the movie that you thought was particularly well written. So I'm thanking my fans, and the one's who paid to see it. Thanks you all, Because without you, I would be talking to myself..." She watched the crowd as they applauded. "Still have time? I had another movie nominated, and I think I could..." The music played her off, and she walked back stage to drop off the prop award and return to her wife.

'Amazing how easy it is to have fun with this show when you don't make it the center of your life.' She thought, waving at a fan as she passed. 'But this is what I do to give be, to heal, and to express myself. It's not the center of my world. No, thats the people I know, who I love, and who love me, hate me, or just know me. Their the ones looking out for me when this fails. Their my reason, the thing that gives life meaning.…'


Well? What did you think? I'm waiting.