Before I get in to the story I want to thank everyone that reads and reviews this I reply to every review I can I love seeing the excitement in this story that I personally never thought this story would take off from a shower thought to this I am so happy I will try to make the pages longer as time comes and will try to update as often as I can I mean right now I'm typing on my iPod something I rarely do. And now that the Steven bomb is done and everything is a little better I feel more into my happy little family au.

"Steven!?" Lapis said in surprise as she hugged the young boy back "I never knew you were going to be here" she added letting him go with a smile

"Mom said you were coming I had to be here to Greet you" he said picking up the sign he dropped before Lapis laughed a little, Steven like Lapis's laugh she didn't laugh often though.

"Come on lapis" Rose said singling the two kids "we should get your bags"

Lapis nodded "right" she stared toward the bag pick up post Steven tailing behind her

"Lapis we are going to have so much fun!" He chimed

"Is that so" lapis replied smiling still at the joyful little boy

"Yeah! I mean everyone can't wait to meet you" he said waving his arms in circle, then he paused for a moment "I promise you'll love it at my place" Lapis blinked little shocked at what Steven had just said. Did she seem upset to be going to live with him and his family? Sure she felt hurt at first that her mom wanted to get rid of her like that but she didn't feel that way right now

"What makes you say that?" lapis eventual asked.

Steven shrugged "just felt like it was something that had to be said"

"oh..." lapis replied trying to think of as better reply "well, it really is fine. I'm looking forward to this year Steven" She said as she stopped by the belt where the bags pass by, many other people were waiting for their bags as well. So they waited for Lapis's bag, which fittingly enough where blue. Once they had come around lapis grabbed them swinging them off the belt and walking back toward the waiting area where Rose and Greg where. Steven, tagging along behind her once more.

"Well it's a good thing because everyone at home is getting ready! Ruby and Sapphire helped mom make dinner, and Pearl and I got your room ready…Garnet and Amethyst…well I am not sure what they did but they totally did something really awesome!" Steven again went on talking about what Lapis should expect.

"Sounds really exciting, Steven" Lapis said, smiling a little more nervously this time. She felt a little bad having Rose and her family go through so much trouble for her, but it was also a little nice the idea of someone caring enough to do this for her.

"And! This week end, we are having a picnic at the park with Yellow Diamonds family!" He added sound just as excited as ever before "I swear you will get along with Peridot and Jasper!" he really was trying to talk these two up to Lapis.

"well what are they like?" The girl asked

"Well Peridot she is hard to get to know." He started "I think it's because she doesn't want to get to know people since she lost her mom. Really though! Past all her Peridot-y-ness she is a kind girl."

Lapis blinked.

"And Jasper, well she is kinda mean but she's okay as well. She is just hard headed but. I bet she'll come around one of these days…People used to spread this rumor that she kicked a puppy!"

Lapis stopped "well, that's rude"

Steven stared at Lapis "yeah…people can be rude. But it's normally because they have other things going on. It makes them feel less scared and weak."

Again more awkward starting, then lapis laughed a little awkwardly.

"How old are you Steven?" she said between giggling

"Um…like eight " He replied "why?"

"That's some pretty deep stuff…" lapis replied with a sigh "Even for people my age. Heck maybe even for your parents I bet"

"Oh…" the boy sounded surprised as if it really was the most amazing news to him.
"Speaking of parents I bet they are waiting for us right now we should hurry" the young teen pointed out as she smiled, and then taking off in s light sprint toward the waiting area.
"Hey! No fair" Steven said before following her laughing as he did "I have sandals on it's harder to run in these!"

"That's not my fault!" lapis called back as she continued forward

Many people watched the two run through the airport till they reached Greg and Rose

Rose smiled "are you two ready to go home?" she asked

Steven nodded "yeah I can't wait to show lapis everything!" he grabbed her hand and pulled her a little, "come on we should hurry!"

The three found Stevens's energy amiable, as they followed him to the van.

And on the way back to the house, Steven continued to tell Lapis everything she should expect once they reached it.

Soon later they reached the house, the small boy running to the door to hold it open for the others. "Okay!" he said happily once Lapis was in "I'll show you everything!"

He started toward the stairs "your room is up here!" he said starting to climb up the stairs

"Okay" lapis grabbed her bag and followed the younger one.

As they walked by the door lapis noticed each one had a sign with a name on it. Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Greg + Rose, there was a single door without a name on it yet, she assumed it was hers. She was right, Steven pushed the door open.

In the middle of the far back wall just under the window was her bed, nicely made up with fresh clean sheets, against the right wall was a dresser, and by it was the closet. To the left was a desk and an old fashion looking mirror sat right above it. Almost right after noticing it Lapis became uncomfortable, looking away from it.

"So what do you think?" Steven asked trying to catch lapis eyes.

"It's…nice Steven thank you…" she said trying to sound calm "it's just…the mirror"

Steven looked at it "you don't like it? Pearl said it would tie the room together nicely, I told her the cookie cat poster would be so much nicer but no she insisted on the mirror…"
"I just…don't like Mirrors at all Steven" Lapis told the younger boy.

He nodded "I'll get my dad to take it down, and then we can put the cookie cat poster there okay!"

Lapis smiled a little "sure… the cookie cat poster"

Steven grabbed Lapis's hand and lead her away from the room, and toward the one across the hall, the sign on the door read "Steven" and had stars all around it.

"This" Steven said pushing the door open "in my room!' it was a little messy the bed unmade and clothing toys, books and more thrown about the floor. Posters of anime's and other silly things covered his walls and he even had a small, older television sitting on the floor with a game cube beside it with a small stack of games to go along with it. As lapis looked around she felt something brush past her leg. She looked down to see a fluffy cat, that has a pinkish hue to it, which lapis thought was odd.

She looked down at the cat, and it looked up at here. "Hello" she said awkwardly greeting the newest member of the party. The cat huffed slightly before it entered the room and walked to ward the bed, Steven bent down to pet it, as it walked.

"This is lion" Steven said lifting the cat, as he did, Lion gave an unapproving meow. Steven gave Lion a small kiss and let him go after that, the cat just flopped down on the floor.

"He's really friendly!" Steven said "He just doesn't always wanna be hugged"

"I see" lapis said a bit mused "How long have you had him?"

"About a year I guess, my mom found him" He said looking toward the cat "She never told me the full story, but now he lives with us and he loves me the most" Steven said.

The cat let out a small cat sound at that statement, which caused lapis to laugh a little.

"I'll show you the other rooms and stuff as well!" Steven said as he made his way to the door.

The upstairs was set up a little weird; there were six doors five of which were bed room doors and one the bath room.

The room farthest from the stairs and whose door was more toward the middle of the hall was Rose and Greg's room. TO the right is the bath room then Steven room then Garnets. A cross from Garnets was Pearl's then beside that was Stevens's room.

"This one is Garnets room" he said opening the door, Garnets room was set up much like lapis's room though the decorations where a little different. It was not clean so to say but everything seemed to have a place. She didn't have a tv or anything like Steven's room had either.

"Um Steven, are your Sisters okay with you going in to their rooms like this?" lapis asked as the thought came to mind.

He shrugged "normally, I mean I go in to their rooms all the time" he said throwing his arms in the air as he spun.

"But next, is Pearls room!" in one shift motion the door was swung open by Steven.

Pearls room was ungodlily clean, everything was labeled and had a place the bed was made to perfection Lapis assumed she could bound a coin off it.

"Oh wow, it's…clean" Lapis said looking around in awe

"Yeah pearl loves cleaning, she does it like once a week" Steven told Lapis with a nod.

"Steven, Lapis?" It was pearl. "What are you doing in my room!" she asked rather angry.

"Oh um…Hey pearl I was showing Lapis around" he said stepping out of the room as Lapis followed the door closed right after them.

"I told you to stay out of my room" she said shoving the boy away from the door a little
"Pearl, we didn't touch anything!" Steven told her in a small whine.

"I don't care" pearl now sounded annoyed, she said bring her hand to her face, then pulled it down where her fingers sat by her mouth "it's just my boundaries and I want them to be respected"

"Sorry pearl…" Steven said softly grabbing Lapis's hand. This caused the teen to blink in surprise.

"Let's go look down stairs" Seven says to her. Lapis just nods as he leads her away from Pearl and the room.

"Sorry, Pearl can get that way sometimes" Steven uttered as he lead Lapis down the stairs. This caused the teen to frown, sure she was a little drawn back by Pearls attitude to the situation but it sure wasn't Stevens fault. Lapis sighed before voicing is as well "it wasn't your fault Steven"

He stopped and stared at her "I know, but I am still sorry." He continued till he stopped by the tv area "this is the living room…well sorta. We all watch tv here and stuff."

After Steven had lead lapis around to the other parts of the house, the kitchen dining room and so forth, till he reached a hall. "Amethyst's and Ruby and Sapphires room are both down here. And the laundry room as well"

"Are you gonna…show me then?" Lapis asked a little nevus.

"I think Amethyst is in her room right now. And Maybe Ruby or Sapphire is in theirs" Steven told lapis

"Ruby and Sapphire share a room?" Lapis asked a little surprise

"Oh right, I haven't told you" the young boy said with a shrug "When I was really small, we lived in a smaller place with fewer rooms. "Pearl and Amethyst shared a room, only Garnet and I had our own rooms because well Garnets is older and I was pretty much a baby"

"Pearl and Amethyst never got along but Ruby and Sapphire seemed to enjoy it a lot more. They are really-really close it's sort of sweet if you ask me."

Lapis stared at Steven then gave him a small smile "it is. They're really close"

Steven stared down the hall and Lapis followed him like she has been since they got to the house.

There were three doors, one with a sign that read Amethyst, and the other Ruby and Sapphire.

Steven knocked on Amethyst door first, only a second later it was opened.

"Hey Stee-man" Amethyst greeted him as she opened the door

"Hey, Amethyst!" Steven said returning the greeting "I am just showing Lapis around" he then added

"Oh well" Amethyst stepped out of the door way waving her arm down as if showing off something amazing, and well she was. It was an amazing mess. Junk was everywhere piled high, Lapis wondered if she could even find anything in the junk piles. She also wonder how much of it was rotten food or dead animals the cat had brought was buried amongst it as well.

"Wow…" Lapis said without meaning, sort of like breathing it just happened on its own.

"Yeah I know" Amethyst said with a grin "I put a lot of work into it"

She was proud of this mess…Lapis was flabbergasted by that alone. Who could be proud to live in such a state?

"Pearl wants me to clean everything in here up" Amethyst added, as Lapis turned back in "I think Rose does as well. But she hasn't said anything. Beside if she gets on my case she might as well get on Greg's"

Lapis blinked and Amethyst seeming to get the confusing in the other girl continued speaking "he's sort of a hoarder, doesn't like throwing junk away. Probably cuz he was homeless before he married Rose"

"Well that's…interesting" Lapis really didn't know what to say anymore.

"Well" Steven cut in "lapis still needs to meet Ruby and Sapphire so we'll let you get back to what you were doing!"

Amethyst nodded "Kay, see ya…you to lapis hope you have some fun here. Once you get used to us things will be better" Then the door was closed.

Lapis sighed it was tiring meeting this family; though it was a good type of tiring if that is even possible.

Steven then knocked on the next door. Moments later it was opened by Ruby. Lapis only knew this because right away Steven smiled and said her name.

"Hey Steven" Ruby replied to his before mentioned, mention of her name. "What brings you her…" Ruby stopped as she noticed Lapis.

"Showing her around?" Ruby then asked pointing at the taller girl. Steven nodded.

"Where's Sapphire?" Steven asked.

Ruby shrugged a little "I think doing her homework in the kitchen.

"Why isn't she doing it in here? Steven continued with his questions
Ruby's eyes darted up to Lapis. This made lapis feel…uncomfortable.
"I wanted some rest" Ruby added softly and again with a shrug "I'm just tired and not feeling well."

"Did you tell my mom?" Steven cut in again with a question as soon as Ruby had stopped talking.
"Yes I told Rose" Ruby answered.

Lapis wondered if she was losing patience with the young boy. Then again Ruby had probably known him his whole life.

"Well I hope you feel better" Steven said, more or less ending the conversation.

"Yeah…" Ruby said. And just before the door closed Lapis saw in to the room.

There was a bunk bed pressed to the back of the wall farthest from the door, the top bunk with red bedding and a mess, she assumed ruby's the bottom neatly made and blue bedding, probably Sapphire. There was two of almost everything in the room. Two desks, two dressers, and two laundry hampers.

Steven clapped his hands together "well, that's that I guess. All the rooms and the people" he smiled to lapis
"Yeah...everything" she repeated.

"Come on. It's probably almost dinner time!" Steven said grabbing Lapis's arm and lightly pulling her to the kitchen.

Pearl was there setting up the table as Rose was doing the finishing preparations to the food.

Steven went over to his seat and pulled the one next to him out "you can sit here" he said with a smile. Lapis smiled back and sat by him though it was a little awkward; she wasn't used to family dinners. She always ate alone in her room or in the kitchen. But she pushed the feelings aside. This wasn't like before this was her new home, well for now at least. Within the year, maybe more, she would be back home with her mom.

"Is something wrong lapis?" It was Rose; it was also the first time she had spoken to her since they arrived home.

"Just…thinking about home" She said sadly.

"If you need to talk about it I'm willing to listen" Rose said smiling softly "we can talk in private anytime I'm free"

"Thank you for the offer Rose" Lapis responded in the same sad voice as before.

She realized the others in the kitchen starring at them. Of course they were, they didn't know the real reason Lapis was there. It wasn't some fun out of state learning experience- Lapis wished it was though.

Her mother Blue Diamond (no relations to Yellow diamond) didn't want to deal with her anymore. She was fed up with the mediations and doctors and therapists and everything that came with Lapis. It was just one more reason for Lapis to feel like shit. She couldn't help that she had Borderline personality disorder

Lapis swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat. She hadn't realized that she had gotten to upset just thinking about what had happened at all. She didn't want to cry either, not in front of Steven and everyone else. Not on a day that for the most part was happy. And for once Lapis didn't cry.

Everyone gathered around the table ready to eat each one conversing with each other.

She picked up a word or two here or there.

Sapphire asking ruby how she felt only getting a shrug as a reply, Rose cutting in telling Ruby she didn't have to force herself to eat.

Steven was chatting all over with everyone.
Lapis remained quite as she ate speaking up a few times. She liked it all though, the idea of a family dinner. Of talking to one another, of sharing what happened in a day, of caring about one another's health. To Lapis it was the best thing ever. She wanted every day to be like this, and maybe for the year things could be like this. She smiled, it was a smile like never before, and she cried.
"Lapis…Are you okay?" It was Rose

Lapis smiled bigger and brighter "I'm…just…so happy" she said.

Everything went silent.

"This is the home I've dream of without even knowing it" she sniffed rubbing tears away.

"Well…" It was Steven who spoke up, and then he hugged lapis.
"Welcome home, lapis Lazuli"

She hugged him back "thank you Steven…everyone…it's…good to be home"

Well, well, well would you look at that longest single page of writing I've ever done…as far as know.
First sorry for not posting this sooner, I meant to have it by the weeks end but internet got cut, but I still wrote everything out.

Also I didn't plan on writing why lapis was staying in the quartz/Universe house hold in this chapter but it felt nice to have it there, I also didn't plan on having Ruby ill that's another thing that just happened.

Lapis has BPD cuz my friends and I like that idea, since she fits the bill for someone with that mental ailment not nicely but it still rather fittingly. And it was decided as a reason for lapis leaving partly by me partly by a friend

Also Lion had a back story in this and that'll be in the Lion chapter.

Also the house as a weird set up. One of these days I'll sketch it out note I am not that type of artist I don't know how to blue print.

And lastly, I have made a Made with love ask blog called askmadewithlove. It's hosted on tumblr. I made it simply because I can't have everything for mwl written in to my fanfic. There are so many little piece for this family au it's pretty overwhelming (I think) and some stuff just isn't a top of the mind thing it might take questions to ask about and figure them out.

I mean at first I brought it up a joke and well the people I consent idea's with pretty much said yeah it'll be cool and if it's popular I might bring in more artist. And if you follow the blog you'll get to see notes on when I plan on updating this fanfic as well.

Next time I'll have that aforementioned picnic, with yellow diamond, Peridot, Jasper and…a new character soon to be introduced…who will it be? Find out next time on

Made with love…

Okay that was lame.