A/N: I'm not quite sure how far I'm going to get with this fic considering I'm not all that into K and I don't know it that well. But I'm gonna try because I love Yata and I think he needs more screen time! If I get anything wrong (like where they live, how old they are, the correct way to spell a character's name, etc. Let me know)!

Chapter 1

The Girl

"I'm going for a ride!" Yata called to Kusanagi.

"Okay, be careful!"

"Yeah yeah…" The door closed with a ding and Yata was off, skating through the streets of Shizume City. It was a quiet day for being a Saturday, not many people out shopping or getting to and from work. It was a good time to space off.

The blue clan had been quiet lately and there hasn't been much for them to do. Their rival clan's inactivity could have also been because HOMRA hasn't been running around causing trouble with their leader, Mikoto away on some 'secret' business.

"Aw Shit…" said Yata coming to realization that he had taken a wrong turn into the wrong side of town. "Now what do I do?" He continued down the broken up road that definitely wasn't safe to be riding a skateboard on, but that was beside the point. It wasn't like he was worried about his safety, because he could handle himself in a fight. It was just one of those days where he didn't feel like getting into it with anybody other than that traitor Fushimi.

He came to a fast stop when his board became caught on a deep crack in the road, almost losing his footing, but catching himself at the last second. He continued on foot, ignoring the rude calls that came from the meth-heads in the shadows of the tall buildings.

He turned down an alleyway, hoping that it'd be a short cut back to the main square, but he quickly realized that it wasn't. He wasn't even half way through, and already he had had three girls come up to ask if he was looking for a good time. The offer was tempting, but he wasn't about to lose his virginity to a prostitute that would probably give him something incurable. Fushimi would never let him live that down.

"Hey cutie," called out a smoking blond with some extremely tight spandex that barley passed for clothes. "I haven't seen you around here before. I'll give you a good deal."

"No thanks Lady…" he continued to walk down the road, still trying to avoid the many girls looking for rent money. He was almost to the end of the alley when something made his Clan marking throb. Yata took a quick surveillance around him, nobody belonging to the Blue Clan. He looked to his left, in the shadows stood a girl, not much younger than him. Her dark brown hair cascaded down to her waist in waves. There were dark circles under her eyes, like she hadn't had a good night's sleep in days. She pulled out a lighter from her pocket and lit the cigarette that was placed between her lips.

His instincts told him to get out of there quick, but the mark on his chest throbbed more and more, the closer he got to her. "Hey," he said, "Are you okay?"

She looked up to meet Yata's eyes, simultaneously blowing out a mouth full of smoke. "Fine." Her intentions were to answer him, then leave, but she took one look at him and froze. "You're from HOMRA…"

"Uh…yeah. How can you tell?"

"Your mark is showing."

He looked down at his chest. Sure enough, his T-shirt had slipped down, revealing the exquisite lines of the tattoo. It throbbed again.

"The names Yata Misaki. What do I call you?"

"Sheena," she answered.

"I…uh…Sheena, come with me back to the base. I think you're supposed to be with us…"

"No thanks." She answered without hesitation.

"How long have you been out here?"

"A few weeks I guess…" she wasn't sure why she was telling him this. She didn't know him, but for some reason she trusted him.

"Come back with me. If only to take a shower and eat. You can sleep there if you want too…If you decide in the morning that you don't wanna be there, you can leave."

"I…I don't know you."

"Just come on!" He took hold of her wrist and pulled her through the alley. Despite her protests, he didn't let go until they were a decent length away from the ghetto.

"Stop pulling me!" she yelled, "Yata, let go of me!"

He stopped pulling, but he didn't let go of her wrist. "Listen," he started, "You'll die out there all alone. Let me and the rest of HOMRA help you out."

"I don't need your help!"

"How old are you?"

"What?" she blinked.

"How old are you?" he repeated.

"Twenty." She said with hesitation.

"Tell me your real age." She contemplated for a minute. "Sheena, it's obvious that you're not legal. I'm not gonna turn you in or anything. I just want to help you."

"Eighteen," she finally answered.

"That's too young for a pretty girl like you to be living alone on the street."

"I can take care of myself."

"When's the last time you had a decent meal? Or showered? Or slept?"

"I…I don't remember."

"So come with me, please? I promise we'll take care of you at HOMRA, we're a family there."

"I don't belong with you guys. I don't have anything abilities like the rest of you."

"None of us did until we joined. That's how it works, our King, Mikoto gives us our powers so we can defend our king. He'll be the one to decide if you can be one of us. Even if you aren't supposed to have abilities or anything, you can still stick with us like Tatara! He doesn't do anything but film us…pretty useless actually..." he adjusted his beanie awkwardly. He knew he was rambling, "Anyways…please come back with me. I'll make sure you're taken care of."

She stayed quiet while she thought. Sure, she hardly knew Yata, and she really didn't know anybody in HOMRA, but she had a feeling, deep inside her that she was supposed to go with him. "Okay," she finally answered.


"I'll come with you. But if I decide tomorrow that I don't want to be there anymore, you have to let me go. Deal?"

"Deal." He finally let go of her wrist and led the way to the bar. "You'll love it there. Sure, it's full of a bunch of asshole guys, but Anna's cool. You'll like her. And Tatara's pretty chill once you get used to him. Mikoto isn't due back for a few weeks, but when you meet him you'll like him. He's the best out of all the Kings!"

Yata kept on going on and on about everybody that she'll meet at his base of operation, but she couldn't quite shake the feeling that this was a bad idea. She still hasn't completely lost the guys that were after her, and she didn't want to drag one of the color clans into her mess. They could kill her if they really wanted to. But she could just leave if things got bad again, right? But what if she found that she didn't want to go?

A/N: Feel free to review!