So this is chapter 6 of this story but my first chapter of it so bear with me and I will do my best.

Disclaimer: The Terra Nova characters do not belong to me but (SADLY!) to FOX.

The story does not belong to me either but to FallenSurvivor'sBestie one of FallenSurvivor's friends and I have been given opportunity to finish this story I sincerely hope I will not disappoint too many of her readers.

Well that's enough of my rambling on to the story





Maddy lay in her own bedchamber, it had been a week since her lord Mark had rescued her from a loveless marriage with Gellion.

She felt good – relieved, the only thing was that she worried for what Gellion might do to her family.

"What if he decides to take revenge upon them?" She thought worriedly.

After a while of tossing and turning trying to fall back to sleep as she could see there was still dark outside, she decided to seize her attempts at falling asleep and rose from her bed and washed and then dressed herself.

It was dark in the great hall so she took with her a lantern and walked over to the library to read to try and calm her nerves.

Gellion was still furious at what had transpired.

"That witch thinks she can go off with that monster rather than marry me?" He raged for maybe the tenth time,

"Alright, send for the best dragon slayer in all the land, money is not an issue!" He then bellowed to his manservant.

"Yes Master, I shall send messengers near and far." The servant replied and ran off to obey his master's command.

Gellion chuckled to himself.

"As soon as the monster is dead, Maddy will be mine and no one will stop me then." He chuckled and smiled at the bliss he would have with her.

"I will have to find a way to take away that evil magic of hers before anything else though." He thought, he did remember something he had once encountered during his dealings with a merchant from the east once, a collar that drained magic if placed around the neck of a magic user thereby preventing them from using magic.

"It will be my wedding gift to my beautiful bride, once the monster is dead she will see things my way." He chuckled.

The bronze dragon Alixia had lived for centuries, and the one thing that she now lacked was the potion she had heard that her king Markatheus had invented, a potion that made it possible for a dragon to take human form.

Now she waited in a cave for her servant Ser Konoril or Kono as she called him, the first dragon knight that had existed in millennia were securing the cave they both had taken shelter in on their journey.

Alixia smiled as Ser Kono. Her servant entered and said "The area is secure. No one will get in tonight."

Alixia said "Good work."

The two of them sat down to dinner as Alixia enjoyed the meal that her knight made.

Kono asked "Has your friend made any progress on the potion yet?"

Alixia thought of the potion she had being made, if successful it would allow her and her lover to be able to show one another how much they truly loved one another.

She answered "Mark nearly has all that he needs. Hopefully I will have it soon."

Kono knew not why the potion was so important to her but knew that the ways of the dragons were mysterious sometimes, he had loved and worshiped this bronze dragon his entire life and whatever she wanted he was going to get her no matter what.

Alixia had known Ser Konoril ever since he was a boy, unlike most dragons that were reclusive Alixia had always been protecting an area of villages and in return the villagers had allowed her the pick of their herds, though she usually left those herds alone especially during hard times which were rare thanks to her protecting them,

Lately she had formed a group of knights out of the villagers – dragon knights to be the protectors when she was not there and Konoril was the best of them as he was the most devoted of them all.

"We will be there by tomorrow morning." Alixia said, she had heard of the troubles in the region – this region were according to the tavern gossip that Kono had found out plagued by a group of rogues that stole from the rich and gave to the poor, she liked that, though she could not understand why human lords allowed for people to live in such poverty to force so many of them to live a life of brigandage.

Mark awoke slowly on his bed of gold and jewels and rose and walked over to the library, he was worried about Maddy.
She had been quiet the last few days.

He first walked back to his chambers and took a potion and a few painful moments later he was in his humanoid form, and thought if he should dress as well which he did.

He again headed for the library.

At the village square the village council were debating what to do about the dragon,

"The monster has taken my daughter!" Jim exclaimed angrily, he and Elisabeth – the whole family had were worried sick of what that monster would do to Maddy.

"For too long that castle have been looming over this and many other villages, it is time to end that threat once and for all." Another villager vowed heartily.

The village elder raised his hands to silence the crowd.

"Settle down everyone. We have no power to attack the dragon, and besides it has never threatened the village, if we anger it the dragon may indeed turn its wrath against us." He stated calmingly.

"There is a way to deal with the dragon." Gellion said as he and two of his men entered the square.

Meanwhile Josh were just returning from a hunt when he saw three horses and recognized one of them as Gellion – he did not agree with his parents about letting that slimy merchant have his sister,

He walked closer to the horses as to not spook them and checked the saddlebag of one of them and he just knew he had seen that symbol before…it was the crest of the Phoenix Group the crest of the tyrant Tremort, quickly Josh checked Gellion's saddlebags and found a letter with the same crest on it and cursed that he never had the same interest as Maddy to learn how to read.

Then he heard raised voices from the village square and walked over careful not to be seen.

"How can a dragon be killed, you ask?!" Gellion said and made a gesture and some more armour clad men entered the square,

"These are dragon slayers, they will take care of the dragon for us." Gellion finished and smiled as the stupid peasants cheered, but then one of them raised his hand,

"What about the Shannon girl? We all saw her using witchcraft at the church." The peasant stated.

"There's one in every village." Gellion thought.

"Watch what you say about my daughter!" Jim growled and took several steps toward the man that had just called his daughter a witch.

"I have a way to save her as well, the dragon has put some curse on her that forced her to act the way she did and gave her the evil magic which now enslaves her." Gellion added and showed the people a collar,

"This collar will purge the evil magic from Maddy and free her from the dragon's control." He finished and smiled even wider as many of the crowd started cheering.

Josh had at that moment seen and heard enough, he knew that Gellion was lying, Josh had also never liked the way Gellion had treated Maddy and now he had proof that Gellion was in league with Lord Tremort.

He quickly stuffed the letter into his own sack and then took off running for the foothills of the mountain where the Dragon Castle was.

There we have it my own first official chapter to this story, please review and let me know what y'all think.

And thanks to doctor anthony for proof reading.