Chapter 15 – 3 become 1

2 months later

Dean couldn't believe it. He wanted to weep sometimes when he saw Seth was getting better every day. He was out of the hospital for two months now and he was doing fine. It had been such a close call to lose him...again. But now he was back and settled into his and Romans routine slowly. Yes they were still trying to figure everything out and sometimes they fought especially Seth and him. They were sometimes so much alike that they clashed but they made up before the day was over, and that made it all better.

Seth eye sight had settled at around 35% just like Sheppard had predicated, but he struggled with his left hand still, besides grabbing large objects it was pretty much useless. But he worked on it every damn day. Dean knew that he cried in frustration many days, but they could always cheer him up again and Seth was no one to wallow in defeat anyways. He was a fighter.

Right now they were at the restaurant to celebrate Seth return and his health. Seth wore a beanie over his still very short hair and he looked so sexy in Dean's mind.

They both had come such a long way and all just because Roman took a chance with him all those years ago. Right now the big guy danced with Belle who had turned into a pretty nine year old that adored her uncles. Seth talked to Brie and Daniel about an addition to their house and Dean just sat back and enjoyed the scenery.

Suddenly Nikki embraced Dean from behind and placed a kiss on his head.

"This is good. This is how it is supposed to be." she rubbed her hands down Deans body until she noticed something in Deans sweat jacket pocket.

"Don't tell me..."

"Hush." Dean told her.

"Couldn't you dress nicer for the occasion?" Nikki whispered.

"Nope. This is me. I wear clean jeans though." he chuckled and got up as Roman finished his dance with Belle. They exchanged a look and stepped up to Seth as he was about to get himself some more food.

Nikki helpfully turned the music off.

" Roman and I, we wanted to say that we are so glad you are back in our lives. Healthy and happy. You were away for a long time pursuing your dream but now you are back to hopefully stay. When I ran away all those years ago and Roman got me back one of the first things he did afterwards was putting a collar on me. A tiny little thing. We are thinking that we need to collar you as well."

Dean and Roman exchanged a glance and both got down on their knees while Dean pulled out the little velvet box he had kept in his pocket. Roman took over now.

"Seth we had to let you go once and it will not happen again. We love you and want to build the future with you. Our future. We want you with us because sometimes three people make the perfect pair. So we would like to ask you if you would commit yourself to us. We can't marry you unless we move to Utah and since I have no plans to expand the Aiga brand there right now it can only be a commitment ceremony. But we hate labels anyways and for us you would be our husband. Would you do us..."

"Say yes to marry us already." Dean cut in as he got impatient and Roman grabbed his neck and squeezed hard. Seth chuckled but had to brush tears out of his eyes at the same time.

"I want that. Yes, yes, yes." he said and Roman and Dean got up to kiss him.

"Do I have three uncles now?" Belle asked and Nikki grinned.

"Yes and they will all spoil you rotten." Nikki predicted.

10 years later.

Roman had a smile on his face when he opened the door to his restaurant. For 20 years he owned it now and it still brought a smile to his face to come here even if it was just to pay some bills on his birthday.

Dean had bailed on him this morning and had gotten up at four in the morning to go to the fish market while Seth was out of town and would only return tonight. Seth was still a successful architect and right now he helped building shelters for homeless people. Little houses that could be built almost everywhere so the homeless who hated the normal shelters had a warm place to stay during the winter. They were cheap so cities bought them by the dozen. He donated the money he earned to various charities one of them being a donation started by Derek Sheppard the neuro surgeon who had saved his life ten years ago that helped homeless people getting adequate care when they had major health issues.

He and Dean had branched out the Aiga brand into ten big cities in the USA and three in Europe. Currently they only ran the New York restaurant on their own and had given the other restaurants into expert hands. They wanted to take it slower, enjoy life and travel the world.

So now Roman was at his restaurant at ten am to pay some bills.

He switched on the lights in the storage room and walked to his office noticing light in the kitchen. He was sure that he had switched them off last night so he went to inquire.

On one of his beloved stainless steel counters sat Dean smirking like a loon and hardly able to keep his feet from banging against the cupboard beneath the counter. At his side sat Seth who was equally hardly able to sit still. It could be that they sat there both buck naked and it was a little cold in the kitchen Roman mused.

"Tell me you don't sit on my stainless steel counter with your naked butts." Roman growled and slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Dean told me how you messed up your first making out session by being yourself." Seth said. He was a pretty sight all naked since he never had stopped doing crossfit. His hair was long and two toned again while Dean's hair was cut really short to hide the fact that he had a receding hairline. But body wise the former homeless guy was ripped and Roman licked his lips approvingly.

"So Seth had the idea to kind of give you this as a present. Something we have never done." Dean shrugged.

True, after that first attempt they had never tried for sex in the kitchen again. Until now.

"Happy Birthday Roman." they both said and only now took their hands off of their laps and their cocks jumped up a little and both had a red bow on them.

Roman laughed out loud.

"You guys are crazy."

"Objection. I am at least a lunatic." Dean grinned.

"And I have the scar to prove that someone messed with my brain as well. Now come here and let's make love already."

And Roman didn't need to be asked twice.

Those two men were his life. He loved them with all his heart and they were such a tight unit. A pair of three...

The End

A/N: Okay, so I had you all crying throughout this story. And now I am the one who is crying. It is sad to see those three guys go. But they are happy and they are doing well. So we can leave them to themselves I guess.

As for me, I am working on something new. Not something super long or anything. But it is stuck on my brain for a while now and I think it will be a great winter read. So watch out for it. You can always press that button "Follow the author". You will get all my updates then.

Thanks for sticking with me through this. Love you all!