Chapter 20 (Part 2)

Lexa had made it back to her suite for quite some time now, waiting for Clarke's return. She had manage to control herself from doing something nonsensical. She had to put her trust in Murphy and Clarke. Reassuring herself that they could handle the situation on their own. She also knew it would be complete chaos if she showed up because she's doesn't think she could hold back her anger if she saw Finn right now.

So she waited.

She hated waiting.

She looked at the watch on her wrist. It's been about 4 hours since she seen Clarke.

The pristine hardwood floor in her common area has started to lose it's shine from her pacing back and forth. Her mother will be horrified and have it attended to immediately. It amused her for a moment thinking of how her mother would react when she saw it.


The soft whisper of her name stops her pacing as she lifts her head towards her door. Clarke walks in with tiredness and sadness in her eyes. Lexa could tell from just one look at the blonde that things didn't turn out the way she wanted them to and her heartaches for her.

She wished Clarke could have fixed everything tonight.

She wished she didn't have to race tomorrow.

It tore her apart to see what this was doing to the blonde.

Before she could say anything, Clarke took long quick strides to eliminate the remaining spaces between them and wrapped her arms tightly around her as if she was afraid she was going to disappear. Lexa didn't hesitate to reciprocate the embrace doing her best to comfort her girlfriend.

"It's okay, Clarke." Lexa whispered against her hair when she heard the blonde sniffle and felt her body shake in her arms.

After a few moments when Clarke seemed to calm down enough to talk, Lexa pulled her head back to look at her.

"What happen—"

"Shh…" Clarke interrupted with a soft whisper. "Can we not talk about anything? Can we just be us for tonight? And when tomorrow comes…" Clarke trails off not knowing what will happen. Almost accepting that she has no power of what happens.

"Clarke." Lexa gently brushed a few strands of golden blonde hair away from her face. "I never meant for this to cause you so much anguished. It pains me to see you like this but—"

Her words were cut off by the blonde's lips pressed against hers.

"It's okay." Clarke told her before capturing her lips again.

All she wanted right now was to feel Lexa. She wanted to believe that nothing was going to happen to her tomorrow and that she'll come back to her safely.

"I need you."

Eager hands starts tugging on anything it finds, desperate to touch Lexa's soft and smooth skin. The sound of the expensive material ripping didn't concern any of the girls, both lost in the moment.

The kiss was rough yet passionate at the same time with Lexa trying to take control with all intentions of giving Clarke what she needs. Lexa manages to carry Clarke and sits her on the kitchen counter without breaking their kiss. As the last article hit the floor, Lexa climbed on top of the blonde lying her on her back.

Clarke hissed causing her to finally pull her lips away from the light hair brunette.

Lexa pulls back slightly with a concern look on her face.

"The counter is cold." Clarke explained.

"Do you want take this to the bedro—?"

"No." Clarke shakes her head before Lexa could get the words out. Her desire was too much. "I need you inside me now."

Clarke pulls Lexa down for another searing kiss while also guiding Lexa's hand between her legs.

Lexa drops her head heavily on Clarke's collar as she groans loudly when she feels how wet the blonde is.

"Please Lexa." Clarke begged impatiently when the brunette had yet to enter her fingers inside her.

"Shh…patience Clarke." Lexa placed a small kiss on her earlobe that was previously caught in-between her teeth.

"Fuck patience, Lexa." Her words were harsh and rushed filled with desperation. Lexa stared down into Clarke's ocean blue eyes that had darken with lust and knew she couldn't deny her any longer.

Without wasting anymore time, Lexa plunged two long fingers easily inside Clarke.

Clarke couldn't hold back her moan if she wanted to.

"Mmm…fuck." Clarke arched her back, feeling Lexa pumping her fingers deeper and deeper inside her, in a perfect steady rhythm. She tosses her head to the side and bite on her lip as she feels her walls clench tightly when Lexa worked her thumb over her clit hard and fast. It didn't take her long to come undone after that.

Lexa softly kisses Clarke's exposed neck as the blonde works on getting breathing back to normal.

"I love you." Clarke breathed out.

Lexa brings her face to hover over hers. She caresses her check lovingly before passionately kissing her lips.

"I love you too. We're going to be okay Clarke." Lexa told her and Clarke believed her. She felt they can handle anything that comes their way.

As long as they did it together.

A few hours later, Lexa woke up with a face full of blonde hair. She gently brushed them away from her face to look down and sees Clarke snoring softly on her bare chest. A smile grace her face at how peaceful Clarke looked as she slept. She had successfully tired the blonde out and washed away her worries just enough for her to fall in a deep slumber. Lexa sighed before turning her head to look out her window. It was still dark out but the sun was threaten to rise any minute now. Which gave her a few more hour to figure something out before the race.

With a bit struggle and a lot of regret, Lexa was able to maneuver herself out from underneath the blonde without waking her. She miss the warmth instantly but she had to go. She had to deal with Finn on her own. This wasn't Clarke's battle. It was hers. And she had always outsmarted Finn in the past, she can do it again.

And hopefully for the last time.

Quickly throwing on a black tightly fitted jean along with a white basic long tee, Lexa was ready to go. But not before caressing Clarke's cheek and place a whisper of a kiss on her forehead. She made sure not to linger too long knowing if she did, it would just be harder for her to leave then it already was.

Lexa made her way inside the elevator and as soon as the elevator door closed. It took everything inside her to resist turning around and crawl back in bed with Clarke.

But she need to deal with this.

This needed to end today.

Lost in her thoughts, Lexa didn't pay any attention to whoever enter the elevator until she recognize the voice that greeted her.

"You're up early." Abby breaks the silence that was always awkward when the two were alone.

Lexa straighten up, not liking being underneath the older woman's questioning eyes. Usually the brunette is the epitome of poise but today has her on edge.

"I have something I need to take care of." Lexa simply replied.

"This early?" Abby asked with her eyebrows raised into forehead.

"It's long overdue."

Abby takes in Lexa's attire and her stiff posture and the fact that she had not made eye contact with her the whole time. Her maternal instincts told her something was off. Now that her daughter was involved romantically with Lexa, she felt inclined to be inquisitive of the young heiress' affairs otherwise she could care less. If she only had one guess, she would bet money that it had something to do with Finn.

"I want you to know that Clarke cares for you more than I've seen her care for anyone, so whatever you're planning to do I hope you thought long and hard about it. Because it will tear her apart. She was a mess the last time you two quarrel."

"I don't want to hurt Clarke." Lexa told her softly.

"Then don't." Abby advised.

Lexa was not offended by Abby's words. She understands it comes from the voice of a protective mother who just wants to keep her daughter from pain. To give her some normalcy in her life that she has a hard time believing Lexa is capable of based on the lifestyle she had grew accustom to. Always being in the spotlight whether it was good or bad.

Of course it was mostly been bad because that's unfortunately that's what sells to the public.

But she will do everything she can to convince Abby and more importantly Clarke that she understand that her actions affects more than just herself now. And that she would do everything in her power to make Clarke happy and keep has much of the negative side of being in the public eye away from them as she can.

"She means the world to me. I'm not going to mess that up." Lexa told her just as the elevator doors open to main lobby.

Abby stared at her for a moment before nodding her head and stepping out. "Good."

Lexa watches her leave as she waits for the door to close to take her to the garage.

The elevator doors were inches away from meeting in the middle when she got a glimpse of a familiar face that she hasn't seen in years walking around the lobby. At the last second, she stuck her hand out between the doors to stop the elevator and stepped out to greet her childhood friend.

Clarke was staring blankly through the large windows that display the beautiful city of Paris below her. Rather than enjoying the amazing view, she was worried about Lexa when she woke up this morning alone.

"Hey, I got your message from the front desk. What's going on?" Octavia asked as she walked inside Lexa's and Clarke's suite. "And why are you sending message to the front desk. Where is your phone?"

The distress look on Clarke face's when she turned around causes her to pause in her step.

"Is this about that hot girl around our age hanging all over your mom last night?" Octavia asked.

"What?" Clarke frowned.

"If it makes you feel any better I don't think they slept together last night. I mean how weird would that be? Put aside the age difference for a second but the fact that your mom would be having sex with the same girl your girlfriend and your ex-boyfriend had sex with would put anyone in therapy."

Besides the disturbing image now planted in her head, Clarke was replaying last night trying remember the face of the woman Octavia was talking about.

"Who—" And then it suddenly hit her. The woman her mother hired, Raven. "Eww."

"Right?" Octavia nodded in agreement sliding to sit on the island counter. "Even though it was a one time thing with Raven and Lexa, it's still gross."

"Raven and Lexa had a thing?" Clarke asked.

So that's how they knew each other.

"Oh. You didn't know about that?" Octavia winced a bit.

Sometimes she never knows when to shut up.

Clarke crossed her arms. "No, Lexa hasn't told me about her yet."

"I bet she was going to eventually." Octavia tried to be helpful, hoping she didn't just create a huge mess for Lexa.

"Um.. so what happen to your phone?" Octavia asked in attempt to stir the conversation away from Lexa, Raven, and Abby.

And it worked because Clarke proceeded to fill a play by play of everything that happen last night.

"— And then Murphy kicked it against the wall, shattering it into little pieces." Clarke finished explaining.

Octavia nodded her head, half-listening, as she looks through Lexa's fruit bowl. She paused her search for a moment before asking, "Who's Murphy?"

"He's friends with Finn."

Her answer was short, not offering anymore explanation for Octavia to catch up.

"Can I have you're phone?" Clarke asked.

"And now he's not?" Octavia asked slightly confused as she jumps off the counter and hands over her mobile device to the blonde.

"Apparently even he can see the down whirl spiral Finn is in." Clarke replied. "And he has a huge crush on Lexa."

Octavia eyes widen. "Really? I mean I'm not really surprised since the whole world is in love with your girlfriend. But to switch sides like that. He must really got it bad for her."

Clarke shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't really concern about Murphy. She knew the crush was harmless.

"He's the last of my worries." She said before listening to Lexa's voicemail, cursing under her breath. "I can't believe she left without me. She told me we were in this together."

"How did she leave without you knowing?" Octavia asked now rummaging through Lexa cabinet looking for something eat. She was on her way to grab some breakfast when the front desk gave her Clarke's message.

Octavia raised her eyebrows when Clarke's cheek turn red. She laughed in realization.

"I can't believe she wore you out enough to sneak out. I knew she was a beast in the sheets." The brunette said with a smirk on her face before moving on to the refrigerator.

"Octavia, I'm being serious right now. This whole race can be just an elaborate plan for Finn to hurt Lexa." Clarke exasperated.

A big smile spread across the brunette's face when she saw what was on the refrigerator. She grabbed the note before continuing her search for food.

"I think you should just have faith in Lexa." Octavia told her with some confident before grabbing some deli meat and cheese to make herself a sandwich.

"I do. I just wish she would tell me what's she's planning."

"Well, it doesn't help that you don't have your phone." Octavia replied coming to Lexa's defense once again.

"Why can't you be on my side for once and stop fan-girling over my girlfriend?" Clarke glared at her.

"But she writes cute notes." Octavia said in a sweet baby voice while holding up the post-it that Lexa left. "She even puts X's and O's by her name. How adorable is that? If the world only knew."

Clarke furrowed her brow as she stares at the note. Her eyes light up before snatching the note from Octavia's fingers when she sees there's an address written on it.

"Let's go." Clarke said as she grabs her bag and heads for the door.

"But my sandwich." Octavia pouted.

She hadn't even taken a bite yet.

"Octavia!" Clarke yelled out with exasperation.

She reluctantly puts down her sandwich and rush to follow the blonde.

About an hour and half away from the city was a secluded race track only few knew about. Actually only Lexa and her crew knew about it.

Everyone was gathered around to hear Titus explain the rules. The two competitors were suit up in their racing gear ready to go. Finn had that same stupid cocky grin on his face he always wore before they race. Hopefully it's the last time she would ever have to see it.

"…and absolutely no contact." Titus said staring straight at Finn.

Finn was still staring deadly at Lexa and wasn't paying any attention to Titus.

"Hey!" Titus shoved him on the shoulder successfully breaking his stare at Lexa. "Did you hear me?"

Finn went to push him back but before Lexa could step in Murphy held him back.

"Chill, Finn." Murphy told him calmly.

Finn shrugged Murphy off him.

"Don't touch me old man." Finn warned Titus.

Lexa wanted to laugh out loud at the fact that Finn thought he looked intimating enough to scare Titus.

"Is that all Titus?" Lexa asked.

"Yes." He answered her.

"Alright then. Let's race." Lexa said clapping her hands together.

"This is aaaamazing!" Octavia exclaimed loudly with glee in her eyes as they pulled up the race track. From the excitement on Octavia face, you think that it was Disneyland. "I always wanted to see Lexa race. Clarke look at her race car—"

The sharp hard admonishing look from the blonde shuts her up.

Octavia clears her throat and straightens up. She forgot that she was suppose be a supportive friend and be against all this nonsense.

"I mean, we need to stop this."

The blonde didn't reply, her eyes were searching for Lexa as they got closer.

"We are here to stop this right?" Octavia asked uncertain of what the actual plan was.

"I don't know if I can." She replied.

Octavia gave her a sympathetic look.

"Stop here." Clarke told her before jumping out go the car.

Clarke saw Lexa standing next to her black Maserati Formula One car having a conversation with an bald man she didn't recognize.

"Lexa!" Clarke called out.

The blonde could tell the man Lexa was talking to didn't seem to appreciate the interruption but she could care less.

A small smile grace the brunette's face as she sees her girlfriend.

As Clarke gets closer she can overhear the man angrily whisper to Lexa.

"Lexa, Why is she here? This is not a place for her. A distraction is not what you need. Need I remind you about what happen when you let yourself become distracted by Cos—"

Lexa held her hand up to silence him.

"Enough Titus." She said calmly not taking her eyes off Clarke. "She's not a distraction. Quite the opposite actually."

Titus narrowed his eyes at Clarke as she now stood in front of them.

"Hey." Clarke greeted Lexa unperturbed by the menacing scowl on Titus face.

Lexa smiled at her before addressing Titus. "Titus, Can you do a last minute check on the car?"

When he tried to protest his objection, Lexa silence him with a look.

"He doesn't seem to like me." Clarke commented as Titus walked away, but not before throwing a disgusted look her way.

Lexa smiled. "Titus doesn't like anyone."

"Hmm…" Clarke hummed absentmindedly, quickly forgetting about Titus and running her eyes up and down her girlfriend. Lexa was all decked out in her racing gear with her beautiful light brown hair cascading over her shoulders.

"This is your last try to talk me out of it." Lexa told her.

"Will it work?" Clarke asked.

"No." Lexa answered sadly.

"Well then, Good luck." Clarke told her before leaning forward a placing a quick kiss on her lips.

Lexa furrowed her brow, perplexed that Clarke isn't putting up one last fight. "That's it?"

Clarke smiled. "I trust you know what you're doing, so I'm showing you my support. What I should have done from the beginning."

This was the first time in awhile Lexa felt that type of trust from someone. It was a warm feeling, having that reassurance that someone was by her side. In the past her grandmother was the only person she could count on not to doubt her.

"Thank you." Lexa told her sincerely.

Clarke could tell how much that meant to Lexa.

"Your welcome."

Their moment was ruin when Octavia caught up with them. "Hey Lexa, I can't believe I finally get to see you race. I always wanted to—"

Another menacing glare from Clarke's face stopped her mid-sentence and thought twice about what she was saying.

"-I mean I would have like to seen you race in a completely different situation of course." Octavia rephrased.

"Thank you Octavia. I'm glad you here." Lexa said.

"No problem. Break a leg."

Clarke snapped her head at her.

Octavia grimaced. "Totally wrong thing to say. Considering what happen the last time…you know—"

"Octavia. Leave." Clarke instructed with an angry, biting tone, a trait she probably picked up from being around Lexa.

"Yep. Right. I'm gone." Octavia said quickly before vanishing away.

"She's strange." Lexa commented lightheartedly as she watched the other brunette bouncing excitingly around Ryder who seemed a bit frightened by her over joyous presence.

"You're just figuring this out?" Clarke asked.

"Lexa, it's time!" Titus shouted from the other side of the car.

"I should go before he starts losing his hair." Lexa joked succeeding at putting a smile on Clarke's face.

Lexa turned away to get in her car but was pulled back last minute by Clarke who had a strong grip on her racing suit. Before Lexa can question her, Clarke wraps her arms tightly around her neck.

"Be safe." Clarke whispered in her ear. She felt Lexa respond by pulling her body closer giving her a firm squeeze.

While still embraced with Lexa, Clarke locked eyes over her shoulder with Finn who was standing near his car.

A sardonic smile creeped on his face as he sees his ex-girlfriend in the arms of his enemy.

"It was great seeing you last night, Clarke. Can I expect more late night visits from you? My door is always open. We can get reacquainted." He told her raising his eyebrow suggestively.

Clarke can instantly feel Lexa's body grow tense at the sound of his voice.

"Ignore him." Clarke told her tightening her arms around her.

"I told you she would get tired of you Lexa." Finn continued to taunt. "We can end this now. Save you the humiliation if Clarke just came with me."

Lexa release her hold on her, which Clarke reluctantly allows. The blonde hopes Lexa doesn't allow Finn's words to affect her and get in her head before the race.

"Oh Clarke if you're coming over tonight, wear that dark rose satin lingerie that you had at Aubade. I didn't get a chance to see you try it on."

The muscle in Lexa's jaw reflexively stiffen. She knew exactly how Clarke looked in said attire and wasn't entirely comfortable with the fact that Finn knew that Clarke owned that particular article of clothing.

Clarke shook her head at his lame attempts to get a rise out of Lexa. She didn't know if she should be grateful or worried that Lexa was unresponsive to Finn's obviousness of trying to make her angry.

Apparently she wasn't the only one who found Lexa's behavior unusual.

"Nothing to say, Lexa?" Finn taunted.

Again he was met with silence. She hadn't even turned around to acknowledge that he was even talking to her.

So he tried again.

"So, it's doesn't bother you that your girlfriend was over at my house late last night."

Again nothing.

Finn was boiling. Being ignored by Lexa pissed him off for some reason.

"Look at me when I talk to you, bitch." He spat out angrily.

Lexa inhaled slowly and looked at Clarke whose eyes grew worried. She was getting very tired and bored of Finn. His words didn't make her angry anymore, she was just annoyed.

She finally turned around to face her opponent. The ugly smile immediately graces his face when he finally gain her attention. She stared at him for a moment wondering what he expected her to do. Why was he so obsessed with her?

"Well?" Finn asked waiting for her rebuttal.

"Good luck, Finn. And remember the gas pedal is on the right." Lexa simply replied before sliding into the driver seat and quickly accepting her helmet from Titus to drown out whatever stupidity nonsense that comes out of Finn next.

Without even looking, Lexa knows that Titus had stepped in and taken care of Finn for her. Most possibly by violently shoving the boy in his car so they can start the race.

After getting situated, Lexa takes one more look at Clarke and throws her a reassuring smile. She then takes a deep breath and stares at the track before her, mentally preparing herself.

After successfully getting Finn in his car, Titus was standing in the middle of the track, ready to start them off.

The only thing Lexa can hear is the engine roaring loudly in her ear, so she paid close attention to the white flag in Titus' hand.

Once it pointed down towards the ground, she speeds off with Finn already slightly behind her as always.

Clarke stood at the same spot she was when the two racers took off, waiting anxiously with Octavia by her side. When both race cars hit the first turn, about 500 meters, she lost sight of them.

"Don't worry. There's cameras all over the track but if that doesn't ease your mind, you can always hang out with that guy up on the tower." Murphy pointed towards Titus who had already made is way to the top, closely observing the race.

Clarke squinted her eyes from the glaring sun to look over at the mention man. As much as she would love to see what was going on, there is no way she can share a tower with that man without wanting to throw him overboard.

"I'll pass." Clarke replied.

Murphy laughed at the disgusted expression on her face.

"Oh, here." Murphy pulled out her broken phone. "That was a great plan by the way."

Clarke rolled her eyes but nonetheless accepted her damaged device.

"I couldn't savage any of your stuff so I hope you save everything on the cloud." He added.


It still feels weird that Murphy was being nice to her. She knows it's genuine, it was just going to take time to adjust to this new side of him.

Octavia was silently observing him, trying to figure out if he was a threat or not.

"Also thank you for last night. It was a stupid plan." Clarke begrudgingly admits.

"Hey, I get it. You're worried about your girl. I would've done the same thing if she was my—" He stops finally realizing what he almost revealed.

A pregnant pause settled between the three of them with Clarke and Octavia staring intensely at him. He hate to admit it but they were terrifying him.

"What's your deal? Like how far does this infatuation go? Because I'll already call dibs if they break up."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "Octavia."

"What? Lincoln would understand." Octavia replied before turning her attention back at Murphy.

"There's no infatuation. I'm just trying to do what's right." Murphy explained.

Octavia squinted her eyes at him. "I'm not sure I believe you."

Murphy scoffed. "I don't care."

"Well, I need to know what your intentions are. Not only am I the next in line as an potential love interest, she's becoming one of my good friends. So if you mess with her than you mess with me."

Clarke shakes her head at Octavia's ridiculousness and turns her attention back to the race.

Seeing Clarke's reaction, Murphy decides not to take the tiny brunette seriously. So instead of responding, he just laughed and walked away.

Octavia frowned. "That was rude."

"He's getting dangerously close to her, isn't he?" Clarke asked, forgetting about Murphy already and focusing on Lexa. She can now see the two racers and it was concerning her how much Finn was gaining on her girlfriend.

"No. Lexa's got a good lead on him." Octavia observed.

Her answer didn't make Clarke feel less on edge than she already was. Even though she was being supportive of Lexa, it was still nerve wracking watching her run through this tracks.

After a few more laps with Lexa in the lead the whole time, it was finally down to the last lap. Finn was barely able to get close enough to try any of his dirty tricks on her.

By this time now, everyone had gathered around by the finish line waiting for them to cross it.

Clarke should've believe in Lexa's skills as a racer because the race went on with no issues. It was almost to good to be true. All she wants now is to grab Lexa and leave all this behind them.

As expected, Lexa was the first to finished. She watched from a distance as Titus was the first one to greet Lexa and help her out of her car. It didn't take long for Lexa's eyes to roam for her's once she pulled her helmet off. A huge smile spread across her face when their eyes connected.

"What are you waiting for? Go get your girl." Octavia gave her a small nudge, who she momentarily forgot was standing next to her.

Without wasting another second, Clarke sprinted towards Lexa, who was doing the same. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. When they were only a few steps away from each other is when all the chaos happened.

After the race, everyone was so focused on Lexa and didn't pay any attention to Finn, who stop about twenty yards behind her. The only one who went to check on him was Murphy. Finn was obviously angry and Murphy tried to calm him down, admit defeat, and leave.

"This is bullshit. She was blocking me the whole time. I couldn't get around to pass her without hitting her." Finn cursed smashing his helmet on the ground.

Murphy rolled his eyes at his delusion. Finn was nowhere close to pass her. "Let it go, man. A deals a deal. You lost. Move on."

"You've plan this, didn't you." Finn angrily pointed his finger in his face. Murphy slapped it away.

"What are you talking about?" Murphy feigning ignorance.

"You think I didn't know about your secret rendezvous' with that bitch. You've been against me since the beginning." Finn grabbed the front of his shirt with both hands slamming him against his car. "You're going to pay for being a fucking traitor."

"Get the fuck off of me." Murphy struggled to shove Finn's hands off him.

The small battle was lost when Finn recoiled his arm and landed his fist hard across his jaw. He dropped like a sack of potatoes on the concrete ground, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Before I deal with you, I need to take care of number one on my list."

Murphy watched in horror as he pulled out a 9 millimeter glock out of from inside his race suit. He miscalculated how deranged Finn really is. Where did he get a gun from and how did he miss that when he personally checked everything for him before the race.

He felt helpless as Finn quickly aim his gun towards Lexa, who had her back towards them a few feet away as she was making her way to Clarke, oblivious to what was going on behind her.

Clarke feels her heart drop straight to her stomach as the loud gun shot rang through the midday warm air. Her body turned numb as she watched Lexa's smile changed into shock and pain. And despite that pain, she continued on to reach Clarke throwing them both on the ground from anymore gunshots.

"Lexa," Clarke cried from underneath her, tears staining her face.

"Are you okay?" Lexa asked her eyes frantically looking over her to see if she was hurt.

Clarke nods her head as she stares at Lexa's blood stain sleeve. Lexa's follows her eyes and looks at her arm in a daze. "I was hit." She stated.

"Lexa you were shot." Clarke gave her an incredulous at her casual tone.

Lexa grimace slightly as she moves off of Clarke to get a better look. Her arms was throbbing with pain but she did her best to hide it from Clarke. "It just graze me."

Sirens rang loudly signally the police were here.

"Are you guys okay?" Octavia ran up to them. "That bald guy knocked Finn out after he fired the first shot. He fucking insane."

"He shot Lexa." Clarke told her as she inspected her girlfriends' injury. She tore off the sleeve of her shirt to tie it around Lexa's wound to stop the bleeding.

"It's just a graze. I'll be okay." Lexa corrected as she stood up before helping Clarke do the same when she was done. She waved her crew away her were coming to check on her. They reluctantly obeyed but kept a watchful eye on her.

Lexa's did a head count of everyone and it didn't seem like anyone else was hurt.

"How did the police get here so quickly?" Octavia asked as they all observed the chaotic scene in front of them. Multiple police cars showed up surrounding Finn by the track.

"I had to cash in a favor from a friend. She's the head of la Sûreté. I had her on standby." Lexa told them as she went to greet her said friend.

"Stop." Clarke gentle grabbed her good arm. "We need to get you to the hospital."

"I can't leave—"

"Lexa, you need to get your arm looked at immediately." Clarke argued eyes flashing, daring Lexa to fight her on this.

"I'll drive." Octavia told them as Lexa reluctantly follows Clarke's orders.

Lexa made eye contact with Luna who had her men arrested Finn. She gave her an appreciative nod before leaving with Octavia and Clarke.

"Clarke, you're making Nyko uncomfortable." Lexa told her.

Clarke was hovering close behind Nyko scrutinizing his work as he stitches Lexa's arm. Of course Nyko didn't voice his discomfort but Lexa can see that his body was tense by Clarke's close proximity.

Clarke didn't seem to notice or care. "I just want to make sure he's doing it right."

"I can assure you that Nyko is the best doctor in France. And he's been a close family friend for years. I'm in good hands." Lexa tries to reassure the blonde, who hasn't been able to sit still since the leaving the race track. Lexa found her concern adorable.

Clarke sighed before taking a seat next to Lexa while waiting for Nyko to finish.

"How are you so calm?"

A soft smile spread on Lexa's face looking deep into Clarke's blue eyes. She intertwines their fingers together.

"Because it's over. And I'm not talking about Finn but this chapter of my life is finish. The racing and living this crazy life in Paris. It's finished. I thought I would always be sad about it. But all I can think about is how exciting it's going to be living in California and starting a new adventure with you." Lexa said.

Clarke beamed at her as her hearts flutters uncontrollably. She brings their fingers to her lips. She wanted to do more but she remembers that Nyko is still in the room with them.

"Me too."

Their moments last for a couple more second before Lexa addresses Nyko.

"Nyko, you didn't hear any of this." Lexa playfully warned. She didn't like showing this side of her to anyone besides Clarke.

Nyko smiles slightly. He hasn't seen Lexa this happy in a long time. "Of course, Ma'am."

Clarke can see that Lexa had a lot of trust in Nyko. And now she kind of feels bad for giving him a hard time earlier.

"So, there's this seafood place I really want to take you to when—

Suddenly the door slam open interrupting Clarke. The three occupants in the room turned at the intrusion to see Anya standing tall with a pissed off look on her face.

"You were racing? And Finn shot you and you don't have the decency to call your own mother?"

Clarke rubbed her thumb across Lexa's fingers before giving her a sympathetic look.

Lexa sighed heavily before dealing with her mother.

A month has past since the race and Lexa and Clarke were ready to leave Paris. Before leaving, Lexa had to button up a few of her affairs.

Even though she was retiring earlier than she originally planned from racing, she didn't want to leave her team hanging. So after convincing a reluctant Titus and a few of her sponsors, Murphy was going to be their new driver. She had also invested her own money on him. She wanted to repay him for everything that he's done for her.

"Are you all packed up?" Clarke asked as she walked into their suite.

Lexa turned her head away from the window where she was taking in the beautiful view of Paris one last time before they leave.

"Yeah." She answered before looking out her window again.

Clarke wrapped her arms around the brunette from behind, resting her chin her shoulder.

"I'm going to miss Paris." Clarke said softly.

Lexa hummed in a agreement. "But I'm sure we can make so good memories in California too. Unless you have any other ex-boyfriend there I have to worry about it."

Clarke playfully bit her shoulder. "Jerk."

"Hey, easy there. Play nice or your not going to get your gift." Lexa teased as she turns to face the blonde.

Clarke eyes brighten up. "You got me a gift?"

Lexa smiled before making her way to the kitchen counter.

"It's nothing. Just something to take with us to remember our time in Paris together." She said before handing her a simple but elegantly wrapped object.

Without wasting another second, Clarke tore open her gift. It was a picture of them on their first date on the Seine river.


"He wasn't a paparazzi after all. Just an talented photographer that saw two people in love." Lexa watched as Clarke looked just as awed as she was when she first saw it.

"It's beautiful." Clarke said having a hard time taking her eyes off of it. The scenery behind them captured how romantic the moment was.

Clarke was so enamored by the photo that she didn't realized Lexa went to answered the door when Lincoln knocked letting them know he was ready to take them to the airport.

"Are you ready, Clarke?" Lexa asked standing by the door. Lincoln had already out the door with their luggage.

Finally taking her eyes away from the photo to stare into Lexa's eyes. It suddenly hits hard that this is the woman she truly wants to spend the rest of her life with.

And she was ready.

The End

A/N: Thanks for reading. I'm not entirely happy how this story turned out but I always try to convince myself to keep righting even if it's bad cause it's the only way I can get better. I have plans for a few snippets for this story. Cute Clexa moments and possibly a wedding. Because the sequel to this story will continue right after they are married.