Rachel's pov -

God it feels so weird to be back, I've already been here for a day and I still feel weird being here. So let me tell you the reason why I moved in the first place, coming in as a freshman in school I was deemed a loser from the start from the way I dressed and how I talked to much, it also didn't help that I later on joined glee club. My best friend and also cousin goes to this school also but he's a jock, so I told him to protect his image we shouldn't talk at school. His name is Noah everyone calls him Puck except me, even though he didn't like the fact that we cant talk in pubic he still joined glee club with me saying that we can at least be in the same club.

So anyway when freshman year was ending Mr shue was saying how the glee club needs to get closer but really he was silently refereeing to the fact that I don't talk to anyone cause they don't like me. I had suggested that my house is empty and we can have a glee club only party and everyone agreed as long as there was alcohol which is not a problem since Noah could get it.

*flash back*

" so I would appreciate it if everyone showed up on time which should be 6:00pm and I have a few rules I wanna go throu-" I was saying but Santana cut me off

" Berry shut up we get it 6 pm"

" Santana I was just trying to say that-

" Sure manhands we got it- Quinn also cut me off

I just walked away after that and went straight home to hide all my personal stuff since I don't exactly trust Santana and Quinn. I would hate for them to find out that I'm gay, to be honest I had the biggest crush on Quinn even through all the stuff she put me through. I was hiding my journal and pictures.


" of course no one shows up on time except for you " I said to Puck

" don't worry about it that just means we get to start this party earlier for us"he said

" we've been started" I said laughing

Noah and I got bored to at around 5:45 we decided to start early and drink, from that time till now I would say we had about 5 shots each.

" ooh yeah I guess the alcohol is hitting me" he said also laughing

The door bell rings now as we were talking. I open it seeing the whole glee club together.

"Berry" Santana said

" what do you want now" I said not really feeling like arguing with her

" um I want you to let us in" she said

" so yeah sorry" I said feeling stupid and giggling a little, I guess I drank a little to much before they came.

" you drunk already berry" she says as she walks pass me and everyone else does also.

3 hours later

So everyone is pretty much drunk right now so I told them they could sleep over if they want. I go up to my room to get something and I see Quinn just sitting on my bed staring into space.

"Quinn what are you doing in my room ?" I questioned

" Um I don't know sorry Rachel" she said which shocked me

"You called me Rachel and you apologized to me wow" I said out loud

"Whatever" she said getting defensive

I moved and sat right next to Quinn so close that our legs are touching each other, the alcohol was really giving me sudden braveness because I would have never done this sober.

"tell me what's wrong" I said whispering to her

" I don't know I'm jut really confused at the moment" she explained

"About what?" I asked

She then grabbed my face slowly and put her forehead on mine looking into my eyes.

"This" she said as she kissed me

I was really shocked but it's not like I wasn't going to kiss back. next thing I know Santana is coming through the door catching me and Quinn kiss.

" Ew manhands what the hell!" Quinn said as she pushed me off of her.

" Berry why are you getting all gay on Quinn, are you gay for fabray?" Santana said with a smirk

" I'm going to make your life a living hell for the little stunt you just pulled" Quinn said

" Come on Quinn lets go before she attacks you again" Santana said

Through out that whole thing I couldn't say a word because I was just so shocked at how mean Quinn was at that moment. The next day Quinn kept her promise she made my life a living hell by telling everyone I'm gay and that I "attacked" her and kissed her with Santana as her witness. I got slushed almost every 30 mins, people shoving me into lockers and pushing me around. That is the day I went to my dads and asked them if I could live with my aunt in Florida, of course they agreed with what I told them but they made me promise to come back for senior year

* end of flashback*

This is where I am today senior year, 7:30 am getting ready for school and meeting Noah at the parking lot.

"Dad I'm gonna leave now" I yelled

" Alright honey be carful" he yelled back

" No problem" I yelled back

I get on my motorcycle and ride to school. Since freshman year I've changed a lot my hair looks way better my clothes got way better and I know how to fight so if anyone messes with me I will punch them. Also the way I think and talk did change, that happens when someone hurts you.

I get to the parking lot and see my cousin waiting for me. as soon as I get off I run to him excited to see him.

"Rach I missed you so much" he said hugging me

"I missed you to Noah"

" I'm telling you this for a fact this year I'm telling everyone your my cousin I don't care what they think" he explained being serious

" Okay I'm fine with that I'm not gonna let them bully me this year I will just beat the shit out of them" I said

"I'm glad you turned into a badass Rach" he said smirking at me

"The biggest badass" I said

" If I remember correctly you have English first and just a heads up Santana and Quinn are in that class" he told me

" Thanks for the heads up but there not gonna be a problem this year Noah"i said confident

Quinn's POV-

I'm sitting here in English class super bored right next to Santana and I can see she's super bored also.

" Quinn damn look at the new girl she's so sexy!" said excitedly whispered to me

" Huh"i said out loud and I look up to see is very hot brunette wearing a black tank top that stuck to her skin tightly and very short shorts that showed off her very long tan legs and a blue cardigan right over her tank top. I couldn't stop staring she was beautiful and yet familiar.

" Would you like to introduce your self" the teacher asked

"Sure, my name is Rachel Berry I'm 18 and I came from Florida" she explained

And then I noticed the Rachel Berry is back the one that I kissed freshman year and bullied very badly.

" Q that's Berry and she's looking fine" Santana said almost drooling

" You have a girlfriend" I said getting mad

" Britts and me are not dating" she said

"Whatever" I said

Rachel is back I can't stop thinking that