"You can't make me do this!"

"Oh yes I can, Potter! I need to find more of the ingredient you stole, and you're going to help me!"

Snape was walking heatedly out to the entrance to the Forbidden Forest, Harry reluctantly following him. It was a breezy autumn morning, and the latter had indeed just gotten caught stealing all of the Potion Master's nettles. When he got caught, Harry had said that it was necessary for something to help him prepare for his upcoming Potions O.W.L.

They finally reached the entrance, and walked progressively deeper into the forest.

"So what are we looking for exactly?" asked Harry in an innocent voice.

"You should know, thief," replied Snape to his feeble attempt at lightening the mood.

Of course Harry knew. As they walked deeper into the forest, he finally spotted what they were looking for off to the side, and went over to pick some of the nettles up. He then turned back to Snape, a triumphant look on his face.

"Alright, well I guess we can head back now!"

"Indeed we can."

Harry started leading the way. But when he didn't hear any footsteps behind him, he turned around and saw Snape still standing a ways back.

"Are you crazy, Potter? That way is obviously the way back!" said Snape, pointing in the complete opposite direction.

But as they both scanned their surroundings again, they realized that everything looked the same. They had made so many twists and turns that it wasn't as simple at turning around and walking straight back the way they came. Harry groaned in disbelief.

"Well," said Snape, "I think we're going to be here a while."

Day 1 to come soon…please review! :)