Ok I'm back with another chapter! I thought last chapter could've been better, so this one will be! Enjoy!

Ms. Nick Jonas: Thanks for that! I downloaded it and I'm using it right now!

KimDavenport: Thanks! I think that's the best I've done with making the characters...themselves. I think that was the best comedy I was able to do without it going OOC.

Arya Scarlett 14: Yep...(sorry for lame response)

Tennisgirl77: Thanks! Yep! everyone's ok...for the most part.

Chase's P.O.V

I wake up mainly because the light is shining through the curtains. I look over the room and see Davis with his head resting on his arm with the cast. I smile a little as I get up slowly. Careful of my ankle. Unfortunately, my crutch falls and hits the tile floor. Whoops! Davis sits up a little.

"Chase?" He asked a little raspy. I looked up. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up. Force of habit getting up at 6:00" I said while letting out a small laugh. He sat up and stretched. "Hey do you think Dad can fix...all of this?" He asked while circling his finger around himself. I laughed a little. Man it's amazing how all his happened and he's just fine. "Yeah, I'm tired of these stupid crutches" I said while sitting on the side of his bed. "I know, they look horrible" He said. I turned on the tv for some morning television.

"Can you turn on Spongebob?" He asked. I looked at him for a second. "I know we're in the hospital and everything, but you're not getting that lucky. Besides it's not even on" I said. He pouted a little while I turned on Nickelodeon anyway. Fairly Odd Parents. Ugh, I hate this show.

"Wands and wings, floaty crowny things!" They sang during the theme song. I looked down at Davis. How does his simple mind tolerate this level of...of...I can't think of anything! Man I'm nothing without my bionic brain!

Bree's P.O.V

It's so weird waking up and it notbe because of Chase. He normally wakes us up around 6:00, but today it was...

"WAKE UP KIDDIES!" Yes, Eddy. Man, I really want Chase back. Atleast when he woke us up, he didn't yell or anything. "Yeah yeah, come on Adam" I said as my brother sluggishly exits his capsule. We both walk upstairs in our pajamas, because...well...my little brothers were just in a car accident do you really want to nag me on this? Thought so.

"Where is everybody?" I asked aloud hoping someone would answer. Thankfully, Leo was walking down as soon as I asked. "Big D and Mom went to work so they can leave early to get Chase and Davis" He said. Oh, yeah...they better pick us up from school for that! Wow...I really need some breakfast or I'm gonna be this cranky all day. I super sped around the kitchen and made everyone breakfast.

"Ok, Adam, you get frosted flakes, Leo, you get cinnamon toast crunch, and I..." I said while out my favotire cereal. "Get lucky charms" I poured the cereal into my bowl and filled it with milk. "So how do you think Perry will manipulate our bionics today?" Leo asked. I swallowed my milk.

"Our bionics?" I asked while looking at Leo. He just narrowed his eyes. "YOUR bionics" He corrected. I scoffed. "I heard she went on vacation for the next month or two" Adam said while taking a swig of his cereal. Months? Two? YES! Today is going to be such a great day!

"Ok, you two hurry up. A Perry-Free day should start early so it can last longer" Leo said while drinking his milk. He's right, this cannot be missed! I super speed Adam and myself down to the lab so we can get ready. OK lets see here. Change clothes, brush hair, tie Adam's shoes, then leave. Not that hard right? Well...Adam likes his shoes tied in a certain way.

Davis's P.O.V

Man I'm ready to get out of here. Chase went back to his room so I'm pretty bored. Unless...I could go to his room? I don't know, I don't have anyone to play with since the doctors and nurses have to "work". I climbed out of my bed a little slowly since my head hurts a little. Ok, just go find Chase's room and I should be fine. I mean, on TV they always just end up at their destination. I walked out of my room and entered the huge hallway of the hospital. Well, let's hope I find his room.

Ok...234...236...238...240...Elevator? I guess his room is higher up. I opened the elevator door and walked in. Ok, let's see here...how am I going to get to Chase's room from here? The elevator dings as I walk out on the floor above me. Ok, where is Chase's room? These hallways are really long and I mean there's all this stuff to dodge. Giant rolling sticks with sacks on them, rolling beds, and screaming people. Why are they screaming? Not to mention the sound of crying babies. I found this one room that had all these toys and such in them. I walked in and this lady who was wearing a nurses outift was in there behind a desk.

"Hi, are you a patient here?" She asked. I nodded slowly while dodging the kids that were my age playing with dinosaurs and video games. This place seems really cool! "Ok, this is the game room. Patients can relax or play here. Can I get your name?" She asked in a sweet voice. "Davis Davenport" I said which she wrote it on her clip board.

"Ok, this closes at 8:00 so you really have all day" She said. All day!? Of playing? YES! HEAVEN! I was smiling and looked around. There was this one kid that kept stacking blocks on top of eachother. He looked kind of lonely.

"That's Tony. He was in a car accident..." The nurse says while looking at her computer. "You two should play. It would help that you have someone who shares the same experience" She said. I smiled and walked over to the kid.

"Hi, I'm Davis" I said while plopping down next to him. He had long-ish dark brown hair and a small red cast on his arm along with a few duck band-aids all over him. HE looked up when I said that. "I'm Tony. I'll let you play with the blocks now. I was just bored" He said while pushing the pile of blocks to me. "Or, we could play with them. Two minds are better than one" I said which he smiled at that. "Ok, my Dad's an architect and I love building!" He said while stacking some up. I laughed while matching his stacking style. Is it weird that I like playing with building blocks?

Donald's P.O.V

Finally after a long day of work, I can go pick up the kids and take them to get my other kids. I got inside my car and drove to the high school to get Adam Bree and Leo. Then I'm picking up Tasha and taking her van.

I got to the school and sat in the car to wait. Knowing them, they'd be out here in...My car doors flew open as the teens piled inside. "Let's go let's go!" Leo said while putting his seat belt on. "I guess the 'hey Dad how was work?' question is no longer in style?" I asked. Bree looked at me. "Just go!" She said. Ok, now I know they did something. "Ok..." I said while moving out of the parking lot. Just as I passed the front, Coach Trent walked out with what looked like tomatoes on him. "Guys..." I grumbled while they obviously got the message. "He was messing with Leo, then me, then Adam stepped up and took care of him" Bree said. I looked to my oldest son, whom was smiling with pride. "Nice work Adam" I said while earning surpised looks from my kids. "What? I know it's hip to let your kids take care of bullies. Like I said, I'm hip" I said. Bree just gave me a blank look.

"The only hips you should be involved in, are the ones you could get replaced" She said. Of course I let that one slide since I'm in too good of a mood. We drove straight to the house where Tasha was waiting. Once we got there, we all stuffed inside the van and left.

"I need to pee!" Adam yelled abrudtly. "Why didn't you go before we left?" I asked annoyed at his question. He pulls this all the time. And now he'll say...

"I didn't have to go then" Yep, figures. This is going to be a long two hour drive.

We finally arrived at the hospital which it took forever to find parking. Why did I have to get into this lot and not the other empty one? "Donald you know the next one over is empty right?" My wife asked in an obvious tone. Of course I know it is, but I'm too busy thinking about my two boys in the hospital. I still can't believe it. I played it off to Davis like it was a drunk driver, but I think Chase got so nervous that he glitched. I should have never let him drive that distance, especially at night, with Davis in the car. I finally find a parking spot and take it. We all get out of the van and walk into the large building to find Chase's room first.

"Ok, he's in room...216" I said while walking to the door with said number. I opened it slightly and walked in. All I saw was Chase laying in his bed reading a National Geographic magazine. He's probably living it up right now. "Hey Chase" I said while we all walked in.

"Hey guys, one sec" He said while getting out of his bed and grabbing his crutches. "Please tell me you can fix this!" He pleaded histarically. I laughed a little. "Of course I can" I said. He sighed in relief as he followed us out.

"So what room is Davis in?" I asked. "228" He said. Which was just down the hall from our elevator we got off of. "Ok, I'm surprised you weren't in there with him, or he wasn't in there with you" Tasha said. Chase just shrugged his shoulders. "Well, last I saw him was when I went to his room to eat lunch with him" He said. That was nice. We all make it to Davis's room and open the door. "Buddy, you ready to go home?..." I asked while no one answered. Where was he? Adam walked in with a glove all blown up. "What's going on?" He asked. Chase looked at the balloon glove turkey in Adam's hand. "What's that, is the real question here?" Chase said.

"It's a glove dinosaur!" Adam said in a very excited tone. Dinosaur? I don't have time for that. "Where could he have gone?" I asked while checking his bathroom. "He's not in here" I said. Everyone began to look worried. "Ok, let's not panic. There's adults all over the place, it's not like he's in danger or anything" She said. I nodded.

"She's right, all we have to do is ask if anyone has seen 'Davis Davenport'" I said while a woman walked passed me. She stopped mid-walk and turned to face me.

"You're looking for Davis Davenport?" She asked ina sweet tone. "Yeah...Nurse Kathy" I said. She smiled and laughed a little. "I think I might know where he is. Follow me" She said while walking to the opposite elevator we were on. She then lead us to a small hallway that looked part of a nursery. She then opened a door to a small room with toys spread all over the place. I walked in with Tasha while the others sat outside.

"I think this is who you're looking for" She said while turning to reveal Davis playing with some kid. He turned and looked at us. "Hey Dad, Tasha" He said while resuming his building block thing. "Hey, you ready to go home?" I asked while examining the amazing structure he made out of a pre-school toy. "I guess. Oh this is Tony!" He said while standing up with his little friend follwing suit. "Hi it's nice to meet you" He said. I waved a little. "He was in a car accident too" He said almost too happy considering the circumstances. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that, it was nice meeting you now Davis we need to go home" I said. He nodded and opened his mouth.

"Can I use your phone?" He asked. I looked at him weirdly, but I figured he wanted to use it for a camera. I hand it to him and he takes a picture of the structure. "Ok, see ya Tony!" He said while waving. Tony waved back as we left the room. Everyone was sitting on the bench eexcept for Chase who was standing on his crutches. He looked up when we brought Davis out. "What happened to you?" He asked a little worried. Davis shrugge dhis shoulders.

"I got lonely so I tried to find your room but instead I found this place" He said which made Chase feel a little better. "Ok, let's go home. It's been a long short day" I said while we all made our way to the front desk.

Chase's P.O.V

I didn't think about him wanting to come to my room. Oh well, atleast he's ok. We both sat on a bench while Mr Davenport signed us out of the hospital. "Hey, what was that floor I was on? It had a bunch of crying babies and a room full of 'em" He said. I laughed a little.

"That was the floor where the babies come from" I said. I then realized my mistake. Oh no, here it comes. "Oh..cool!" He said. Huh, guess he's not gonna ask where babies come from. We left the hospital shortly after our talk and made it to Tasha's van. I sat next to Davis on his left in the back row while Bree was on the right. Adam and Leo sat in the two seats in front and Mr Davenport drove while Tasha sat in the passenger seat. It was so nice to sit in a car that wasn't all beaten up. I felt a weight or something fall on my arm and see that Davis fell asleep. It's weird how he seems to be more...attached, I guess is a word for it. He hasn't made fun of me and I haven't made fun of him yet. Weird.

Once we get home, Davis rushes down to the lab, while I follow on my wonderful crutches. At first Davis sits on the cyber desk while I make my way to my capsule. Leo holds my crutches while I sit inside the capsule. "Ok, Chase just close your eyes and..." Davenport said while pressing the buttons on the keypad. Suddenly a light whirls around me and my ankle feels so much better.

"Ok, why does my ribs still hurt?" I asked while rubbing my sore ribs. What was going on? Mr Davenport sighs and walks over to me. "I guess it only healed the major injury that was easiest to fix. Sorry, but atleast you don't need crutches" He said while Davis happily skipped into the capsule. Davenport repeated his routine and Davis's arm cast fell off, to reveal a perfectly healed arm. "Same goes for you. This only healed your arm. Sorry" Davenport said. Davis didn't seem too upset. "fine...Atleast I don't have to wear a cast that looks like snot" He said which disgusted us a little. Davenport laughed a little while Tasha rushed down with her phone.

"Donald I have big news!" She yelled. "Well I hope so since you're a news reporter" He said while wincing at her high pitched squel. She rolled her eyes and showed pamphlet. "My boss is throwing a dinner tonight, we should go" She said all sweetly. Mr Davenport just gave her a look. "Will Tara Wazinsky be there?" He asked. Tara was Tasha's arch-nemesis. She always got more info than Tasha and well...it infuriated our Step Mom. "Yes, come on. I want to show off my rich, handsome, husband" She said while attacking Mr Davenports only line of defense. His ego. "Fine, let me go get ready and we'll go. Bree you're in charge" I said while walking to the elevator.

Leo's P.O.V

Big D and my Mom just left to go to Mom's banquet. Which she's just wanting to go to show off Big D to Tara. Did I mention that I too hate Tara. She's just a mean old woman who's just way too cocky. I turned to see Bree and Davis watching an invention. "What is this thing?" Davis asked while eye balling it like it was a giant stack of candy. "I don't know, but we shouldn't mess with it until Davenport gets home" Chase said. "And he's back" Davis murmured. Chase turned around at that. "You know what? Fine have fun with it" He said like he sounded a little crazy. Adam stepped in and began to play with it.

"Adam what are you doing?" Bree asked, cautious of what could come out of this. Adam just looked the hunk of metal over. "I'm trying to find the on switch" He said. He saw a big green button. "Found it!" He pressed it and a bright ray of light shot at him as the light blinded us. By the time I got my vision back, oh no! Come on! I see a smaller 3-4 year old sitting on the floor sucking his thumb. He looks like how Adam does now except smaller.

"Adam?" Bree said. The boy took his thumb out of his mouth and held his arms out. "BWEE!" he yelled. "Oh no..." We all groaned.

HA! Baby Adam is here! What did you all think of that? If it was alittle choppy I apologze. I'm like...possibly sick yet I'm still trying to write this. Anyways...see ya!