Wendigo - Native American folklore - cannibalistic demon.
Cat person - religions around the world - A human being that has feline eyes, ears and tail - werecat - A person able to use the abilities of a cat - ect
I felt a soft tugging on my ears. Not wanting to wake up from the beautiful realm of sleep I swatted whatever it was away with my hand.
My name is being said. I don't know who by, but it was starting to annoy me.
I didn't want to wake up, not yet.
"Mr. Takachio!"
I sat up with a start; my eyes burned at the sudden brightness of the lights.
"Yes sir?" I said sheepishly as my professor glared at me.
Did I fall asleep in class again?
"You fell asleep in class again!" My teacher said in frustration. "Well since you sleep in my class I assume you know what the answer to my question is."
Right...what class was I in again? Oh right, world history. I know I should pay more attention, but it's not like I don't know everything their teaching anyways. Plus I can't help it if I want to take a nap. After all I am part cat, sleeping is kind of my thing.
Come on Hiro this is your last year of college. Paying attention weather you know things or not is probably something you should do. I can't wait to get out of this place and to a guild. All the students can't wait. The guilds are what most of us have been preparing for sense we could walk. The guilds will be our lives after this year, and I know I'm more than ready. I really want to join the Gear guild. They specialize in robotics and just about any other field of tech out there. I could help people using my technology and robots, I get to invent new things on a daily basis, I mean is that the perfect job or what?
However, as I said before I have to get through college first.
"What was the question again?"
My teacher face palms leaving a red hand print on his face. I try not to laugh as I wait for him to repeat the question. "What is a Wendigo? what are its abilities and origin?"
I rolled my eyes, everyone knows this. "A Wendigo is a Native American cannibalistic demon. They posses an individual to feed upon others."
My teacher seemed satisfied with my answer and continued to lecture. "Now can anyone tell me about how the humans and beings of the magical realm came to coexist?"
A girl sitting next to me with brown hair and fair tan skin raised her hand.
"Ah, ms. Bella go ahead." The teacher called.
Bella or Lulubell was my best friend, despite the age difference between us. She was twenty two and I was seventeen. Even with the big gap we were like two peas in a pod. She was probably the one tugging on my ears earlier. She was my first friend her at San Fransokyo's Academy of the guilds. SFAOG for short. Our school was the top school in the country for training soon to be rookie guild members. I was really lucky to get in. I guess when they saw that I skipped a few grades and was able to build just about anything they wanted someone like me here.
"Humans and beings from the magical realm first came to coexist when a company called Krei tech built a portal for interdenominational travel. What they weren't expecting was to create a portal to the other world. Magical beings came here to earth to live better lives than ones in the magical realm and vise versa."
Unlike myself, Lulubell was human. I was born on earth too, but my grandparents came from the Other world. There's really no spacious name or word for the magical realm. It either called the Other world or the magical realm.
At first when the two worlds connected, things were hectic and there was a war which threatened to end both worlds. That's why the guilds were created, to keep peace. Of course after the years some guilds sprang up that weren't so good but thats a different story.
"Correct as usual, very good ms. Bella" all the teachers loved Lulubell she was the perfect student. Good grades, amazing fighting skills, the whole nine yards. It was no secret that she was in fact the best fighter in the school. I'm okay at fighting, but I prefer that my robots do all the fighting for me. If it comes to fighting that is. I usually try to avoid it as best I can. That is, if trouble didn't always end up finding me...
"Very good, now class just a quick reminder that tomorrow the representatives from the guilds will be coming. These men and women are some of the most highly skilled warriors and spell casters to date. There will be reps from the Medic guild, the Gear guild, the Elements guild and many more. I expect all of you to be on your best behaviors." Our teacher said putting the names of the guilds up on the board.
Tomorrow was going to be a great day. I get to meet a rep from the Gear guild!
"I bet the reps are going to be so cute!" A girl from behind me said to Lulubell.
Lulubells face lit up like the Fourth of July. "I know! I hear the Gear guilds rep is a totally hottie."
The girls in the class squealed, as they bounced with excitement.
The class ended with giggling and gossip from the girls about the reps. I tried my best to ignore them, but it was kind of hard when Lulubell kept pulling on my arm, asking me what I thought about the reps.
She and I walked back to my lab, the whole entire way she did not shut up about the rep from the Gear guild. I didn't think I would get annoyed on the topic of Guilds, but I guess I was wrong.
Once inside, I sat down on my bean bag chair and Lulubell sat on my swivel chair. It seemed she was about to say something when the door to my lab swung open and a lanky blonde stepped in.
"Hey Fred." I said giving a quick wave to my friend.
"Hiro, Lulu w'sup?" He said placing a lunch kit on my lap, then handing one to Lulubell. Every Monday we took turns buying lunch for each other. "Are you guys super stoked for tomorrow or what?"
Fred plopped down in the bean bag chair neck to mine.
I like Fred, he was a great friend. He was the goofy, cheesy, goodness that kept everyone sane around here. He, like Lulubell was human. His life goal was to become a giant fire breathing lizard. Lulubell and I have tried to talk him out of it many times, but Fred likes to filter out important things.
"I know I am!" Lulubell said taking a bite of her sandwich.
"We all know you are." I rolled my eyes. Although something tells me she's going to be more interested in the guys than the actual presentation.
"What guilds are you guys looking forward to seeing?" Lulubell asked.
Lulubell and I both frowned. Really Fred?
"I don't think that's a legitimate guild." Lulubell said pinching the bridge of her nose.
Don't get me wrong Fred you're an awesome friend, but sometimes you have jello for brains.
"There's not?"
"No, there's not." Lulubell continued to eat her sandwich.
"Fred you can't even cook." I stated.
"Oh yeah that's right I can't." Fred said smiling.
He's such a goofball.
If I remembered correctly, Lulubell wanted to join the peace keepers guild. They are sort of like the police for the Other world. She may seem like a ditz when you first meet her, but she's actually really smart and caring. She like myself, want to use our abilities to help people. If there is anyway our skills can aid in making people's lives better than we'll do it.
However, depending on the station she's assigned to, I may not see her for a while. The main HQ for the Peace keepers guild is here on earth. The Gear guild is located in the Other world. I've never been good at making friends and the thought of not having Lulubell or Fred was not an inviting thought. Even though I can take care of myself, life can get pretty lonely. Maybe tomorrow when I get a chance to meet the rep, we could be friends. Living on the Other world would be difficult to adapt to; without the help from anyone it would be a nightmare. Well I join the guild they're suppose to be like you're family, so maybe there's hope for me yet.
I felt my tail swing back and forth at the thought of how my life could play out. There are so many things to discover out there, so many opportunities to help people, so many adventures to go on.
As of right now I'm going to make a promise to myself. I promise that I will do my best to be the best Gear guild member I can be.