Chapter 1

Henry sat solemnly on the stairs in the Charming's apartment. He couldn't stop thinking of the events of earlier that day. He had been inches from death; a gun pointed at his heart. Then she was gone. In an instant, over the cliff. Henry had seen her hit the ground, and he knew his mother was responsible. He couldn't help but shiver at the idea that the Savior had killed someone.

When he had first been rescued, after Cruella was dead, he couldn't help but cling to his mom. He had survived, but he was a hero, he always would. Now that he had time to process his thoughts, he couldn't bare to look her in the eye. She had killed someone, she had darkness in her heart. She wasn't a hero anymore.

Henry just wished it could have been Regina who had found him. He would have no problems with that, since Regina was his "bad parent". She had killed people in the past, so it wouldn't affect her if she killed just one more. But Emma, Emma was the his "good parent". Killing one person would affect her so much more, like how much killing Cora had affected Mary Margaret. This would be even worse though. This was the first person Emma had killed, give it a day and she would be a mess.

It was starting to happen to her now. Her hand shook as she handed him a hot chocolate without cinnamon. She had forgotten the cinnamon on hers as well. Henry didn't say anything about it, she knew what she was about to go through, but he couldn't bring himself to comfort her. As terrified as he was, as much as he didn't want to die, he would have rather died than have Emma put that darkness in her heart.

Henry wasn't finished his hot chocolate when Emma went to sleep. The apartment was silent, the only sounds were the steady breathing of David and Mary Margaret in the next room. He remembered when the house had such a light...happiness to it. Now he avoided coming here to avoid the inevitable sadness a trip here entailed. The only thing in the house that made him somewhat happy was baby Neal, and the crying that would come with waking him up would not make him happy.

He didn't want to be there anymore. He was too scared and traumatized to stay in the depressing house. So he placed the now cold mug of chocolate down on the table, and left. Where would he go though? There was no one he really could talk to about this. There was Regina, but Henry had heard that she had her own problems. Hook was a great guy, especially for Emma, but he used to kidnap, so it may not be the same. Then he thought of someone, the only person he knew would listen.

When going to the cemetery, Henry would normally take a shortcut through the woods, but given the events of the day, he was actively going to avoid them. He walked down the main path until he came upon it. He went in, and sat next to his father's grave, ignoring the partially wet grass.

"Hey dad," Henry said solemnly. He knew he wasn't going to get a response, but he waited as he always did.

"So I was kidnapped today," Henry laughed a little, nothing that lifted his spirits though, "nearly shot, threatened to be shot, but Emma...she...she killed Cruella. She did something I never thought she would do to save my life,"

Henry paused. He thought, if he wanted to be happier, why the hell was he at his father's gravesite? Just being in his father's presence; it calmed him. He hadn't known Neal long, but he was the most laid back person he had ever met, and right now, he could really use some laid back.

Henry didn't want to leave, he was as calm as he could be given the circumstances. He laid down next to his father's headstone. He closed his eyes, and exhaled. This is where he would be able to fall asleep. Not at Emma's, not at Regina's, but at Neal's. Unfortunately, Neal's was a six foot deep hole in the ground, but it would have to do. Henry thought about his father before falling asleep.

There was a rustling that woke Henry up. It was still dark, and he was sore from sleeping on the ground. He sat up, and looked around, immediately tense from the sound. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye. That's when he saw the silhouette of a woman. He was immediately terrified. He quickly got up, and ran out of the cemetery.

He was hyperventilating, and tired. He looked over his shoulder to see if the person was chasing him. There was no one. He looked forward, and saw the silhouette standing in front of him. He stopped dead, and slipped on the wet pavement. He stood again, and began running the other way. The silhouette again appeared in front of him. That was it. He was done for. If this person had magic he wasn't getting away. He turned again, and ran in the opposite direction, only to crash into the silhouette herself.

"…" Henry began backing up, slowly. A single tear fell from his eye, "please no,"

"I'm sorry my boy, it's not personal. And I'm sorry about the timing," she said. She grabbed his wrist, and the two disappeared into a cloud of smoke. He had been able to catch a quick glimpse of the engraved necklace around her neck. Lily.

Heyy! This is my first OUAT fic...hope you guys like it! Just a short one to begin this one cause I have to go to bed...should longer chapters to come! I had started to think that Jared(Henry's) acting was getting worse as he went through he wasn't believing anymore. But hell this episode changed my mind, and I needed to continue it. And I know this isn't what's gonna happen in the next episode, but I thought… 'who could kidnap Henry, and it be like...explainable? And Lily immediately popped into my head, cause she seems to not like Emma at all' Also, there will be Captain Swan, but this story will mostly focus around Henry...just a warning he may be a little broken by the time this all ends :)
