Catman Chapter 1

I woke up to the odd sight of a blue screen hovering in front of my face.

Congratulations! You were picking up some spare change that was lying on the road when you were run over by a car and died! Your soul has been taken from your original dimension and shoved into a new body in a different one. Because… fuck you that's why. I don't need to justify myself to YOU! Anyways to spice things up a little I stole an idea from this Korean web comic I like called 'The Gamer' and gave you video game powers! Now I promise I won't be messing around with you anymore from now on so you're on your own. Good luck!

'I… I don't know what to say. I remember getting hit by that car and then… I guess I died. But then I got reborn in some alternative dimension because some being of supreme power was bored? It's... Actually a better explanation than some of those other shitty fanfics I've read, since at least the supreme being didn't try to justify itself.'

That was when I realized another one of the… shall we say interesting things that the BoSP did to me. I was furry. Not like those creepy guys who REALLY like animals, no, I mean that I was covered in fur. And I was sitting down on my stomach with all of my legs underneath me. When I stood up and tried to walk over to a nearby pool of water to check my reflection I kept tripping over my legs. All FOUR of them! Looking into the pool of water I saw a face, and whiskers, and realized that…

'OH MY GOD I'M A CAT. I love cats!'

After I got over myself and sat back down next to the pool of water I immediately tried to activate the different commands that I remembered from 'The Gamer'.

'Skills, Stats, Options.'

"Meew, mew, MEW"

… Of course it couldn't be that easy. So after I calmed down I tried to think 'skills' REALLY LOUDLY.


[Gamer's Mind (Passive) LvMax]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effect. Has added benefit of hiding all evidence of your past life from mind probes.

[Gamer's Body (Passive) LvMax]

Grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, CP and removes most status effects.

'Thank god I don't have to say everything out loud, I bet I would look like a tool saying all my moves out loud whenever I have to fight. Can you imagine saying PUNCH, KICK whenever you want to punch or kick someone? Talk about a bullet dodged.'

'And now… STATS'

Name: ?

Title: The Gamer

Level: 1 Next Level: 0.00%

Affiliation: ?

HP: 50/50

CP: 80/80

STR: 4

VIT: 5

DEX: 10

INT: 1 (10)=11

WIS: 5 (10)=15

SPD: 7

Status: Catman (+3 DEX & +2 WIS per level) Reincarnated (+10 INT & +10 WIS)

Description: Just your average guy in his previous life, Bob has been reincarnated into a cat with 'The Gamer' powers. Surprise!

Points: 0

Ryo: 0

'Hey I have a name! Its… whatever I want it to be! Hell ya, but still… I got a funny feeling about what universe he threw me in to. CP, Ryo… I'm in Naruto. Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? Why wouldn't I be in one of the COOLEST universe EVER! Plot aside that is. And I guess I'm just going to assume that illusion barriers aren't a thing without Gaia around to enforce it.'

I decided that if I am going to do this I'm going to do it right. So I tapped a question mark in the upper right corner of the screen to see how all my stats work.

HP= VITx10 The amount Health Points that you have.

CP= (VIT+INT) x5 Chakra Points. The combination of your physical (VIT) and mental energy's (INT) become your chakra (CP).

STR: Strength effects how much damage your physical and weapon attacks deal and how much damage your blocks reduce. Your strength plus your dexterity divided by 2 determines your speed.

VIT: Vitality impacts your total HP, endurance, and chakra. The more vitality you have the more damage you can take and the longer you can fight. This also impacts how quickly you recover HP and CP. The amounts of vitality that you have plus the amount of intelligence that you have multiplied by 5 determines your chakra.

DEX: Dexterity effects how well you can dodge attacks and how accurate your own attacks are. Speed is determined by adding your dexterity and strength before dividing it in 2.

INT: Intelligence impacts your total CP, and how quickly your CP recovers. This also impacts your ability to learn and memorize information. The amount of intelligence that you have plus the amount of vitality you have multiplied by 5 determines your chakra.

WIS: Wisdom affects how smart you are and how well you can use what you know. This also has a massive impact on your chakra control.

SPD= (STR+DEX)/2 Speed is specifically how fast you move. It's a combination of your STR for power and your DEX for nimbleness.

'So according to this I really need to work on my VIT since it's connected to both my HP and my CP. In addition to that I also need to work on my STR, DEX, INT, WIS. Come onnnnn.'

After I realized how underpowered I was at the moment I closed my stat page and started to look around the clearing that I was in at the moment. It was a fairly typical forest, lots of trees, leaves, and furry things. But that was when I heard some noise in the otherwise silent forest coming from further into the forest. Deciding to check it out I started to make use of my new found catty DEX and reoriented myself with my new body while I walked in the direction of the noise.

Hearing the noise get louder I stopped at the edge of a clearing and stared. I stared at one of the most important events in the world of Naruto, Iruka jumping in to save Naruto from Mizuki's giant shuriken. As the touching scene played out in front of me my only thought was, what do I do? I had read the manga, not the anime so no knowledge of filler episodes, but I knew all the important plot points and I knew that in the end there's a happy ever after. So… what should I do? I mean, there's probably alternative universes and the like so if I don't do anything I might just get fucked over later on.

And besides… this is my chance to become a badass. I can't, in good conscience pass this opportunity up. With this my decision is made, to help Naruto become Hokage and to save the WHOLE WORLD. No pressure.

A blue window popped up in front of my face making me jump in shock.

Quest Alert

Overkill: Help Naruto beat Mizuka

Mizuka is going down. Naruto doesn't really need your help, but offer it anyways! Deal 100 or more damage to Mizuki.

Bonus: Defeat Mizuki yourself.

Completion Award: 1000 Exp

Join Naruto's Party (He will bring you on missions)

Bonus: ?

Completion Failure: Death or the fate worse than death

Either Die or become a minor character

Yes – N

'Hell Ya! Lets go kick this guys ass!'

Looking around the clearing I realized that while I was busy with my epiphany and reading the quest description they had all left the clearing. Rushing forwards I quickly found a blood trail and started to follow it out of the clearing. I remember that it was Mizuki that caught Iruka first so if I keep following him I should be able to get my shot at that 100 damage.

Ignoring a few pings I took a minute to climb a really tall tree so I could keep following the trail that Iruka left. Jumping from branch to branch was terrifying but I kept at until I came into view of what looked like Naruto hitting Iruka. Staying in the trees I observed them as they talked, with what I am assuming was Mizuki's mandatory villain montage.

Waiting until I saw Naruto reveal himself and unleash the clones I dived down from the treetops just as the first clones got to Mizuki. I landed right on his head and held on as hard as I could. As he screamed all the Naruto clones stopped in their tracks and stared at me clawing his scalp off. In intense pain and shock from seeing 'The Demon Brat' summon 1000+ clones Mizuki drew a kunai and tried to stab the object ripping into his head.

Jumping off his head to the ground to dodge the kunai I almost laughed when I saw him collapse with that same kunai sticking out of his head.

Completion Awarded: 1000 Exp

Bonus Awarded: 10000 Exp, Basic Academy Technics Set

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1.

Smirking to my self I went up to the closest Naruto clone and jumped up onto his shoulders before draping myself over his shoulders and purring when he started to pet me.

"Hey this cat is freaking amazing!" Said Naruto to Iruka.

"It certainly is Naruto. Maybe you should keep it? It certainly seems to like you well enough." Said Iruka gesturing to me relaxing on Naruto neck.

"Why the hell not! Lets see, your name can be… Daisuke (This means 'Great helper' I think) Naruto said while his clone brought me to the original so I could jump onto his shoulder.

New Name: Daisuke!

"Naruto, come over here there's something I want to give you." Said Iruka with a grin which I was mirroring in my mind.

Name: Bob

Title: The Gamer

Level: 6 Next Level: 2.51%

Affiliation: Konoha

HP: 50/50

CP: 80/80

STR: 4

VIT: 5

DEX: 10 (15)=25

INT: 1 (10)=11

WIS: 5 (20)=25

SPD: 14

Status: Catman (+3 DEX & +2 WIS per level) Reincarnated (+10 INT & +10 WIS)

Description: Just your average guy in his previous life, Bob has been reincarnated into a cat with 'The Gamer' powers. Surprise!

Points: 25

Ryo: 0


[Gamer's Mind (Passive) LvMax]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Grants Immunity to psychological status effect. Has added benefit of hiding all evidence of your past life from mind probes.

[Gamer's Body (Passive) LvMax]

Grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, CP and removes most status effects.

[Observe (Passive/Active) Lv3 Exp: 2.59% CP: 5]

Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situation, and persons was generated that allows for quick information gathering. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.

[Tracking (Passive) Lv 4 Exp: 52.07%]

This is the ability to follow someone through the signs they leave behind.

Passively increases your skill at tracking 4%

[Stealth (Passive) Lv 3 Exp: 12.50%]

This is a measure of your ability to remain undetected.

Passively increases infiltration 1%

Passively increases concealment 1%

[Cat Fighting (Passive) Lv 1 Exp: 0:89%]

This is the equivalent of cat brawling. Not bad but not that great either.

Passively increases DEX by 5%

Passively increases STR by 2.5%

Passively increases VIT by 2.5%