Steven's first swimming lesson

Chapter 11: The End.


It was the afternoon; Baby Steven was in his crib only wearing a diaper holding on to the edge in order to stand up.

He bounced impatiently on his crib his dad had gone to find him new clothes in the washer/dryer area of the temple statue outside after he made a mess with the baby food he was feeding him.

The Temple door opened with a whir and a Depressed Pearl, still unable to deal with the loss of rose, goes to confront her son.

Baby Steven looked at her with curiosity.

"Steven…" said Pearl tearing up.

She looked at his gem, the gem of rose as pink as its always been.

She fell on her knees in front of the crib bowing her head as tears fell.

"Oh, Rose…are you in there? Give me a sign." Said Pearl.

Suddenly, Baby Steven put his little hand on the gem on her forehead.

Pearl looked up; surprised was this the sign she was looking for?

"Da!, da!" said Baby Steven happily as he hit her gem repeatedly.

"Ow." "Hey!" "Bad Baby!" said Pearl scolding him.

She picked him up and Baby Steven still found amusement in hitting her Gem.

"Are you attacking me?" said Pearl wondering.

The temple door opened.

"Sup' P." said Amethyst before pausing to see the moment.

"He keeps attacking me!" said Pearl trying to stop Steven's tiny hands.

Amethyst laughed.

"Looks like he doesn't like you!" said Amethyst.

"Doesn't like me?" said Pearl sadly wondering if this is true.

"Give him to me!" said Amethyst.

"No." Said Pearl, "You might drop him and then he'll suffer permanent damage to his "Brain" Organ…or so I've heard." Said Pearl remembering the reading she does in her free time about Human biology and babies.

"Blah blah blah! This is why he doesn't like you!" said Amethyst secretly meaning why she doesn't like her anymore, "You're no fun!" she yelled.

"You've changed!" screamed Amethyst.

Baby Steven looked around in Pearl's arms he hated the noise and the fighting.

"I've changed?" Said Pearl, "Look at yourself! That long, wild, formless hair! That cut out in your knee! Those words you use!" said Pearl listing the changes.

"I liked it better when your hair was short! Back before any of this happened!" said Pearl shouting.

"Oh yeah! Well, I liked it better when you weren't so uptight and you were Fun! And-" Screamed Amethyst before getting interrupted.

Baby Steven cried loudly.

"Steven what's wrong?" said Pearl wondering why the baby was crying.

As soon as they stopped fighting Baby Steven calmed down but still had shuddered breaths.

Pearl worried and went to set him down on his crib.

Baby Steven Babbled while sobbing looking up at Pearl as she set him down and calmed down.

"What was that all about?" asked Amethyst.

"I don't know" said Pearl.

"Oh, that's a first" mumbled Amethyst.

"Excuuuuuse me?" said Pearl.

"You've turned into a No fun know it all!" screamed amethyst.

Pearl glared at her.

Baby Steven watched with fear in his eyes.

"You heard me!" said Amethyst.

"You!..." Pearl started frustrated, "I have never noticed how much of a pest you are till rose's absence! You should have stayed in kindergarden-" Shouted Pearl before covering her mouth and gasping.

Amethyst gave Pearl an angry look and summoned her Whip, tying it around Pearl and throwing her into the wooden wall so hard the house shakes which started to dislodge a faulty support column on the roof of the house just above Steven's room.

Amethyst felt like she was going to cry.

"And you should have stayed back at your homeworld! So we don't have to put up with your crying!" said Amethyst trying to make a comeback.

"You're not the only one that misses her!" screamed Amethyst.

Baby Steven cried again.

"Amethyst the baby!" said Pearl trying to stop the fight.

"I bet…. You hate him!" said Amethyst.

"What?" said Pearl.

"You hate him because Rose is gone! And that's why you cry all the time!" Theorized Amethyst while she turned away and walked towards the opposite wall next to the door.

"You can't understand what I feel!" said pearl.

"You can't understand How I feel either! You weren't as close to her as we were." Claimed Amethyst.

"You take that back!" said Pearl summoning and throwing her spear on impulse.

Pearl Gasped realizing what she just did.

"Amethyst!" she yelled.

Amethyst turned.

"What!" She yelled before being impaled just below the Gem by Pearl's spear.

Amethyst gasped looking up at Pearl who was covering her mouth with her hand with a "How could you do this to me?" expression she couldn't Believe Pearl attacked her.

Her disbelief and sadness quickly turned to anger as she clenched her fists and growled before suddenly,

"Poof" "clink" Went Amethyst before her Gem fell as she released her physical form to regenerate.

Baby Steven calmed down.

Pearl looked at him before going to check on Amethyst's Gem as her spear dematerialized and Amethyst's whip did as well.

Suddenly, the Gem glowed and floated up before Amethyst returned with a lazier sloppier form with tear filled pants and the same dress and crazier hair.

Amethyst screamed angrily forming her whip and Attacking pearl.

"Amethyst stop!" she said dodging as Baby Steven began to cry.

The temple door opened once more as Garnet came out with her Gauntlets ready to attack.

"Stop this!" said Garnet.

While returning with new clothes Greg overheard the crying and quickly entered.

"What the hey is going on here!" he said.

Garnet broke up the fight.

"She started it!" said Amethyst.

"It doesn't matter who started it! Its stopping!" said Garnet yelling.

Greg went to pick up Baby Steven before the roof started creaking and the support column along with some of the roof came down.

Everyone gasped and Amethyst jumped into action pushing the crib out of the way before being crushed and "poofed".

Her Gem flew and landed on the couch below.

Soon it was night the roof had been given some temporary repairs until new wood can be brought and Baby Steven was in the living room putting his hands in the baby food.

"Steven!" said Pearl waiting for Amethyst to come back.

Soon enough the Gem glowed and Amethyst materialized into her new form which 4 year old Steven recognizes today up until the events of "Reformed".

"Amethyst, I'm sorry for what I did today and-." Started Pearl before being interrupted.

"Whatever P." said Amethyst walking to Temple door.

"I really think You deserve an apology for what I di-."said Pearl again.

"It's ok P." Said Amethyst.

"Bu-" started Pearl.

Steven saw a new fight starting and threw baby food at Pearl.

"Steven!" said Pearl

Amethyst laughed before getting food thrown on her as well.

"End of flashback"

"It was pretty funny when pearl was angry because she got goop all over her!" said Amethyst laughing.

Suddenly, Greg came in.

"Dad!" exclaimed Steven happily.

"Hey buddy! Had fun learning how to swim?" asked Greg.

"Yeah!" said Steven.

Greg remembered something about yesterday when he came in.

"Y'know, Pearl Steven's eyes were red like he was in a pool yesterday did he start earlier? "asked Greg.

"Uh, well-" started Pearl.

"Yeah dad! But I fell in and almost drown-ded" said Steven before realizing what he just said.

"What!" yelled Greg.

Pearl froze.

"How could you let that happen? Did you leave him all alone?" Asked Greg.

"Uhh…." Said Pearl.

"Im moving back in! you guys still need training to be parents." Said Greg remembering how the Gems were training Steven.

"Great." said Amethyst sarcastically.

Garnet came out of the Temple with her arms crossed not really affected by the news but Pearl was annoyed.

Steven was happy his dad was going to live with them again!

"Ill go buy some more food" said Pearl annoyed.

And as Greg unloaded essential living items from his Van parked near the Temple the story has reached its ending.

The end.