Nothing I write is intended to be a true representation of the people whose characters I am borrowing. None of them belong to me, they belong to themselves and the WWE. This is all a work of FANTASY. Just in case the use of real names causes any confusion... Jon/Dean Ambrose, Joe/Roman Reigns, Colby/Seth Rollins and of course Paige/Saraya Jade Bevins, Danielle/Summer Rae

Standing backstage watching the current match on a monitor as it progressed, Jon taped his wrists up in anticipation of his match with his teammates against 3 others. A new girl that had just been called up onto the main roster had caught his attention, she was super hot and worth watching. Something was different about her, she had fire in her and real talent. He had heard about this spitfire. Licking his lips he wondered about the Raven haired beauty. A hand closed around his arm and a sickening coo from the blond he'd been f**king when he was too lazy to find a happy fan to bang, made him almost gag. Jerking his arm away from her grip he glared at the grinning interviewer.

"What the Hell? Hands off!" Jon backed up from Renee. The damned trout pout and fluttering of her lashes with a sad sigh made him question his sanity on why he was f**king her in the first place. Maybe he should just use his hand more often. After a first time of banging this woman, she was like gum on his shoe and he couldn't get rid of her. So much for convenience! He turned to watch the match again, jerking away twice more from the jellyfish like hands that tried to hang onto him.

"Awww come on baby! We shouldn't be ashamed to show we're a couple, or that we care about each other..." Jon recoiled in horror, the look on his face finally making the blond back away and shut up.

"Damn it! Back off woman! I told you how many times WE do not Exist. There is no couple between you and me, and I sure don't give a shit about whatever you thought was going on in a 'relationship' between us!" He stressed the word glaring at her. "I told you, we got drunk, we got horny, we f**ked, end of story!" The blond looked as if she would cry as she gave an exaggerated pout and scurried from the room. Looking up in time to see the pin from the new girl and watch her be given the Diva's belt and titled as the new Diva's champ, 'Paige'. He tried to ignore his buddies, laughing and teasing of the Renee bullshit.

"Dude! That was f**king harsh!" Colby laughed and shook his head. Joe was just giving him 'that' look.

"What Bro?" He shrugged. Joe leveled a look at him."Okay, okay I f**king know! If I hadn't gotten so smashed and I'd kept my dick in my pants I wouldn't have this problem now!" The big Samoan smirked and nodded. As they headed out to where they would enter from, the new Diva's champion bounced back through the curtain, giggling and giddy.

Looking over at the trio of Black clad Shield members, she locked eyes with Jon. Licking his lips he looked her up and down, he gave a small smile. Colby and Joe nodded at her saying congratulations as they walked by. Pausing briefly, Jon nodded.

"Good Match, Congratulations." The smoky eyed woman flushed slightly and softly thanked him. She looked to be about 7 or 8 inches shorter than him. He'd like to get those pale thighs wrapped around him. Flashing his dimples, he winked at her and headed out with his brothers to serve some justice. Waiting to go out, Jon felt Colby staring at him.

"What?" The two toned hair of the ninja flipped as he shook his head.

"I know you, you're looking at that little girl and thinking what you can do to get into her pants." Making a face, Jon shook his own head.

"No, I think that little girl might be something special, definitely more than a quick piece of ass, she might be worth some effort to get to know her. I'm thinking of doing some recon, figure out what she's made of." Their music blared out and the conversation was over. Striding confidently through the crowd, kind of hoping the newest member of the roster was watching, Jon and his brothers did what they did best. Go in through the crowd, kick ass, win, leave back through the crowd.

Fist bumping one another, very pleased at how things went the trio headed back to their locker room. Entering the backstage area, crew members, wrestlers, technicians, medical staff, assistants all milling around in the quiet chaos, Jon caught sight of the new Diva's champ being talked to by a couple of the roster Romeos. The dark eyed beauty caught sight of him and surprisingly pushed her way past the ones flirting with her to approach the trio that was walking through.

"Great match!" The three of them smiled and thanked her. Standing closest to Jon as they talked briefly, he found out the new girl was being asked if she wanted to go celebrate her win by all available males. Colby teased and said she could go out and celebrate with them, they would keep her safe. She had an adorable laugh. Trying to hide his delight when she said yes. Jon said they would catch up with her at the Hotel Bar in about an hour.

"Right then!" With a flash of a great smile she turned, with a whip of her raven hair and that ass that begged to be grabbed, she took off. All Jon could have think then was Thank God he was wearing black cargo pants, his cock was beginning to twitch and swell as he thought about that limber body. At least it would remain unseen to all the others. Going in to wash and change he thanked Colby for the assist. Striping off his gear and heading towards the shower he turned the water on hot, dropped his constricting boxers and stepped into the stream of steaming water.

Washing quickly hoping his body would chill out Jon thought about that new girl. Other than Nattie, none of the Diva's really had wrestling talent in his opinion, this little girl sure as hell did. As he finished scrubbing his hair clean he knew his body was in no mood to chill. The more he thought about that that little beauty the more his body demanded an immediate release. With a grumble and a couple curses Jon slid his hand down his belly and around the base of his thick stiffness.

Stroking himself thinking of Paige and the fun he would love to have with her, Jon licked his lips. Almost laughing when the deep whiny groan of Colby sounded in another stall. All three of them jerked off in the shower when they needed to, and kept silent about the actions of one another. He was the only currently un-attached and could get some relief while on the road. He was just too lazy half the time and had just let Renee get him off.

In all honesty he had no feelings for her past a fiend, a friend he f**ked when he needed to get off. She would give him anything he wanted, easily, granted he was well known for saying he liked the skanks. It just wasn't enough, not anymore. Why he thought that smoky eyed little lady was more than that, he couldn't figure. There was only one way to find out. Stroking himself quicker, thinking of her kissing him, laughing in his arms, playfully tussling around, holding her, keeping her safe and warm. He bit his lip trying not to yell as he splattered the shower wall, wave of wave of his cum exploding from him. The urge to say her name startling him as he saw her beautiful smile in his mind as he finished.

Panting, grinning to himself as he came down from his high, he finished his shower then dried off slowly, thinking about how to go about getting Paige's attention, and keep it. Digging through his bag he selected one of the few nicer shirts he had that sat often forgotten in the bottom of the bag and a pair of black jeans. As he shaved then brushed his hair, he caught Colby's glance at Joe, and the smirk. Flipping him off Jon finished getting ready.

Forty five minutes later Jon was pacing the hotel room waiting for Colby to find his phone before they headed down to the bar.

"Easy Tiger, I don't think your little Tigress will be angry if your a little late." Joe teased, laughing off the glare he got.

"I'm not f**king worried about that! I don't want that F**ker Randy getting to her." Rolling their eyes as he grabbed up his key card, his buddies smirked as they followed him out to the elevator then down to the bar. A place where already a bunch of the WWE talent was present and hanging out, eating, drinking, dancing. Scanning the bar rapidly Jon spotted the woman he was looking for hanging out with a couple of her fellow Diva's. Ordering a beer he was less than thrilled to have Randy Orton come up to him and flash a look at the dark eyed woman who had yet to notice he was here.

"So you see the new Hottie? She's a fine piece of ass!" Sudden rage filled Jon and the urge to strangle Randal right there almost overwhelmed him. Letting out a hiss of anger as he smacked his hand to the bar. He snarled out in a tone that actually made the Viper back up.

"Why is every woman just a piece of ass to you?" Turning away so he didn't give in to the urge to grab the bastard by the throat, Jon was surprised to see the younger woman pulling away from the other Diva's and going to where Colby and Joe were standing, immediately she looked his way. Picking up his beer he headed over to his teammates. The smokey eyed beauty's face lit up when she saw him approaching.

" 'Bout time!" She sassed him. "Damn near every man on the roster wants to have a word with me and I'm not that sort! I had to hide in with the gossip mongering Bella's and company!" Colby and Joe both had to turn away to keep from laughing. Extending an arm out playfully, stunned she came up under and wrapped an arm around him he smiled down and lowered his arm around her, carefully keeping his hand off of her.

"You're okay now, the Shield is here to protect you." Glaring around at the men watching, enjoying seeing squirming as they turned from watching the woman beside him. Going to a corner booth, the three men settled for a couple hours, whispering to Paige before he sat, Jon made her blush and giggle.

"Go and play if you want kitten, we'll watch over you. If anybody bothers you, we'll deal with them." The sweet smile remained until she seated herself beside him.

"My name is Saraya Jade." The three Shield members introduced themselves and spent several minutes talking with the younger woman who proved to be delightful with refreshing wit and a feisty attitude. Saraya was a second generation wrestler who could easily dismantle the others if given the chance he figured. In minutes she was comfortable bantering with all three of them before she took off for a bit with the Aussie Diva Emma.

"Dude!" Colby laughed, "That little spitfire will give you one hell of a run for your money! Grinning as he watched the two young women animated and doing something that looked suspiciously like a strippers move by a chair. Jon frowned when his view was cut off by a set of tits in a low cut blouse shoved in his face and the smell of Tequila was breathed into his face.

"What the f**k?" A giggling blond landed in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and trying to kiss him. Standing and dumping the blond into the next booth he finally was able to see it was Renee. "What the Hell are you doing? You're f**king smashed!" He looked at her in disgust. Her skirt was hiked up and showing way too much. Hissing at her to be decent and fix her clothing she was going to get arrested for exposing herself. His head snapped around at Saraya's sharp demand at someone to leave her be.

Mike the Miz! That dirty bastard! Jon stormed over and yanked Mikes's hand off the girls arm.

"Maryse better not find out you're mauling the Diva's Mikey, she'll rip your balls off and feed them to you!" Saraya followed him back to the table. Sitting beside him again, until Renee tried to climb over her and got shoved hard on her ass by the pissed off Brit.

"Bugger off! This is my spot!" She glanced at Jon with a wicked look on her face, and all he could do was grin. With a whine the blond tried again to get up and capture Jon's attention. A small hand landed on his thigh, making his cock jump eagerly. A couple of Renee's friends came to scoop her up. His hand covered Saraya's

"Slut!" Renee slurred drunkenly. Saraya's smoky eye's narrowed.

"Who are you calling a slut? Miss skirt up to her arse with no knickers on?" She started to get up, Jon's arm slid around her waist, holding her back

"She's not worth it kitten," he whispered to her. She sat down, making no move to pull away from him. A moment later the voice of Renee whining she didn't want to spend the night with her Bestie, she wanted to spend the night with Jon rang out way to loudly. Glaring at his smirking buddies he threatened them in a whisper to keep silent. Saraya jumped up and ran over when loud talk of Renee rooming with Danielle was mentioned. Whatever was said it pissed off the black haired woman big time. She was mad as Hell now. Jon thought it best to go make sure she didn't murder anyone, at least not in public. Halfway to the table the girls were standing by Saraya turned and walked to him.

"What's wrong Kitten?" He whispered. Her growl of fury was a wicked turn on.

"That brazen bitch has been invited to spend the night in our room, she hadn't the brains to book a room for herself, Danielle invited her to room with us. God I'll just kill her I know it." Renee smirked at Jon and made kissy lips.

"Don't worry, I'll walk you over to get your stuff, you can use the bed in my room."

"What about you?' Her look of concern was adorable.

"There's a nice big couch, I'll be fine. Come on." Walking back to his teammates he told them he was escorting Saraya to get her things and she was rooming with him. Ignoring the stunned looks he led the young woman upstairs after tossing the bartender some bills to cover his tab. Glad there was a floor between him and Renee he tried to behave, he knew damn well everybody expected him to do his best to get into her pants, lord knows he wanted to, but he just couldn't. There really was more to her than that.

Allowing the younger woman time to change once up in his room, Jon pulled down extra pillows and a blanket for the couch. When the bathroom door opened and Saraya came out in an adorable tank top and short set for bed, Jon couldn't help smiling as he looked her over. Minus the make-up and dressed the way she was, Saraya was adorable. Teasing her briefly got him a playful smack to the chest as she laughed. Retreating into the bathroom to change into shorts, Jon shook his head, still laughing a little. Grateful his cock was behaving, he wondered how long that would last.

As he headed for the couch Saraya jumped up and caught him in a hug. Thanking him for helping her out. He couldn't help it, he hugged her back, holding her against him, God she smelled and felt so damned good. Kissing her temple, startled he did it, he was ready to apologize. To his shock she rose up on her toes to kiss his chin. Her arms around him now.

"I didn't want to be thought a tart, I'm just new here..." Her face went bright pink. "Since we're alone though, I have a confession to make, and I'm sure you won't tell. I've had this wicked crush for years now." She suddenly acted very shy. Cupping her chin in his hand he brought her face upward so he could see her eyes. Stroking her cheek with his thumb, He swallowed hard when she kissed it. "It was this crazy bloke Moxley." Jon's eyes opened wide, his heart jumped. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, he didn't want to blow his chance here. Kissing her forehead gently, stroking her cheek, he smiled down at her.

"We need to be careful, I think we can make something good happen here, we just need to let it happen when it's time for it to happen." Where was this coming from? This wasn't anything he'd ever say! Was he losing it? Saraya nodded slowly.

"I'll be a good girl and go to bed," her sweet face took on a naughty look. "If...I...can..have...a kiss goodnight." Sliding her arms around his neck, pulling him down a little. Jon felt his hands slide down to left her, those pale thighs wrapping around his waist as he tilted his head. Hot lips brushed his, sweet, so sweet. A wicked flicking of her tongue against his lips made him moan deeply. God how he just wanted to drop her onto the bed and bury himself into her.

Aggressively Saraya kissed him again, Jon allowed her to deepen the kiss knowing this was a very dangerous area for him. Kissing this wicked minx made him feel so alive. He allowed their heated kiss for only a few moments then went and set her down by her pillows and slowly ended the kiss. The soft moan of protest from her delighted him, shaking his head, he gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Like you said, you're not a tart. We're not going to give anybody reason to think it!" He allowed a soft peck on his lips. Raising the covers he pulled them over her legs. "Sweet Dreams beautiful!" He kissed her forehead then backed away before he gave in and kissed those beautiful pouting lips again. Opening the door between his room and his teammates' room, he told her it was best he did this, for her sake.

Turning off the light he lay down on the couch, trying to ignore his lower body as it twinged and begged for attention as she said good night. It was less than a minute later when he heard her creeping across the bed, heading towards him.

"Saraya?" he tried to sound stern. She slipped over the back of the couch, no doubt using his voice to figure out where he was situated.

"One more!" She whispered and kissed his lips gently. "Thank you! Thank you for being such a gentleman and treating me so well!" She ran her fingers through his hair then scrambled back up onto the bed and settled in, whispering good night to him. In minutes he could tell by her breathing she had fallen asleep. Maybe, just maybe, he grinned to himself in the dark...

About half an hour later he heard the next room open and voices drop to a whisper. He knew one of his brothers looked in, more whispering and a few minutes later that room was dark as well and soon filled with soft snores. Drifting off to wicked dreams, Jon had been wondering what tomorrow would bring with this feisty scrap of a woman he knew he was falling for.

Thank you for reading, please review. :) xoxox 3