Fly From the Inside

Chapter One:

"Well I guess I'll see you on Monday," My good friend and fellow WWE superstar Roman Reigns said as he pulled to a stop in front of the Phoenix airport.

I nodded tiredly as I unbuckled my seatbelt. We had just finished a taping for our weekly Thursday show Smackdown and I was flying home to Vegas tonight to try and make the most of this rare extended time off. Roman himself was flying out to Florida in the morning to spend time with his wife and daughter. "Yep make sure you give that little angel of yours a hug and kiss for me."

"I will," He replied with a smile.

I returned his smile with a smile of my own and gave a final wave before I gathered my bags and headed inside. It had been almost three weeks since I'd been home and probably even longer than that since I had a decent night's sleep. Once inside I quickly picked up my ticket and checked in my luggage before making my way over to the waiting area. I still had about 45 minutes before I could board my flight so I sat down with a sigh and stretched my legs out in front of me.

I comptemplated closing my eyes and dosing off for a few but before I could do that something caught my eye. At the ticket counter was a slim brunette with a little girl that looked just like her in her arms and beside her was a dark haired boy who looked to be five or six. Now normally this wouldn't intrigue but the fact it was almost midnight piqued my interest. On top of that the little boy kept glancing over at the entrance as if he was on the lookout for someone. The last time I'd seen a kid with his guard up that much well I'd been about six myself and the kid in that situation had been me.

Shaking those memories away, I continued to watch as the woman and her kids moved closer to me. She was moving slowly as if in pain as she tried to balance the little girl clinging to her and two bags of luggage. The boy walked a little bit ahead her but not much and soon he was sitting down beside me, and she was gingerly easing herself down into the seat next him.

It took a moment but I watched the kids eyes light up when he recognized just who I was. "You're Dean Ambrose," He whispered quietly.

"Yes I am kid, what's your name," I whispered back.

"Wyatt, and that's my sister, Evie," He answered.

"Well nice to meet you Wyatt," I replied before asking if his sister was alright because she was starting to whimper a little louder than she was before.

"I think so, she's just scared right now," Wyatt answered.

"What about you, are you scared," I asked then asked the boy.

"A little," He admitted, "But I'm more happy than anything."

Wyatt then went onto tell me why he was more happy than scared. It was because his mom had told him on the way here that they were leaving for good and never coming back.

Leaning down more to him I then said, "Well that's good I wish my mom had done that when I was your age."

The boy's eyes grew big before he asked, "Your dad hit your mom too?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "And he hit me too but my mom never left she just moved onto an even worse guy when my dad got arrested."

"I'm sorry," Was his reply.

"Its alright kid it was a long time ago." I reassured with a small smile.

He nodded and was about to say something else when his mom interrupted us, "Wyatt, honey leave that man alone."

"He's fine," I quickly reassured.

"Are you sure," The woman then asked completely hesitent to believe him because she knew her son liked to ask a lot of questions and it was something that annoyed his own father greatly.

I nodded, "He's fine, besides it looks like you have your hands full with that one."

She nodded, "We've had a pretty long day and its way past both of their bedtimes."

I nodded in return but before I could say anything they announced over the intercom that our flight was now boarding. Grabbing my bag I stood up and reached for her two bags as well.

"Thank you," She said softly and I could tell by the way she said it that she wasn't used to a man doing something nice to her. It made me want to find Wyatt's dad and beat him worse than any opponent I'd ever had in the ring. As we made our way over to the gate I asked where they were seated and found out it was right across from me.

Once we were seated silence quickly fell over us and I watched as Wyatt, his sister and his mom quickly fell asleep after take off. Pretty soon I turned my IPod on and did the same thing.

About three hours later my flight touched down in Vegas and I gave a wave to Wyatt as I watched him, his sister, and his mom head to the exit as I headed to baggage claim. After grabbing my suitcase I headed towards the they were long gone I paused long enough to light a cigarette before heading towards my car that my neighbor had generously dropped off at the airport earlier. A voice stopped me though.

Turning in the direction of the voice I saw that it was the brunette from the plane. Wyatt was sitting on the bench with his sister and his mom looked both frustrated and pissed.

"What's up," I found myself asking, "Do you need a side or something because if you do I can give you one, its not a problem."

"You know I'd take you up on that, but now I don't even know where I'm going because the fucking hotel lost my reservation," She explained.

I took a deep breath and put out my cigarette before looking at her and the kids. All three of them looked exhausted. Before I knew it I was making an offer that would not only surprise anyone that knew me but myself as well. "Listen..."

"Whitney, my name's Whitney," She interrupted.

"Okay, Whitney... Um why don't you guys stay at my place at least for tonight," I said finishing my offer.

"No," She quickly answered shaking her head vehemently.

"Don't be ridiculous," I scoffed before taking a risk and grabbing one of her trembling hands. "Its 2am and you're in a city you don't know. I promise you I'm not going to hurt you or your kids. From what little your son's told me you've been hurt enough."

"You don't know anything," Whitney replied defensively pulling her hand away from me.

"Trust me I know a hell of alot more than you think I do." I said, "My dad hit my mom all the time, but unlike you she never found the courage to leave. To be honest I still hate her for that."

That seemed to calm her down and it must have struck a nerve because a moment or two later her and the kids we're following me to my car.

Once Whitney had little Evie as secure as she could in my back seat she climbed into the passenger seat. Shutting the trunk I climbed in behind the wheel. As I pulled out the airport parking lot the brunette turned to me and softly said, " You know when I decided to to through with my plan today I never imagined I'd end up in a car with a WWE superstar."

"Well despite what you may have heard about, Dean Ambrose, I don't invite every woman I meet into my home or my hotel room." I replied, knowing I had quite the reputation.

She gave me a small smile before falling silent for the rest of the trip. About twenty later we pulled up to my town house As I turned off the engine I looked at her and said, "You and the kids can have my room and I'll take the couch since my other two rooms are empty except for boxes."

"Okay," She agreed tiredly before slowly climbing out of the car.

I climbed out too and without saying a word I saw once again her wince as she scooped up her still asleep daughter. I then scooped an also still asleep Wyatt and made my way to my front door. After unlocking it I held it open for Whitney and ushered her inside. Once inside I pointed in the direction of my bedroom and and after laying Wyatt down I left her alone to get the kids settled as I went back out to the car for the luggage.