A Chilling Secret

November 1

Chapter 1

Do you know that state of consciousness where you aren't asleep, but you really haven't woken up yet? Sometimes you can float there, your senses detached from your body, and just seem tune into the world around you without interacting with it at all. You feel like a leaf dragged along by a mighty river. That was where I was. I was still unconscious, but aware of everything going on around me.

I could feel a hand slowly stroking my hair as my head seemed cradled all comfortable and warm in someone's lap. I could hear a soft humming, feminine in tone it seemed, that also had a very slight undertone of sorrow laced through each note. And I could also smell something on the air around me that I could not immediately place. It held whiffs of wet dog, sweat, and male musk, the combination of which one would think would be repulsive and sure to draw me further into consciousness. Instead though it felt powerful and protective and made me relax even more. Yeah, it sort of smelled like Harry's apartment, before it burned down.

As my wizardry was more attuned to 'sensitive magics,' I also 'felt' the emotions of at least two beings close to me. Sadness indeed permeated my immediate area, along with anticipation, intrigue, and hunger. But festering in the background behind all of those were two I knew quite well – the power and cold confidence of a glacier. Their familiarity was less than comforting and jolted me into full consciousness. I spoke aloud even before I could visually confirm her identity.

"Leanansidhe…" My eyes fluttered open.

The face looking down upon me was not the nearly impossibly beautiful Fae being of the Winter Court who had taken the role of master in my wizardly training after Harry had 'died.' I say training but what it was more like was a series of near-death survival scenarios that usually left me exhausted, and on more than one occasion left Fomor, or other evil creatures, bleeding, battered, or dead. Basically picture the most sadistic military drill instructor imaginable and then mold that into an impossibly beautiful grandmotherly figure.

No the visage staring into mine seemed like a distorted combination of a man and rat. Its beady eyes and tufts of brownish-black facial fur were obviously not human, but the basic design of the features and the cunning sparkle in those orbs, far too intelligent for any rodent, were proof this was no mere animal. That human-sized and shaped head sat atop an enormous body that seemed even more grizzly-like than man or rat. Only the creature's hands at the end of its unnaturally long arms, both covered in the same dark fur, revealed again the creature's connection to humanity. It had fingers; but three instead of four, and an opposable thumb, each digit ending in a razor sharp, black claw. Oh yeah it was definitely a predator.

It was also the source of the musk, sweat, and wet dog odors that were now much more overpowering and nauseating because I was fully awake. And let me add to that wonderful combination an aroma of rotting meat on its breath as it looked down and smiled at my now open eyes.

"The pretty one awakens." The beast announced as it continued to cradle my head in its lap and comb my hair with its claws. I refused to focus on just what that lump my head rested upon was. Instead, I forced all my efforts on not making any sudden moves or loud noises such like leaping to my feet screaming. That forced caution slowed down the adrenaline coursing through my body and allowed me to fully enjoy the sudden aches I felt in every part of me. It wasn't the sharp pain of a recent injury; trust me I know those well, but instead a dull and continuous ache as if I was completely covered in bruises. Hell even the inside of my eyelids and the underside of my tongue felt like that.

"Ah, so you did survive." The familiar voice of The Leanansidhe, or Lea as she preferred, called out. ""We were beginning to doubt Harry's wisdom in choosing." Her volume increased. I sensed that glacier coming closer even though I couldn't see past the wall of fur between us.

Doubt Harry's wisdom? What the hell did that mean? Was she referring his wisdom in taking me on as an apprentice? No, Lea had gone as far as to call my magical abilities satisfactory, a high compliment coming from one of the Unseelie, during our numerous training bouts. So what was she talking about? And for that matter where was I and how did I get here? Think Molly!

Okay the last thing I remember is…

The island…Harry's island. We had gone there to stop Maeve and Lily, the Winter and Summer Ladies of the Fae courts, from unleashing all the evils trapped in the prison below. The way Harry had explained it, if the pair succeeded, it would be like a nuclear bomb going off in Chicago. Only instead of radioactive material being spread over the million of residents of the city, to include pretty much everyone and anyone I cared about, it would be concentrated evil magic. And if I understood the nature of the prisoners, many of the things out there had no half-life upon which they would start losing their potency. Instead they would only become even worse over time.

It was pretty much only for that reason, and well because Harry needed me, that I agreed to return to the island. The others with us were just as reluctant as me where that particular destination was concerned. I had heard Murphy once say that just stepping on the beach made her nauseous. I knew that was because of the poisonous malice that infused every rock and plant there. I noted Harry's brother Thomas, a White Court vampire with lots of family experiences of truly evil things, actually shuddered when his first footfall touched land. But both of their reactions were pale reflections compared to what I felt.

As a sensitive wizard, my first footfall acted like a gong alerting each of the countless beings imprisoned there that I had arrived. Did you ever experience a child so desirous of an adult's attention that when they finally get some they refuse to shut up? That was how it was for me at the first footfall. Only these were not children. These were purely malevolent beings, most of who were pretty much immortal, and had been denied the ability to inflict their wickedness upon anyone or anything for centuries. That's a whole lot of pent up, frustrated evil just looking for a way out. My presence on the island provided the first hairline crack in the magical dam that was their cells. And through that miniscule fracture poured out every vile thought and mental image imaginable and unimaginable.

Some came with inconceivable promises of payment for their freedom.

Some were far too conceivable threats of the punishments I would face if I refused to assist them.

And some had no conceivable purpose in my limited understanding. Think of them as just extended infomercials, if you will, on the evil home shopping network.

If I wasn't already crazy I'm pretty sure all of this would have driven me stark raving mad.

I scrambled out from under the paw of the creature stroking my hair and got to my feet, ignored the screaming of my body for the pain this caused, and backed away until I bumped up against the nearest wall. A quick glance confirmed it was a wall and not something worse. It also provided me a chance to see myself in the mirror-like reflective surface of ice that made up that wall and learn two things. First I was not covered in bruises, no matter how I felt, and in fact looked healthier than I had in, well forever. Second, whatever predatory instincts that thing I had been resting on had, it also was an unnaturally talented hair dresser. My locks were cut and styled to accent my face and dyed a stunning arctic blue color. I looked both hot and cool at the same time.

The creature-stylist made no move to rise or follow me with anything other than its eyes. Both the shaggy man-bear-rat and The Leanansidhe who was approaching from behind it, paused to let me get a bit more distance and perspective, their eyes undoubtedly noting the near panic in mine.

"Where the hell am I?" My question blurted out. The place I was in did not have the feel of Harry's island because there was no chorus of evil voices in my head, but that certainly did not make me feel safe. A quick glance around made me certain I'd never been in this particular room before, but its basic build material closely resembled the prison cell I had been locked in back in Arctis Tor; Home of Mab, The Winter Queen, and Queen of Air and Darkness. As Lea was Mab's handmaid/Girl Friday, that made logical sense.

"You are in Arctis Minora." Lea answered.

Well that certainly explained the decorum. But Arctis Minora was Maeve's home. That made no sense.

"Okay, now why the hell am I here?"

"What is the last thing you remember child?" Lea's voice was patient and she made no further move toward me. But I also knew Fae were very dangerous when they answered a question with a question. They couldn't lie. But they were masters at letting people lie to themselves

"I remember the fight on the island." I said, recalling images of various events as they tumbled up to my conscious mind. Harry, Queen Mab's Winter Knight, had done battle with Fix, Lily's friend and the Summer Knight. I had remained invisible the whole time because Harry wanted to keep me as his ace in the hole if everything went wrong.

"And…" Lea's guiding voice was gentle as she forced me to recall.

While the fight was brutal, Harry seemed to get the upper hand on the assembled Fae. He even turned the circle of magic the two Ladies had built for their freedom spell, to his own purposes and through it summoned Mab herself to put an end to the pair's plans. But then, right when we were on the verge of victory it all fell apart.

Maeve turned a gun on her ally Lily and put a bullet in the Summer Lady's temple. With only the time for a look of surprise, the immortal Seelie of the Summer Court fell dead on the one day a year she was vulnerable. And then seconds later as the various observers reacted in shock at this unexpected event, I watched the Mantle of Summer as it rose up out of Lily's body and slammed home like and arrow into Sarissa's. She was Harry's friend who had also acted as his trainer as he learned how to use the Winter Knight's power. She was also the nearest suitable vessel for such power.

"I remember Maeve killing Lily and Sarissa becoming the new Lady of Summer." I continued my answer as the events played out in my mind.

"And then?" Lea asked, still patiently keeping her distance. My magic senses though felt the rising anticipation within her but that was merely background music to the images in my head.

Maeve was laughing in triumph. We're talking the full out psychotic laugh of Harley Quinn with none of the endearing innocence she brings to the idea of a lunatic with a thousand sticks of dynamite. Maeve meant business, and nothing less of destruction of our world and foiling her mother's plans were going to satisfy her.

But Queen Mab, while shocked by Lily's sudden death, didn't let her sense of supreme confidence waiver even though it was obvious to all the Winter Queen had been working toward Sarissa replacing Maeve. That made sense. Harry had explained to me very early on that Mab usually had a plan for every contingency. The fact that Harry was both still alive and serving as the Winter Knight after he had one of the best trained killers on the planet pump a pair of bullets in his chest was proof of this. So it was no surprise to see Mab patiently allowed her daughter Maeve to think she had won when my senses told me that was most assuredly not the case.

Harry, however, did react. It seemed he figured out what the Queen had planned and tried to put a halt to it by calling on Maeve stop the next action he saw coming. I was so fixated on him that I didn't see Mab's finger twitch. I merely felt the power of her spell fly through the air and strike its target; not Maeve pointing her gun at Harry, but Murphy.

In an instant, Karrin yanked a small, backup revolver from her ankle holster then turned and fired at the Winter Lady a fraction of an instant before Maeve's second shot fired toward Harry.

Murphy was a much better shot.

For the second time in as many minutes, a Lady of the Fae Courts fell dead upon the island prison. And with her, all the evil beings held below and anticipating their freedom let forth a cry of rage and disappointment at their restored eternal sentences. I'm pretty sure, of all those present, only I, and perhaps that thing that is the living, sentient part of the island, heard these wails. The raw emotions were so great, enhanced further by the underlying evil of their owners that its surge left me wobbly and disoriented.

As such I failed to note the mantle of the Winter Lady rise out of her body like a bright white light, and only recognized it for what it was as it grew even brighter in the night's sky. In fact, it grew so bright it was blinding to look upon. And its power so close to me that it felt like I'd suffered a physical blow from its presence.

Everything was white.

"Then Maeve was killed." I whispered to Lea.

Then I could remember nothing else...

"That is all I remember…"

Until I awoke here.

I turned to look at The Leanansidhe and found her once more judging me with her eyes as she had done so many times during my training. Usually, I would be standing battered and bleeding, often surrounded by the dying remains of her 'test,' as I awaited my grade. Satisfactory was the highest I ever achieved in her eyes, which I guess was the Fae grade for living through such encounters. But I sensed a bit more excitement in Lea now than those other times.

She smiled at me. "All hail Molly Carpenter…." She said with a bow of her head. The man-bear-rat on the ground actually shuffled to its knees so it could bend prostrate before me, an action I'd never observed any Fae above six inches in height ever offer a mortal; not even Harry. But Lea had not finished speaking.

"…Heir to the Mantle of the Winter Lady!"


Heir to the…?

Oh Hell!

What had I gotten myself into now?

The silence after that declaration lasted for what must have been minutes, time in Nevernever is hard to judge, as I tried to piece together what Lea had just said.

"So you're telling me I'm the Winter Lady?" The implications of that were staggering. I sensed the new wells of power Harry had at his command as the Winter Knight. If I had even a fraction of that power…

But wait. I turned my senses inward as if looking in a mirror. I didn't have this pool of magical energy inside of me. If anything, my magic seemed even weaker than normal.

"No." Lea confirmed what I had just deduced. "You are the designated heir to the Winter Lady's mantle. But until you unlock the Secret of Winter, you cannot access the power of the Mantle. And until such time as you wield it, will any in the Winter Court obey your commands."

Lea paused to look at me and for a moment I thought I sensed sympathy in the ancient faerie's demeanor. "I tell you truth child. The rest of the Winter Court will long to see you fail in this endeavor. Each hopes that the power within you transfers to them instead of some mortal girl, undeserving in their eyes." She cautioned.

"Well they are welcome to it." I certainly had enough problems of my own to deal with. I didn't need to add this on top of that. From what I saw with Maeve, the Mantle was certainly one of those magics I wanted nothing to do with. Sure the raw power would be cool, but I had enough trouble just controlling my current abilities even with Lea's progress or die instructions.

"I do not think you understand." Lea returned to her educational and unemotional tone. "The Mantle only transfers when the holder dies…"

Well that's not good.

"…or someone kills her."

And that's worse.

"But have no concerns on that score. Queen Mab has ordered that none of the Winter Court may lay tooth or talon upon your flesh, nor cause you harm through magic. Only if you are foolish enough to strike one of them may they raise hand against you in self defense to bring you harm." Her gaze grew steely. "I highly advise you not to provide any such opportunity. The closest Fae to you at the time of your death will likely be the next recipient of the Mantle. Therefore, I'm sure any one of them would make the most of such a prospect if it somehow presented itself."

Okay, if that was true it certainly wasn't good. And while the Fae could not lie, it still left a nagging question with me that I had to ask. "And why should I trust you? Don't you want the Mantle for yourself? Surely you would not mind the power it brings with it. Your power would rival Queen Mab herself."

The Leanansidhe smiled. "I would indeed." She nodded. "And that is why I have no such desire. I have tasted such power and responsibility and during that time my focus wandered and I was as sick as Maeve. It was only through my Queen's grace that I live today to serve her." The involuntary shudder her body made at the memory of Mab's 'grace' was enough to convince me of Lea's sincerity.

"Not all in the Winter Court are so blessed with wisdom and experience as I." She tacked the conversation to a new course. "Because there are a number among us who thing themselves too sly for even the Queen to catch, I have called in a service owed to me on your behalf." She nodded to the prostrated man-bear-rat. "He now has added your scent and magic to his catalogue of every being he has ever encountered, including most of our Court. It is an ability he has proven to be beyond in the past as a tracker that exceeds any other I have ever witnessed. If you somehow die mysteriously, not only will he be able to tell from your corpse all who have come into contact with you, but he will even know what emotions they were feeling at the time of your death. I have made all the Court aware that your assassination therefore will result only in the killer's death."

Wow. Was such a sense of smell even possible? I mean of course it was since Lea couldn't lie. Such forensics certainly put anything Butter's could do to shame. Of course, I'm pretty sure man-bear-rat's testimony wouldn't hold up in a human court of law. But since Mab was going to be playing Judge Judy in the case of my death, I'm pretty sure it would keep most of the Fae in check. Well, except for the obvious problem.

"What is to keep my killer from killing you friend as well?" It's not like committing a double murder to gain power would upset many of them.

"There are few I think capable, and let's just say they would find their success very short-lived." There was that disturbing 'I know something you don't know' smile of hers.

"So, what, big and hairy here is going to be my shadow everywhere?" Yeah that was going to be hard to explain if I dropped in on mom and dad, or if I went shopping, or just wanted to take a shower.

"No Wendigo will come if you call, but otherwise he will be using his abilities to sniff out plots against you, quite literally in this case."

She called it Wendigo? From my studies with Harry, that was the name Native Americans in Canada used for a Bigfoot-like creature. Of course, in those stories it was a monster that killed and ate travelers who got lost in the woods, not just something that scampered off when seen. I had never believed the killing part because it was a common part of every monster story, but the predatory appearance of the creature before me forced an immediate reassessment to its nature and if it were even a Bigfoot. Harry had a friend among the Forest People, as they called themselves, but his description of that one never mentioned rat-like features in its face.

"What is to stop Wendigo from killing me to get the Mantle?"

"He is not of the Winter Court but rather one of the Wild Fae so could not lay claim to its power." Lea answered. "He serves now as agent of the Erlking, one of his hounds during the Hunt. His role here merely reflects his desire to erase the debt he owes me."

Yeah Fae were not big on owing debts to others. It was one of the few traits they all shared regardless of which Court they belonged to. But that reminded me of something else I needed to consider. "And what then do I owe you for providing his services?"

Lea smiled even more broadly. "Let's not worry about that now. I am considering this merely a high-risk investment. If you live to claim the Mantle then the favor you owe me in return will prove to be respectable interest on the one I now offer. And of course if you don't…"

Yeah, investment lost.

Well that was her problem. I needed to focus on the task at hand.

"Okay, so what is this Winter's Secret I need to find?"

Lea's smile added a hint of wickedness. "I know not. I assumed mortals understood the concept of a secret was something not widely shared."

Okay, I walked into that one. The Fae were notorious as word games so I had to phrase my question more precisely.

I took a moment to choose my words correctly. "What can you tell me of this quest for Winter's Secret that I am to undertake?"

"Better." She nodded in approval before answering. "I know only that to wield the Mantle you must learn the Secret that lies at the heart of Winter's power. To my knowledge, no one beyond the rulers of the Court has ever uncovered it."

Okay, in my case that should make it an easy task. "So I can just ask Harry? He's the Winter Knight after all."

Lea shook her head. "He is Winter's champion, not one of its rulers." She explained. "His power is bestowed by the Queen herself, not claimed. He will have no knowledge of the secret."

Yeah, I remember seeing the bestowal of Harry's power. That wasn't a secret. It was a live televised draft day event. It was also not one I wished to replicate. Great so I'm dealing with a Green Lantern ring thing here. With Maeve dead that left few viable options.

"And I take it Mab is not about to help me out here?"

"She has no time or desire to speak with you until the Mantle is claimed. She carries the duties of both the Queen and the Lady until you assume your role or another takes your place." Lea explained. This was perfectly in keeping with Mab's personality. Why help out and reduce the burden on everyone when she could be a cold, aloof, bitch? She didn't believe in wasting time conversing with those unworthy of her attention.

Lea was not yet finished. "But she did direct me to also convey that you have only a mortal year in which to assume your role or she will find another more fitting to wear the Mantle." By which I assumed that the no hunting season on Mollys would expire.

Great, now there was a deadline too. Mab didn't want to shoulder the Lady's workload any longer than necessary. It probably was a distraction from her own schemes. Harry said such arrangements had occurred in the Court before and it usually caused chaos which is why I only had a year.

Wait a minute…

"I thought you have wielded Mab's power in her stead." I pointed out. "How is that possible if only those who know this great and all powerful Winter's Secret can do it?"

"You confuse using power with owning power. The Queen lent me her strength so that I may serve her wishes. Her power was never mine to claim as the Mantle is for you."

Okay, that sort of made sense. It was like borrowing your parents' car to run errands for them. You didn't own it. And if you screwed up while driving it there would be hell to pay.

'So is there anything you can advise me on how to learn this Secret?"

"I am afraid not." She shook her head and the subtle sense of sorrow I'd felt earlier now grew a bit stronger. "Mab and her daughter served for millennia so there has been no one seeking this out for a long time. In fact, to many in the Court, the whispers of a Winter's Secret was considered a fanciful myth among my kind. I myself would have dismissed the idea of its necessity to rule had the Queen not told me so herself."

And since Fae cannot lie, even to other Fae, there must indeed be a secret. Well it's nice to know I won't be wasting what could be the last year of my life on something that exists rather than a UFO hunt, or for that matter a guy in touch with his emotions.

But what was being asked of me was still impossible just from a logistical standpoint. The world was a pretty big place, and that is not counting all the crossover points with the Nevernever. I could spend a wizard's lifetime walking and never reach my destination. And that was only if whatever residents I encountered, didn't mind me passing through their territory. I'm not a earth-shaking combat wizard like Harry, so travelling would be a major problem.

"I don't suppose you can provide one of those magic flying cars like in the Harry Potter movies?" She probably had the magic to make a car fly, but the spell would only last until dawn. The idea of owing Lea three hundred and sixty five services for daily transportation was not a viable option.

Thankfully Lea looked confused by the reference but did understand the underlying gist of my question. "While you cannot wield the Mantle's power, because it resides within you, your body is attuned to it. As such you can travel to any location where snow or ice resides by merely concentrating upon your destination."

Well that certainly would be helpful. By my general understanding of magic, something as powerful as Winter's Secret was almost certainly kept in just such a place. Such a natural ability to travel also explained why the Summer Court ladies always showed up in places of nature and sunshine. The two courts were equal but opposite.

"I must attend to my Queen's duties." Lea's rising impatience told me she had provided all she was willing or capable of. The Fae, even though immortal, did not like to waste their time on humans. "Is there any further knowledge you require at this time to understand your situation?"

I could not come up with anything immediately and I didn't want to keep her around longer than was necessary. Better not to burn that bridge now if I find I needed to ask her something later.

"No." I shook my head. "You have my thanks and gratitude for all you have provided."

"You may save your gratitude. I will prefer cashing in the favor once you have taken up your new role."

With that she turned to the man-bear-rat that still lay quietly on the floor. "Wendigo, go forth and hunt those who would do the Lady-in-Waiting harm." Yeah, not a title I'd want to have written on a business card.

The creature leapt to its feet more like a stag than a bear, and bound through the only doorway in the room. Lea gave one last appraising look at me, and then without another word turned on her heel and followed him out the door leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Yeah that was not a comfortable place, so I focused instead on my surroundings. For the first time since waking up I had a chance to look at the room I was standing in.

It sort of reminded me of a House of Mirrors they had at travelling carnivals. Clear, seamless, ice formed the walls and ceiling and reflected back at me the image of a girl in way over her head. Okay, a girl with an absolutely stunning new hairstyle, but still one in way over her pretty head. I stood there for a long time trying to adjust to my new reality and not really thinking of anything in particular, until the ticking deadline I was under forced me to stop feeling sorry for myself.

"Okay Mollly, where do we start?" The room of ice echoed my rhetorical question. Talking to myself was a bad habit I'd picked up while living on the streets.

"It seems the mortal's mind has already broken under the strain." A new female voice spoke. I turned to my left toward the only door to find not one, but two females of the Winter Sidhe standing in the doorway.

One whose attire seemed completely limited to strips of electrical tape answered the first who only wore streaks of indigo body paint that matched her hair. "I'm not surprised. My human toys always seem to break when I'm playing with them." The lustful undertones of her emotions made it clear what type of playing she was speaking of.

Indigo appraised me from head to toe. "I have little faith that his one will prove any more durable." She stared at me with a steady demeanor. "This is a cold, hard world human." Lots of disregard added as a topping to the word human.

"Who are you?" I turned to face them full on and strode forward so only half the room separated us. Better not to appear weak to them. I also reached down to prepare some defensive magic if the need arose.

"We're live in guests of Maeve, the true owner of this home." Tape Girl answered. No doubt these were a pair of my predecessor's clubbing partners. For the record I meant 'clubbing' both in the party sense and the big whacking stick sense.

"Well I'm sorry for you loss." I said taking two more steps forward. "But feel free to stick around if you have nowhere else to go."

The pair kept their eyes trained on me but neither move forward. Nor did they back off. They just stood blocking the only exit from the room.

"Now, If you will let me through…" I tried reason one more time.

"I don't think so." Indigo replied. I could feel her hostility and desire for a fight building up.

Well so much for Mab's order to leave me alone.