Leven: Hi

Ewonsama: So I mixed up chapter 13 and 14, readding 13 as 14. My mistake but it's fixed now...I don't like the way we ended this chapter but neither of us can think of anything so I give up and I'm just going to post it. it's not like anyone reads this crap anyway...

The next day was less than eventful. Saix and Merida join forces to get Axel out of bed, showered, and out the door to go to school. The whole time Axel complained about how he didn't want to go and how he knew Roxas must hate him and probably would never want anything to do with him again. After shoving a waffle down his throat, Saix told him to man up unless he wanted the whole school to know. Axel of course told him to fuck off to which Saix shoved him into Terra who was innocently passing by. That in turn cause the three friends to glare at one another until Aqua put an end to the bothersome tension. It wasn't until his first class with Roxas did the redhead start to feel anxiety build up in the pit of his stomach.

"Axel you look like you haven't been sleeping. Are you alright?" Aqua questioned as she walked the redhead to his class.

Axel grunted, trying to come up with an answer that Aqua would believe. "Saix kept me up all night."

"Oh?" Aqua's eyes widen, her mind going to some dangerous territory. "Was he rough with you?"

Axel snorted, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "You have no idea. He's such a prick that he even shoved the stick in my mouth. It got everywhere."

Aqua felt her face flush. "So, you're sleeping with Saix now? What does Roxas think about this or is he joining in?"

Axel paused, face the red face girl with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, hell no! Aqua what the hell? That's sick."

Aqua couldn't hold in her laughter any longer. She busted out laughing, getting attention from passing students. Axel was not amused by his friend's accusations. The redhead glared at the girl before telling her to not put him into her sick fantasies while he walked off to class.

And of course, what he found there made his worse fears come true. Selphie sat on top of her desk surrounded by her gang of hags, loudly talking about how Axel had finally decided to go over to her place and how bad he was in bed.

"He was so cute, begging for me to bring him home with me. Unfortunately, it wasn't what everyone said it was. I think he must have paid them to say how he was a sex God when in reality he seriously sucks in bed." Selphie blabbed on and on.

The redhead glued his eyes to the floor until he made it to his desk. He sat down and buried his face in his arms. He just wanted class to start and be over with already. He wanted school to be over with so he could go home and hide in his closet or maybe in a hole. Having to hear that girl's voice was giving him a headache which only added to the misery he was feeling. He didn't even know what he was going to say or do if and when Roxas came to class. Would the blond bother to even give him a second glance let alone one at all? God, he hated the day already.

Meanwhile a blue-eyed blond was briskly marching down the hall, looking as if he were on a mission. Said blond was disregarding the fact that he was literally shoving his way passed other students, not giving a damn to be polite at the moment. There was something he needed to do. Something he thought about all throughout the night. The blond paused by the door way and took a deep breath before he stepped into the room.

"The best part is, Roxas doesn't even kn-"

"Shh Selphie look, it's Roxas." One of the brunette's minions whispered loud enough for Axel to hear. They paused their conversation, glancing over at the blond looking around the classroom.

Roxas spotted who he was looking for, marched toward his desk, set his bag down, and proceeded toward Axel's desk.

Axel had sat up by that point, surprised to see Roxas headed his way. Roxas paused, locking eyes with Axel, never giving the redhead a chance to fully process the blond's presences. As soon as the blond was close enough, he reached out and cupped Axel's cheek as gently as possible. Axel opened his mouth to say something while Roxas slowly leaned down and roughly locked their lips together. His tongue practically lodging itself down Axel's throat.

Axel almost gaged from the sudden intrusion but managed to keep it down. Instead he tried to go against his instincts and pull away. He managed to get a fraction of an inch away from those tempting lips, "Roxas?" He questioned with a breathless voice.

"Don't" Roxas whispered back, his lips mere centimeters away. The blond didn't wait another second to desperately kiss the redhead again. Lips soft yet firm against Axel's own.

In the background students either cat called or voiced their disgust with the couple. But Axel didn't pay them any mind. What mattered was Roxas and his soft lips and wandering hands. Though Axel was beyond confused, he wasn't going to deny Roxas or the feel of his mouth on his own. Within seconds the kiss had morphed into a full blown make out session. The two could care less about anyone around them.

Eventually Roxas grew tired of the simple kisses so he decided to bit Axel's lower lip causing him to gasp. Roxas didn't waste any time in slipping his tongue back into Axel's mouth. The redhead groaned as their tongue battle for dominance, which Axel surprisingly lost. The redhead was so into it he didn't notice Roxas peaking an eye open. His stare was directed at Selphie who in turned looked mortified. His icy gaze told her to stay the hell away from Axel because he was his.

Once Axel moaned again Roxas slowly peeled himself away from the panting redhead. The string of saliva was licked off of Axel's chin sensual. With his work done Roxas walked back to his seat without a word to anyone, Axel's dazed gaze following him to entire time.

Selphie stood up, stomping her feet on the ground as he hag gang began to tell Selphie that they were sick of her lies and that she should give up already. Axel was never going to want her and that whatever she had to say was not going to be believed anymore after the display that was shown to everyone. The young girl steamed and was ready to stalk over to Roxas and smack him. However, at that moment Lightening entered the class room, staring at the pissed off girl.

The bell rang right when the girl stood in front of a blanked face Roxas. She opened her month but before she could say anything Lightening spoke up. "Selphie, do we have a problem, again?" When Selphie ignored the teacher, Lightening rolled her eyes. "Selphie, either sit down or go to the principal's office. I'm not in the mood for this."

"Roxas and Axel should be the ones going!" She barked. "They sexually harassed my eyes!"

"Lightening, Selphie is lying." Sara innocently said.

"She is just mad that Axel rejected her again." Yuffie added on.

One of the males in the class laughed and began to agree. Then another and another student. They thought it was funny. Though it was just bullying, nobody cared. Selphie was known to be the second coming of Larxene. Rather, a wannabe Larxene. No one wanted that.

With a sigh Lightening repeated herself while Selphie yelled and said the class was lying. Eventually she was escorted out of the room by security. The whole time Axel was in his own little world of lust and confusion. He could still feel every inch of Roxas heated touch and kiss on his skin. God, what was going through Roxas' head. Axel needed to know.


"So, Axel," Terra gave the redhead a sly grin, "I heard what happened in your English class today. Roxas doesn't seem like the type to do that."

Axel just gave an indifferent shrug while sending Saix an SOS glance. What kind of rumors were going around about him now? But of course, his 'best friend' just gave him look of complete amusement and went back to eating his lunch.

"Oh look. Roxas!" Terra waved at said blond, "Are you going to eat with us?" He called out. But Roxas just gave Axel an uneasy glance before continuing to a table where Sora was sitting. Ever since the kiss Roxas had been ignoring the redhead, which only confused him more.

Aqua looked between Roxas and Axel before shrugging it off. "Maybe he's just embarrassed by what happened. It does seem out of character."

"Maybe." Terra smirked at Axel, lightly kicking him under the table. "You must have really riled him up for him to be so bold. People are saying that if the bell wasn't close to ringing you guys would have sex then and there."

Saix laughed, almost choking on his food while Aqua's eyes bugged out. "No?! Really?"

"No. We just kissed. I swear people are just over exaggerating." Axel groaned. He pushed his food away so he could rest his head on the table. He just wanted this day to be over.

"If you say so. I guess it throws out the rumor about you guys breaking up. I swear I'm going to kill Selphie for starting it. I can't believe she tried to convince everyone that you cheated on Roxas with her." Aqua seethe. She wanted to wring the girl's neck for trying to cause he friends trouble.

"Aqua calm down. After what happened today nobody is going to listen to thing she says unless she has proof. Besides, we all know Axel would never do that to Roxas." Terra patted Axel's back roughly making the teen grunt. "You're not like that buddy and we know it. You practically love the guy."

Saix stay quiet, ignoring Axel's pleading eyes. He knew the truth and wasn't about to let Axel's dirty secret out unless the redhead wanted to tell their other two friends.

"Excuse me, Axel?" A voice called out from behind the redhead. Axel turned around just to see who it was. There stood Sora, Roxas' best friend of all people. The redhead had a sickening feeling twisting at the bottom of his gut that Sora knew what he did to Roxas. Though he wasn't afraid of the brunet, he just didn't want Sora saying anything in front of his own friends.

"H-hi Sora. Do you need something?" Maybe playing stupid would stop Sora from saying anything that would tip his own friends off.

"I was wondering if you knew what was wrong with Roxas today. He seems kinda off." Sora said, scratching his cheek as he looked toward where he left Roxas sitting.

"No, Not really. Roxas tends to keep to himself and doesn't tell me much about his life." Axel frowned, "No matter how much I ask."

"Aw don't be like that. Roxas is the type that slowly opens up to people. Everyone may see him as one of the most wanted guys in school. Mr. Cool short and handsome with the amazing grades. But in reality Roxas is actually the quiet, stay out of my business type. Oh, just between you and me," Sora leaned down to whisper into Axel's ear. "He's really a closet pervert." Sora winked while trying to hold back at laugh at Axel's raised eyebrows. "Anyway, do you think you could talk to him. I'm really worried about him and he won't even say a word to me." Sora pouted.

"You should go talk to him." Saix spoke up, "Maybe there's something you two can talk about. Maybe its something that will end with the both of you happy."

"Shut up." Axel rolled his eyes and stood up, "But yeah, maybe I should go talk to him."

"Thank you, Axel." Sora smiled and bounced back to his table.

"I hope everything is okay." Aqua said in her usual motherly tone.

"Me too." The redhead of the group lowly grumbled as he walked away and towards his boyfriend, "Ummm...hi Roxas." He tried to smile, but his nerves were too shot that he knew his face had contorted into a grimace.

Roxas looked up with dull eyes. He then glanced at Sora with a glare. The brunet just smiled innocently as if he did nothing wrong. With a huff Roxas stood up, grabbed his bag and began to walk away.

"Go follow him Axel. There's probably just a stick up his ass so don't let him bother you." Sora encouraged.

He didn't want to. Axel's mind was telling him to run away and pretend that everything was okay. But he knew that he couldn't let Roxas ignore him forever.

So, he ran after the blond. Down halls and upstairs, until he found Roxas at his locker, "Rox?" He put his hand on the teen's shoulder and carefully spun him around, "I think we need to talk."

"Not here." Roxas almost whispered. The blond put his stuff away, shut his locker, and took Axel's hand. Together the couple walked down another hall until they came to a class room that was used for storage.

The two entered and locked the door behind them. Now that they were away from people, away from others over hearing them, Roxas finally looked Axel in the eye. Both equally confused and full of fear of what they were going to talk about. Yet neither one was about to speak. Axel didn't know what to say and Roxas knew if he himself spoke, he was going to end up in tears. They both wished this wasn't so hard.

Roxas ended up being the first to speak, voice cracking in the beginning. "I uh, I'm sorry about this morning."

Axel felt himself blush as he remembered the strange encounter, "Yeah..." He had to look away for a brief moment, "It was weird. But I kinda liked it too. You being controlling and dominate. Kinda hot."

Roxas felt his face and ears burn. He was slightly regretting doing that. "Yeah?" He asked momentarily distracted from what they really needed to talk about.

"Mmhmm." Axel leaned against the locked door, "But it kind of hurts that you went straight back to ignoring me after."

"To be honest, I was trying to tell Selphie and the other girls to fuck off and to keep their hands off of you." Roxas glanced at the far wall with a small frown and lightly dusted pink cheeks. "I guess I was jealous and annoyed that they kept trying to…to have their way with you. I felt like I needed to prove a point." He looked up at Axel, brows furrowed.

"What point? I'm yours and only yours. I could care less about what that bitch has to say. And so should you." Axel said, lying about what he felt.

"And yet you went to her house and almost fucked her." Roxas' tone had a bite to it, his anger slowly seeping through the cracks.

Axel couldn't look at the blond as guilt ate away at him, "I thought it was over between us. You had completely blocked me out. I was lonely and she was an easy rebound."

"Then maybe you should have made sure it was actually over between us before you start sticking your dick in everything with a hole. I can't believe you didn't tell me you thought it was over between us. I would have listened to you! Yes, I shouldn't have been ignoring you but I apologized for that already. God, do you even know what I was going to do to you this weekend? I wanted to make it up to you and show you how much I appreciated how sweet and caring you were to me. At least until now I thought you were those things." From anger to hurt, the emotions were clear as crystal on his face. The train of tears ran down like a slow rain storm on his rosy cheeks. "I thought that you were a good person and that a relationship with you was possible. When I went over yesterday, I thought of spending the night, waiting until your mom left so I could show you a preview of what the weekend was going to be like, damn it." Roxas turned and walked to the back of the classroom and sat behind a short tower of boxes, silently cursing to himself.

Axel watched the younger teen silently cry. He could feel his stomach twist into knots. He knew he had said the wrong things. That he had broken more than just Roxas's trust; he broke his heart too. There was no way he would be able to look at himself in the mirror knowing all this.

But then another thought occurred. What had the blond meant? Preview for what? The memories of what they had done in his room all came rushing back to him. How Roxas kissed him and what his body was doing. Maybe it could have gone farther than a heavy make out if Axel hadn't confessed. Maybe he could have gotten at the very least a hand job. Or maybe something better.

Maybe Roxas really was serious about him. But then again Roxas didn't have to do those things to him to be serious about him. It was just Axel's sexual need telling him that. He had hurt Roxas over something the blond wasn't ready for. It was true he thought Roxas was done with him but what if, Axel himself was just tired of waiting for Roxas? Just the thought made the redhead's heart break. He didn't want to add another thing to make himself feel even worse than he already was.

Silently he went over to where his blond was and sat next him. The older teen didn't know what to say, but he didn't want to just leave his boyfriend there. He couldn't leave him there.

"Leave me the fuck alone." Roxas growled.

But Axel didn't. One look into that tear stained face and the redhead found himself pulling Roxas into a tight hug. He just wanted to take Roxas's pain away.

Roxas didn't resist the hug to Axel's relief. The blond clung to the redhead, soaking his shirt with his tears as his body trembled underneath Axel's hold. What the blond mumbled next completely broke whatever strong hold Axel had on his emotions on the outside.

"I hate you."

Axel choked on a response but he knew it to be true. "I know and," He squeezed his eyes wishing this pain would go away and that the two of them could go back in time to when things were better. "I'm so sorry Roxas."

"Fuck you Axel." Roxas cried hard, his hands balling up the front of Axel's shirt. "….Fuck…you."

"I'm sorry." Axel whispered, holding Roxas tighter against himself. All he could do now was stay like that until they both calmed down. Even if it meant skipping a few classes.

Although it only took a good two hours for both of them to stop crying. And one hour to sleep it off. If someone had walked into the class room and saw them like that, Roxas on Axel's lap clinging to him while said redhead held him close to his chest, they would think it was cute. As if they hadn't just been fighting and crying at all.

Roxas was the first to wake up. He glanced up at Axel and frowned. He looked so peaceful when he slept that Roxas didn't want to interrupt it. There was no way he could move if he wanted Axel to stay asleep so the blond went back to leaning on Axel's chest. It would be the last time he would get to be like this with the teen. "Axel, I hate you so much for what you did but I know full well that it's my fault. I just wish you would have come to me. This whole thing, has made me realize that I-" Roxas kept his mouth shut and simply decided to go back to sleep. He couldn't say those other two words. They wouldn't matter now anyway.

Unfortunately for the blond Axel had woken up after Roxas' small movement. He heard him loud and clear yet the words didn't make him feel any better. The redhead didn't want this to be the end for them when it just started. He just hoped and prayed that Roxas would be able to see passed this and give him another chance. He knew it was a long shot, it would be for anyone. What he did was not right but at least he stopped. He was pretty sure that even if Roxas hadn't called him he would have stopped either way. It still didn't justify anything however, and he knew that. Maybe, they could think of something together.

"I know you hate me Roxas. You have no idea how sorry I truly am. I honestly wish you would have come to me too you know. But I guess that's just our thing, keeping everything in. And I know you won't forgive me but please Roxas, please give me another chance. Please?" Axel muttered to the blond whom buried his face against his soaked shirt. The redhead's voice started to crack as he begged his boyfriend. "I know I don't deserve it but God, Roxas you have no idea how much I really, really, really like you."

"Axel." Roxas stopped him, their pained eyes meeting. The blond reached up and cupped Axel's cheeks, thumb wiping away a tear.

"Roxas, please." Axel sniffed feeling like he did when he was overweight. The same insecurities as when he was being bullied; when he thought he would never have the courage to talk to Roxas let alone ask him out. He could feel his heart being squeezed by the shackles of hell itself. "I'm so sorry."

Roxas held Axel's face in both hands now, thumbs wiping away at his many hot tears. Roxas sat up a bit and began to softly kiss the upset teen. Axel sniffled, letting himself enjoy the feeling of the blond. The warmth and the tingling sensation flooding through his veins. When they pulled apart, Roxas held the redhead, tightly, trying to calm them both down. "I don't know." Roxas whispered against Axel's neck. "I really like you too but I don't know what to think right now."

"Okay…" Axel mumbled miserably.

"I need to think about it. Just give me time to think about it. I'm not going to promise you anything though. But I want you to know that this doesn't mean I'm breaking up with you. Not yet at least." Roxas gave a small smile wishing Axel would smile back.

But Axel couldn't. He knew, deep down in his heart, that this would be the last time he could hold Roxas like this, "When do you think you'll know?"

The blond teen's face scrunched up in thought. He was about to open his mouth to answer but was rudely interrupted by the shrill siren of the bell going off, signaling either class being over or school ending. Without a second thought, and almost like he'd done it before, Roxas reached behind Axel to grope around for the redhead's phone.

Roxas let out a small groan when he saw the time. School was out which meant the couple had practically skipped their last classes. Roxas didn't mind all that much but he wasn't sure about the redhead. With a nervous chuckle Roxas showed Axel the time. "I guess it's time to go home."

The redhead blindly blinked at the bright screen. His mind still trying to process that the blond had felt him up, "Oh...should...should," he hesitated, not wanting to ask the question or hear Roxas's reply, "We should go, huh?"

Roxas nodded, slowly getting off the redhead's lap. "I can give you a ride if you want. Then maybe we could keep talking about this?" Roxas asked feeling awkward. "If not then I guess this it. We go our separate ways until we can both figure out what we want."


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