So this is more like a filler and a bit more into the story. I am sorry and I am tired. -sigh- let's hope the next update won't take this long.

-glances at the surprise I planned for the anniversary- ….Whoops. I hope not.


Damn I have a lot. I probobaly answered some of these but...its been forever and I don't remember so...YEAH

Captain Aron

Don't worry, we can wait. :) Take a nap and rest.

And by the way, Kara should whoop Takaoka's ass instead of having Karasuma knock him out. This could prove that Kara probably knows about Korosensei's bounty.

See ya! :3

A nap sounds good right now. OH SHE WILL BWUAHAHAHA! /slapped. Nah, she knew about it another way~


It would be funny though if Kiyoko was just joking with Nagisa and there is actually a surprise for later chapters.

Thanks for the update and PLEASE MORE UPDATES.

OMG MORE SIBLINGS! WHEEE! Wow four kids...and I think I know who the new sibling should be…

How about a return for Kurumi? From a one-shot posted on "Karma has a what?" Her creator and I were also planning to do another collab anyway. More updates...ahaha i think you mean...THE SURPRISE FOR THE ANNIVERSARY~


Keep up the good work.I will be waiting for you.

THANK YOU~ Yes thank you for dealing with me and my lack of updates.

Guest 18

Whyyyy I ship Karasuma and Irana sensei TT-TT. But he's to dense to notice or he ignores it. and if you read the latest manga chapter it was sad and cool and gonna be epic in the next *u* I'm sI excited for the next episode since I watch both Nagisa looks so cool saying I will kill you. U


Wow, you can tell how old this review. Ahaha Nagisa saying "I will kill you" was like...June last year. Whoops.


karakara ? pfft xD I hope that Kara would punch or kick Takaoka cause he's solo evil :(( and yeah I really like the new Kara.. You should probably try dreamselfy too because the chibis are so cute !

KaraKara~ Didn't notice till I was typing Karasuma and paused. Then I'm like OMFG!

Oh yessssss she will! Thank you~ Oh! Ok!


Oooo damn! It's this part! Is Kiyoko and Kara gonna be there? Cuz I'm pretty sure that if Kiyoko gets hurt Kara's gonna kick Takaoka a$$! OOOO I can't wait. Awesome chapter. Please update soon!


Kara, karma, Irina, Karasuma, Korosensei, basically everyone xD no one hurts the bunny and gets away with it ._.




Finally, the next chapter's out!

YES! XD late as ever but it's here!


Oh oh Kiyoko is becoming a mini Karma

well at least since shes young

she wont use diobolical schemes like her brother

question though in the manga you get to see Korosensei human

form and well whould you ship him with Kara

had he still been human

Akabane blood has mischief in it (^-^)/

Nope, too young. Soon she will~


If he was human, then yes. But with the backstory revealed, I don't want to mess with too much of it. Cause the whole point of him being a teacher was for his crush/lover. I don't want to mess with it because the whole series will be a bit off.


I hope Kara is not the type who is oblivious to

somone flirting with her cause that must mean

Karma whould be overprotetive over his sister and

well harm her suitors

Nope. She isn't xD Kiyoko is :3 when she's older of course xD as the baby of the family xD Karma still be that overprotectiove brother and never want to his sisters to be with a guy xD


yay! this is good O i can't also wait for your another story where Kiyoko suddenly becomes a teenager.!

.I still need to finish it too x.x


So will you upadate and also I

never will ship Bitch sensei and Karasuma

Yes. I will update no matter how many months it will take me xD

You don't? Well good thing this isnt one ^-^; Do you ship Irina with anyone else? I know people ship her with Korosensei. Just curious.


Hihihihihi seems like they get along well :)

i love this story :)

Ahaha yeaaaah~

Thank you!


that cliffhanger. please update this :D and please add Karmanami moments :)

Hehehe yeaaaah



I know what you feel :)

So much stress and stuff x.x


Ill be waiting for the next chapter

Your username is forver saved on my phone xD like it is always there xD

WAIT NO MORE (For now)

Please update soon!

WAIT NO MORE (For now)


Gambatte! I think that means good luck or something..XD

Whenever I read gambatte, I read it hearing Sakura from cardcaptor Sakura voice. Or Tomoyo. Not sure why,...


Wish all your problems go away!

I'll wait for your storiesXD



Could you do a another story with kiyoko and assassination classroom in the future

This review...omg this review is the reason why I thought of the anniversary surprise. The surprise will be more of what you asked ;)


Wow I deserve a smack.


The students were surrounding Karasuma-sensei who was looking at some papers he was holding. Kiyoko was in the classroom learning English from Bitch-sensei.

"Ne Karasuma-sensei, who is the new teacher?" said Hara.

"When will he be coming?" asked Kanzaki.

Sugaya asked, "What will he be teaching us?"

Karasuma stopped reading the papers and pocketed them in his suit. "I am not sure what he will be teaching you but he will be coming tomorrow." He then took a deep breath. "And his name is….Akira Takaoka."

Now (about f*cking time Animeandmangafangirl!)

The class ended and the students went home. When Karma and Kiyoko went back home, they found their sister Kara making lunch.

"We're baaack" they chorused.

"Welcome back you two." Kara greeted. She handed them some sandwiches.

"Yay!" Kiyoko cheered and munched on the food.

"You're going to get fat" teased Karma.

He laughed as Kiyoko kicked him, which he didn't react to since it was so weak to him.

"Onee-chan! Onii-chan is calling me fat!" she whined to her older sister and clung to her. Kara picked her up and cuddled with her. "Karma you shouldn't call your precious baby sister fat" she scolded.

Karma just raised an eyebrow as he ate a sandwich. He was then tackled into a bear hug.

"Now that you're eating, you're getting fat~" Kara said as she pinched his cheek. Kiyoko also joined in and stretched his other cheek while giggling.

Karma growled at the pinching and try to free himself but was unable under his big sister's grip.

The girls laughed at his attempt. Once Kara felt like he had enough, she released him.

He quickly put some distance between himself and his sisters.

"Onee-chan!" Kiyoko yelled out. "Are you coming back? I want to show you Pretty Lady!"

Karma just grimaced at that thought. "Why is Kiyoko so hyper to introduce Kara-nee to Bitch-sensei?! Does she want me to die!?" He thought.

"Haha I don't know. Your homeroom teacher will have to call me again" Kara said.

"Oh yeah! P.E.-sensei seems to like you!" Kiyoko giggled. Karma facepalmed and Kara blushed a bit.

"But Kara-nee has a boyfriend." Karma stated, his arms crossing. He is NOT overprotective. He just didn't like thought of any guy dating his sisters. Or even being near them. Yup, not overprotective.

"Oh, don't worry about Rusuke. I broke up with him. Found out he was cheating on me." Kara said smiling and giggling. She had a deadly aura around her. Karma knew the guy got what he deserved. No doubt he's at the hospital at the moment.

Karma smirked. "Kiyoko, let us make some cupcakes for Rusuke-saaan~" Might as well send him some get well cupcakes.

Kiyoko, noticing the gleam in his eyes, grinned. "Yay! Wasabi!"

Kara smiled softly at her siblings. She taught them well. "Oh…'P.E.-sensei'? I thought he was your homeroom teacher…"

The two younger Akabanes stayed silent. Whoops.

"Madoka Magica is on! Bye bye! Thanks for the food!" Kiyoko said running out of the room.

Karma cursed at his luck as he faced a narrowed-eyed Kara. "Well he does both jobs. Class E budget is small so we have limited teachers. Just two teachers to teach us all the subjects."

Kara smiled and Karma sighed inwardly. He then was attacked with a hug. The hug made it impossible him for escape from his big sister's grasp.

"Ne Karma, you shouldn't lie to your big sister like that. It's rude." Kara hugged him harder. "And stop struggling. I was the one who taught you this move."

Karma grunted. He was spun around and pinned to the wall. Kara grinned at him when she trapped him.

"Now. Tell me the truth."

Karma clicked his tongue in irritation. "Fine…" He began telling her the truth about assassination classroom.


"...Karma….that sounds absolutely ridiculous." Kara deadpanned as Karma nodded. "But this is you, so I believe you." At Karma's questioned face, she continued. "Imagine if Kiyoko-chan told me this? I would have assumed it was one of her games."

Karma nodded in understanding. Kiyoko can come up with some...unique games. She had quite the imagination.

"Wait!? Are you two even safe doing this?!" Kara suddenly said. It had hit her that her younger siblings are training to become assassins. "Kiyoko-chan is only 5 years old! Karma what have you been doing since I was away at University?!"

"Jeez. You think I am irresponsible enough to let her be in danger Kara-nee?" Karma said in disbelief. "I limit her interactions alright. She does small things like creative ideas and distractions. Her idea of assassination is poisoning the Octopus's candy which is currently in the works." Karma waved off her concerns. "Don't be a mother hen."

"Ughhh fine." Kara sighed. She then brought him into a hug, this time a normal one. "I just worry for you two. Let me worry alright.' She rubbed her head against his hair. "You are always getting into fights and Kiyoko-chan is always in daycare…"

"Actually, she's been in Class E more. The last time she went into the daycare with the old man was around 2 weeks ago. It was for a friend's birthday." Karma said.

'Still~" Kara whined. "Wish I am here more often." She sighed.

Karma got out of her death hug. "Education is important Kara-nee."

Kara glared at him and pinched his cheeks, "I don't want to hear it from the one who skips his classes constantly."

Karma rubbed his red cheeks. "At least I know the content. It's alright. I am still top of the class."

"Ugh, I give up with you." Kara rolled her eyes.

Karma laughed and left the kitchen. He never saw the smirk his sister had.

"Oh, that was fast." Karma muttered as he looked at the living room floor.

Kiyoko was sprawled on the floor with the T.V. on. The sleeping kittens were on her stomach while the parents were on the sofa curled up together. Bandit the mother cat was sleeping with Mischief the only one awake. He was watching over the family.

Karma whipped out his phone and took a picture at the scene. It was a cute picture. Plus it also served as blackmail.

He picked up the kittens and set them near their parents. He lifted Kiyoko to his lap as he picked up the remote. Might as well as watch Tv.

"P.E.-sensei!" Kiyoko called out as she entered the staff room. "Where is Pretty Lady? I can't fin-...Eh? Onee-chan?!" Kiyoko yelled out in surprise.

Kara had her hands on her hips while Karasuma rubbed his temple.

"Whatcha doing here Onee-chan?" Kiyoko asked while clinging to her.

Kara smiled, "It's a surprise okay." She winked and lifted a finger to her lips.


Karasuma sighed. "Irina will return within a few hours. She had business with her boss. She'll return with the new teacher."

"Okay!" Kiyoko then happily ran out of the room.

Once the adults were certain she was gone, the atmosphere turned serious.

"I appreciate the offer but I hope you will reconsider." Karasuma said seriously.

"Nothing you will say will make me reconsider. Might as well take part of the assassination classroom. I can be there math teacher while also participating in the assassination. Three Akabanes in the assassination. Imagine the things will come up with~" She smiled evilly while thinking multiple plans. She then brighten up, "Plus it will also be a way for me to spend some time with them."

Karasuma sighed, "Please do not think of this as a family thing-"

"From what I found out, the class is like a family already." Kara cut off.

Karasuma groaned, "I am not sure the principal will allow it. You are just a new teacher aren't you? You just recently graduated and came for experience?"

Kara waved a hand lazily, "Maa maa~ I already took care of that." She handed a slip of paper, "I am already hired. Already gave him a presentation of my teaching skills, being paid the minimum, already keeping my mouth shut with the assassination, etc. I'm one step ahead of you~" she smirked.

Karasuma sighed in defeat. The principal has the upper power in this situation.

"Math period is in 10 minutes correct?" Kara smirked. "Hope we get along~" She then left to get ready.

Karasuma sighed and rubbed his temple. He then took out a green knife and threw it to the window.

"NYUAA!?" A pink face Korosensei popped out from the window.

"I knew you were there Target. Get back to the is the period where you are teaching." Karasuma ordered. "Do your job!"

"Nyfurururu~ Not wanting me to know the gossip huh~" Korosensei laughed. "A love between you and Kara~ Ooh~ how will Irina fit in into this romance!? Sensei can't wait!" He then laughed as he dodged knives and went back to the classroom.

With him out of the way, Karasuma sighed and took out a bottle of headache reliefs. He hoped this will last him for the week. Or day. You never know.

After leaving the staffroom, Kiyoko headed straight towards the classroom to tell Karma the news. She opened the door while crying out, "Onii-chaaan~ Guess what!?" She startled a few students from her outbursts.

"What did you find out?" Karma said as she ran towards him. He then picked up the giggling girl.

"Onee-chan is here!" She announced. The class then paid attention to her. "She's in the staffroom with P.E.-sensei! She says she has a surprise!"

"It's true!" Korosensei announced while writing in his OTP book. "Sensei saw them!"

"More like spying on them!" The class accused the octopus.

"Sensei would never do something indecent!" He exclaimed. He has the nerve to look offended.

The class narrowed their eyes and pulled out their guns and knives. "Yeah right!"

The octopus got pelted with pink pellets and knives. "Kyaaa!"

The door opened with hesitance and the class stopped. They all had eyes widen in shock and surprise.

"Um...Is now not a good time?" Kara said while looking at Korosensei and the bullets on the floor curiously. "I can come back later…"


SORRY! Gotta stop there. My eyes are getting sore from being in front of a computer for a long time.

See ya next time!

Well actually...the 29th of this month. Since it is when I will reveal the anniversary. Just Look out for when I publish a new fanfiction~ hehehe

Or 30th in some of your timezone. I live in California so that will tell you what timezone i am in xD

I just realized it's next week.

Gotta finish it xD