Sorry wont cut it will it? I can try though. I left you all, I admit it, and I am truly sorry but I've had such painful writers block. I left you all just like that and I deserve no forgivness but a girl can hope. I have no idea if this chapter will make up for it but I hope it does.


Chapter Eighteen

"Hey, we got here before everyone else." George looked around after Rachel stepped out of the fireplace at The Burrow.

"Hmm." She hummed. "Well let's put our trunks away and maybe they'll be back by then."

Athena was already waiting in Rachel's room and gave her master an affectionate nip before drinking some water and getting some rest. George met her at her door and they headed downstairs just the floo downstairs flared. Once all the other Weasleys were in the kitchen, the door opened and two almost unrecognizable people had walked in. It took a second to realize it was George and Rachel.

George, who was in a close fitting long sleeve shirt rolled up to his elbows and jeans, looked huge muscle wise. Fred had to forcibly close his gaping mouth at the change his twin had gone through. Then it was Rachel. She was in a tight black camisole, jeans, and red vans and looked more like a beautiful model than a fourteen year old girl. Her fingers were laced with Georges when the two saw them all.

"Hey!" He grinned and Mrs. Weasley was the first to break out of her shock.

"Oh, George, Rachel, you look so grown up." She exclaimed and hugged George tightly before Rachel, not noticing the minuscule flinch from unexpected contact. "Are you alright dear, Professor Dumbledore told us."

"I'm doing better." Rachel sighed. "Did-did he tell you everything?"

"Just that you saw you-know-who come back." Rachel looked relieved for a reason only George knew.

"Why do you look so…different, George?" Ginny finally burst out. George looked embarrassed as Rachel smirked at him. He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"I can tell them if you want. Of course I also can tell them embarrassing incidents." He paled before sighing.

"Well, Rachel was able to convince me to join-um-dance…club." His voice faltered in embarrassment. It was silent as his siblings looked incredulous and he spoke again quickly. "I mean, that and working out with Chris."

"Oh, who's Chris?" Mrs. Weasley asked and George was so visibly relieved by the change of subject that Rachel laughed.

Once the kids had put their trunks away, they joined George, Rachel, and Mrs. Weasley at the kitchen table to listen to George and Rachel.

"Wait, you got your own house elf?" Ron asked and the two nodded.

"Maxie really helped Rachel with the homework she got." George shrugged as Rachel nodded.

"And how much did you get for your final performance?"

"Well I got 150 Galleons while Rachel got 165."


The next week was interesting to say the least. It turned out that there was a formally disbanded organization called The Order of the Phoenix which, now that Voldemort was back yet the Ministry was denying it, was back together to help. The Burrow was being made headquarters for it which meant that people were going to be coming in and out for meetings. Bill came and was bunking with Fred and George since Rachel was in his room. He was shocked by how different George and Rachel looked.


"Arthur! Arthur, get Albus!" The kids looked over as Mrs. Weasley rushed past to get outside. George curiously looked out and his eyes widened.

"Rachel! It's Chris and Branna!"

"What?!" She rushed to the window. "Oh my god, they look like they've been through hell. C'mon." The two ran outside, to where Mrs. Weasley was standing next to Chris who was holding onto Branna.



"George, Rachel, get inside." Mrs. Weasley said firmly but they ignored her. The second Rachel made it to Branna, the quiet girl threw herself onto the other girl. Rachel was able to hold down the flinch from unexpected contact. Chris hugged George in relief.

"Chris, what happened?" George asked and the older boy shook his head.

"No idea. These guys just swarmed the house and I grabbed the emergency portkey dad has. You just think of a safe place and it'll take you. Branna was the one who thought and she must have thought of you and Rachel." They looked at Branna who was shaking and crying as Rachel held her. Branna was older than Rachel but Branna seemed and acted younger many times so it felt like Rachel was the older one.

"It's okay Branna." She whispered. "You're safe."

"Come on, lets get inside." George said and Chris started to walk before almost falling.

"I hurt my leg when we landed." Chris winced and George sighed before having Chris put one arm around his neck to support. "Put the muscles to use mate, don't want you getting weak."

"Hah, funny." George rolled his eyes as he and Rachel led Chris and Branna inside. Mrs. Weasley followed in surprise by how mature her son was acting. Branna had yet to let go of Rachel who was smoothing her hair as they walked.

They made it inside where everyone was watching. Mr. Weasley beckoned them into the kitchen where Dumbledore was waiting. He was curious to the relationship between the four but pushed it aside for the matters at hand. He watched as George helped the boy onto a chair and Rachel had to sit with the girl who had yet to let go and was shaking.

"Hello, I'm Professor Dumbledore."

"Hi. I'm Chris Trainor and this is my little sister, Branna."

"How did you two end up here?"

"Our house, it was mobbed by these masked guys. I hid with Branna and we saw our dad get taken away so I grabbed this portkey my dad has that takes you to wherever you think is safe. Branna had it take us to George and Rachel." Branna had gripped onto Rachel tighter who was whispering reassuringly in her ear. "Do-do you know what we're supposed to do now?"

"How old are you, Chris?"

"I just turned eighteen. But, I have no way to support me and Branna yet. We don't have a family vault, just our joined trust vault and Branna still needs that for school." Chris looked at his sister who was looking at him.

"Do you have any other family?"

"No, all the family that could take us died in the first war. Our mum, she was a muggle who died giving birth to Branna. Our dad is half blood but, he was cut off after marrying our mum so he either put his pay check in our trust vault or used it to get us food."

"Well, if we move some people around, you two can stay here until needed." Mrs. Weasley said and Mr. Weasley nodded.

"Thank you."


Plot twist! Chris and Branna is now with them! Read and Review!