Chapter 1

Dean let out a heavy sigh as he sluggishly pulled the heavy door open. Waking up at 6am did not sit well with the superstar; although the idea of seeing the current United States champion, Seth Rollins, did cheer him up slightly. As the door to the training centre swung open, Dean painted the closest thing to a smile he could, across his face. With his hands buried in his pockets and head hung low, he avoided eye contact with both Brie and Nikki who were running through basic sequences in one ring, and Wade, who was on the phone in the corner.

"About time you got here." Seth smirked as he leaned against the bright yellow ropes watching Dean enter the building in perhaps the most antisocial manner. "It's six in the morning, Seth… If anything, I'm early!" the lunatic shot back. Seth responded with a quiet chuckle, still eyeing Dean as he climbed into the ring, "Alright, what are we going through today?" he asked as he put his phone and water bottle down in the corner. "Anything really, I mean we've got Night of Champions coming up so we can just do some basic stuff, maybe we can run through a match or something." Seth suggested.
"We can have a match together!" Nikki Bella interrupted with a mischevious grin on her face.
"No." Dean immediately snapped. Nikki beckoned Brie as she slid out of the ring and jogged to the two former Shield members. "Why not?" she asked. Dean, a little less sympathetic than Seth, rolled his eyes.
"Because we don-" Seth nudged his friend gently before offering his opinion.
"Sure, we can try a match together, what do you wanna do? Mixed tag?" he smiled at the twins.
"No, you and Dean taking on me and Nikki." Brie giggled as she looked at Nikki who nodded in agreement.
"Alright... Fair enough." Seth said then turned to Dean giving him a stern look that he understood as 'no buts!' or something along those lines. The Bellas high-fived before jumping onto the apron. Brie offered to start however her sister pushed her aside and climbed through the ropes. Dean leaned in and pressed one hand against Seth's chest as he whispered to him, "I'll start." Rollins discreetly hid his smile and stood on the apron.

It had been almost half an hour when Brie hit a Bella Buster on Dean and pinned him… Of course he let her win! The twins rolled out of the ring and grabbed their bags. "Alright, we're off… But before we go I might as well let you know Dean, Bryan told me about your idea for his bachelor party!" the hippie grinned. Dean raised an eyebrow, confused. "Strip club!" Brie rolled her eyes. Ambrose smirked and nodded.
"Ew Dean! Women are so much more than ass and boobs! You're such a man!" Nikki laughed.
"No shit!" Dean and Seth both exclaimed at the same time, they looked at each other and locked eyes before they were Nikki intervened. "If I see either of you," she pointed at the men "in a strip club, I'll rack attack the hell outta both of you!" and with that, she left with Brie. Seth turned to Dean,
"So you're into strip clubs, huh?"
"What guy isn't?" Dean chuckled. Seth turned away and thought before he replied.
"Yeah I suppose you're right…"

"Ladies and gentlemen we are sold out in Brooklyn, New York for Monday Night Raw!" Dean hurriedly pulled on his jeans as the cheerful voice of Michael Cole announced in joy as the crowd roared in excitement. The cheers quickly transitioned into a much more negative reaction as Rollins' music echoed throughout the arena as well as the backstage area. Jane Geddes, Dean didn't know exactly what her job was however he did know she was in charge and not to be argued with, peered her head around the door. Looking as if she was in a rush, she quickly yelled over the music "You're up next!" to which Dean replied with a nod. The door closed and he pulled on his boots before leaving the locker room. He was pretty sure Seth was nearly finished with his lines and that he should be ready at the curtain by now so turned his walk into a slight jog. His theme hit just as he ran into the monitor room where Jane, Mark and Vince sat watching the show on small screens with headsets. He jogged up the steps and pulled the curtain aside, took a deep breath then stepped through.

Now in his unstable character, he walked around the minitron with his tongue stuck out. Each and every fan was on their feet screaming as the popular superstar made his way down the ramp. His theme faded out and he climbed into the ring, picking up his microphone from the apron. He smirked at Seth who eyed him carefully. "I think we've heard enough crap from you, Mr Rollins, so how about you come outta your fictional kingdom and step into reality." The lunatic licked his lips as the crowd cheered once again. Shivers were sent down his spine and hairs on his arms stood rigid as the adrenaline kicked in. "The reality is… In 6 nights time, at Night of Champions, your head is gonna be smashed into this mat, you're shoulders are gonna be down for the 1-2-3 and you're United States championship is coming home with me." As Seth lifted his mic and opened his mouth to speak, Dean kicked his gut, lifted his arms and drove him headfirst onto the ring mat. His theme hit once again as he took hold of the red, white and blue belt and held it high. "Is this gonna be the scene we see come Night of Champions?" Jerry Lawler excitedly exclaimed as Dean left the ring. The lights went down. Rollins rolled out of the ring and headed backstage with Dean. Brie Bella passed them as she hurried down to the ring for her match up next.

The former Shield members walked back through the curtain as Brie's theme boomed throughout the arena. Dean peered over Mark Carrano's shoulder and watched on the monitor as the Bella started the 'Yes!' chants, the WWE universe soon followed. "Oi, you two!" a sweet British accent caused Seth and Dean to quickly turn. Paige stood in front of them with a sly smirk on her face. She was sporting a new attire, at least, new to Dean. Her top and bottoms were a dark purple and very glossy. It complimented her Divas Championship which she was hung loosely over her shoulder. "Just wanted to let you know that our matches at Night of Champions have been switched. Nikki and I were meant to be semi-main and you two were meant to be on second but we've been switched so you're semi main instead!" she smiled before turning and walking to the curtain. Her theme song hit as Dean and Seth walked away. "Hey Dean, wanna do something tonight?" Seth inquired with a nervous gulp. Dean flicked his fringe out of his face and replied with a simple "Sure."