I do not know if I should continue this. Should I leave it as a one shot or make it a story.

Here goes nothing. Please leave some reviews and tell me how it is?

Chapter song-air supply-goodbye

I can see the pain living in your eyes

And I know how hard you try

You deserve to have so much more

I can feel your heart and I sympathize

And I'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life

I don't want to let you down

I don't want to lead you on

I don't want to hold you back

From where you might belong

You deserve the chance at the kind of love

I'm not sure I'm worthy of

Losing you is painful to me

You would never ask me why

My heart is so disguised

I just can't live a lie anymore

I would rather hurt myself

Than to ever make you cry

There's nothing left to say, but goodbye


He stood there in a corner of the room. It was beautiful, the decorations, the flowers everything seemed so out of the world. Everyone was looking so happy, they all had a reason to celebrate and he did not.

It was a happy day was it not. The war was finally over, the great harry potter was able to defeat voldemort alone. It was only one month after the battle. Remus and tonks died in the battle leaving their only son to harry. He did not have many people left whom he loved.

It was his job to look after little teddy now. He did not know why he was here. He did not come because he was invited; he came to have the final closure. Today he was going to leave something behind; it was his day to forget and move on.

She did not know that he was here, she did not invite him but her husband did. He did not know why he was invited maybe her husband wanted to show that in the end the great harry potter lost the only thing he wanted, love.

Guests were moving around the room, mingling with each other. Very few people were brave enough to approach him and talk. He was glad to be alone with his thoughts.

Ginerva saw him and came to talk

'Harry, what are you doing here? She asked everyone to not to invite you but then why are you here?'

He was not surprised. She rarely spoke to him now a days and he did not expect to be invited by her.

'I was invited by Ronald and it specifically asked me to be present for the sake of our old friendship' Ginny winced at his formality. She nodded her head and went as far away from him as possible in the small room.

The wedding march began; he watched her entry,she looked beautiful in her white dress, her bushy hair pulled up and a small happy smile gracing her face

She did not notice him. She walked towards Ronald and the wedding vows began. Each vow made his heart break a little more but he kept his face emotionless. It was the reason he had came, to move on.

Ronald said I do and she said the same in return. They kissed and it was no longer Hermione granger the girl who was standing there instead it was Hermione weasley, the married women. The girl he loved had died the moment she said I do, he knew nothing about the woman who stood there and his work here was done. His Hermione was no more.

It was at that moment she looked at him. Surprise crossed her features, he did not smile at her and he just stared. He moved his eyes from her it was time to go. He was about to move when someone stopped him.

He looked up to see that it was none other than the newly married couple who stood there.

'Harry, you came' the red head said with a smug smile as his hand wrapped around the women beside him possessively. Harry felt nothing. The women looked at him with question in her eyes. Question about what? He thought

'Yes, I'm about to go, so if you will excuse me' he said and made a move to go but the redhead stopped him again

'Give the bride a dance before leaving, it is a weasley tradition to dance with the bride and since she is a weasley….Ronald trailed of and squeezed her behind before leaving. She looked down throughout the talk. Her cheeks filled with red when her husband did the inappropriate act but she did not protest

The silence became uneasy after Ron left. She looked up at him but he did not meet her eyes. A song began playing; she knew it was the same song. He placed his hands on her back and tried to keep as much distance between them as possible. It felt like he was disgusted by touching her but she did not expect anything more from him. He did not even look at her.

She remembered another dance like this but in that dance he had loved her.


They were in the middle of the hocrux hunt; Ron had left since a month. It was only her and harry, she now noticed him looking at her most of the time with an emotion she did not know. She liked the way he looked at her. It felt like she was the most important thing to him and knowing it made her happy.

They were sitting in the tent thinking about the next hocrux when he spoke.

'Let's dance'

A simple song filled the room; he pulled her close to his body and wrapped his hands around her. His head rested at her side as they danced together.

It was a happy dance, he sang quietly with the song. He had a beautiful voice she decided. The song was almost over when he pulled her head up and kissed her but she did not respond.

He stopped kissing her and pulled back and she knew that it would never be the same again

'I'm sorry but I thought you love me, all these years. You know that i..I love you don't you'he said slowly

She did not reply and he pulled back as if struck.

'Mione?'he asked in a small voice with tears streaming down his face' you love me don't you?'

She tried to hug him but he pulled back.

'I'm sorry harry but I can't. I love Ron, I always loved him and I choose him already. We will be married after two months' she pulled her bag to show him the ring.

He stayed quite for some time and closed his eyes as if thinking

get out' he said

'What?' she asked shocked

'Get out' he said again

'How can you say this harry. This is our war; you cannot find the hocrux without me. Just because of a stupid crush, you are doing this' she screamed

'No, it is my war and I'll find them without you or your husband. You have made your choice now go to him. From this day Hermione granger, the girl I loved is dead. Now you are just a backstabbing weasel for me, get out now before I throw you out'

She was shocked to reply at what he had said. She was dead for him. She quickly picked her things and apparated out to the weasley home'

End flashback

After coming back, most of the people stopped talking to her; she was not given permission to take part in the final battle. She sat at home with Ronald while most of her friends died that day. She did pray for harry to live, he thought her as dead but he was her first friend and he will always be that.

The song was almost over. It was after so long she was watching him, she knew she will not see him again but she had to try.

'Why did you come? She asked. She wanted to ask. Does it hurt?does it hurt after i said those things to you that day in this same room.

'I was invited' he replied without looking at her

Am I not even worth looking at now, she thought

'You found them without me. We would never be the same would we' it was not a question. He can do things without you her mind taunted her. He will grow into the man he wants without you.

He did not reply

'Congratulations on your wedding, I did not bring a present, what do you want as a gift? He asked after the song have finished.

'Promise me that you will Move on' she did not know why she asked this but she did.

He simply nodded his head.' I already have. The girl I loved already died that day in that tent. Now the person who stands is nothing but an unknown woman to me'

Tears filled her eyes at his emotionless words but she forced them not to spill. You choose this her mind reminded her.

'In return I'll make a promise to you, this is the last time i will bother you. I will not come in between your life again'

'Goodbye' with this he walked away.

Tears spilled from her face because she knew he would not be back again. She stood in the middle and watched as he walked away. She had forced herself not to kiss him back that day and now she cannot change it. However, he would always be the first friend she had and the second love she had.

She will always love him even if he does not know it. She did what she had to. She broke his heart to make him move on.

He will hate me forever but I will deserve it...

Should I continue?