Chapter 1

It had been two and a half years since the Giant War and all of his friends had settled well.

Jason and Piper were at Camp Half-Blood while Frank and Hazel were at Camp Jupiter.

Leo and Calypso opened a garage near Camp Half-Blood supplying weapons, armor, and much more.

At first, it was a little awkward for Calypso and him, but over time, it cleared and they became good friends.

Percy walked by Thalia's tree, heading towards the Athena cabin. He and Annabeth had decided to stay in Camp Half-Blood to help rebuild the destruction Gaia had left when she attacked the camp.

It had been months since Percy was finally reunited with Camp Half-Blood. He quietly opened the door to the Athena cabin since it was one hour before curfew and he didn't want to get caught.

"Percy?" He asked with a look of shock on his face. "Where have you been? Annabeth has been worried and scared that you had been taken away by that peahen goddess. She's been gone for two weeks, searching for you. She recently returned, distraught and hopeless.

Guilt wrenched his heart in a vice grip. He didn't mean to make Annabeth so worried. "I left because your mother set up tasks for me to prove myself to her." Percy took off and rummaged through his backpack, producing a small jewelry box and showing it to Malcolm. "Athena gave me this after I was successful."

Malcolm's eyes widened in shock. "Percy, I-I don't think this is a good time to propose to her. Maybe tomorrow would be better?"

Percy arched an eyebrow at Malcolm because there was something fishy going on and he couldn't place his finger on it. "All right, then. I better head to my cabin before the harpies catch me." He put the box back in his backpack before dashing out.

"From what Percy could see, the guy seemed to be lithe. He had black hair and the girl next to him had blonde, which shone in the moonlight."

"I love you, Annabeth." The guy stated, pushing some hair from her face. Percy froze where he stood. He could already feel his heart breaking in two.

"I love you, too, Chiro." The name of Chiro rang in Percy's ears and he finally placed a face to the name: Chiro Abe, a son of Eros. Not only was he a jerk, but he was also a flirt who often got in trouble with the Hunters, especially Thalia.

Percy felt like his heart was hammered down on an anvil. It melted with misery. It got super-heated with anger. He willed for the water to obey him and pulled it towards the couple. Both of them stood up albeit struggling.

They turned towards Percy, their eyes wide from fear and embarrassment.

"SHUT UP!" Annabeth was interrupted by Percy's roar. "Why . . . why are you doing this to me, Annabeth?" He asked, his tone icy and sharp.

He let out a humorless laugh, which scared Annabeth even more.

"I went on a secret quest to prove myself to your mother, Annabeth."

He snapped his head towards the son of Eros, who now was running away.

Percy pulled out Riptide and threw it at Chiro with precision. Chiro fell to the ground as the hilt of the sword hit his head hard, rendering him unconscious.

Percy looked at Annabeth and spoke slowly, raising his tone. "I was planning on proposing to you, Annabeth. But how can I when you've done this to me?" He took out the box again, glanced at it with hate before throwing it into the sand by her feet.

He turned away and started to walk, ignoring Annabeth's pleas for forgiveness.

A new thought came into his head, so he stopped and looked at her from over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed. "Perhaps you were right: children of Athena and Poseidon can never be together." His tone was bitter. "Goodbye, Annabeth."

POV: Annabeth

Annabeth felt immense shame and renewed wave of tears rolled down her cheeks as she yelled at Percy to forgive her but went unheeded. Annabeth collapsed to ground scrambled towards the box and picked it and opened it. It was embedded with a diamond and swirling and curving metal with intricate incisions in it. It seemed like words written in it. She moved in closer to decipher the writings.

Forever your Seaweed brain.

A sound emanated from her mouth which seemed like a cross between a wail and chuckle at the inscription in the ring.

She looked up and narrowed her eyes to see a shady figure with a backpack crossing across the camp border. "Percy!" she quickly stood up and ran toward him. The figure looked at her and ran quickly and soon vanished from her sight. "NO PERCY!" she cried out and tried to trail him. But suddenly a pair of hands caught her. She tried to free herself from the unknown person she finally stopped struggling and looked up to see a dryad. It was Juniper. She sobbed hard as Juniper murmured some words to calm her down, but nothing could calm her. Juniper lifted her and helped her walk towards her cabin. "I am such a fool" Annabeth thought as she entered the cabin. Malcolm was asleep and Juniper helped her get to her berth and comforted her for some time and left. She was a total mess. She cried softly and soon fell asleep.

Percy ran to his cabin, hot tears streaming down his face.

All that time he and Annabeth spent together was gone forever.

In a fit of rage he set fire to all of the pictures and watched them burn with sick fascination.

As the last one turned into a pile of ashes, he picked up his bag and stealthily ran out of his cabin and towards the boundary wall.

Percy looked over his shoulder. "Goodbye, Camp Half-Blood," he thought wistfully.

"No, PERCY!" He turned to see Annabeth running towards him. He grimaced in her direction before quietly climbing over the wall and landing hard on his feet on the other side. He didn't look back.

His ADHD senses were going nuts. He pulled out his trusty sword and looked around. Suddenly he heard movement towards his right and snapped his head in the direction to be met with infernal red eyes. A monster he had never seen or heard of in his short demigod life span. It was the size of a large SUV with a streamlined body. Its snout had a large horn like a rhino, its four legs were thin and slender and built for running and was armed with wickedly curve claws and a tail with serrated spikes and a spiked anchor-like structure at the end. Its skin was dark bluish black and it was lashing its tail as it started to close in the distance. It crept forward like a predator.

Percy got panicky. As if sensing his panic, the monster lunged at Percy with blinding speed and pushed him to the ground. The creature was heavy and laid its paw at his throat albeit suffocating him. Percy's brain was going overdrive. He still had riptide in his hand. He twirled the sword and plunged it into the dark monster's underside. It howled in pain as it scrambled off Percy and struggled to pull out the sword by lashing his hind leg at it instead making the sword move deeper into it. Percy noticed that the blood was ash-like and gritty like sand. Percy looked around to find a small puddle and willed the water towards himself healing the scars and bruises in the throat and quickly formed the floating water into a human water fist and willed it to punch the monster.

The water fist hit the beast hard enough to throw it to some feet. The beast forgot the sword and turned its head towards Percy with its angry red eyes. It let a low growl and charged towards him in a furious rage. Percy stumbled back and braced himself for impact. "STAND DOWN!"

Hello People of Fanfiction. I am Guru and this is my first story. So please have mercy and constructive criticism is welcome as it helps me to improve. I have read many stories of Pertemis Chaos and got a new idea to make a story. Its a Pertemis fanfiction. Eros is a son of Aphrodite and Ares in this story. This story follows Blood of Olympus except Nico is not Gay. As for the cliffhanger the guy(OC) will be introduced in the next chapter. He play a very important role. The threat isn't going to be any primordial but a OC god i have got from a game i played

Uncle Rick Riordan Own Percy Jackson and The Olympians characters

I own the OCs

Till next time

Guru signing off