Disclaimer: All characters are Dashner's.


"Will you have sex with me?"

The words hardly left Thomas's mouth before Newt pulled him into a long kiss. Thomas melted into it and leaned his body down so he was settled between Newt's legs. Thomas ran his hands along Newt's thighs and pulled them up so his legs were wrapped around Thomas's back. Newt broke the kiss and looked into Thomas's eyes. "Shuck yes" he said and Thomas smirked down at him.

"Good that" Thomas said before pulling his shirt off (well technically it was Newt's shirt) and throwing it aside. Newt followed his lead and took off his shirt. Thomas's eyes scanned over Newt's chest and he prayed he wasn't blushing too hard. Thomas leaned down and started placing kisses down Newt's jawline. His hands ran all over Newt's chest, touching him everywhere.

Newt's hands ran all over Thomas's muscled back and landed on his ass, his perfect shucking ass. Thomas's lips moved from his jaw further down his body. Newt dug his nails into Thomas's ass as Thomas moved to his chest. He felt Thomas's tongue graze his nipple and Newt's entire body shivered. Thomas must've picked up on this because he circled his nipple with his tongue before enveloping it who his lips and sucking on it. Newt let out a low groan. "T-Tommy" he breathed.

Thomas's only response was grinding his hips against Newt's. Thomas started kissing his way down Newt's stomach and fiddling with his belt buckle. He finally got it undone when the world practically broke in half.

Newt almost jumped out of his skin as a loud clap of thunder boomed and buckets of rain started to downpour. "Shucking hell" Thomas complained as he looked up at the sky. Just then a flash of lightening lit up the sky and the thunder that followed made Newt cling to Thomas's arm. Thomas glanced down at Newt and gave a dorky smile. "It's okay" he yelled over the storm. "I know what to do."

"Great" Newt mumbled "this is just bloody great."

Thomas stood up and grabbed their now-soaked shirts and his bookbag that was sitting by the ledge. He stood up straight and gestured for Newt to come over.

Newt walked over next to him and Thomas grabbed his arm to pull him close. "You know how to swim, right?" he said into Newt's ear.

Newt stared at him. "What? Yea, but-" Newt didn't have time to finish his sentence because Thomas, still clinging to Newt's arm jumped straight off the ledge and effectively pulling Newt with him.

Newt screamed like a little girl until they hit the water. The water was freezing and he decided in that moment that he both hated and loved this Thomas boy. He broke the surface of the water and gasped for air. Thomas was treading water only a couple feet away from him. "Tommy!" Newt screamed "it's storming! We're going to get buggin' pneumonia!"

"No we won't!" Thomas yelled over the thunder "follow me!"

Before Newt could object Thomas turned and started swimming. Newt really had no choice but to follow. It didn't take long for him to realize where Thomas was heading, there was a cave under the stone ledge where they had been sitting. It was kind of small but it was definitely big enough for two people and above all it was dry.

Thomas got there first and climbed the few feet up to the cave. The second he got up he tossed his bookbag aside and started taking off his shoes and socks. Once he got those off he started on his jeans. Newt was still in the water staring up at Thomas.

Thomas pulled his jeans down to his ankles and stared down at Newt. "Well are you coming or not?" he asked.

"Shuck yea I'm coming" Newt said, mostly to himself. He was surprised how easy it was to climb up to the cave. Once he got up there Thomas had stripped completely and Newt almost fell back into the water. "Bloody hell Tommy" he said.

The smallest of blushes crept onto Thomas's cheeks, but other than that he seemed to have no shame. "My clothes were wet" he said casually. "And yours are too.." He stepped towards Newt and grabbed him by the belt buckle, pulling him close.

"Guess I should get out of them" Newt said "don't want to get sick."

"No you do not" Thomas agreed as he undid Newt's belt and pulled down his jeans and boxers. Newt instantly stepped out of them and Thomas pulled him onto the cold cave ground.

"Shuck Tommy that's cold" Newt complained and Thomas laughed.

"Hold on" Thomas said as he grabbed his bookbag. He unzipped it and pulled a blanket out of his apparently water-proof bag. "I'm always prepared" he said with a smirk.

Newt smiled and Thomas spread the blanket out and proceeded to lie down on it and pose dramatically. "When you're ready come and get it" Thomas sang as he gave Newt a ridiculous wink.

Newt laughed and crawled towards Thomas. "You're a bloody idiot" he said.

"You like it" Thomas said back, and this time Newt didn't have time to respond because Thomas leaned forward and kissed Newt. He grabbed Newt's hips and pulled him into his lap. The skin to skin contact made Newt's formerly cold body practically burst into flames. He literally felt Thomas get hard.

Newt shoved Thomas's shoulders back so he was lying on his back before kissing his way down his body. He made his way to his groin and found Thomas's rock-hard erection staring him in the face. He was definitely bigger than Newt, making him feel a little self-conscious. He pushed the thought aside and ran his tongue along Thomas's length, making him moan. He chanced a glance up at Thomas to see he was biting his lip and breathing hard. That gave Newt the boost of confidence he needed to take Thomas in his mouth.

"Gods Newt" Thomas groaned. Newt sucked hard and bobbed his head, earning even more moans from Thomas. "Sh-shuck Newt- stop. You have to stop or I'm gonna-"

Newt pulled off and smirked at Thomas. "Shuck Tommy, has it been a while or something?" he teased.

"Slim it" Thomas said as he flipped Newt over so he was on his back and Thomas was between his legs. "I just want this to be good for you, and for that I can't cum in your mouth."

Newt snorted. "Who says you're topping?" he said and Thomas raised his eyebrows. He felt Thomas run his hands up Newt's thighs and land on his ass. He leaned back and knelt in front of Newt.

"Give me two minutes and you'll be begging for it" Thomas said, his voice playful.

"That better be a promise" Newt said as he hooked his legs over Thomas's shoulders.

Thomas flashed Newt one more grin before saying "trust me, it is." He started placing kisses on the inside of Newt's thighs, slowly moving higher up them. Thomas grabbed Newt's ass and tilted him upwards giving him better access. He moved his head to Newt's ass and traced his tongue around Newt's entrance.

"Shuck Tommy" Newt groaned that only deepened when Thomas inserted his tongue. He moved his tongue around inside of him, going as deep as he can. As Thomas had promised, hardly 60 seconds later Newt was moaning "shuck Tommy please. Do it now."

Thomas pulled away with a triumphant grin on his face. "If you insist" he said as he reached over and pulled a box of condoms out of his bookbag. Newt watched as Thomas put on a condom and Newt's entire body was practically shaking with anticipation.

As soon as he got it on he positioned himself at Newt's entrance. "You ready?" he asked and Newt just shot him a glare to say well duh.

Thomas smirked at him before pushing in. Newt called out as Thomas filled him up completely. Thomas started moving at a steady pace and Newt rocked his hips with him. "Shuck Tommy faster!" he commanded and Thomas happily obliged. Thomas groaned and moved at an angle that brushed right against Newt's prostate, making him call out. "Yes Tommy right there" he groaned and Thomas repeatedly ground against that spot making Newt see stars.

Newt tried to hold on as long as he could but shuck if this wasn't the best he'd ever had. "T-Tommy I'm going to cum" he groaned.

"So am I" Thomas managed between groans. "Ohh Newt" he called out hardly ten seconds later as he lost control and came inside Newt. Newt lost it the same time as Thomas, clinging to his back and yelling out as he rode out his orgasm.

When it was over, Thomas pulled out and collapsed on top of Newt. He lied his head on Newt's chest and Newt wrapped his arms around him. "That was..." he started.

"Yup" Thomas agreed. He leaned up and smiled at Newt. "Maybe I should strip in laundry mats more often."

Sorry the update took so long, I got wrapped up in other stories. Regardless I hope you liked this chapter! Please review and tell me if you want more chapters!