Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JK Rowling!
This is a nice chapter and theres some fun in it. Please enjoy the fourth instalment of Precious!
Chapter Four
George gave her a kiss before Dumbledore stood up and she blushed which caused the red head to grin. The speech was shocking really. The Triwizard Tournament was coming to Hogwarts which Hazel figured was what Malfoy was talking about but she wouldn't want to participate if she even could. She didn't need eternal glory. Of course all chances were dashed for Ron and the twins as only of age, seventeen years old, students could enter. George sighed and Hazel patted his cheek with a smile causing him to grin. Fred though, after Dumbledore's speech, started complaining and conspiring on how to get in.
Malfoy smirked when she got to the grand staircase before his eyes widened along with almost everyone when she just rose in the air. She laughed as she moved up.
"C'mon slow pokes!" She called back. "I might actually beat you to the common room!"
That got all the Gryffindor's to hurry, some still shocked. Hazel made it before George and she looked triumphant until he kissed her and she was blushing. Hermione saw a problem once they were in the common room.
"Hazel, how will you get to the dorm?"
"Oh I forgot to mention I have my own just in the portrait over there." She pointed towards a portrait by the fire with the image of…the Loch Ness Monster. "Whoa, cool."
"Come up with the password and I'll keep it in my mind." The water monster said in a Scottish accent as it peaked its head over the painted water. Hazel thought before smiling.
"Precious." The Loch Ness Monster nodded and the portrait opened. "See you all tomorrow."
"Goodnight Hazel." Hermione said and Ron sleepily waved and they headed up the separate dorm steps. George leaned down and kissed her before leaving with Fred.
The next morning, Hazel had just wheeled out of her personal dorm when her friends came down. She smiled at them causing them to smile back.
"Did you enjoy your night?" Hazel asked as she watched them.
"Fine, why?" Hermione responded and Hazel shrugged.
"I kind of miss the dorm and I was just wondering."
"Should we get going?" Ron asked as his stomach growled.
"I'm waiting for George." Hazel said with a blush just as the mentioned boy came down with his twin. He grinned when he saw her.
"Well hello." He said and gave her a kiss that went longer than really necessary and was a little more heated than needed. When he pulled back, she was blushing deeply but grinning. She laughed when she saw everyone else's uncomfortable expressions.
"If you don't like it, don't watch." She said and headed out of the common room.
They made it to the Great Hall and Hazel wheeled herself to the space at the end of the table.
"It's weird sitting at the end of the table. We usually sit up front or the middle."
"You can sit up there if you want too." Hazel shrugged as she grabbed some black pudding.
"No, that's okay. I'm fine here." Ron said and she nodded. Fred and George were debating how to age themselves so they could fool the Goblet of Fire, George holding Hazel's hand the whole time.
"Hermione, would you try to enter if there was no age restriction?" Hazel asked and her best friend shook her head.
"You heard Dumbledore, there's a death toll. No way would I want to participate in something that could kill me." She frowned. "Would you. If, you know, were able too?"
"Nah, I don't want eternal glory and I really don't want the money." Just them McGonagall came with the schedules. Hazel cheerfully thanked her, shocking the woman though she didn't show it. No one really thanked the teachers who handed out the schedules.
"Today's not all bad…outside all morning." Ron was studying the schedule. "Herbology with the Hufflepuff and Care of Magical Creatures…damn, we're still with the Slytherins. Double Divination in the afternoon, great."
"I have Ancient Runes." Hazel said, looking at the class she had to pick at the beginning of the year since she missed third year. "Is Divination that bad?"
"Yes, it's very bad." Ron said with a groan.
"Well, we should get going." Hermione said after the owl post finished. George gave Hazel a deep kiss before she left.
Hazel wheeled herself out to the Greenhouses, following Hermione and Ron. She could feel the whispers following her but ignored them. They made it to greenhouse three and they waited for Professor Sprout.
"I just realized something." Hermione said in worry to Hazel. She looked confused. "How will you reach the work table?"
"Don't worry, Dumbledore kind of lowered the tables in all the classes with work tables so I can see just a clearly as you. Snape wasn't happy but what are you gonna do." She frowned. "But I might have trouble with the cauldrons."
"Oh, wait, I have an idea." Professor Sprout came just before Hermione could ask. She wheeled herself in after everyone walked in and Professor Sprout smiled at her.
"How are you doing Miss. Potter?"
"Great!" Hazel said with a grin, surprising the jolly woman. From her experiences, people who have to live in wheelchairs, feel very upset.
"That's good. The headmaster lowered the tables just enough for you."
"He told me. Thank you though." She then wheeled herself to where Hermione was standing.
"Bubotubers." Professor Sprout brought out the most hideous of plants. "They need squeezing. You will collect the pus-"
And that started an interesting Herbology class.
"Hazel, will you be able to go down the lawn?" Ron asked and was surprised by her grin.
"You want to see something cool?" Before they could answer, she gave a great push to her wheels and was sliding down the hill, everyone watched with gaping mouths as she came to a quick stop in front of Hagrid, splattering some water from the damp grass onto his pants. He was laughing as he held the collar of his boarhound, Fang.
"Nice job, Hazel!" He boomed and she grinned. "I woul' give points fer that if I could."
"Not falling over is good enough." She grinned just as everyone swarmed her.
"That was amazing!"
"How in the hell did you do that?
"Weren't you worried?
"Hazel," Hermione pushed up front, "how were you able to do that without falling?"
"Oh, the hospital had this big lawn with a small hill and me and this other girl in a wheelchair would race each other down it." The Slytherins arrived then and it was time to start class.
Ancient Runes was actually very interesting for Hazel and she liked the teacher, Professor Babbling, who was always ready to give her help as she hadn't been there when her year group started. Hazel was fascinated by what different runes could do and was interested in the idea of blood runes and the like. When she asked if the library had any book on that, Professor Babbling sadly shook her head.
"Unfortunately, as many find blood magic dangerous," She seemed to have emphasized the words by crouching next to her while the others finished their notes, "there is nothing. But if you're really that interested, I'll give you a pass to the Restricted Section to check if there is something. I recommend, owl ordering from a store in Knockturn Alley called Books of the Dangerous. They have plenty."
"Thank you!" Hazel said with a smile and the Professor wrote her out a permission note to give Madam Pince just as class ended.
Hazel made it to lunch where Ron looked a mix between furious and happy and Hermione was scarfing down her food. She wheeled herself over just as Hermione finished, said hello to Hazel and then sprinted to the library. Fred took her empty seat and George sat next to Hazel, giving her an unnecessarily long kiss, not that she minded.
"Hello." He said with a grin and she rolled her eyes but grinned also.
"Hey, you guys are going to love Moody's class." Fred said with a grin. "That guy really knows his stuff."
"Yeah, he knows what it's like to be out doing it." George said as he laced his fingers with Hazel's.
"Doing what?"
"Fighting the Dark Arts."
Ron looked at his time table. "We don't have him until Thursday."
It mainly focuses on their first day like in the book. Once the Goblet comes out then this thing becomes waaay different from canon so just be patient because i'm gonna blow your mind! Read and Review!