Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JK Rowling.
This thing is very interesting. Well, in my mind. I'm probably gonna work on it evenly with my Spirits Found one. I know Game of Thrones came after 1994 but i just wanted to use it so please no comments on that. It's going to be a very different fourth year so be prepared!
Molly Weasley watched as her youngest and only daughter, Ginny, looked out the window. Her youngest son, Ron, was playing his father at chess while her twin sons, Fred and George, had their heads together, whispering. Her other son, Percy, was looking through The Daily Prophet. She made sure everyone was downstairs and in the living room to wait.
Hazel Potter was being brought to the Weasley house for the rest of the summer after missing her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Surprisingly, she had asked not to be picked up but have someone bring her. That surprised them but Hazel seemed to have her reasons that Dumbledore had agreed with. Now they were waiting for her to arrive.
"Mum! I see a car!" Ginny called suddenly and everyone looked over as Molly headed over to the window. Indeed a car was coming up the lane.
Molly went outside just as the car stopped and the driver got out. He went to the boot and took out a trunk and then, surprisingly, a wheelchair. The driver opened the car door and placed the wheelchair next to it. Molly watched as two arms appeared and gripped the hand rests before Hazel was seen hauling herself onto the wheelchair. She grabbed her legs and moved so they were in front of her causing Molly to realize something.
The driver picked up the trunk as Hazel wheeled her way up to the gate where Molly was standing. She smiled.
"Hello, Mrs. Weasley."
Chapter One
"It happened on my birthday. Vernon came up in a drunk rage and hit me as hard as he could with a golf club right on my spine. I collapsed and couldn't feel my legs so I was taken to the hospital and given the worst news. I was paralyzed from the waist down." Hazel took a sip of her tea. "Aunt Petunia kicked out Vernon who took Dudley with him and she's a completely different person now. She felt I wasn't in any condition to go to Hogwarts my third year and I agreed so I stayed home."
"So you can't feel anything from the waist down?" Percy asked.
"Nope. You know when you sleep on your arm and it goes numb?" They nodded. "That's what my legs feel like except it's permanent."
"So you stayed at the Dursleys for the whole year? What did you do the whole time?"
"What didn't I do?" She smiled. "I finished the first five books in this book series called Game of Thrones. I watched probably a hundred movies which are like moving pictures but with music and talking. Oh, and I learned to, well, do this." She rummaged in the rucksack on her lap and pulled out a dark blue knitted scarf. "Nice, right? Took me about a month before I could make one without missing multiple stiches."
"Here, I made it for you." She suddenly tossed the scarf at George who caught it and looked at her.
"Yeah, it's your color." He grinned and she smiled before finishing her tea. She set the cup on her lap and wheeled herself to the sink.
"I can do that Hazel." Mrs. Weasley fretted and Hazel smiled as she set the cup in the sink.
"Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley. I'm learning to do things on my own again." She grinned. "If anyone needs me, I'll be out back." She wheeled herself to the door when George suddenly opened it.
"Milady." She laughed at his knightly tone.
"I would curtsy, kind sir, but alas I am unable to."
"I'll imagine you did."
"Imagine whatever you want." She winked at him and rolled out into the garden. George went and sat back down.
"She seems surprisingly happy for what's happened." Mr. Weasley commented.
"Well it looks like she is trying to make the best of things." Ron said with a shrug.
George walked into the kitchen to see Hazel stretching her arm up and trying to reach the tea bags in the cupboard.
"Oh c'mon you stupid tea. I just want to drink you." George shook his head with a smile before walking over and grabbing the box of tea bags and handing it to her. She pouted but rolled over to the tea kettle. Suddenly she sighed and faced him. "Want to be a gentleman and make me some tea?"
"Anything for you." He grinned and she rolled her eyes as he started making the tea. "You can't sleep or something?"
"Headache is all. I figured some tea may help with it." She studied him. "What about you?"
"My brain won't shut off."
"Mmm, that always sucks." She rolled over to the table as he set a mug on it. He sat across from her with his own. "Well you can keep me company."
After a little bit of silence, George spoke.
"I have a question."
"You're wondering why I'm so cheerful." He nodded. "When I learned I could never walk again I realized that life is precious and often taken for granted. You need to enjoy each day as if it were your last and that's what I'm trying to do. Part of that is being happy even when most wouldn't be."
"Interesting." Hazel laughed at his tone and he grinned. "What are you going to do about the stairs at Hogwarts?"
"Dumbledore fixed that. He tricked this thing out so that I just have to flip a switch and I can float up or down stairs."
"Well that sounds brilliant."
"Yeah, it pretty much is." She smiled. "So, this is embarrassing to say, but I really missed you over the past year."
"Why me?"
"George, I don't think I've ever laughed as much as when I'm with you."
"What about Fred, we're always together so he should make you laugh too."
"Maybe so, but Fred doesn't make me tea."