Chapter 4: Muggle Studies 101

Lucius woke up to the unfamiliar sounds of the city life and was a bit frightened. In all of his years, he had never dealt with such surroundings. He was used to birdsong in the morning, the sway of the trees in the afternoon and crickets at night. He freshened up and was thankful that the kitchen was well stocked and ready for use. He also thanked Circe that he knew how to cook. He wasn't a gourmet chef but he was able to manage simple recipes. He made himself a quick breakfast of toast, sausages and eggs with coffee and got ready for the day. He decided to familiarize himself with his new home and neighborhood. I might as well. I may be here for quite a long time. He dressed in nice well fitted black jeans and a blue gray shirt and put on a black light jacket with low black boots on his feet. He tied up his hair into a ponytail and after making sure he had everything (including his wand), he walked out of his apartment, locked his door and made a mental map in his head. It was useful trick he learned from his father at three. The late Lord Abraxas Malfoy was quite the adventurer and outdoorsman. He remembered going with his father on his good days to a nature trail or two, or a campsite. His father explained on how to find his way back whenever he got lost. It best to go by landmarks and distinct details.

Lucius looked at his door it read 10 D. All right, I'm on the 10th floor and apt D. That's fairly easy for Draco starts with D. He went down the elevator and studied his lobby. It was glassed, white and gray marble titled floor and with two potted plants at the doorway which had gray and black double doors. There was a big panel with a bunch of buttons and each apartment was marked next to each one on the right wall. Toward the elevator, he saw a bunch of boxes that had keyholes and like the panel with the buttons, each box was marked for each apartment. He recalled his own apartment 10 D...ah, here we are. But what is this? He looked at the keyhole then looked at the keys Auror Shale had given him. He remembered that the bigger gold colored key was to his apartment. There were a small silver one and a medium brass colored one with a squared head. He put the small silver key into the keyhole and turned. It opened and he blinked. He saw an envelope. Is this how they get mail? No owls? This is strange. He removed the envelope and studied it. It had his name on it so naturally he opened it. It was from Auror Shale.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

You're probably wondering what's going on about you. The box in which you retrieved this is called a mailbox. It's like getting owl post without the owls. The silver key is called your mailbox key and it will only open the box that it belongs to. Kind of like your vault key at Gringotts. There are no owls who pick up the mail. The Muggles have what is called the post office. The post office sends off people who pick up and drop off mail to you. These are called mail personal. They come six out of seven days a week, sans Sunday.

The big panel on the wall with the buttons, is called an intercom. These are for visitors, to alert you that they are there. You can speak to them through this and in your apartment you have one as well with two buttons. One is to speak (that one will say speak) while the other will say open (this will allow the visitor to enter the building). Kind of like the Floo Network.

You are in White Falls Towers Apt 10 D, New York, NY 10003. That is your address. Now on the case of contacting your son, once you've addressed it and sealed it, tap with your wand and say Transmarinis. It works just as effectively as owl post.

Now when it comes to money, the Muggles here as well as all fifty states in America, uses the American Dollar. They don't deal in pounds here, nor in Gaellons, Sickles or Knuts. It's the Dollar, Quarter, Dime, Nickel and Penny. There are also bigger Dollar bills, the Five, Ten, Twenty, Fifty and Hundred. The value of the coins mentioned are as follows:

Quarter- 25 cents

Dime- 10 cents

Nickel- 5 cents

Penny- 1 cent

Now the change has to add up to a dollar

Quarter- 4 of these make up 1 dollar

Dime- 10 of these make up 1 dollar

Nickel- 20 of these make up 1 dollar

Penny- 100 of these make up 1 dollar

But here's a few easy combinations to remember

2 Dimes and 1 Nickel adds up to 25 cents

2 Quarters adds up 50 cents

3 Quarters add up to 75 cents

There are other combinations but it's all about addition and subtraction. If you can do those, then you can manage. Look at each coin, Quarter Dollar, Dime, Nickel and Penny will be engraved on the tail side. Also the currency sign here is the dollar sign ($). It will be at the front of the first number. For instance $3.75 is three dollars and seventy five cents. $456 is four hundred and fifty six dollars. $10,324.60 is ten thousand three hundred twenty four dollars and sixty cents. It's all about place value and able to read the numbers. Don't fret, you,will be educated further on these matters as times goes by and your liaison will help you as well.

As transportation goes, there's no flying, unless you're in an airplane or a helicopter or a jet or a hot air balloon. Here you have the subway (the underground train we took), the taxis (these are yellow and black), car service (fancier taxis and vary in color they will have the company name and logo on them), buses (they will be marked with an M and the number of the route), bikes or walking.

There are no house elves to do your laundry and cleaning, that you will have to do on your own. The clothes are put into a washing machine and dried in a dryer. They take special cards or coins. Also cooking will have to be done by you. Your home is powered by electricity and you have heat from gas.

I know this is a lot to take in but once you've adjusted it'll be easier than you think. Oh you might want to invest in a cell phone when you can and a computer and a portable electronic (such as a tablet) these are powered by electricity as well and with the help of the Internet can be quite resourceful. Again, your liaison will be able to inform you better.

I will contact you again when your job and all are in place. As for now, I'm enclosing textbooks to you. Study them well. I wish you the best of luck Mr. Malfoy.


Auror James Shale

Auror Department, American Division

Lucius heard a thunk in his mailbox, which had been opened this entire time and removed the small package from the box. He would have to resize it. Tucking it under one arm he closed his mailbox and pressed the elevator, went inside and pressed 10. He had a lot of studying to do and already he felt overwhelmed. No wonder Muggles go batty. This is a lot of shit to take in.

Well, looks like it's back to school for our beloved blond Patriarch. Will he cope or will he throw a diva fit? Stay tuned to find out. And Transmarinis means overseas in Latin.