A/N: I know I mentioned that I might do a hermaphrodite-mpreg story in this one but I'm thinking not now. Wolf in Heat was hot but not really the tone I want to set for Yūri's Fears. It's okay though! I have *another* idea for mpreg I've been keeping up my sleeve, which now means I have three different headcanons for the mpreg trope in this one verse. I think I might need to do another poll after this fic to see which one is better suited to canon KKM! But for the time being, I hope I can still surprise readers with this slightly different idea.


Characters Ages: Yuuri is (still) 18 and Wolfram is around 17 in human years.

So, I realize that they are extremely young to be *engaged* (officially) let alone starting a family but I'm using some creative freedom of the historical era. The fact Yuuri is now considered to be a man (whether that is true or not) and Wolfram had his own 'coming out' ball decades ago, leads me to believe no one (except Yuuri and, possibly, Conrad) have any issue with their youth within this verse. Anyway, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, because there won't be reason to worry about this for a while yet. I'm just giving readers a heads up because this all becomes relevant by the end of Yūri's Fears.

Until then, here's some more YuuRam smut but with plot this time.


Thank you so much to BlueStarLightCB who suggested the perfect endearment for Wolfram!


[This story CONTAINS!]: Sequel to Wolfram's Tears, YAOI, BoyLove, WARNING!: DUBIOUS CONSENT ISSUES, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Demon Biology - Freedom, Demon Heat, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Sex Toys, Gender - Freedom, Crossdressing, Mpreg!, Hetare-Wanko-Seme Yuuri, Sou-Ojou-Uke Wolfram, Wimpy-Puppy-Top Yuuri, Totale-Queen-Bottom Wolfram, Protective Conrad, Young Lady Greta, Jealousy, MORE references to Sukisho (anime), Dissociative Identity Disorder, A Lusty Alter Ego, DRAMA, Overprotectiveness, Established Relationship, Secret Sexual Relationship, and Plenty of SMUT!, Pregnant Wolfram! (in later chapters)***


NOT Beta-ed: author-edited

[WARNING]: AGAIN This Chapter has ALL the issues of DUBIOUS CONSENT so please stay safe! The DUBIOUS CONSENT ISSUES stem from Yoru being a separate consciousness and using Yuri's body while our Maou is unaware and completely unwilling. If anyone is at all uncomfortable with this issue, please DO NOT read and put yourself at risk!


Yūri's Fears

The Dream

The steam from the water danced around the white stone bathroom, and Wolfram sighed deeply, sinking into the hot embrace of the pool, his skin already red from scrubbing himself down with soap and lukewarm water in the wooden bucket now under the bench along the wall.

He swam for a few long, luxurious minutes, allowing himself this time to loosen the tension of his muscles, before he dunked his head under the water and resurfaced with a quiet smile, swimming over to the side where he had placed his scented oil.

His mother had personally created the perfume he poured over his head from the flower 'Beautiful Wolfram', of course, rubbing it into his scalp.

He remembered her presenting it to him on his sixteenth birthday and had advised him on how to infuse himself with the desirable scent and make it his own, natural. He had rolled his eyes and huffed at the time. Being desirable was a burden on him at his young age, the last thing he had wanted was to encourage the sort of attention he attracted because of his resemblance to his covetous Queen mother.

However, when one clumsy wimp fumbled into his world…Wolfram had cared a lot more about his physical appeal.

Once his hair was doused, his skin invigorated by soaking up the oil, he sighed, slow and ducked under the heated pool to rinse, feeling the burn of his lungs for a count of three beats of his heart pounding in his ears before he emerged with a gasp.

He brushed his wavy bangs back from his face with a sweep of his fingers, relishing the slight bite of his trim-nails when a sudden feeling of being watched crept over him, pebbling-up his flesh despite the surrounding steam rising up from the liquid fire lapping against his ribcage.

Green eyes squinted through the fog. His loose muscles which had been relaxed by the high temperature and the gentle slosh of the water pressure, bunched with tension once again.

There was splash behind him and he swirled around, arms out, elbows bent and fists clenched in front of his chin which was dipped toward his flushed chest. He hissed out from his gritted teeth, breathing fast at the same time his heartbeat elevated.

"Show yourself!" He commanded. His voice riled and gruff echoing off the tall walls.

He startled. His heart in his throat when a dark head floated up from the depth of the pool, one foot in front of him. He was frozen, his eyes unblinking while Yūri stood up, the breadth of his shoulders breaking the surface of the water, cascading off tan muscle like when formation rocks disrupt the veil of a waterfall until the double black was wadding toward where Wolfram was slow-blinking again, stunned.

His fiancé and lover looked so good, finally facing him, here with him after the past week ignoring each other, sleeping with their backs to the other as if they had never bridged that substantial void between them…

…as if it had all been a dream.

Wolfram wasn't sure what he was seeing or whether it was real until cool hands clasped his wrists and gently guided his slackened fists back down through the coiling white wisps of humid air separating them. The fire mage blushed, his cheeks, neck and chest prickling as he became aware of his nudity and of his lover's in their sudden close and intimate setting.

"I-I didn't hear you come in…" Wolfram whispered, not wanting to upset the anticipation thickening in the room but needing to explain his trepidation seconds earlier.

Yūri tilted his head, his black bangs dripping steadily, keeping their reflections rippling where their bodies pierced the liquid mirror, and he had a wicked curl to his lips which was sending pulsing waves of hot shivers up and down Wolfram's spine.

"I didn't use the door." The double black told him in a muted volume, like he was confessing a secret then he closed the width of distance between them with his soft lips upon Wolfram's.

Wolfram moaned. His hands coming up to wrap around his lover's neck so naturally while his tongue slid and pressed on and around the double black's in a dance that had become familiar over the past few months.

The feel of the hard body against him was still a novelty to him, although it was as good as he remembered. Heat steadily climbed as their mouths fused together, seared suddenly hot and Wolfram gasped around his captured bottom lip, panting when his double black lover gripped him with perpetually cool hands in a tight hold, one by his bicep, blunt fingers digging and one at his nape, guiding the tilt of Wolfram's head backward as they kissed deeper.

All the while, Wolfram clung onto those tan shoulders, loving the solid expanse of smooth skin and muscle over bone beneath his reverent touch.

The fire mage sighed against Yūri's open mouth, tongues entwined when their hips gravitated together with each gulp of hot and damp air, and Wolfram quaked within the double black's steadfast embrace at the first brush of hard flesh against the sensitized gland of his own hardness.

"Wait." Wolfram caught his breath as he pulled away, his head thrown back and his hands shoved within the tight space dividing their heaving chests, panting hard in chorus with his lover who kept his body pressed into him, arms unyielding, their foreheads hard on the other, Yūri's lips shiny and seeking as they brushed across Wolfram's burning left cheek.

Wolfram wanted to give in, didn't want to break the moment but he had to be sure.

"I thought-You said…Conrad told you to 'retreat and regroup' or something…Yūri, you-you rejected me…" his voice strained and croaked with hurt he couldn't hide, his green eyes misting uncontrollably.

"Shhh, my honey." The double black hushed him, one hand lifting to brush a thumb through the wet-track beneath his left eye. And Wolfram blinked away his tears, the sudden possessive endearment striking him deep in his heart and spreading warmth outward until he was hot and blushing all over.

Yūri was smirking wickedly as if he knew what he had done, was doing to him before he whispered the gentle puffs of his breath over Wolfram's parted lips, green eyes fluttering closed at the seductive cadence.

"There is no need to worry anymore, my honey. I won't let my wimpy self keep us apart anymore." He said in a voice deeper and somehow growly, almost unrecognizable as Yūri's voice if Wolfram had not heard the Maō spirit speak from that same face before…and then he realized…

"…Yoru?" Wolfram guessed, tentative, not wanting to believe…

Eyes so dark he couldn't distinguish between the iris and the pupil twinkled toward him from under short pitch-black lashes and forward-fallen bangs, smirking cognac-colored lips opening in a flirty, slightly lop-sided smile showing off gleaming white teeth.

"I can't fool you. Beautiful and brilliant, you really are the whole package." Yoru said, not loosening his hold on Wolfram, enclosing his arms even tighter around Wolfram's waist, flexing his biceps in an attractive and distracting way.

Wolfram has no idea what 'the whole package' meant but it sounded like a compliment so he would let it slide for now.

The fire mage shoved harder at the wonderfully wet wall of chest in front of him and Yoru finally released him, the double black's expression amused when confronted by Wolfram's notorious ire. Wolfram felt petulant with that serene look directed at him, folding his arms in a defensive stance, hoping to deflect from his body's indisputable response to his lover's proximity.

"You're ruining everything between me and Yūri, you know." He grumbled.

It was ridiculous to indulge Yūri's foolish ploy in order to deny them both their happiness, however if he did, maybe he could shed some light on what the hell the wimp was thinking.

Yoru raised and lowered the sensual slope of his shoulders in a slow shrug, and even though his lips were still silently laughing at him, his eyes were looking through him as if bored with the conversation.

"If the wimp wants to be a wimp then I guess I'll just have to take the reins for a while every now and then." His tone was casual, dismissive as if the outcome had already been decided.

Wolfram felt unease scratch down the back of his throat, like too hot tea he had gulped by accident, scolding all his insides on the journey to rest in his quivering gut.

"…I don't think I like you calling yourself a wimp." He said, seizing onto the first tangible thought floating around his swimming mind while he watched the scene with a strange detachment.

Yoru's mouth slackened finally, his appearance softening all the harsh edges of his features Wolfram had never known Yūri to have in the first place.

"I know, only you can call me a wimp." The double black recalled, his voice low, wistful even as his eyes sustained the blank-stare past Wolfram's shoulder.

The fire mage felt slighted by Yoru's refusal to look at him just like Yūri had been avoiding the same lately. So he ground his teeth and consciously tilted his golden head to the side, suspended over his right shoulder in a childish move to catch those dark eyes.

Only it didn't have the desired affect…Wolfram blinked, slowly righting his head before lifting his shoulder, pressing his right cheek to the moist and rosy flesh, his golden hair flopping to the side in front of his eyes but he could see Yoru's expression unchanging…caught up in some memory.

Yet, Wolfram wasn't certain what was so unnerving about the double black's fixed stare…never focusing on Wolfram or following any motion at all…

Impulsively, and without forethought, the fire mage's right hand shot out, fingers extended, careful not to touch or disturb the air around the double black, however three droplets of water flew with the sharp motion causing tiny ripples where they sprinkled upon the surrounding surface.

Yoru did a strange thing…he blinked with each tiny impact and oh-so-slowly swept his gaze downward as if tracking the ripples around them, then lifted his eyes to stare directly at the palm of Wolfram's hand in front of his face.

Wolfram gasped. His heart pounding in his throat again, before blowing out a long breath, bracing himself…and wiggled his fingers.

Yoru didn't even blink.

Wolfram dropped his hand, stunned.

"You, Yū…Yoru, you're blind." Wolfram finally understood.

He remembered vividly the first time they had expressed the mutual attraction they had been feeling on the night of Yūri's birthday ball and how Yūri's eyes had stared blankly at him then.

Yoru rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, my honey, I can still see you." He assured, his gaze lingering near Wolfram's mouth where he could locate the fire mage's voice regardless of how every sound was amplified by the cavernous walls encompassing them.

Wolfram arched his eyebrows imperiously, even though Yoru couldn't appreciate The Look.


Yoru smirked and cupped his palm under the water, lifting it high as droplets rained down upon Wolfram's head and he poured his handful over him so rivulets trailed from Wolfram's stunned face, down, down passed his chin, his neck and chest, grazing the hard points of his nipples and pebbling his pale skin in their wake as they melted into the steaming body of water once again.

"Really?" He breathed, in awe over this man's power.

Yoru didn't answer him, suddenly much closer than he had been before, infinitely dark eyes not as intimidating anymore instead Wolfram felt comforted and protected, safe.

It was so easy to fall when Yoru kissed him again.

The seal of plush lips, the exchanged of warm breath and the slick slide of tongues was enthralling and set aflame the fire in Wolfram's belly, and the hot rush of blood pooling in his groin.

How he wanted Yūri, constantly and anyway he could have him…

"Maybe you should be more concerned with the fact that the person you've been sleeping with isn't me!" The memory of Yūri's voice accused him, loud in his head…

Wolfram pushed the double black away, returning them to arms-length apart with his golden head drooped to rest his chin on his wheezing chest.

"I can't. Yūri doesn't want this." He gasped out pained by the very words he uttered, experiencing the sting of rejection all over again, piercing his heart and bringing fresh tears to his eyes.

He swallowed around the hurt, always wrapping his emotions up tight and keeping them locked inside his heart to fester in dignity.

"You're wrong." Yoru said, resolute.

Wolfram hoisted his dangling head, yanking his chin up high knowing Yoru could see him through their submersion in the water mage's element.

"What is it that you want, Yoru?" He asked. His tone was subdued yet curious in spite of himself. He didn't want to hear it, had figured it out himself and yet he needed to hear it.

"I want…you to wash my back." The double black grinned, his whole countenance so alike to Yūri's, eyelashes drooped and guilty in his deception even while his lips skewed arrogantly and yet, so different in the way he inclined his head, eyes as unseeing as they were still not looking directly at him.

"Don't lie to me." Wolfram begged, although he hadn't meant to, he couldn't, not when he didn't even know the person in front of him, wearing his lover's countenance.

There was a brief silence where the air grew heavy with the expectation of the words Wolfram knew would come, but somehow he was still unprepared when they were given voice.

"Let me make love to you like Yūri's been dreaming about." Yoru murmured, his fingertips caressing down the Demon's left cheek, tickling under his chin, down the sleek line of his neck, lingering over his delicate collarbones before thumbing at the rosy peek of his nipple.

Wolfram moaned, his spine arching into the teasing touch. He trembled as blunt fingers became blunt nails pinching him raw, he was hard and aching beneath the water-level which circled under his ribs, above his navel. Without needing to see, he knew Yūri was thick with arousal too. He knew his lover too well for the darker flush to the tan of his chest to go unnoticed.

He wanted so much…but he had to remember…

"I don't think that will help me and Yūri…" He mouthed the words on one long exhale, needing them out before he forgot their existence.

Yoru grimaced but didn't take his hand away or stop touching Wolfram, instead he pressed harder before tugging the abused bud, the wicked smirk returning when the fire mage's hips rolled forward through the heat of the pool as if he had pulled a puppet string.

"I am his desire." The double black pronounced firmly whilst Wolfram attempted to hear him passed the rushing of his blood. "Everything he wants to do with you, to you but pushes away because of his fear comes back to me…"

That caught Wolfram's attention.

His stomach clenched and he pouted, as a shiver of trepidation crawled up his spine.

"But why does he fear?" he questioned, cautious.

Yoru tilted his head seeming pensive about or listening to something, letting his hold on Wolfram's chest fall to his side causing the fire mage to bite his bottom lip, worried.

"…He fears your reaction to discovering his most secret desires. He fears you will become frightened or degusted and reject him." He finally said, his tone matter-of-fact.

"So he rejects me because he thinks I'm going to reject him?" Wolfram condensed, his good feelings from Yūri's hands on him evaporating in his outrage. "He's an even bigger wimp than I thought!" He fumed.

"Right?" Yoru agreed with a grin. "The wimp – sorry – Yūri doesn't understand that just because he feels these desires towards another boy, doesn't mean he's not the homophobic one."

Wolfram didn't know what 'homophobic' meant either but he could take a wild guess.

Green eyes squinted at the double black, intense gaze skeptical.

"But do you understand that?"

"Of course I do." Yoru scoffed, his muscles bunching into a defensive stance.

It was very distracting.

Wolfram shook his golden head so droplets tumbled off and shattered their reflections.

"Then how is it that Yūri doesn't understand too?" He said, confused and frustrated with the twist and turns to his fiancé's way of thinking.

Yoru heaved a tedious sigh (like he agreed with Wolfram) before answering.

"The knowledge and understanding is within him but he hasn't acknowledged or accepted. You see, that's how internalized fear and hatred works, it has convinced him every bad thought he has about his sexuality is what he has to expect from everyone else, never realizing that he is the only one thinking that way."

Wolfram huffed. "If he'd just talk to me and give me a chance to explain…"

"But don't you see?" Yoru jumped in, his voice dropping several octaves and the atmosphere reversed to the seduction from before. "I am Yūri's chance to see things differently. Through me his desires can be acted upon in the absence of fear…We can prove to him it's okay to want you the way we do…my honey…" Yoru's touch was cool on Wolfram's hip beneath the heat of the pool.

Wolfram's heartbeat thudded loudly in his ears, his breath hitched and his whole body quaked like a switch had been flipped and they had never stopped touching.

"…But," he gulped as Yoru moved even closer, lean figure aligned against his. "Yūri doesn't even remember…"

"He will." Yoru said fiercely, lifting Wolfram's chin with one finger, tantalizingly brushing their lips together in a promise. "This time he will."

They come together in a clash of passion. Wolfram surrendered himself, trusting Yoru and Yūri, both to catch him.

When they came up for air, gasping and grasping at each other, holding on like it was the only thing keeping them from drowning, Yoru groaned out, "You feel so good, my honey."

Wolfram felt suddenly, inexplicably shy and possibly even nervous as Yoru backed him up against the poolside, the white stone slick and cool below his shoulder blades despite the steady steam swirling up from the hot bath.

They had only had sex twice, after all and never outside the confinement of their bedroom.

The double black caressed little kisses under Wolfram's flushed jaw, coaxing the fire mage to raised his chin, his head rolling back to offer his jugular to the nip of blunt teeth. Wolfram gasped, his erection throbbing with each beat of his quickening pulse, moaning loudly when capable hands squeezed around his hips, guiding him up, weightlessly out of the water onto the side of the bath which was just as shockingly cool under his bare ass and thighs.

Yoru smirked at Wolfram's embarrassed-move curling forward over his own lap to cover himself, capturing his long fingers around moist and pale wrists before they even reached the red length of the fire mage's hard-on. The double black pressed the span of his sternum between rosy knees, holding Wolfram's hands away from their bodies as if displaying the other man's beauty.

"Show me how you've been stretching yourself for Yūri." Yoru said, low in Wolfram's blushing ear, breath fluttering damp, golden curling hair and the fire mage burned even hotter.

He hadn't known if Yūri had thought about what Wolfram did in the bathroom before they made love and why it took him so long, however he left warmed by Yoru's recognition of the care and preparation he took to ensure their pleasure was comfortable.

Thoughtfully, Wolfram cupped his palm under the water and poured it over his own flat belly where he reclined on the poolside, shivering as the steamy rivulets travelled downward over his hardness, either side of his taunt, rosy balls to the tiny, already dripping from the bath-water, hole nestled between the smooth expanse of his plump cheeks.

Yoru groaned loudly, his eyes falling shut even as his hands reached out for him, and Wolfram whimpered uncontrollably as those big hands smoothed up the outside of his twitching thighs then up his damp waist, clutching him hard under his ribcage and suddenly, Yoru's hot mouth was on his left nipple.

The feel of a hot moist mouth on the thin sensitized flesh had his eyes rolling back into his head and his breath catching in his throat. He whined pitifully when Yoru tore himself away, gasping, tan skin flushed dark and his hands falling restlessly back at his sides.

"Do it." He commanded in a voice so similar to the Maō's, Wolfram's dick throbbed so hard he dribbled pre-come onto his clenching abdominal muscles.

Yoru licked his lips, mouth seared red from Wolfram's biting kisses and open from his fevered panting.

"Finger your ass open for me. Show Yūri how much you want us."

Wolfram moaned again unable to stop himself, his head thrown back as his hand instinctively skimmed down the long line of his figure, skating over his too sensitive sex with a hiss to where he could feel the clamp of his hole from the bottom of his belly, and how he ached to be touched there.

Yoru kept his distance while Wolfram scrabbled for the previously forgotten oil beside him, smearing it over his left – then realizing his mistake and wiping the oil on his dick as it jumped eagerly at the quick contact – the right before shoving it aside to lean back on his left arm for slippery support and pulled his knees up and wide so he was completely exposed to his blind lover, his damp flesh drying gradually in the humid air of the bathroom.

The double black cupped both palms in the water and splashed Wolfram's bottom-half with the sweltering contents before nodding for the impatient fire mage to continue.

Wolfram was flustered but effectively drunk on the promise of Yūri seeing him like this, so brazen with his legs spread open and his fingers easing inside on a blissed-out sigh.

"That's it, my honey." Yoru purred. Wolfram could see one tan hand wrapped around his steely erection beneath the bath-water, stroking from the tip to the root where his fingers curled under for just a second to squeezed at his heavy balls before stroking his fist up his length again to rub over the spongy head.

This was the most erotic and shameless thing Wolfram had ever done…and he loved it.

Green eyes flickered closed, his breathing stuttering as he moved his middle finger in and out of himself, slow and slick, able to appreciate the feeling more now than he had the hasty times before.

The first night he had 'prepared' for their intimacy he had known what to do (even without the Sage's crass but considerate advice not that Wolfram would mention that to anyone ever), had done it to himself several times before but had burned with the knowledge of why, so nervous he had fumbled like he had never given himself pleasure in his eighty-five years.

The second night they made love he had hurried, forcing himself to take the time to stretch himself just enough so he wouldn't be injured because Yūri had been just beyond the door, on their bed waiting for Wolfram's return to his side.

But he had kind of liked the burn the second time he took Yūri inside his body.

Wolfram added his forefinger, the oil warmed by the friction of his slow motions. Two fingers slipping passed his soft rim, yielding to the deep pressure, fingertips tickling his inner walls.

His golden head rolled forward then back again on his shoulders, eyes blurring as they rolled, the room tilting around him, his skin prickling with heat he wasn't certain was coming from the bath anymore. His thighs trembled with an urge to clamp around his watchful lover's torso, just pull him inward, his hips lifting against the deeper thrust of his hand, stroking his palm harder on his drawn-up balls with a near-pained whimper, his dick steadily drooling around his bellybutton.

"Fuck." Yoru hissed before he reached forward and without pretence, glided his own hand alongside Wolfram's causing the fire mage to gasp and shudder, clenching around their combined four-fingers as they stretched him.

"That's it, my honey, you take me so good." The double black panted, before bending at the waist to take Wolfram weeping sex into his scorching mouth, soft lips enclosing tight under the tip.

Wolfram opened his eyes wide with a startled cry which echoed around the hollow bathroom.

The fire mage collapsed from his left hand to his forearms, retreating his right hand from between his splayed legs to suspend his bowed spine from connecting with the cool stone beneath him, suddenly the lower temperature almost too much for his sweltering skin to withstand.

Yoru hummed around the hard flesh in response, locking his wrist at a better angle, punching a gasp out of Wolfram every time his fingers hit just the right spot. The stretch burned at first, but quickly turned wet and lapped at the flames in the center of Wolfram's belly, rubbing the nerves inside, tugging on his erection as Yoru suckled him in his molten mouth.

The constant drag of his lover swallowing around him in tandem with the pressure of his fingers inside made his balls ache until he was open, panting and desperate.

Wolfram was certain if he could see himself right now he would feel embarrassed for how he squirmed, arched and the ceaseless noises vibrating out of his throat, but he didn't care, right now all he knew was Yūri's hands on him and inside him, his mouth loving him deeply.

The double black grabbed hold of his hips when Wolfram rolled his pelvis upward, pushing his dick further into the wet heat surrounding him. Yoru couldn't see the bruises on those pale hips, so Wolfram bit his lip to keep from moaning at the pleasant ache and reminder of how erotic it had been to make out in that study last week where anyone could have discovered them…until Yūri had run off and left him half-dressed and humiliated.

Yoru sucked hard. Wolfram writhed where he was pinned in place with Yoru's torso in the water and his dark head buried between Wolfram's trembling thighs while he held them open firmly. Wolfram lost himself in the heat of Yoru's tongue and the strength in Yoru's arms and resolve.

When Yoru's tongue swept down, down and grazed where they were joined Wolfram saw a white light. Yoru pumped and pounded his fingers inside, the wet slap of his palm against the soft wobble of Wolfram's ass driving the fire mage wild along with the enthused stabbing of his tongue.

It was too much, and Wolfram shook apart until he shattered into pieces of his former self.

When the reality of the white bathroom swam back into soft focus, Yoru was right there kissing Wolfram who felt completely fucked-out and dazed, slurring a little, words he had no clue what they were or why it was important to voice them.

Weak, Wolfram reached for Yoru to return his pleasure but the double black stopped him with gentle hands grasping the fire mage's wrists in the same hold he had used to stop Wolfram hiding from him before.

"Your pleasure is my pleasure." He said smirking, then licked one last teasing time at Wolfram's soft manhood.

They kissed again and Wolfram was sloppy as he drifted down from his peek but Yoru didn't seem to mind, helping him slip back into the water so they could embrace easier, arms wrapping around each other and hands mutually caressing slippery flesh.

Wolfram whined quietly at the feel of Yoru's hardness dragging briefly against his hip before the double black was shuddering, shooting his own release with a short sigh, then pressing their foreheads together sweetly for a long few minutes.

It was a good thing tomorrow was the day the maids cleared the Maō's Private Bathroom.

"Do you like me better this way, my honey?" Yoru asked him, low and intimate.

Green eyes had closed at the gentle stroking of those careful hands he loved, up and down his back, but they flicked open again at the question.

"I want to give you pleasure and worship you every night for the rest of forever…I can stay this way if you wish it."

Wolfram sighed, too tired to play along anymore but unwilling to withdraw from the double black's strong arms.

"Why can't I have all of you all the time, Yūri?"

"You don't mean that, my honey."

That had Wolfram waking up fast.

He scowled and stepped determinedly backward through the heated water, taking in the sharp contrast to Yūri's image once again. His stomach dropped as he finally realized that the person in front of him was far from his wimpy fiancé.

That was the face of a stranger.

"Of course I do." He snapped, shaken by his revelation.

"No, Yūri is too big a wimp to give you what you need. I can." Yoru prowled forward, trapping Wolfram against the poolside.

Wolfram caught his breath, a spark of adrenalin and arousal crackling up his spine causing him to tremble slightly.

"I can touch you like you need, make you feel good in ways he is too afraid to, he's only getting in the way of us, my honey."

"Do you even hear yourself, Yūri?" Wolfram spoke softly, squinting at the man before him. "Whether you call yourself Yoru or Yūri, it doesn't matter: you're both the same wimp! I mean, I can understand you needing time. I can even understand not wanting to take responsibility for our relationship because being so close is new and it's intense for both of us. But what I can't understand is why you would reject me when you know we are strongest together?"

"I'm not Yūri." Yoru said stubbornly, his sharp features giving nothing away.

"Yes. You. Are." Wolfram gritted out, completely done with this fantasy.

"My honey –" he tried

"Don't call me that." Wolfram bit-out. "You never call me that, Yūri."

"I'm not Yūri." The double black argued.

"Yūri!" Wolfram beckoned, mocking in a sing-song tone. It was time to end this. "Yūri, wake up this isn't fun anymore!"

"My name is Yoru." Growled a voice Wolfram could barely recognize even from his many memories of the Maō spirit enacting justice in his lover's image.

"Yūri!" he summoned again, louder and even more determined. "Face me, you wimp! I've played along, I've heard all your excuses and I've proved you're wrong. I'm not going to reject you, so stop acting like an even bigger wimp than you already are, and face me!"

The other man huffed and tried once again. "My honey, I –"

"Yūri. Yūri. Yūri." Wolfram chanted, incessant, louder and faster after each breath in-between.

"Yūri! Yūri! Yūri!"

There was an instant change in the double black's visage. One blink, he was all hard lines and pitch black eyes, the next…his features smoothed out into the youthful boyish and handsome expression Wolfram fell in love with, his pupils reduced to pin-pricks as if looking into a bright light.

Wolfram breathed out deeply, relieved. "Yūri, you wimp, I hope you realize now that you will always be Yūri to me and there is no reason to hide behind 'Yoru' any longer."

Yūri stared back at him, his eyes wide and his pupils small in his two-toned black eyes.

Wolfram stared back at him, waiting for the answer that wasn't coming.

Then he slowly shook his head.

"No. Yūri don't…" he begged but it was too late.

"I'm so sorry." The double black whispered, hurt and guilt prominent in the conflict behind his wincing gaze…and then he dived.

"NO!" Wolfram shouted, grabbing hands through the water for his lover's rapidly descending silhouette which slipped through his fingers like the element he grasped at futilely.

"Yūri!" he screamed, his own despair ricocheted off the high walls, loud in his ears.

He gasped a deep breath before plunging after him, squinting frantically through the opaque-blue and seeing his double black lover disappearing through the swirl of power at the very bottom of the Maō's bath.

Wolfram would never make it in time.

He pushed his arms down and gasped above the water-level, his eyes stinging with moisture more salty than what dripped off his hair and red face.

He could feel the current of the portal moving beneath his feet, shrinking and fading away along with his cowardly fiancé.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME AGAIN, YOU WIMP! DON'T YOU LEAVE ME AGAIN!" He screamed once more even though he knew in his heart that it was useless.

Yūri was already gone.





To Be Continued…






NEXT CHAPTER: The Brothers (working title)…consequences…Yuuri is lost and in need of advice…but with Murata still in the otherworld there is only one person he can turn to…also Wolfram and Conrad sit down to resume their earlier "talk"…




Chase3136: Ah! I know! I'm so horrible for leaving this chapter here but I swear; I'm going to do everything I can to get the next chapter updated quickly. This chapter is waaay later than I wanted but there has been complications lately which has restricted the time I have to write, even though I really, really wanted to keep writing. Everything is still up-in-the-air at the moment so I'm unsure when is the soonest I can have the next chapter ready to post, and I'm really sorry about that; I want to update regularly but real life is being a real bitch lately :\ I'm going to keep trying to do better though.

Besides, this is game-time for Yuuri now. He has his memories of Yoru's time with Wolfram and recalls every word they exchanged and more.

The time to face his fears is running out.