Disclaimer: I don't own the turtles. Just my oc character!

Samantha Snow was on her way to the sewers. Why you ask? Because she was friends with four giant mutant turtles! That's why!

As she neared a manhole Sam felt that something was off... she shook it off and lifted the extremely heavy cover to the sewers. The turtles had showed her a way so she could lift it with ease. Though it was still hard to lift for a 14 year old girl.

She finally slipped in to the nasty sewers. And ran to her destination. The turtles lair. As she had been there many times, it took her less time to get to it. "Guys!" Sammy cried. "Dudes! I have something to show you!"

She burst threw the entrance. The first thing she saw was a bunch of brown bottles on the floor. The next thing was four giant mutant turtles laying around the room. Looking very sluggish. "Oh hey Sammy!" giggled Michelangelo. He was being more goofy than usual.

"Are you dudes OK?" the young teen asked. Raphael grinned at her really dopey. "Yep! Never Hic better!" Now Sam was getting nervous. I mean come on! Raph happy!? "Hey Samantha! When did you get a shell?" asked Donatello with plan confusion on her face.

Sam was now backing up to Master Splinter's room. "Oh um..It's just my back pack Don!" she laughed nervously. Her back hit the door. The girl turned and ran in the old rat's room. "Splinter! There is something wrong with the turtles!"

The room was empty. Leo appeared in the door way. "Funny Sam." he snorted. "Splinter isn't here!" Groaning Sammy grabbed her phone. She dialed the number of April O'Neil.

April's Pov.

I was having a normal day with Vern. Well at least I was until I got a call from a young teen.

"Samantha?" I asked. She only called me when she was in trouble or when there was something wrong with the turtles. Last time it was Leo's room on fire. Don't ask. "April?" asked Sam. "Um can you come to the lair? Please!?" She sounded scared.

"Why? What's going on?" I hear a gasp. "Donnie! I'm on the phone! No I don't want a hug! I said no! Ugh! Please just come!"She sounded exasperated. "I'll be there soon." I stood up. "Sorry Vern. Duties call."

When I had arrived at the turtles lair, I heard yelling. I hurry in to see Raph and Leo lazily glaring at each other. Mikey was face down on the floor. Oh ya and Donnie had Sammy in a bear hug. Sam looked ready to kill the purple banned turtle.

I noticed brown bottles on the floor. 'Oh No' I thought. I knew exactly what they were. Leo had sit down and Raphael was looking green. Well more than usual. He ended up barfing on the floor. "Eww." Leo slurred.

As I took the scene in, I heard soft snores from Mike on the ground. They were going to feel this in the morning.

Eventually Don let go of the youngest teen. He had also fallen asleep. But he was now laying on Sammy. Leo was staring at the ceiling while Raph whisper 'Row Row Row Your Boat' over and over again.

I left the main part of the lair to get blankets for the four drunk boys. I wonder what Splinter would say if he knew how his son's got the beer. Or what he would do if he found them like this. I picked up the empty bottles of beer.

I guess I will never know.

Ok so I know its a sucky ending. Don't forget to comment!