A pirate?

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail manga/anime and One Piece. manga/anime

Summary: Lucy not only ends up in a different world but mysteriously deages.

Prologue: New world

Darkness all around, a terrifying roar throughout every direction, blurry images of persons battling an apocalyptic beast which fade away along with my consciousness. Only the mark of a fairy that had a tail stay in my mind in my unconscious state.

Cocoyasi Village, Conomi Islands

Belle-Mere a red-violet hair with a unique hairstyle similar to a Mowhawk women wearing a checkered shirt with the word "Mace" on it, indigo trousers and brown sandals. As Belle-mere walks towards her home after buying the groceries for dinner, she going to make for her two daughters, until she stumbles on a little girl with shoulder blonde hair on the road home.

Dropping the groceries as she rushes to the aid of the little girl yelling "Hey are you alright, say something." Upon checking for a pulse, she hears the girl mumble "everyone run away ... please stay safe". Not even thinking twice she picks up the girl and runs towards Dr. Nako's clinic.