Mabel POV:
Mabel sighed as she moved her feet around in the water of the public pool. It held many memories of her and Mermando. He had taken her first kiss and she never had gotten over him, in all honesty. The brunette had also found out that he was being forced to marry some Princess of the sea. How depressing… She wished she could be a mermaid so she can be with him because well… She loved him.
'It's probably another one of your stupid crushes…' She thought to herself and took her feet out of the water, out her sock and shoes on and exited the place, walking into the woods. "Stupid human legs… Stupid Princess that he's being forced to marry…" Mabel humbled to herself and sat at a tree stump. The girl put her face in her hands and suddenly time stopped around her and everything became silent.
It took her a moment to realize it and she lifted her head, surprised to see black and white all around her. "What the…" In the sun, Bill Cipher's eye appeared and his triangular body all came together as he floated down to her. "Shooting Star, Nice to see you!" Mabel yelped and backed away, realizing she was at the edge of the tree stump. "Stay away you Dorito!" She said while pointing at the dream demon. Bill let out his annoying laugh and played with his cane.
"Oh don't worry kid, I just noticed you were having a hard time with some romance~" She looked down with a slight blush on her round cheeks. "S-Shush, it's not going to work anyways!" The floating triangle twirled around her and lit up brighter. "Well we could make a… Deal~" His voice became strangely low at the word deal and he peeked a look at her, his eye full of mischief.
Mabel was going to say no immediately but something stopped her and she bit her lip. 'Could he…? Wait, I shouldn't even be thinking about this!' She thought to herself. "You can have your boring human legs and let the one you love of your life marry some Princess. Or you can become a mermaid with beautiful fins and marry the one you love—"The brunette stood up, looking at the figures of her made by the demons blue flames. Bill Cipher floated in front of her, looking at his back hand a bit smugly.
"Go ahead!" He went around her and leaned in close. "Make your choice!" Bill backed away through his blue flames, waving his hand as he turned. "I'm a busy demon, I haven't got all day." In the dream demons flames, Mermando's face appeared. Mabel was surprised and got closer. "It won't cost much…" She adored the Spain looking face almost not hearing Bill. "Just your…" Bill's whole body became red as he surged forward, the image of Mermando dissolving suddenly and a bit violently, his eye wide and dark, his pupil glowing red. "…VOICE!"
Mabel gasped and leaned back, her hands in front of her. She tried to make a decision, wanting to see Mermando with all her heart. She hesitated before holding out her hand, turning her head away, her eyes closed tightly. Bill laughed evilly and took her hand, shaking it. "The deal is made!" The dream demon snapped and potions appeared all over. He threw many into his blue flames and if he had a face, he would be grinning like a mad man.
Mabel watched with terror on her face. Bill grabbed her chin and demanded evilly, "Now sing~" She gulped and did as she was told. "Oh-o-o-o-o-o-oh… Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds, but they haven't seen the best of us yet~… If you love me let me gooo… If you love me let me gooo~ 'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars, the fear, the fear of falling apart…" Bill laughed evilly and loudly, his form becoming human and Mabel's voice transferred to the dream demons hand and he put it in a yellow locket, shaped as a triangle.
Mabel's eyes widened as she witnessed Bill becoming human and touched her throat as nothing came out when she tried to talk. The human Bill Cipher grinned wildly and put the locket around his neck. His outfit was a yellow tailcoat with black slacks and shoes. His golden hair was short and went to the right, having a tad of an undercut. He also had a dark upside down triangle to cover his right eye and he fixed his black top hat, twirling his cane around with his gloved hands.
"Now then, without your voice, you will have to get Mermando to fall in love with you once again since I erased you from his memories. All he knows is that a girl is out there somewhere and he loves her." The mute girl's arms flailed about. 'Are you serious?! That is so not cool!' She wanted to say but Bill read her mind and waved her off. "Come on, did you really think it would really be that simple? Good luck!" Bill pointed at her, his magic allowing her legs to come together and form a beautiful pink and purple tail with fins.
With that, the dream demon vanished with her voice, leaving Mabel alone. Since the girl was now a mermaid, she needed water, but the problem was, she was in the middle of a forest. She struggled for water, and flopped around, her eyes wide. 'Help me please…' She begged in her mind as she felt her consciousness slipping away from her.