Because I forgot it for the first chapter, I will say it twice here: Hikaru no Go does not belong to me. Hikaru no Go does not belong to me. It belongs to Hotta, Obata, and other employees at Shonen Jump.

Sai sat in a wooden chair at his combined kitchen/dining room table, staring straight across it at the ghost floating slightly above the chair across from him. The lamp over the table was lit, casting shadows. Darkness peered through the windows, though May the fifth hadn't quite become May the sixth.

Sai sighed. Any other night, he would be in his room at his desk, feverishly typing up a research paper on his cheap, beat-up workspace. Or perhaps at the university library, paging through stacks upon stacks of books in order to find the perfect reference before he was kicked out. But no; this wasn't just any other night. Dr. Asano had forced him to promise he would stay home and rest after he'd been released from the hospital an hour before. No heavy lifting, no mind-altering substances, and most of all, no research into the wee hours of the morning.

"You need your rest," he had said, holding open the door for Sai on his way out, "Do you know what that is? Sometimes, I have to wonder. How late did you stay up last night? Too late, probably."

It had been three AM, actually, but that wasn't the point. Exhaustion hadn't been what'd laid him flat this evening, after all.

No, the cause of that was currently matching him pseudo-glare for pseudo-glare across the table, waiting patiently for him to break the silence. May as well; it was time to get down to business. He picked up his pen, twirling it in one hand, and gazed down at his notebook for a moment before looking up at the boy.

"Hello, er…child. I'm Sai Fujiwara. What's your name?" Sai attempted a disarming smile. Easy does it, easy…

The boy jumped, eyes widening, leaning away. Fujiwara? The tone was sharp; fear and surprise, definitely. Oh! I-I deeply apologize, sir. I…er…knew naught of it. That's it! I knew naught of it. Forgive my earlier rudeness, if you would be so kind! Though, if you shall allow me to be frank…

"Hm?" Sai leaned forward slightly. How had he managed to scare his little guest already? A small part of him mused that it served the boy right for causing that little fainting spell, but…no. Not now.

I-I see the family resemblance. The boy attempted a smile of appeasement. What was bothering him? Sai had no i—wait just a minute. Family. Fujiwara. Heian period.


"A-ah, don't worry. The name bears nowhere near the prestige or power it did when you were alive. At ease, please!" Sai shook his head, leaning forward slightly. "Although…what do you mean by family resemblance?"

The boy paused for a minute, considering this. A slow smile spread across his face, and his teeth glittered. Well, you do appear fairly feminine. And that was what they were known for, correct?

Sai grumbled , raising a finger in protest…then lowered it, sighing. Ghost-boy had him there. "You never answered my question."

Shindo no Hikaru. My name is Shindo no Hikaru. I may as well tell you to call me Little Shindo. Everyone seemed to end up using the term in court. A "hrrrumph"ing noise from the boy, who sank downward an inch or so. Though I'm eleven now, damn it all!

Sai snorted, then nodded, lowering his pen to his notebook. Name: Shindo no Hikaru. Age: 11 ."In court?" He'd expected as much, given the quality of the boy's attire and his general spoiled air.

Yes. My father was Shindo, so I am Little Shindo, apparently. Even though I could defeat them soundly at Go. They found it cute! They found me cute! Yaaargh!

A pang of…something…passed through Sai. It wasn't anger, not exactly. It was deeper than that. Perhaps not an emotion at all. Whatever it was, it collected in Sai's stomach, threatening to expel the contents. Sai gasped, covering his mouth. Hikaru looked over, at first confused, then sheepish.

"Wha…what?" Sai gasped, swallowing back bile.

Uh…er…my apologies. My anger must have been strong enough to affect you. If the spirit had needed to breathe, Sai guessed that the boy would be breathing heavily at this point, still calming down. Nickname: Little Shindo. Family status: Son of a courtier. Hobbies: Plays go. Possibly a very strong player, if assertions true. Testing needed.

Hey! What are you writing? Hikaru leaned through the table, attempting to look off Sai's paper. Wow, your handwriting's neat! But…HEY! A flash of righteous furor. The boy attempted to snatch at Sai's pen or notebook or both, to no avail.

"Wha—ACK!" Sai found himself swallowing bile again. What was with this kid? "Shindo, what is the meaning of this?"

I could ask you the same question! What do you mean, "if assertions true"? You don't believe me? Sai teetered on the edge of throwing up for real. Ugh.

"Until I see evidence, I'm afraid I cannot—"

Evidence, hm? The boy's anger faded, replaced by something else. Mischief? You want evidence?

Sai nodded. "It is the only way I may change my entry."

Do you play Go? The boy's eyes seemed almost luminous, searching Sai's gaze for something Sai couldn't explain. Those eyes dropped to Sai's fingernails, scanning them, then returned to Sai's face after they'd found exactly what they were looking for. You do, do you not? This shall make things far easier.

Another nod from Sai. Oh, dear. He had some idea of what he was about to be roped into, and it was a little hard to believe, even after the events of earlier today. Yet…he found himself looking forward to it. A slow, spreading smile.

Play me. Then you may update your entry to "The best Go player I have thus far encountered. Defeated me soundly.".

Sai chuckled, smile speeding up. "I wouldn't get ahead of myself if I were you, "Little Shindo". I have played pros in my time. Produced a fair showing against them, too. I won't be a pushover."

You speak much, milady. Prepare to be annihilated! The child's laughter was musical, and if he hadn't been a ghost, Sai would have asked him to quiet down in order to avoid waking the neighbors.

"Annihilated, you say? We'll see. My goban is in my room. Follow me." Sai rose from his seat, scooping up his notebook and pen and making his way back into his bedroom. The goban sat at the end of his bed, goke stacked on top, waiting for use. Sai sat on the floor at one end of the goban, cross-legged. The boy sat in seiza across from him, eyeing his position. Sai sighed and spoke, seeing the boy's words coming. "I am unused to seiza. I play most of my games at a salon, where one sits in chairs.

Salon? The boy cocked his head to one side, blinking.

"Yes, a Go salon. It's a place where groups of people go to play Go together. I'm rather well known at one."

Ooh! Might we go to this "salon"?

Sai grinned, catlike. "Well, I don't plan to stop, so even if you didn't want to go, you would have to tolerate it."

Excellent! Now, take a few stones!

Sai laughed. Nigiri. He dug his hand into the goke, scooping up stones. "Even or odd?"

Even. Hikaru grinned. Though I'd let you play black if you were to feel so inclined.

"As would I." Sai counted. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7. "Seven."

Seven it is! A good thing, too! Now I will not destroy you quite as badly.

A laugh and eye-roll from Sai. "We'll see, little Shindo. We'll see."

Okay! Hikaru eyed Sai, all business. When it's my move, I shall direct my fan at where I desire to go. It is far easier that way.

Sai nodded. A decent system, that. Perfectly suited to their purposes. However, something about the statement didn't quite sit right with him. Ah, well. That could be attended to later. He flipped to the back of his notebook, drawing a 19x19 grid and labeling the top of the page "Games with Shindo" He marked down his first move, then picked up a stone.


The boy gazed down at the board, then pointed his fan.


A few moves later, something struck Sai, rather like a jolt of static electricity from a doorknob. It made him straighten up; his eyes widening. That was it. That must be what had bothered him before.


"You've done this before, haven't you?" Sai marked down his move, then flipped back to the front of the notebook, pen poised.

Played Go? Why, whatever should have given you that idea? Did you suspect that I was bluffing, hm? A rakish wink. Are you tiring of losing?

"No. I mean, you've had a host before, have you not?" Sai leveled his gaze—a slight glare—at Hikaru, twirling his pen.

Yes. Might I ask how you concluded this? For the second time since Sai had come across the old goban, Hikaru seemed uncomfortable. It wasn't quite the fear that had taken hold when Sai had revealed his last name, but something at least as discomfiting. If only Sai could place exactly what it was this time!

Sai flipped a few pages forward in his notebook, labeling the top of the page Previous Host. "You had a system for playing against someone as a ghost at the ready, remarking, and I quote, 'It is far easier that way'. As if, perhaps, you had experimented with other methods. Of course, this being our first game together, you couldn't have been referring to anything concerning me. Therefore, another host. What was your host's name?

Hikaru's response was a fan to the board. We may discuss this after the game is over. I pray of you, wait! Why do you concern yourself so with my history!

Sai quieted, flipping back to the page with the developing kifu. Thus far, at the very least, the boy appeared to be able to back up what Sai had at first suspected to be idle threats. He would continue the match, however, just to be sure. "I am concerned with everyone's history, Shindo. Not just yours."

Hm? Whatever do you mean? Is that an admission of nosiness? Hikaru laughed, shaking the fan at his desired point on the board.

A gentle smile from Sai. He placed the white stone, then marked the move in his makeshift kifu. "I am in school to learn history. I hope to work for a museum someday."

Hikaru laughed, waiting for his opponent's next move. Ah, of all the fellows that could have been mine in this age, I inhabit the consciousness of an academic! I suspect that this will be a boring existence.

A harsh glare. "Disrespect me all you like, Shindo, but disrespect my profession and I call for an exorcist."

Hikaru gasped, reeling backward. You wouldn't dare, you foolish womanly-man!

Sai didn't ease up on his glare. "Wouldn't I? Behave, Shindo, or I promise you you won't get to share anyone's consciousness at all."

I concede, I concede! Hikaru threw his hands up, his robe fluttering in the air. I am quite certain that your profession is, er, one of the most non-dull, uh, vocations to have ever been created. Do not exorcise me!

"Much better. Now, it is my move, correct?" Hikaru nodded. Sai played his move, then marked it down. Immediately, Hikaru pointed at a place, a smile hiding behind his gaze.


They continued on like this for several moves more before Sai lowered his head. It was a loss—and a glaring one—but with what Sai knew was coming after the loss, he didn't especially care. "I resign."

I did warn you, Fujiwara. I warned you! That same musical laughter from earlier spilled from the boy's mouth, threatening to bring down the walls of Sai's room. Sai marked down the last move in the kifu, then flipped back to the front of the notebook.

"That's all well and good, Shindo, but you do remember what you promised, correct? That you would tell me your host's name after the game? The game is over."

The beginning of a shout of protest died in Hikaru's throat. He lowered his gaze. I…I suppose that is what I said, huh?

"Yes, you did. And a deal's a deal. Now, what was their name?" Sai's eyes bored holes into Hikaru's soul. His pen was twirled between his fingers, hitting the paper on occasion.

Tap. Tap.

His name…well, when I first knew him, he was called Kuwabara Torajiro.

"Kuwabara Torajiro, hm?" Name: Kuwabara Torajiro. That…that sounded familiar. Where had Sai heard that name before? Where?




"Was…was his name Hon'inbo Shusaku later in life?" Sai's voice quavered, unable to believe what he was hearing.

Hikaru nodded.

For the second time that night, Sai Fujiwara fainted.