I don't own Vampire Knight or Harry Potter, they belong to the creators of these two wonderful worlds, Matsuri Hino and J.K Rowling respectively.
So please read and review at the end. Enjoy the story. Peace :)
Chapter 5: First Day Part Two
Haliene's face twisted in confusement.
"Witchling? What's that mean?" She inquired.
"You're not curious about me being a vampire little one?" Rido laughed quietly.
"Of course not, I already know what a vampire is. What I don't know is what a witchling is. So can you tell me or not?" She snapped.
Rido raised his hands in surrender and moved to sit on the ground, uncaring of the fact his clothes would be covered in dirt.
"A witchling is a female child who has yet to completely come into her powers as a witch. A –"Rido was cut off as Haliene interrupted him.
"You do realise that it is rather rude to call someone, especially a little girl a witch right? She spoke, slightly seething at the perceived insult.
Her anger was cute to the immortal, but he decided to cut it short and explain things as to get rid of any confusement.
"No, a Witch is a magical female. Incredibly similar to human females except for the fact she has access to magic." He clarified.
"Oh, that makes more sense. So you would be considered a wizard then?" She asked.
"No Witchling, I am a vampire." Rido enforced.
"Well, yes, you've already said that. But can't you use magic too? That would make you a wizard, yes?" Haliene questioned.
"No, I can't use the magic you can. Vampires have a different type of magic that differs between each one. For example, I know of a vampire that can use ice, one that can use lightning and another that can use illusions. I myself can use my own blood as a weapon." Rido explained before biting his finger and pulling his blood from his body to form a whip that hovered in the air before collapsing back into his hand.
The girl's eyes went wide at the display and she opened her mouth to speak before catching herself. The vampire noticed and encouraged her to speak.
"You can speak you know. Nothing has stopped you before now."
"D-do you think that I could do that one day? Use my blood as a weapon, I mean." She quizzed.
"Only if you were to consume my blood, and even then, it is only a fifty fifty chance that it would work. I wouldn't try it before your powers became active Haliene."
"Well what about after they are active then?" She probed.
"Who knows if I'll be around then? Tell you what, you meet with me here whenever possible and if you can unlock your powers before I have to leave, then I'll give you some of my blood and you can see if you can do what I can. Deal?" Rido offered.
Haliene nodded. "Deal."
They shook hands and unknown to the both of them, a chain locked into place, the deal sealed with magic.
The two girls arrived at the dorm and separated to get dressed, other students barely taking notice of them. Tsubaki entered her room and moved over to her wardrobe, drawing out a set of underwear, socks, a white long sleeved shirt, a black jacket and a pair of black pants. She dropped her dressing gown on her bed and moved to the bathroom to have a shower.
After the shower Tsubaki dried off before getting dressed. She slipped into the pants, tucking her shirt into them as she went. She pulled on a pair of low heeled black ankle boots and shrugged on her jacket, making sure to put her uniform pass in the pocket. She grabbed her phone and slid it into the side pocket in her pants. She pulled a small velvet bag out of her suitcase, opening it to pull out a delicate gold chain that held a vial on the end. She placed it around her neck before tucking it under her shirt.
She left her room, making sure the door was closed behind her. Going down the stairs, her clothes attracted attention, but many of the students were not yet awake enough to actually care. In their minds, she would be called out by the teacher, it wasn't their business.
Looking around, Tsubaki spotted Yuki by the front door, talking to a brown haired girl who looked like she was still half asleep. Tsubaki headed in her direction, dodging around other students to finally reach her destination. She got to Yuki in time to hear the tail end of her description of Tsubaki's cooking.
" fantastic, Yori. I have some leftovers and you have to try it. It is heavenly." Yuki finished, a dreamy look crossing her face. She was about to speak again when she caught sight of Tsubaki, who was waiting to speak.
"Ah Tsubaki-chan, I was just telling Yori about your cooking. It was absolutely wonderful. Oh, and Yori-chan, this is Tsubaki Evans, she is just starting here today."
Tsubaki bowed slightly. "P-pleasure to meet you. I h-hope we can be f-friends." She spoke quietly, looking up through her eyelashes.
Yori bowed back, responding "My name is Sayori Wakaba, but please call me Yori."
Yuki linked her arms with the two other girls, pulling them out the door and along the path toward the gate, books swinging in the bag hanging in the crook of her arm.
"C'mon, let's go. It's almost time for crossover and we want to avoid the stampede."
The three girls conversed as they crossed the bridge to get to the main building. There Yuki separated from her friends to unlock the gate that led to the Moon Dorms. Yori and Tsubaki sat on a bench by the Sun Dorm Gates, out of the way of everyone.
The two girls heard yelling and turned to see a majority of the Day Class girls rushing across the bridge in effort to get to the gates before the Night Class crossed.
Just as the girls got there, the doors to the main Academy opened to allow the Night Class exit.
The white clothed students made their trek across the campus yard toward their dorm gates, letting the yelling from the fan girls wash off of them. Aido, waved to the group in his excitement, the girls waving and screaming back.
Annoyed with the loud noise Aido was only encouraging, Kaname spoke up. "Aido, stop encouraging them. They're already annoying enough and you are only making it worse."
Aido whipped around and cowered like a scolded puppy under Kaname's glare. "Yes Kaname-sama. Sorry, Kaname-sama."
Kaname's glare let up as the group of vampires crossed the Moon Dorm Gates. Kaname stopped by Yuki, speaking to her before he had to move on.
"You are doing a great job Yuki. But where is Kiryu? Is he not meant to be helping you?" Kaname asked.
"Meant to, yes. But Zero disappeared earlier and I haven't seen him since." Yuki admitted, sighing at the thought of the silver haired prefect.
Kaname ruffled her hair slightly. "Well, you don't seem to be needing him now. I have to go now, so have a good day Yuki."
Yuki blushed slightly, her admiration of the vampire in front of her kicking in. "Thank you, Kaname-sama."
Kaname smiled, troubled wine eyes crinkling in the corner. "Goodbye, Yuki."
He crossed the gate threshold and Yuki pushed the doors shut, locking them once they were completely closed.
Yuki then turned around and waved the whining Day Class girls off.
"Class starts soon, so shoo."
Finished with her morning duties, Yuki wondered back over to Yori and Tsubaki, who finished their conversation as Yuki approached them. Tsubaki held Yuki's books, refusing to hand them over when Yuki asked.
"Yuki-chan, if I am b-borrowing your books, the l-least I could do is carry the bag. They are r-rather heavy." Tsubaki insisted.
Yuki tilted her head, considering. A smile crossed her face and she chirped out.
Yuki turned away and skipped over to the door leading to the classrooms. She opened them and waited for the two girls to follow her through before she closed them behind them.
The three girls travelled down the hallway three abreast absent-mindedly dodging around the students who didn't move out of their way. Stares followed them, Yuki and Yori being unaffected but Tsubaki shrinking back to hide behind the two more confident girls.
They got to a classroom that a group of students were hanging around. Yuki approached them, pulling a key out of her pocket and moving forward to unlock the door.
The students poured through the door, the trio hanging back until the rush had gone. They wandered into the classroom, ascending the stairs to the back rows. Yori slid in first, Tsubaki followed her and Yuki sat on the end. Tsubaki pulled the books onto the desk and spread them out. Their morning classes were a double math period in the one classroom, so she didn't have to worry about moving around.
Tsubaki saw Yuki looking around and, wondering what was going through her head, spoke up. "What are you looking for, Yuki-chan?"
"I'm looking for Zero." Yuki explained. "He doesn't normally miss class."
"Maybe he's just late?" Tsubaki volunteered.
Yori turned to look from where she had rested her head on her arms.
"Zero is never late. He either shows up, or he doesn't. He has five minutes before the morning bell rings and homeroom starts. I bet he will show up soon." Yori explained.
"Speak of the devil." Yuri muttered. The three girls looked up to see the silver haired prefect walking up the stairs toward them.
"ZERO! Where were you this morning? You know you're meant to help with the crossover!" Yuki berated him.
Zero just stared at her, eyes sliding past her small form to meet the brown eyes of Tsubaki. Something just didn't sit right with him, something was wrong with those eyes, but he didn't know what.
He faced Yuki again, his face impassive.
"I slept in." He spoke blankly. He moved past the three girls to sit in the row behind them, directly behind Tsubaki.
Right on time the bell rang and the entire class went silent. Everyone faced the front as the teacher Yuuri Katsuki, walked in. He stood at the front of the room and waited. The class as one rose to greet him. The teacher bowed and the students bowed back.
"Good morning class." He spoke.
"Good morning sensei." The group responded.
"Today we have a new student. Tsubaki Evans, please stand up." He gestured.
Slowly, Tsubaki rose, eyes drawing to her like a moth to flames.
"Please state your likes, dislikes and a dream you have." The teacher stated.
Tsubaki nodded. "H-hello. My name is T-tsubaki Evans. U-um I l-like mythology and animals. I d-don't like arrogant p-people. A d-dream I h-have is to one day m-meet again a man who s-saved my l-life when I was y-y-younger."
The shy girl sat down, blushing under all the attention she was receiving from her classmates.
"Thank you Tsubaki-san. All right, please be silent as I do the roll." The teacher asked.
Katsuki-sensei went down the roll, calling out names and marking whether the student was there or not.
"and Kiryu Zero." He intoned. The silver haired prefect raised his hand, expecting the teacher to know by now that he would not speak during homeroom.
Yuuri nodded in acknowledgement and continued on. He spoke of class announcements and how the elections for Class President would begin soon. Kasumi Kageyama, the previous year's vice president puffed up, he was eager to be the Class President this year.
The bell rang for the start of the next class and the homeroom teacher left. The class started up quiet chatter to pass the time and Yuki turned around to face Zero.
"You were with Lily again, weren't you?" Yuki asked.
Zero silently regarded her before nodding.
Tsubaki tilted her head curiously. "Lily?" She questioned.
Yuki turned to face Tsubaki and explained.
"Lily is a school horse that only likes Zero. She doesn't really let anyone else near her. Zero sleeps in her stall sometimes."
Tsubaki nodded her head in understanding. "Ah."
The classroom went silent as their first period teacher arrived. Mr Jun Koro was an awesome teacher, but he was strict. If you slacked off then you would get a suitable punishment.
"Hello class." He smiled.
As one the spoke. "Hello Koro-sensei."
"Today we will simply be going through a refresher booklet. Fill in as much as you can in the first period without the help of your books. Next period we will go through the booklet together. Anything you are not sure of after, tell me and we will go through it again. Everyone alright with that?" He informed.
As a few nods dotted the classroom, Koro-sensei nodded his own head and grabbed the booklets from his desk. He handed them out before sitting down at his desk. The classroom was filled with the sound of pens scribbling away.
Tsubaki looked down at her booklet, pulling out a pen and filling in her name and form. She flipped to the first page and took in the equation.
1) If a = 5 and b = 6 then 3ab =
a) 30
b) 14
c) 90
d) 105
e) 33
Seeing the simpleness of the question, Tsubaki's worries went away and she started speeding through the booklet. Only after answering C to the question first of course.
Time sped by and before Tsubaki knew it, she had gotten to the end of the booklet. She flipped it back through to double check the answers of what she had filled in before looking up with the rest of the class as the bell rang.
The sound of students moving around outside their classroom was ignored as Koro-sensei pulled out his own copy of the booklet. Starting at the front row, he asked the students to read out their answers for the questions.
Time went by and Tsubaki had multiple turns at reading out the answers to the ones she had filled in. Time blurred and the entire class jumped when the bell for snack rang.
Koro-sensei collected the books and dismissed the class, students rushing out the door in groups of two and three.
Slowly but surely, Yuki, Yori, Tsubaki and surprisingly Zero made their way out of the classroom and started heading toward the Academy Garden to have their snack.
Halfway there, they were ambushed by a group of girls, led by a girl that didn't like Yuki very much because of her closeness to Kaname Kuran. Nadeshiko Shindo sneered down at the group from the top of the small steps.
"So, Yuki Cross is already cuddled up to the gaijin. How expected of her." She spoke. She turned to Tsubaki and continued.
"You really shouldn't be hanging around foreigners Cross. You either Wakaba. You'll only be brought down by them."
Her manner causing flashbacks, Tsubaki stepped forward and snapped at the snobbish girl.
"You should let them decide for themselves. After all, clearly you have no taste in friends either."
Yuki and Yori were clearly surprised by her outburst, but Zero's expression didn't change.
Following on to Tsubaki's words, Yori spoke up.
"Who I am friends with is none of your business. Now shoo, you're infecting this place with your germs."
Shock outright showing on their faces, Nadeshiko and her group gaped before they drew themselves up, ready to argue.
Zero stepped in then, moving forward. The opposing girls crumbled like aluminium and ran off.
Yuki spoke, awe clear in her tone.
"Wow Tsubaki, you were amazing," She turned to Zero, lunging at him to give him a hug. "And you! You didn't even have to speak and you got them to run away."
Zero smiled softly and pat Yuki's head before pushing her away.
"It's nothing."
Knowing he wouldn't accept praise, Yuki let it go. Turning to the two girls with them she smiled.
"Now let's go eat. I'm absolutely starving!"
Just after Crossover
Kaname sat at his desk, absentmindedly twirling a chess piece between his fingers as he contemplated what was different with Yuki.
He knew that the person he had smelled on her was one he hadn't before. He highly suspected that the mystery scent belonged to the girl her had seen running towards the Headmasters cottage with his sister earlier that morning.
But the scent was different. He would have sworn it belonged to a non-human, another Mythical. But Kaien Cross would have informed him if there was another Mythical species attending Cross Academy, and they would have been placed in the Night Class to prevent any chances of Day Class students finding out.
He sighed. Kaname was tired, so he decided that he would sleep on it and try to find out more information on it the next day.
The Daily Prophet
It has been months since the Girl-Who-Lived has disappeared. Despite her Curse, she is the one we need to defeat You-Know-Who. Has she abandoned us? Is she secretly plotting to become the next Dark Lady?
Albus Dumbledore and Rufus Scrimgeour claim that they are doing all they can to locate her. But are they really, if they haven't found her yet? Who knows?
Regardless, she needs to be located and brought back to England. Any information is useful, please send an owl to the Ministry of Magic if you have any knowledge of her whereabouts.
There is one question everyone wants answered and no one has the answer.
By Rita Skeeter
And that's a wrap for this chapter. I spat this out over the course of one day, so apologies for any mistakes.
I think this is the longest chapter I have ever written. 2924 words not including this note and the disclaimer. And 8 pages long.
A lot happened in this chapter but rejoice, for the next one shall have a time skip. The next chapter will be put up sometime during April, but I'm not sure when exactly. Most likely going to be toward the end of the month but who knows?
Make sure to check out my other stories, Haiku Roulette and Bits and Pieces. I am also on Archive of Our Own under TheCelestialAlchemist and on Tumblr under The-Celestial-Alchemist-AO3. Hiding Out at Cross Academy is on both of those sites.
That's all for now, make sure to review, follow and favourite.
The Celestial Alchemist