AN: Hello, everyone! I'm back with another fic! This one's different from The Scoop in that it probably won't have as much fluff (I say probably because my brain is hyperactive and I get in arguments with it sometimes)! However, I hope that everyone will enjoy this! Also, this chapter might be a bit boring because it's a set-up chapter, but I promise that things will get interesting soon!
Around him, the world seemed to be falling down. The sky gleamed red, lit by the fires that ate up the metropolis of Tokyo. Screams of the dead and dying rent the air, echoing through cold structures of steel and concrete. The smell of blood, iron and acrid, saturated the air. He lamented the loss of precious food, but there was no helping it.
Like a disobedient dog, the humans had to be brought to heel. And to discipline a dog, punishments were in order. A long tongue snaked out and wet his lips. The heady mix of terror and blood that surrounded him was almost too much. Gold eyes momentarily flashed red, round pupils, tightening into reptilian slits. But no. He took a deep breath, calming himself. Slowly, red returned back to gold, the crimson draining from his irises. Very soon, the world would bow to him.
Asami Ryuichi the Third, King of the Vampires, allowed himself a sinister smile.
It had all begun with a letter. On January the 14th, 2022, an innocuous letter had somehow made its way upon the desk of the Japanese prime minister. The contents of it were simple and the message blunt: humanity must bow to their masters, the vampires, or else face severe retribution.
Of course, the prime minister dismissed it immediately, sure that some person out there wanted to see how far their silly hoax could get. The letter was thrown away and forgotten. Things, however, began to escalate a week later. More and more letters began to crop up in the oddest of places. On the doorsteps of important politicians. Tucked into their piles of neatly ordered paperwork. And occasionally, in their houses, sitting on a table or nightstand innocently.
It was a worryingly high number of security breaches, but no action was taken besides an upping of bodyguards around the men. After all, Japan would become the world's laughingstock if they surrendered to this group of "vampires". The prime minister and his peers held firm, not giving any ground, not even acknowledging the letters. And on March 14th, White Day, things came to head.
It had been a perfectly ordinary spring day, bright and warm. Women and men walked along the streets of Tokyo as they did every day, hurrying to their jobs or other appointments. No one had any idea that this was the day that everything would change. At precisely 8:00 AM, a boom sounded as the entire city shook. Heads turned automatically towards the plume of smoke that drifted towards the air. Gasps of shock filled the air as hands raised to cover open mouths. The women and men could only stare in blank shock as the Tokyo Skytree crumbled to the ground, smoke rising from several open areas that had obviously been riddled with explosives. Distant screams began to sound, the helpless men and women trapped in the tower and nearby it shrieking in horror and pain. Within five minutes, the streets were congested even more than usual. Police cars and ambulances trying desperately to reach the chaotic area, other men and women driving away from the debris, for fear that another building would collapse. Utter anarchy.
Simultaneously, the screens in the most crowded areas of Tokyo, currently broadcasting the awful news of the accident, flickered off and then on. People stopped in their frantic conversations, turning fearful eyes onto the newest anomaly that had come to utterly shred their normal routines. At this point, they were prepared for the worst. The screens flickered for a little bit longer, stabilizing gradually until the people were greeted with an image of a stunningly handsome man. Black hair slicked back and crimson eyes amused on the surface, but with a hard edge, gazed into the camera. "Hello, humans," He greeted. "My name is Asami Ryuichi and I am the person who brought down the Skytree."
A small pause for the news to sink in. Whispers and gasps broke out, as several people raised their phones and began to take photographs of the man and the destruction around them. The entire world would hear about this in seconds.
"I know that many people will believe me on face value," He allowed, "But I'm sure that many will also be skeptical. Therefore, I will put your doubts to rest. It is currently 8:29 AM. At 8:30 AM, the Tokyo Tower will fall."
The crowd stilled, many checking their watches, gazing at the second hand that ticked slowly to 12. Another boom shook the square. Eyes laden with dread, they turned towards the smoking tower as the metal supports slowly bent and snapped, the entire thing falling with a moaning crash. Another explosion sounded as it hit the ground, probably rupturing some gas tank or hitting an underground pipe.
"As you can see, I am indeed the one orchestrating this whole thing." The handsome man smiled, completely unperturbed by the fact that he had just killed hundreds of innocents. "Once again, I am Asami Ryuichi. I have come with a proposition from my people to yours." He smiled, exposing undeniably sharp canines.
Confusion flitted through the air at the strange wording of the sentence. His people? An extremist group? A religious cult? A group of anarchists?
"We are vampires," He said bluntly. "And as such we require food. The proposition is this: In return for your safety and wellbeing, we ask that you make…donations. More specifically, we require the entire human race to donate their blood to us periodically. In return, we will build perfectly safe, sanitary cities where they may live and carry on their normal lives. And if you choose not to cooperate," The smile vanished off his lips as his eyes narrowed. Even through the screen his killer's aura was palpable. "We will destroy you."
The screens all abruptly flickered again, returning to the frantic news programs from before, now covering the fall of the Tokyo Tower. People stood, shell shocked, their eyes blank with fear and confusion. Nobody knew what to expect or believe, if they should give into these "vampires" or just surrender. But inside, they all knew one truth of this situation. Things would never be the same ever again.
Tokyo did not, in fact, surrender. With several other first world countries aiding them, the entire county of Japan scoured its borders for these elusive beings. News stations broadcasted moral boosting programs, filled with loyal citizens swearing that they would never bow to these tyrants, no matter what they claimed to be. All the nations across the globe were in accordance: it would not do to give a single inch to these people.
But neither hide nor hair of any vampire was found. Despite their best efforts, all police and FBI forces drew a blank. Even when the scope of the search was enlarged to include surrounding countries, nobody came up as suspicious. All leads led to dead ends, and the world leaders became uneasy. Security was almost quadrupled in large populated areas, police standing everywhere, always alert in case another disaster occurred. All of Tokyo was keyed up and on edge, suspicious of everyone around them. Soon, voices even rose up, demanding that they surrender to these vampires, that they did not wish to die in an explosion or have their loved ones killed. All the complaints were ignored by the resolute government.
On July 7th, the second catastrophe occurred. At noon, without warning, ten bombs went off inside the city. They had been strategically placed in areas where they would do the most structural damage, and therefore in the most public of places with the most security. This time, the King appeared to the city atop a building and across all the screens in the ruined city. He stood proudly as Tokyo burned. "This is your last warning." He intoned. "Surrender or die, humanity."
Japan surrendered that day, and the world soon followed. Humans had become livestock.
AN: So…like it? Hate it? Please comment and tell me what you think!