Author's Note: Hi! I'm new to writing Naruto fanfiction so I really hope this goes well. This story is actually told in the different perspectives by different characters. I really hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto... :(

Chapter 1-Itachi's Chapter

Sakura Haruno was born with a destiny decided on by her parents and neighbors. Her destiny was to become one thing – an Uchiha. How was she supposed to fulfill her destiny? Marry Sasuke Uchiha. Easy task, right? No. In fact, this destiny chosen for her contained the single hardest task a girl could ever face. Maybe if her parents and neighbors had known how impossible the destiny they chose for her was then they might have chosen a different one. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back to the day it all began, March 23.

"What do you think you'll have, Fugaku?" Kizashi Haruno asked the man sharing the waiting room with him.

"We're having another boy," Fugaku stated confidently.

"We better have a girl then," Kizashi chuckled.

"Ah!" Screams came from down the hall making the men pale.

"Was Itachi's birth this hard?" Kizashi asked.

"He just popped out within the hour," Fugaku remembered.

"Kizashi!" the said man heard his wife's scream and the curses that followed it. He sat down in his anxiety. Fugaku patted his friend's shoulder and stated it was a passing threat.

"Fugaku!" Fugaku took a seat hearing his wife curses come from down the hall. Screams and threats filled the hospital till finally there was silence that was quickly replaced with the sound of two babies crying in unison.

A nurse came to the waiting room searching for Mr. Haruno and Mr. Uchiha. After assuring the rather weary looking nurse of their identities they were told to follow her to where their wives were.

In the room Mebuki and Mikoto were in beds beside each other as per their request. Each of them had a single discolored hand that had come from holding each other in their labor pains. Mikoto held a small, rosy cheeked baby with a full head of raven hair while Mebuki's baby was pink. Its skin was pink and little curls were pink just like its father's hair.

"Itachi, come meet your little brother," My mother Mikoto waved me towards her so I could see the baby better. He was tiny but his mouth seemed huge as he yawned. He blinked his eyes revealing the same black eyes all Uchihas had. Resting against our mother chest, his face relaxed into an almost smirk of delight. Something about how he smirked caused some sort of cord to connect from my heart to his.

"What did you name him?" I asked.

"Sasuke," Mikoto answered happily.

"Boy or girl?" Fugaku remembered his manners and looked to the others in the room. I too was curious.

"Girl," Mebuki sighed very pleased with her offspring.

"What are you going to name her, Mebuki?" Mikoto asked her best friend. Mebuki and Kizashi looked to each other. Somehow they forgot to think of a name. Then they smiled and looked down at their daughter.

"Sakura," They said in unison. They suited her well since she was pink like a Sakura blossom.

"It's perfect! Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha!" Mikoto grinned.

"What?" I asked.

"Sasuke and Sakura will get married one day and our families will finally be one," Mikoto explained. Even at seven I was confused by how she knew they were to marry and how everyone was just fine with it. But I did not question it. I merely looked over to my destined sister-in-law. Then I saw her eyes for the first time. They were green as a new spring leaf. Then she kind of smiled at me. A cord was formed then from my heart to hers like with Sasuke. That day I gained two siblings and Sakura her destiny.

Since the Harunos lived in the house beside us, and our parents had been best friends since high school, it was not hard for them to keep Sasuke and Sakura together. As babies, they were put in the same crib to take naps during the day, they were dressed in matching clothes, they took baths together and they were rarely around any other babies. Only Naruto Uzamaki was really allowed around the basically betrothed babies since his mother Kushina was also best friends with Mebuki and Mikoto.

As Sasuke and Sakura reached a year old, Mebuki went back to her job as a flight attendant. Since Kizashi was an airline pilot, Sakura was often left in the car of my family which was completely fine with my mother who thought it was a great way to deepen the bond between the babies.

I was relieved that by a year and a half neither one of them displayed the genius I did. I was able to read by a year old and at five years old I scored a perfect score on the SATs. When Sasuke and Sakura were born I had just finished high school despite being seven. I had been enrolled into the local but prestigious Konoha University soon afterward. Being a "prodigy" was pleasant enough but often there was a lot of pressure that came with being a prodigy, pressures I did not either Sasuke or Sakura to have.

Watching the two kiddos when my mother tired was rather interesting for me. It was fascinating to see how they interacted. If ever Sasuke started to cry Sakura would somehow get over to Sasuke and try to hold him till her stopped. If Sakura cried Sasuke would almost glare at her before finally maneuvering himself close enough to her to put his hand over her mouth. "No," was his favorite word to say to her. Despite that move not being the nicest way to shut up a baby, it always worked on Sakura.

When they could walk, they both followed me everywhere. Sasuke was more attached since he actually lived with me. Since they were always around I could see how they interacted. Sasuke was far more dominant in their relationship. If he wanted a toy Sakura played with he would take it and she would just let him but if she tried to do the same he would snap, "No. Mine." He was a bit of a selfish brat when he got like that but Sakura never seemed to mind. However, whenever Naruto was over and tried to take her toys she would smack him.

Other than her violent actions toward Naruto, Sakura was a sweet child. She was a bit timid around those she did not know but when she got to know them she was kind and friendly with them. She happily shared anything of hers and tried to include everyone. Although Sasuke would not admit to it, he liked having Sakura as his playmate. I could tell. She was so sweet and innocent after all. Not many could resist her sweetness especially not me. When she out grew her crib and stayed at our house she would wander out of her little guest room where her bed was and sneak into my room.

"Nii-san," She would whisper the title that technically was only Sasuke's right to say but I allowed her to use it as well. She would call my title and pull at my blankets until I would let her in the bed. Sharing my bed with Sakura really started during a thunderstorm. Fearing them for some illogical reason, she went to find comfort in our house. She originally went to Sasuke's room and tried to crawl into his bed but he push her out. She kind of feared Fugaku and so stayed of my parent's room. I was all she had left and so I took her in and "protected" her from the thunder. The problem with sleeping with a young child is their lack of bladder control. Often I woke up with urine drenched pajamas and a wet bed. She was embarrassed the first time it happened but I assured her that it was perfectly normal and easily fixable.

When I was twelve and finishing up college and heading to medical school, the two kids were five and Sakura confessed something to me which I knew out mothers would have loved.

"I love Sasuke-kun, Nii-san," She whispered in my ear one day while Sasuke was in the distance.

"You do?"

"Yes," She was glowing, "I'm going to marry him."

"You think so?"

"Yes! Mama and Mi-oba-san say so. I'm so happy!" She giggled.

"Well, you'll have to talk to Sasuke about that," I was being far too logical with her then.

"Okay, Nii-san!" She ran off to him. I can only assume she told him her feelings and her plan because Sasuke turned red then pushed her down and saw her cry. I rushed to her when I saw her down,

"What did you do that for?" I was appalled by his actions.

"She asked to marry me! She's not supposed to do that!" He stated.

I made him apologize to her and she quickly forgave him as she always did. Sakura never brought marriage to Sasuke after that though.

When I began working at the hospital I did not get to see Sasuke a lot much less Sakura. Maybe it was because I worked so much that things changed drastically between them. They were normal until they were ten and Sasuke went to an all-boys camp that summer. When he came back he wanted nothing to do with Sakura and even became standoffish towards our mother and Mebuki. I tried to figure out why he changed but he never said. But no matter how mean he was or exclusive he was to her, Sakura always forgave him and maintained her love for him. Sasuke only grew more hateful towards Sakura and most women. He even became rather rude to other boys including myself. Maybe if I had spent more time with him then he might not have become the way he did. Maybe he wouldn't have become so hard to win over and Sakura's destined task wouldn't be so hard. Maybe it was my fault things happened like they did. Maybe…