Title: Rika's True Love

Disclaimer: Hey, this isn't Ashley, (This is Amber, Ashley's friend, also known as AF in reviews) and I don't love Takato *Ashley starts crying*, but I would like to take this time to say, I don't own Digimon, but Ashley is mine!!! ALL MINE!!! *Laughs maniacally*

A/N: This is not the only a/n, I like to have a little input in the story, but the most important thing is that this story occurs 4 year after the D- reaper (chaos) was *coughs*. taken care of. Anyways. this story is extremely complicated, is a Ryuki (of course), possibly an Ashato, and includes at least 4 invented characters. Don't like my flavor? This fanfic is co-written, so Ashley will write this. Another fanfic will be written (in the works), possibly co-authored, by Ashley and I. Happy reading! This is like my baby. DON'T REJECT MY BABY! *Starts crying* Okay, I'm done. enjoy.

Rika sighed heavily as she walked down the path.. It won't be long, she thought, my mom will make me get on that stupid floating hunk of metal in the middle of the ocean and walk around in a frilly pink dress! The birds chirped, and she stared at her shoes as she thought about Ryo. I sure will miss Akiyama, she thought, and hit herself on the head. No! Why me!? A song came to mind. She hummed softly, singing the words in her mind.

I'm tugging at my hair

I'm pulling at my clothes

I'm trying to keep my cool

I know it shows

I'm staring at my feet

My cheeks are turning red

I'm searching for the words

Inside my head

'Cause I'm feeling nervous

Trying to be so perfect

'Cause I know you're worth it

You're worth it, yeah

If I could say what I want to say

I'd say I want to blow you away

Be with you every night

Am I squeezing you too tight?

If I could say what I want to see

I'd wanna see you go down. on one knee (a/n: not really)

"Marry me today" (a/n: once again, not really)

Guess I'm wishing my life away...

With these things I'll never say.

God, why do I think of these things? Rika heard a rustling in the bushes, and turned,to find Kazu. "Uh..." Kazu started to explain, but it was too late. Rika grabbed him out of the bushes and held him up by his shirt collar. "You better explain yourself, or I'll deck youso hard, you'll fly into the digital world!"


"You already tried that!"

"Well," Kazu said as if to make sure she didn't pop him once first, "I was walking along and I heard you humming, and I knew you would..well...put me in this very situation if you caught me." Kazu took a deep breath. Rika stood there, Kazu quivering, and considered whether or not she would let him live. Kazu knew this, so he quickly threw in, "I'm really, really sorry!" Rika put him down.

"Alright," she said, and drew him close. "But one word to anyone about this, and I WILL kill you. Got that?" She pushed him away, and he fell down on his butt. He got up, and scampered away. Ryo went whizzing by, and Rika grabbed him. "Hey, Akiyama, whatcha doin'?"

"Just chasing after Henry. He has something of mine. I need it back."

"What is it?" Rika was curious.

"Uhh...plane tickets?" Ryo wondered if he was saying the right thing.

"Why do you need plane tickets?" Rika wondered, out loud.

"I have to talk to you." Ryo seemed hesitant. "I'm leaving."


Amber: Well, that's the end of the first chapter. I need input! Please give me KIND compliments/criticism so I can make your reading experience better. I will later be introduced as a character, also Ashley, another girl, and a boyfriend for me. *Turns and sees Kazu mocking her in the corner* HEY!

Kazu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *Screams and runs*

Amber: I'll get you!!!!!! *Stops and remembers people are watching her* Oh, sorry, by the way, a little voice in my head serves as my muse. I don't know which Digimon it is. Maybe it will show itself later. Bye-bye for now!!!:)
