Title: Looking after a Flea

Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya

Rating: T

Genre: General/Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own durarara! Or any of its characters

Summary: Izaya doesn't get sick….except he suddenly does. Shizuo didn't want to take care of him, but when he looks that helpless even he couldn't resist the stupid flea. He's only making Izaya owe him a favor, of course.

A/N: Hello~ I know I'm supposed to be updating Brand New Tomorrow, but the other day I was feeling a little unwell and decided I wanted to read sick fics from my favorite pairings. Was only supposed to read-then suddenly I was already writing this chapter I'm sorry…

This would probably be a two or three-shot fic. ^^. I'll be updating BNT on the weekend still 3. I apologize for writing a plot that's been so overly used already (I couldn't help it~ Izaya's sick image is just irresistible inside my mind!) but I hope you still enjoy reading this. I tried to minimize the OOC to a certain extent.

Please read and review?


When the news got out, it spread through Ikebukuro like wildfire on the hottest day of summer. Quite a few people were surprised, but a lot of them also didn't care. Those who could benefit from the piece of information looked like they just won the lottery, already off planning a course of action. Surprisingly, a few people were also worried when they heard about it. Even fewer of that number weren't so sure what to make of it, skeptical if the whole thing was even real or not.

The breaking news? Orihara Izaya, the city's infamous information broker is sick.

Izaya Orihara was never sick.

Not even his twin sister ever had recollection of him falling ill. So it was no wonder it became a topic among those who actually knew the informant.

Heiwajima Shizuo merely rolled his eyes when he heard of the so-called 'news' (What seriously?) . He didn't understand why people were making a big deal of the flea getting sick. It was only normal, Izaya was only human after all, no matter how much he called himself a higher being. Sure he rarely got sick, but even he couldn't be immune to ailments.

"But Izaya never gets sick!" Shinra was saying worriedly when Shizuo told him he was overreacting. "I've never it happen in the years I've known him! He's never gone down with a flu before!"

The blond rolled his eyes "It's still just a flu Shinra…it's not life threatening…sadly" he added.

The bespectacled paid his last word no attention and sighed. "I wouldn't feel this worried if he had someone to take care of him while he's ill…sadly he closed the door on my face after I gave him my diagnosis"

Typical Izaya. Getting rid of someone (even if it was the only person who considered him a friend) when they have no use for them anymore. Shizuo felt his blood boil at the thought. "That bastard isn't worth it Shinra, it's not like he won't recover from a flu" he grunted, if Izaya could survive anything Shizuo threw at him then it would be insulting if he would be done in by a damn virus. "Besides, doesn't he have that woman-what's her name again-working for him?"

"You mean Namie?" the doctor shook his head. "She won't take care of him…she hates his guts"

Then why is he letting her work for him? Shizuo stopped himself before he could ask the question. Not that he was curious, because he wasn't. Why would he be curious about the damn parasite's life right? "Then just leave him alone. Damn flea would be up and causing trouble again in no time" he wanted to reach into his pocket for a light, then remembered Celty telling him off about smoking in their place.

"I suppose you're right…" Shinra still looked troubled "I just can't help but worry…he really looked bad when I checked up on him…his fever must be really high…" he looked at the ex-bartender with a different glint in his eyes. Shizuo instantly frowned. "Plus he looked kind of scared himself-like he wasn't expecting to be sick too"

"Serves him right" he grounded out before he could help himself. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Aren't you curious to see if he's okay?"

"No, flea can go die for all I care" Shizuo crossed his arms.

The shorter male pouted, looking dejected. It was plain to see he was really worried about the informant's condition and it was starting to piss him off (Izaya, for acting like a jerk when people were actually worrying about him). Just knowing he's probably going to regret it later he sighed, staring at Shinra. "What do you want me to do?"

Shinra's face brightened so suddenly the debt collector was almost inclined to think he was faking all of his act earlier "Can you go to his apartment and check up on him? Making sure he's resting and not doing anything that might aggravate his fever? Izaya's never been down with flu before…so he might not know what he should be doing and-"

"I get it. Geez, you sound like a doting parent"

"Ah~ no need to sound so jealous Shizuo! I assure you I have no intentions on cheating from my beloved Celty~"

"Who the hell's jealous?!" a vein twitched on the top of his head, causing the other to yelp. "Don't say disgusting things Shinra" he shook his head. "Whatever, I'll just have to see if the flea is taking his medication and rest right?"

"yes, yes!" Shinra answered enthusiastically. "Thank you Shizuo!"

"You owe me big time for this"

"Izaya will probably owe you too!" now that doesn't sound like a bad idea, being owed by the louse. "Oh, and please don't destroy the door of his apartment okay! A lot of the gangs around Ikebukuro might try to assassinate him now he's incapable of defending himself!"

"What?!" But Shinra's already leading him out the door, handing him the paper with the address of Izaya's apartment before bidding him a happy goodbye, closing the door on his face. If he wasn't so stunned he'd have been instantly pissed off. He pocketed the piece of paper and took off with a low growl, now he just managed to get himself more unnecessary work for the evening, great.

Then again, it might not be so bad…he'd get the chance to see Izaya weak after all. It was a one in a lifetime chance. Besides, it was a chance to have the flea owe him a favor. He could use that to get rid of the bastard from Ikebukuro forever.

The thought made him grin, starting his way towards the informant's apartment in Shinjuku.



Something was wrong.

Shizuo instantly scowled. It was quiet…too quiet as he approached the building where the flea lived. It was right in the middle of a business area and given that it was still early in the evening, the place should still be swarming with people getting about with their lives…right now it was a ghost town, empty of anything.

Something was wrong.

And the blond had a feeling it had to do with the warning Shinra told him earlier.

Gangs might try to assassinate Izaya now that he's incapable of defending himself~

Izaya incapable of defending himself. It sounded like a bad joke to Shizuo after all those times he almost caught the flea only to have him slipping and escaping the last minute. He almost didn't want to believe it, but he knew Shinra had no reason to lie to him.

So people would really take advantage of the fact the flea's sick?

The idea didn't sit right with him and before he realized what he was doing, Shizuo was hurrying up the building of Izaya's apartment, clicking the elevator close towards the top floor. Damn it.

The whole floor was thrashed; plants that were supposed to be decorating the hallways were on the floor destroyed. Whoever came here meant business and Shizuo almost…almost felt worried for the apartment's owner.

He hastened his steps and arrived in front of Izaya's front door. The lock was broken. Damn. He quickly pushed it open, already expecting the worst scenario.

"Oi! Izaya!" but to the blond's surprise, the room was empty. It was also thrashed and turned upside down…but empty. "What-"

Of course that was until he heard a soft groan from behind the sofa, unmistakably a woman's. Shizuo instantly lifted the couch from the person trapped under it. He held out a hand but she took on the task of standing up by herself, then stared at him "What? Are you here to kill Izaya too?"

Shizuo stared back. This must be that Namie person. "Tch. I won't kick a person when he's down…not even when it's the damn louse. Shinra told me to check on him" he said.

She stared at him skeptically, he couldn't exactly blame her. He was Izaya's greatest enemy after all, it would make more sense if he was also here to finish off the louse while he was out of it. Eventually she shook her head. "Whatever, you won't find him here…he went out"

The ex-bartender's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

Namie pursed her lips at him "Running from the gangs who keep trying to kill him, obviously." She crossed her arms "They were here half an hour ago, thrashing the place when they learned he got a minute head start of running. Turned to me when they figured I didn't stop him" she made a disapproving noise "As if I would"

"Where is the flea now?"

"No idea, though I'd imagine if he managed to outrun those guys he'd probably be dying somewhere…he really looked sick" she said, without an ounce of worry in her face.

Shizuo almost couldn't believe how relatively calm she looked at all this, then again she worked for Izaya after all…whoever worked for the bastard must be one or another as shitty as the flea. He moved to go back, there was nothing he could do here anyway, might as well tell Shinra his beloved patient has gone missing.

He made it to the streets when Shizuo felt his phone ringing. Thinking it was Shinra he flipped it open before checking on the number. "What?"


He froze. That wasn't Shinra. He instantly recognized that voice. That voice used to annoy him at every given opportunity. It used to cause his blood to boil instantly upon hearing it.

That voice that sounded so damn weak…it was almost like he was whispering.

Like he was struggling to keep awake.

Shizuo's grip on his phone tightened.

