*I am sorry for uploading this when I haven't updated The Snow King or Spark of Hope in awhile. I admit that I am a bit stuck on those, so if you have any ideas for them msg me please! This story is being written purely for fun, therefor don't expect many exact details (like I am not going to writing what someones BP, not going to check for sure what treatments go with what injuries, etc. I don't want to get bored looking them up and I don't want to bore you with reading them). Also the storylines date isn't the 70s/80s like the shows, but rather a more modern, though unspecified year, as for the same reason of not wanting to do a lot of research, etc. So yeah, I think that's everything, I hope you enjoy :D

Also I will be stealing a page out of myownmind's book (just an expression, not literally) and making Roy unmarried, as well as Jim. They are right that it is easier to do write, though at this point I have no idea if I will point out that they are single, but this is just a heads up why their wives and kids aren't mentioned. You should really read myownmind's stories Earthquake and its sequel Great White North, they are fantastic!*

Jon Baker scanned the highways from the back of his motorbike. His partner, Frank Poncherello, kept pace right beside him. The past few days had passed with nothing more than a few normal traffic stops. Jon would even take helping a couple get to the hospital in time to deliver their baby, just to break what had started to become a dull daily routine.

Jim Reed looked across the car at his partner, Pete Malloy who was driving the patrol car they were in. As it was with the California Highway Patrol officers, things had been slow for these two policemen. Jim had this awful feeling that something big was going to happen soon, something they weren't quite prepared for.

Roy DeSoto and his partner John Gage sat alone in station 51. When the call had come through for their station earlier they and their fellow firemen had gotten up immediately, ready for something to happen. Turns out it was just a simple cat stuck in a tree thing, and although both him and Johnny had begged to go along, after cat scratches could get infected if not cleaned properly, Cap had told them to stay put. Looks like it would be another boring day for them and there was nothing left to clean that hadn't been done about 4 times since they came on duty. If only something would happen…