A/N Here is the fifth and last chapter! Sorry this took so long, I got writer's block. Thank you all who reviewed, followed and favorited, it means a lot.

Have you heard about Kol coming back? I'm not sure who will be playing him but I hope it's Nate, I love him. Daniel did a great job as Kol but only Nate can play him. I've never shipped Kol and Davina because i've lost any small amount of respect I had for her. Her going against Klaus when she witnessed Kol's last dying words to him saying that he just wanted his family to care. But I have a soft spot for them, I like that Kol has someone on his side for once.

Anyway, please enjoy the chapter.

The Missing Piece—Chapter Five



Kol: I'm not the bad guy in this chapter of our family's story! I'm the wronged! I'm the dead, but never mourned. And whilst you got everything that you wanted, I got a family who didn't care if I lived or if I died!

Klaus: Despite your behavior, you're still my brother!… I've daggered all of you! Each for your own good! If you don't agree with my motives, fine. I never claimed to be the bastion of temperance but stop this drivel about being singled out and unloved. You are a Mikaelson! You're my blood. And I need you. I need you by my side.

Kol Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson



"How are you feeling, darling?"

"As if I have just brought one of the most oldest and powerful beings back from the dead."Hope replied, looking up at her uncle as he carried her. His clothes, that he had been wearing from when he first died, were torn slightly but still wearable."How about you?"

"As if the most powerful creature on earth brought me back from the dead."

Hope smirked proudly while he grinned, just as proud.

"Daddy's gonna be mad."Hope said, resting her head against her uncle's shoulder."I'm not supposed to do dangerous spells, it takes a lot from me. I can't even walk without falling over."

"Don't worry, darling. I'm sure i'll be able to deal with your father, I have had experience." Kol drawled.

"Says the former dead man."

"I'm still dead."

She laughed and lifted her hand, pulling off the daylight ring. She slipped it on his index finger where he always wore it causing him to smirk down at her. He nodded thankfully, looking at his ring with a proud look before he let his eyes trail around the lights in the sky and the people around him.

He was back.

Hope had given him life.

He was immortal again.

"Why did you do it?"Kol suddenly asked, looking down at her as he walked down the street.

"Why did you bring me back? You had a choice."

"Because you're my family and I would gladly do it again."She replied without hesitance, smiling up at him

He heisted, his eyes unreadable before he grinned..

"Always and forever, uncle Kol."

Mikaelson Compound

"Where the bloody hell is she?"

"Klaus, calm down. I'm sure she's fine-"

"Calm down?"Klaus repeated, eyes flashing amber at the mother of his child."She did a sleeping spell on us to make sure that we wouldn't be able to follow her. How am I supposed to calm down?"

"Do you want me to call the guys and get them to look for her?"

Klaus nodded, grabbing his jacket and shrugging it on.

Marcel snapped his fingers and a second later their army appeared, standing by the entrance, waiting for their orders. There were around thirty of them which included both werewolves and vampires. They had been around Hope from a young age so they knew where she would usually go if she were out alone. Marcel nodded when Klaus gave him a look that told him that he was in agreement.

"You lot take the bayou and i'll take the Quarter while Davina searches the cemetery."

Davina nodded and gestured for Marcel to follow her while Elijah followed Klaus to the stairs. Hayley flashed downstairs, standing in front of the witch and the vampires as she shook her head wildly. She knew that Hope's actions were wrong but she also knew that her daughter could take care of herself. Klaus sighed as he came to a stop in front of the mother of his child, the rest stopping behind him.

"No!"Hayley said, holding her hands up in front of Klaus to make him stop."Hope is the most powerful being in this world, Klaus, i'm sure she's fine. Now i'm not saying that what she did was wrong but she's sixteen years old, she's going to sneak out. That's what teenagers do."

"Not my teenager."Klaus said, snapping his fingers, calling out."Go!"


The vampires and werewolves stopped in their tracks at the sight of their princess. Klaus, still turned from the gate, witnessed Elijah's face going pale at the sight of something. So, thinking the worst, his face fell and his anger disappeared which turned into worry. His eyes flashed angrily as he remembered his daughter going out behind their backs and he hissed her name.

"Where the bloody hell have you-"

Klaus cut himself off as he turned around and face the entrance, his face falling as his eyes landed on his youngest brother. His face went as pale as Elijah's and he stumbled back, his eyes glassing over at the sight of his brother. Rebekah stepped forward, her face going pale as she stared at her brother, eyes filling with tears as she gasped, cupping a hand over her mouth. Marcel's smile fell from his face and he caught the blonde just before she fainted as he eyed the youngest Mikaelson brother.


He held out his arms, smirking at his sister."The one and only, 'Bekah."

"It's you!"

Rebekah let go of Marcel and flashed over to her brother, wrapping his arms around him and burying her face in his neck. Hope, who was now on her feet, smiled happily, tears in her eyes as she watched her aunt sob against her brother. Elijah smiled as he walked over to his little brother and placed a hand on his shoulder, silently saying everything Klaus couldn't. The hybrid king was still staring at his brother, emotion in his eyes that he would deny later.

"Welcome home, brother."Elijah smiled.

"It's good not being in hell anymore."

Rebekah pulled back from her brother and laughed."I've missed you."

"I've missed me to, Bex."

"Wha-How?"Hayley asked, confused.

Kol and Hope shared a look, like two small children keeping a secret.

A look that Klaus caught.

He frowned before his eyes flashed.

"Here we go."Kol said.

"You didn't."Klaus whispered, anger in his voice."You put yourself at risk-"

"I didn't put myself at risk, daddy. I can't die. The only thing that happened was I went a little weak."Hope defended herself, making Kol nod."Don't blame Kol, it was my choice. I know how much you all missed him, even I missed him even though i'd never met him. He is a part of this family and I had the power to bring him back so I did. For all of you and it's worth feeling a little weak for."

"I did it for you, daddy."Hope said, stepping forward and grabbing her father's hand."And for Kol. I'd do it again. Always and forever."

Klaus looked over at his brother who was smirking his signature smirk as he whispered to his sister.

He had missed him. He had missed their bickering, their drinks and most of all he had missed the missing piece of his family.

Kol was that missing piece.

"Thank you, Hope."Elijah finally said, walking over to his niece and kissing her forehead."From all of us."

Klaus nodded, his anger gone. He pulled his daughter into a hug and kissed her temple."You did good, baby wolf. But if you ever do that again i'll ground you for a century."

Hope giggled against her father."Promise."

Kol, feeling someone's eyes on him, smirked to himself as he turned around, letting his eyes land on his favorite witch. He had watched over her the past sixteen years and didn't know how to feel about the one person who had stayed on his side, the one person he had let himself trust after a thousand years of betrayal. He felt a warmth in his chest as he stared at her, tilting his head as he eyes filled with tears at the sight of him. She had spent those sixteen years pushing herself to the limit with trying to find ways to bring him back.

She accepted him.

And he felt for her, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

He wouldn't label it...he couldn't.

He grinned, stepping forward and drawled."Hello, Davina."

Davina stared at him, her lips parted.

She stumbled back and Hope caught her before she fell over at the sight of the Original. She loved Kol whichever body he was in and had spent sixteen years wishing for him to come back, dreaming about him in the bed next to her, remembering the memories they had made together, searching every spell-book. And the entire time her best friend, Hope, had been the key. She couldn't put into words how she was feeling but if she had to describe it it would be relief.

She was relieved.

Kol was back.

"Don't tell me you're going to run into my arms like in the movies, darling."Kol chuckled, towering over her like he always had."I'd much rather a hot make out sess-"

Kol was cut off when Davina suddenly slapped him across the face, making his head snap to the side. He chuckled at the stinging feeling in his cheek, impressed by her fire as always.

Davina met his gaze as he looked down at her, a tear slipping down her cheek."Don't you dare die again, Kol Mikaelson."

He nodded, stepping forward and lifting her chin with his finger."I give you my word."

She nodded and leaned up on her tip toes, pressing her mouth to his in a harsh kiss.

A kiss that quickly turned deeper when Kol's fingers tangled into her hair and tugged at it, arm locking around her waist as he wrenched his witch close, who moaned in pleasure.

Hope and Rebekah, who had been cooing at them suddenly scrunched up their faces in disgust as they witnessed Kol slipping his tongue into Davina's mouth. Hope turned in her father's arms and buried her head in his shoulder as she heard her uncle chuckle against her 'aunt' who bit on his bottom lip.


"Okay!"Hayley said loudly, wrenching the two apart."There are children in the room! Cut it out!"

"That's mean, she-wolf. If you want a piece of me all you had to do was ask."

Hayley glared at Kol before she turned around to Klaus and said."Now I know why you daggered him. He's annoying."

"He's Kol."Rebekah simply said, shrugging.

Klaus nodded in agreement with his sister as did Elijah.

Kol was their family.

He was sarcastic, sadistic, rude but in some ways he was the most loyal of them all.

Kol had never turned his back on them and though he hurt them at times when it came down to it he stood with his family. He had never betrayed any of them and he was always there for Klaus when he wanted to let loose, he was always there for his sister when she needed him and he looked up to Elijah. He had always stood by them and sometimes they had never noticed that, they had never noticed him and after sixteen years of being without him Klaus finally realized how Kol had felt.

All Kol wanted was acceptance.

And it took him dying twice for them to realize that.

Klaus stepped forward and placed his hand on Kol's shoulder.

"He's family."

Kol's head snapped up at Klaus' words and he frowned."I am?"

Kol had expected them to turn their back on him when he returned.

He had expected to be banished for summoning Hope but he was finally being invited into the family he had felt left out of for one thousand years.

Klaus smirked at his brother as he nodded."You're a Mikaelson, brother. Always and forever."

They accepted him.

Always and forever.

Thank you for reading!

I hope you liked it.

I'm so sorry it's so short but I struggled a lot with it.

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.