A/N: OracionMist here with a new story! With this as a sign of me going back into the Naruto-verse, I will also be going back to Maelstrom's New Song as well! I've wanted to write this along with MNS, and I'll see how this goes! The Luminous Arc series are wonderful games, and took lots of researching, but I felt it needed a Naruto crossover! Enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Luminous Arc series!

Chapter 1

Naruto Uzumaki -Namikaze, at the young tender age of 6, learned of many things he shouldn't have known of; he knew that he was being abused by a large population of Konoha, the feeling of pain, anguish, despair and loneliness, prejudice, ridicule... the list goes on. The worst thing the little blond learned was his status; Naruto learned that he was the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. At that moment, everything changed, something the Sandaime knew for a fact.

It was right on October 10th, the day of the Kyuubi attack, the anniversary of many deaths and the Yondaime Hokage's sacrifice, but more importantly, it was Naruto's sixth birthday. However, none of the grieving citizens ever cared about that. They only saw the very thing that destroyed their lives by existing and taking the form of their late hero. They believed it right to torment as an act of righteous revenge; anyone with a clear mind could see that this was nothing more than scape goating. At this moment, yelling could be heard over the festival music that was playing from the other side of the village.

"There's the demon!" A civilian called out as he cornered Naruto.

"Let's kill it!" Another woman shrieked in fury as she watched the young boy in disgust, already injured and crying, trying to make himself smaller.

The crowd agreed as the shinobi of the group used ninja wire and kunai to tie up the now struggling boy to have him spread eagle and seemingly floating as the wire that was used to hold him up dug into his wrists and ankles. The vengeful mob began their torture.

Naruto couldn't withstand the pain anymore as he fell unconscious, only to wake up in a sewer with no wounds. "Where am I? Did they throw me in here when they were done?" The whiskered blond asked out loud as he stood up and began to wander around to find a way out.

After what felt like hours, Naruto wasn't anywhere close to the exit; in fact, it seemed that he'd gone further in, and was now staring in fright of the beast sleeping from behind the cage. The small blond dell backwards and tried to crawl as far away as he could, "Ky-Kyuubi?! But I thought it was killed!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but no one can kill him that easily, not even your dad." A strange voice said as it seemed to alternate between a man's and a woman's.

Naruto shakily stood as he looked around to find the source of the voice, but was unable to locate it. "Who are you? Where are you? Where am I?"

What appeared before him scared him as a cloud of mist in the silhouette of a person stood in front of the blond. "I have many names and many faces; I am a living manifestation of combined souls of the past. Including your ancestors of your mother and father's sides." It stated in a now robotic tone.

Naruto was ecstatic that he finally found at least one person that was family, even if he couldn't really tell if he was talking to his great great grandmother or maybe his great grandfather, but paid no mind as he questioned, "If I really am your really great grandson, why don't you ever come for me?!"

If the being could sweat drop as it's body-or lack of one at the moment-was the obvious reason, but it settled for answering, "Most of my physical forms are ones that simply don't fit in with this time. Until I decide a suitable form, I will aid you in here in any way possible."

The whiskered boy had starry eyes and didn't bother asking where they were and focused on what he felt was much more important to ask as he somehow managed to hug his body-less ancestor, "Can you tell me about our family? What were they like? Were they ninja? Did they use cool jutsus? Will you teach me? Why is the Kyuubi here? Where is here? What's your name?"

The misty figure craned its neck to seemingly look down at Naruto, who somehow managed to ask all those questions in one breath. "Our family is quite diverse while I am compilation of all of them. Therefore, I have different names and appearances depending on which one I become, my personality will be as the parson's while they were alive as well."

"Can you show me one?"

The misty body nodded as it backed away and allowed Naruto to watch as the cloud of fog glowed a bright white. Wen it dimmed, it revealed a tall redheaded man that wore body armor and carried a large spear that had the blade bigger than Naruto and was probably really heavy, but he held it in one hand and resting on his shoulder. The young blond was in awe at his ancestor; he looked like an awesome knight! That must mean that all the other forms and his other ancestors must be amazing too.

The red haired man opened his eyes and stared at his descendant with green eyes before giving a wide grin and speaking in a loud boisterous voice, "Hey Kid, the name's Rasche. I'm from your mom's side of the family."

The small blonde's eyes widened before he started to inspect Rasche before he leapt onto the knight, not caring how the cold the armor felt, but enjoying the warmth of his relative, who easily caught him with his free arm. "You sure are an eager little guy, aren't you?" The spear wielder chuckled.

Naruto looked up and asked, "Does that mean mom had red hair too?"

"Yeah she did, Kushina was one fiery witch. Just runs in the family."

"Why did you call her a witch, Rasche-jii-san? That's mean!" The blond pouted.

Rasche laughed and let down his weapon to pat his descendant on the head, "I didn't mean it like that, Kid. Your mother came from a long line of witches; other than that, a few fairies... or something like that anyway."

The green eyed knight explained, "You see Naruto, your family only has a small percentage that are at least demi-human, Same with your dad; Minato Namikaze was the descendant of my little brother Roland, along with the Shadow Frost Witch by the name of Fatima, along with the Breeze Witch named Sadie, who is something known as the Winged Ones. I have to say, other than that, dragons and whatever else, I'll get to that later, alright?"

Naruto nodded, "Okay. Well Kid,where we're in right now is in your mind. Those guys beat you hard enough to send you in here. As for the sleeping fuzzy over there, he was dumb enough to let himself get taken control of by a masked creep after your mom gave birth to you and destroyed a good chunk of Konoha. At some point, your dad, who was also the Yondaime, didn't have a choice but to seal it in you."

The blond was shocked at what he'd heard. His father was really the Yondaime Hokage and he put the demon fox in him. He thought back to his mistreatment and how he was often called a monster by many in the village; tears welled up as he whimpered, "Does that mean that he's the reason I'm treated like that, right? Please, Jii-san! Say that my dad didn't force me to live like this! That he didn't make me be seen as a monster!"

Rasche's eyes softened as Naruto tried to stop himself from crying and hugged the child comfortingly, "Your dad would never do that. He and your mom knew that even if you had the Kyuubi inside you, your abilities would naturally protect you from harm."


"Your mom and dad are descendants of me and the others, we each had special skills that are called bloodlines now, but I guess you can say a good part of us aren't human."

"So that means I am a monster?" Naruto sniffled. Not only did he have a demon fox sealed in him, but most of his DNA proved that he wasn't remotely human.

"Hey now, the correct term is demi-human. At the very least, you're half human, just like your parents were. Your grandparents, great grandparents and so on weren't full or ever human, but we held what we were with pride. From dragons to knights, witches and mages, to monsters, fairies and spirits, even demons, the eyes of God, a queen of beasts, a God itself. The point is, it didn't matter what we were or are now."

Rasche let the blond down and momentarily became a misty figure again before taking form once more, "Look at me, I'm literally clumps of souls that has no real form except my past lives' forms. I'm not even sure how I'm alive, but we will be by your side. I guess you can learn all our names."

Naruto smiled and laughed; he wasn't a monster after all, well by the villagers' terms. He hugged the armored man, "Thanks Jii-san. Thank you for coming for me."

Rasche gave a smile and ruffled the blonde's hair, "Anytime, Kid. It's almost time for you to wake up, so I'll give you a few things. Consider them a birthday present."

In Rasche's hand appeared a necklace that had six distinct rings. "But that looks like it's for girls." Naruto protested, but still accepted the gift as he wore the necklace and looked at each ring closely.

The redhead chuckled, "They're a little girly, but they're important and your birthright. I have to go now, but you'll meet an old friend of mine that will look out for you until I can be there myself."

"Come on, sleepyhead! Wake up, meow!" Naruto heard a slightly high pitched voice call out, as he opened his eyes, expecting to see the familiar white tiles on the ceiling, but something black was out in the corner of his eye. The blond didn't have to wonder what it was as it flew in front of his face to reveal a grayish-black rag doll cat that had stitches and red oval eyes as it wore a coat with a large bell around its neck that didn't hide its bat-like wings. There was also a large fish-bone in its paws.

Naruto sat up slowly as not to aggravate his wounds and asked, "Who are you?"

The cat gave a wide grin that showed its razor sharp teeth and replied confidently, "I'm Josie, a feline familiar, and for Fatimeow and Master, I'll always be by your side!"

It took a moment of silence for Naruto to put the pieces together, "So you know Rasche-ojii-san?"

"That's right, meow! Master somehow has everyone's soul and memories, but he had to sleep for a long time. That's fine though, he's back now, and things will get better, meow!"

"So it wasn't a dream." The cerulean eyed boy muttered as he looked down to see the very same necklace from his dream around his neck.

Josie instantly spotted the rings and beamed, "Master gave you the Unity Rings! He gave you all of them, that means you have the witches' magic elements, meow!"

"I'm quite curious as to what the meanings of those rings are as well." An elderly voice commented as he walked in to reveal the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi as the the blond and familiar located the source of the voice standing at the door.

Hiruzen was extremely saddened at the sight of his surrogate grandson wrapped in bandages; the wounds were severe when he'd rescued Naruto, deep lacerations on his wrists and ankles from the ninja wire, three broken ribs, a punctured lung, second and third degree burns, followed by what could only be described as a butcher's first attempt at hacking meat. It was a gruesome sight that even the most heinous criminals didn't deserve.

"So you're the human that Master said lost his spine, meow." Josie commented as he circled around the old Hokage with a small glare that couldn't be seen by the blond.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Josie, and I'm here to help take of Master's really great grandson!"

"Does this have anything to do with Naruto's parents?" Hiruzen asked in a serious tone as his eyes hardened their gaze.

Naruto gasped at the fact that his grandfather figure knew his parents, but also felt a tinge of anger, "So you knew my parents and everything about them, but you lied?! Lied to me about it all?!"

"I truly wanted you to know of your heritage, so you could be protected by your parent's status and your own abilities, but after your father sealed away the Kyuubi, someone placed another seal onto you before I could reach you. It prevented you from accessing your bloodline, and even the current seal master, Jiraiya, has been unavailable due to his spy network." The Sandaime admitted sadly, "With your bloodline sealed, no one would believe the claim and would have possibly treated you worse. Your mother and father prevented the CRA by telling me ahead of time of their opinion and made their abilities- Minato having wings and being able to fly around being one of them- hidden."

The blond thought it over, if what was said was true, then he couldn't blame Hiruzen fully for the hand at life that he'd been dealt, and Hiruzen did truly appear to be guilty. He sighed, "I forgive you Jii-san, but can't you at least let me know about my family and bloodline, and let me train in it?"

"Unfortunately I don't know much of your family and bloodline, much less the name of it. I am also unable to remove the seal." The Sarutobi informed, making the young blond slump over, "However I can give you the estate, compound, and savings that belonged to your parents."

Naruto cheered, but was disheartened with not being able to learn more. Josie noticed this and announced happily, "That's why I'm here! While Master is away, I'll take care of him, meow!"


The rag doll cat flew in frontof the blond as it explained, "Master can't wake up yet, but he sent me to teach you things about the family, along with some magic. Although you can only learn low level spells with the Lapistiers."

"What are Lapistiers?" Naruto asked with the Hokage silently wondering as well.

"A Lapistier helps boost a witch's power and also gives them their status, along with it being the core of their life in some cases." Josie explained, "They look like special stones, but when they find someone they see worthy, they become a tattoo on any place on the person's body."

"Then what about these Unity Ring? What do they do?" Naruto asked as he rubbed a red ring.

"They're special. A Rune Knight or Master, like Master Mattias and his son Master Roland, can use the rings to "engage" or tap into a certain element. The red one with the ruby and phoenix wings is the Ember Ring and its element is fire; the blue one with a wave is the Tide Ring and it's the water element; the orange one with the heat shaped flower is the Verdure Ring and that's earth; the green one with big wings is the Breeze Ring and that's the element of air; the one that looks all yellow is the light element's Brilliant Ring; the last one is my element, Frost magic, and my favorite, the Shadow Frost Ring. It belonged to Fatimeow. It takes a bit of strength to use the magic a Master can, and it's one ring engaged at a time after you kiss a ring."

"Then does that mean you can train me?!" Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically, "Even if my bloodline is sealed?"

Josie snickered, "It's not sealed anymore."

At this, the Sandaime's eyes widened, "What do you mean, Josie?"

"The minute Naruto got the Unity Rings when he woke up, his abilities were freed from the seal." The feline familiar stated, "The bloodline is almost as old time itself, a weak modern seal like that wouldn't last forever."

As though on cue, Naruto lurched forward and grabbed at his back as the bandages around his ribs tore with bones ripped through his flesh and began forming muscle and skin before snow white feathers sprouted out soon after. Hiruzen stepped forward in concern and shock as white wings emerged from the boy's back.

"They look just like Minato's wings... Whatever Naruto's bloodline holds, those that have wronged Naruto, are blessed for his mercy. Else this village probably will cease to exist when he has enough power." The Sarutobi thought as he remembered instances that he'd seen Minato and Kushina show their abilities.

While Minato had wings and was skilled in wind techniques that they preferred to refer to as magic, Kushina was highly skilled with a sword along with using light magic, according to what they had admitted anyway. The Hokage didn't mind the secrets, seeing as even his teachers had similar strange abilities and would often refuse to admit anything; it only meant that Naruto could possibly be one of the last few pure blooded descendants of creatures of a time even before the sage of the six paths.

"I have wings now?!" Naruto asked as he felt his wings, breaking Hiruzen from his thoughts.

"Yes, just like your father." The Sandaime nodded.

Josie grinned, "Sadie married one of Master's children and their son married a Venus named Sion. Mewnato's side has a long line of wings, wind, frost, and light magic along with long life expectancies."

"You're quite knowledgeable, Josie." Hiruzen commented while the little blond on the bed was poking at his new appendages.

"Of course!" The feline familiar exclaimed proudly, "I got picked to get here before that baby manatee and stupid rabbit, so I have to prove that I'm way better then those kids, meow!"

Naruto's ears perked, "Does that mean I won't have to be by myself anymore?"

"Of course not, meow! Master is trying to make a body so he can really take care of you, so until then, us familiars will help!" Josie stated with a cheshire-like grin, "And we'll stay with you forever!"

Hiruzen couldn't say that he'd ever seen the young boy smile as brightly as he did at that moment as he cheered, but he did have to hold back an amused chuckle when his wings flapped along with his excitement and bring him into the air and nearly up to the ceiling before he grabbed Naruto and placed him back onto the bed.

"That's wonderful for you, Naruto, but I believe we should work on making sure you don't accidentally fly away first." The Sandaime chuckled as he patted the blushing boy's head. "I'll go take care of the paperwork and have your belongings moved, then we'll get something to eat. It can be anything you'd like, my treat."

Both Josie and Naruto cheered,

"Yay! Fish/Ramen!"

"Yes, now be good until then." The Hokage smiled as he stepped out of the room.

Once the door was closed, he came face to face with a silver haired man that wore a mask that covered more than half of his face. "There was no need for you ease drop, Kakashi."

"Would you have let me know about Naruto if I hadn't?" Kakashi asked in a harsh tone, "I admit I should have tried harder in adopting Naruto, in protecting him from all harm, but why wasn't I told that it was just a seal that got in the way in his safety?"

Kakashi had been aware of who the young blond was, and had always wanted to take the boy in as his own, just as his teacher had for him, but the council rejected his request, as they would for clans' request for the boy as well. It never mattered whether or not that there was a bloodline or two in the situation, but a seal preventing one's heritage from being proven, however, made it all the more difficult. Protecting Naruto was his other option, but there was only so much he could do to help.

Hiruzen sighed, "What could either of us have done, Kakashi? Jiraiya refuses to even look at Naruto, even though he knows he's the only known seals master, and Tsunade is still drowned in grief to return to care for her last living distant relative. I can not begin to explain how disappointed I am in them, but now we can fully protect Naruto with his status; ironically, it was all thanks that incident that wouldn't have occurred if his bloodline wasn't sealed away in the first place. If you'd like, while I deal with that accur-necessary paperwork, you can formally meet him and perhaps move into the compound with him. A way for you to make up for the time you couldn't be with him."

The Anbu blinked before nodding as the Hokage walked off. Well... He didn't expect that. Nevertheless, he wasted no time in knocking on the door.

"Who is it, meow?" Kakashi could only guess to be this "Josie" asked from the other side of the door in place of Naruto.

"I'm someone the Hokage allowed to meet formally, and finally talk to my sensei's son."

It didn't take long for the silverette to hear excited clutter and crashing along with yelling before he decided to walk in and close the door behind him to see Naruto clinging to the ceiling as his wings flapped while an odd looking cat was scolding him.

"Now you're stuck up there, meow! How do you think you'll get down?"

"I didn't mean to fly up here! How do I get down without falling on my face, Josie?!"

Kakashi decided that it was time to make his presence noticed; he leapt and carefully grabbed the boy, "I've seen that you could be a little flighty, but it looks like you'll be doing it literally now."

Naruto stared at the Anbu in surprise before pouting as his wings spread out in cute unconscious attempt in making himself seem bigger, "I'll get better at it! But who are you? Are you really my father's student?"

"I was and I knew your mom too; my name's Kakashi Hatake, you may not recognize me without my mask, but I looked over you the best I could without having the council come after my neck."

Josie grinned as it watched its new charge speak with the canine smelling man. Human business that didn't involve the Master often was irrelevant, but it couldn't hurt to learn a tiny bit about the current era, even if it looked like it had taken a step backwards compared to Josie's time.

A familiar's number one duty is to aid their Master, and even if little Naruto was nowhere near the level of Master Mattias, Master Roland or the runt Master Levi yet, Josie could proudly say that it would be the one that helped the soon to be Master Naruto the most out of the other familiars that have yet to come.

For now, though, a snack sounded good as Josie declared, "I don't know about you, meow, but I'm hungry!"

A/N: And that's chapter one! Naruto meets his ancestor and learns that he wasn't really full human, but even in a form of an amalgamation of souls, he gained a family.

The Hokage and Kakashi are the few that were aware of Naruto's heritage, along with some of the clan heads that were close friends with Minato and Kushina, with minimal knowledge of information beyond what they were trusted to know, could only assume.

The souls will be the Luminous arc series characters, save a few, and some will have connections to others than Naruto. Who'll be descended from who, I'll have to see, or you guys can choose whoever you like from the Naruto series, except Sakura- I'm sorry, Sakura fans, but I will never like her and I hated the ending of the series- and I'll find a way to tie them in.

For anyone wondering about my referring to Josie as "it", well it's gender is a mix. Josie's body was made from a dead female cat while it prefers to be referred to as male, but there is zero clarification on whether to refer it as a male or female. I may just stick to referring to Josie as a male in future chapters.

As for pairings for Naruto, this one will be open to male and female characters, because the Lapistier's will not just be given to him later on; they will also go to his future pairings, and according to Luminous Arc 3, guys also got them. As always, feel free to review to let me know who you guys would like and it'll be official on the fourth chapter.

Naruto of course won't be too overpowered to the best of my abilities, as you've seen, while he gained his wings, he has zero control of them as he should, but he'll learn as he will for everything else.

On another note, I will only be going from Luminous Arc 1-3, and will not go any further.

The next chapter will be a time skip and we may see Naruto enter the Academy!

Til next time! Please review and favorite!