You groaned, running your hands through your (hair length) tresses. The sun was setting outside the classroom, and you were feeling beyond frustrated.

You had played four games against Akashi, and you only won one of them. Only one.

This was probably the first time you had ever lost so badly to somebody.

The redhead sitting across from you sighed, leaning back in his seat.

"I am going to get going now."

You're jolted from your thoughts, and you look up to see him staring at you, a slight smirk on his face. He then gets up and begins putting the Shogi pieces away.



"D-do you think we can play again tomorrow?" You curse. Why the hell were you stuttering?

"...Well, I do not mind."

You look up at Akashi, who was now towering over you, as you were still sitting down. He picks up his backpack and turns, before leaving the classroom promptly, leaving you alone to contemplate the strange encounter.

You aunt was never much of a patient woman. She hated it when you cried- not that you did that often- and would easily get frustrated with her daughter, who she wanted you to call 'sister'. You did so when she was present, but as soon as she left, you would call the girl by her given name, Sakura. Honestly, she seemed more comfortable with that as well.

As a result, you weren't exactly most surprised when you got home and your aunt immediately swooped on you.

"Where have you been?" She barked out, her beady eyes narrowing at your calm face.


She is clearly dissatisfied by your answer, but lets out a short "hmmph" before turning around and heading back to the kitchen to cook dinner. You sigh, before taking off your shoes and entering your house, heading up the stairs to your room.

Your room was plain compared to the extravagance the downstairs was decorated with. You were never allowed into your aunt's room, and you had only seen Sakura's room a couple of times, when you were doing the laundry. As soon as you entered your bedroom, you threw your backpack on the floor and flopped onto the bed, rolling around, before sighing again upon remembering the homework you had to do.

You sit up rigidly, opening your backpack, only to suddenly freeze upon what you see.

This was not your backpack.

You open and close the bag, inspecting it, hoping dearly you had not made a mistake, taking the wrong backpack. The exterior of the backpack was identical to yours- it was the same for all students, though some decorated their bags with keychains and accessories. However, the content of the backpack held many neat notebooks, a basketball wrist band, a wallet, and a cellphone.

Oh crap.

You had taken Akashi's backpack by mistake. Or rather, he took yours.

You remember he had set his backpack down next to yours upon entering the classroom earlier when the two of you began to play Shogi. You groan, wanting to scream at the stupid mistake you had made. You ponder the situation, before deciding to call your cellphone with his. As you reach for Akashi's phone, however, it begins ringing.

You quickly pick up, and a familiar voice breathes into your ear.


You grin, realizing that the redhead had gotten the same idea as you had. He must have noticed the mix-up a couple of minutes ago.

"Akashi, I presume? I see you noticed you have my backpack."

"Ah. So you realized too."

"I was going to call, but it seems you beat me to it. Should we meet up somewhere to exchange?" You cursed inwardly at how stuffy this conversation sounded, but anything less would seem unsophisticated in the presence of Akashi Seijurou.

"Yes, that sounds fine. How about the park a couple blocks away from Rakuzan?"

"Okay. I will meet you there in a few minutes."

You sigh as you hang up. He had similar habits to you, a phone that was usually left unlocked. In addition, he liked keeping his backpack orderly- but that seemed like something all Rakuzan students would practice. You stand up and stretch a bit, before grabbing a jacket and heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" A voice demanded from behind you when you reached for the doorknob. You smile as brightly as you could manage, and reply.

"My backpack got mixed up with a classmate's, mother." You purposely emphasize the word, doing your best to ignore the foul taste it left in your mouth. "I'm simply going to get it back to do my homework."

Your aunt stands there for a minute, contemplating whether you were lying or not, before finally allowing you to leave. You turn and exit the house, another sigh escaping your parted lips.

Your thoughts wandered to the school clubs, and you pondered over what you should try out. There were many choices, seeing that Rakuzan was an extremely prestigious school. You had taken archery in middle school- but you wanted to try something different.

"Ah. You came."

You see Akashi standing at the park, backpack in hand. You walk over to him swiftly, before handing his backpack back to him, and taking yours from his hands.


"No problem."

The two of you stand in silence for a minute, before he speaks.

"You...didn't seem like the intelligent type."

You snort. "Well, I'm not."

"Hmm..." The redhead eyes you, his heterochromatic orbs piercing, and you try not to flinch. Suddenly, a voice calls out from the distance.

"Akashi-sama! Where have you gone?"

You try not to laugh when you see Akashi's eye twitch, his lips flattening into a straight line. A butler runs over to him, slightly out of breath.

"Akashi-sama! You must tell me where you go before you run off! It is my duty to look after you!"

"Silence. I can handle a small walk on my own, I'm sure."

"Y-yes, of course, but-"

"We're going back."

With those words, Akashi turns around and leaves, without bothering to say a quick 'farewell'. You click your tongue in annoyance, before turning around and heading home yourself.

"...I'm hungry..."

The following day, you arrive to Rakuzan slightly earlier than you intended. You were at your locker, changing out of your shoes, when you noticed a letter inside the small metal box. Frowning, you open the letter.

'3:00 p.m. sharp, gym. Do not be late.'

The letter wasn't signed, but you had a good idea who it came from. Only one person in the entire school spoke with such a crisp, businesslike tone- or at least you hoped so. You heaved a small sigh, before folding the letter back up and tossing it in the garbage bin.

You weren't going to the gym- it sounded boring. You stretch a bit, before walking down the hallway and making your way to the classroom.

x x x

"(First Name)."

You looked up from your book. School had ended, and you decided to finish some homework at school, considering how your aunt had mentioned she would have guests over for dinner. Of course, you made sure to wait until everyone had left, just so your little act wouldn't be ruined.


"I believe I told you to come to the gym."

Akashi stood before you in his basketball uniform, eyes narrowed in irritation. You sighed, leaning back in your chair.

"Well, Seijurou- since you are nice enough to call me by my first name- unfortunately, I have no interest whatsoever in what you are doing in the gym after school."

The redhead stares at you, his face stoic for a moment. You grin triumphantly, and turn back to your homework when suddenly you are yanked from you chair and slung over a certain someone's shoulder.

"W-wait what-" You stutter, confused and flustered. "Let go of me, you arrogant bastard! What do you think you're doing?!" Akashi walks out of the classroom, carrying you with apparent ease- which was no surprise to you, considering that you had a rather small stature. You weren't exactly pampered over your entire life, after all.

"I'm resorting to force. You refused to obey, and so, you need to be punished."

"I'm not some damn dog, Akashi Seijurou!"

"That's right, you aren't. Dogs are obedient."

You groan in embarrassment when you see the students who had stayed for club activities staring. Apparently being paraded through the hallways on Akashi's shoulders was more embarrassing for you than him. Then again, considering his popularity, that was probably true.

By the time you reached the gym, you had given up on struggling. You sighed as the redhead set you down on the gym floor.

"Well? What do you want?"

Heterochromatic eyes bore into you, and Akashi spoke after a couple of seconds.

"Devise a tactic for our next practice game."

You blink, a bit confused at his words.

"Why would I need to do that? Don't you already come up with the strategies-"

"Yes, but I do not have that much time on my hands, (First Name). I would like to pass the job onto somebody else, and considering your intelligence, that should be no problem."

You run your hand through your hair, another quiet sigh escaping your lips. "Who is this practice game against?"

"Ogunishi High."

"...Wouldn't that be an easy win, considering that they have you on the team?"

"The second string is playing, not the first. I'm sure that your strategy should help them achieve victory. Or am I wrong?" He glances at you, his eyes displaying a teasing glint.

"...You sure know how to get on my nerves."

"Of course. I know everything."

"Cocky bastard..." you mumble under your breath, wanting to hit him. Then you groan.

"Fine, I'll do it. But just for this one match, okay?"

"...We'll see about that, (First Name)."

A/N: For those of you who did not see the note I put on my profile, I will be moving all of my fanfiction to here: OtakuNekoSan

This is because I discovered that reader inserts are not permitted on ; I will not update here regularly anymore. Maybe once in a while~ But check my quotev for regular updates~!