Disclaimer:Anything you recognise, including characters, belong to their respective owners.This is a work of fiction and does not represent reality, please treat it as such.

I Still Get Jealous - Part Two


You're too fucking beautiful
And everybody wants your sex
That's why
I still get jealous

Jon swirled the whisky in his glass, the sound of the ice cubes clinking against the sides grounding him. Joe, AKA Roman Reigns, had popped to the bathroom and the time sitting alone at the bar gave him a chance to do some people watching. Most of the roster was out on the town tonight, choosing a popular bar in New York's Times Square and it was full to the brim with locals out for a good time and the WWE superstars and divas looking to relax after a TV taping of SmackDown.

The girls always drew a lot of male attention whenever they were out. Nikki, Brie, Summer, Emma and Cameron were just a few of the girls dolled up to the nines. Even NXT regulars Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks and Carmella were out in force. Most of the patrons in the bar weren't used to such a big group of gorgeous women in one place. As Jon surveyed the crowds, he could see their eyes sparkle like they'd hit the jackpot.

He snorted, downing the rest of his whisky. Little did they know, none of them had a hope in hell. As far as he knew, Summer was pretty much the only girl in the division who was single, and she was notoriously picky when it came to her taste in men.

His eyes were instinctively drawn to his girlfriend as she and Summer linked arms and headed for the bar. Renee wore an impossibly tight black bandage dress and sky high heels, her blonde hair tousled in soft waves around her face. She blew everyone else out of the water, but then again he was biased.

The pair of blondes always attracted stares wherever they went and as much as Jon tried to tell himself he was used to it, it still made his blood boil when anyone gave them a leering glance.

He watched on as they giggled and sang along to whatever pop tune they were blasting around the room, snagging the bartenders attention with almost no effort. He smirked - the perks of being an attractive female.

His face soon dropped when he saw a group of young guys approach them. His eyes narrowed at the way they surrounded Renee and Summer, cracking some kind of joke that had the girls laughing loudly. He watched Renee cock her head to one side, the way she always did when she was being challenged. Then she turned to look in his direction and pointed.

"Someone hitting on Renee again?" Joe chuckled, taking his seat on the stool beside Jon.

"Looks like it" he pushed his tongue into his cheek in irritation. "She's just pointed me out so I'm assuming they know to back the fuck off"

Joe watched in amusement at the tightening of Jon's jaw as he clenched and unclenched the muscles.

"You have nothing to worry about dude. She's crazy about you"

"I know. I just don't like it" he grumbled.

"One of the pitfalls of having a beautiful girlfriend I'm afraid. Everyone wants a taste of what's yours"

"Well everyone can fuck off" Jon replied, snatching Joe's beer and taking a swig.


"No way" Renee laughed heartily.

"Come on then, accept a dance battle and we'll show you" the youngster challenged.

"My boyfriend is sitting right over there if you're expecting to sweep my off my feet with your moves by the way" she laughed.

"Where?" the guy asked.

Renee turned, spotting Jon's mop of fluffy hair and pointed to him. He was pretending not to pay attention to them, but she saw him glance over and the square set of his shoulders told her he was aware of the group currently trying to flirt with them.

"He's a wrestler. He'll kick your ass" she warned.

"Hey" the guy held up his hands. "Can't a guy invite a lady to dance battle without getting punched in the face by her other half?"

The girls watched on as the guys, who couldn't have been much older than about twenty two, began the most insane break-dancing routine they'd ever seen to Skrillex's 'Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites'.

As the cockiest member of the group did a crazy head spin, Renee and Summer applauded them voraciously.

Renee pulled out some of her favourites, doing the robot and demonstrating her best pop n' lock moves. Then Summer took her in a ballroom hold and did some Fandango-esque dancing before releasing her.

"I think we've been defeated" the kid raised their arms in victory.

"You weren't too bad, I mean, you could use some practice" Summer joked.

"Well, I guess we can concede a loss to two beautiful ladies. How about I get you a drink as a prize?"

- x -

Joe watched Jon grinding his teeth and laughed, amused at his friend's frustrations.

"Fuckin' seventeen year olds, think they got game" Jon scoffed. "Look at his fucking hair. He looks like an iced gem"

"Pretty good dancers though" Joe remarked, winding Jon up.

"I can dance"

Joe let out a loud chuckle. "No...you can't"

"Renee says I can" he sulked.

"Yeah well she's biased" Joe said, still tickled by the expression on Jon's face.

The music changed and everyone began to pair off as 'Wonderwall' played around the room.

Joe saw her before Jon did and smiled to himself.

"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you now" she sang sweetly in Jon's ear.

He turned around to face her, a goofy little smile on his face.

"Can I borrow him?" Renee asked Joe.

"Knock yourself out" Joe chuckled, watching Renee drag Jon onto the dance floor for a slow dance.

- x -

Jon let his hands rest at the base of her spine as she clasped her own around his neck.

"Why were you sulking at the bar?" she asked as they swayed to the song.

"Sulking? Me?"

She smiled, pinching his cheek. "You know you were"

"Joe said I can't dance"

She laughed. "You can dance"

"I told him you said that"

"Anything to do with those guys that break danced for us?" she raised a brow.

"What guys?" he lied.

"Don't deny it" she scrunched her nose up at him. "I saw you watching" she teased.

"I saw them checking you out..." his eyes narrowed. "In this little dress" he tugged at the hem to emphasise his point.

"You don't like it?" she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"You know I like it" he kissed her neck.

"Well I wore it for you so you have nothing to worry about" she assured him.

"I know. Just makes me want to break their faces when they try anything"

He leaned down and kissed her, possessiveness radiating through it. She felt his hands drift down to her ass and returned his kiss enthusiastically. He was staking his claim on her and wow did it make her heart race.

When they broke for air, she leaned up on her tip toes to whisper in his ear.

"Told you that you get jealous too"

- x -

Drop me a review if you liked part two! I'm happy to take Ambrose-centred one-shot requests so PM me and I'll get back to you!