New Story! A its going to be a considerably long one!

(Dun, dun, dunnnn!)

Anyway, I've had this idea planned out entirely. For. Ever. Literally. Like so long that I don't even know anymore. I really would like to know what you guys think about this idea. It's basically going to follow Luffy's adventures so its not just in her childhood.

Just going to get this out there. It's not happening in this chapter, (minus some cursing,maybe) but these will be in the story. Warnings and Things for the entire story:

LuffyxLaw, MarcoxRobin, AcexOC, Fem!Luffy, OC's, AU, Slight OOC, Intense Violence, lots of Swearing, Rape, French, mention of rape, and Character Deaths (Don't worry I'm joking about the French.)


Towards pairings, the ones above will be in the story though there may be some ZoroxTashigi or Zosan, UssopxKaya etc. teasing in there but as of yet haven't decided on any other pairings. If you guys have suggestions I'll consider them. Also romance isn't the main focus of the story, just saying.

Can you guys believe that, after scouring the Internet, I have yet to come across a single mention of a MarcoxRobin pairing?! Not one fanfiction or picture! Either I'm incredibly bad at searching or...

One more thing, any OC's in this story are probably not going to be important or a large part in the story except like... 2,... No, 3... 5? Somewhere around there.

Onto the story! Read and Review!


Why was is so dark again?

The little girl blinked her eyes and stared around the empty void.

Her small burning golden wings were essentially useless here, where she simply floated in the darkness.

Ironically it was so dark, here inside the sun...

But she was stuck here, all alone, for as long as she lived...

Well, she wasn't completely alone...

But her mother was gone so much for long periods of time that it was the same as if she didn't exist...

She missed her mom. She wished she would come home. She had been gone for a month this time.

The girls golden eyes scanned the vast, empty void. Her long, golden, and seemingly burning hair falling down to her ankles.

The dress she wore was similarly colored to the golden jewelry that adorned her body.

A small light breached the darkness as she tried to catch a glimpse of the world that lay far away. Her mother could make giant portals to anywhere she wanted, but right now the girl could only produce small windows to look through. Six moons orbited the planet she adorned and the oceans were split into four by a large expanse of rock and a dangerous sea. The girl loved to watch this world, though she knew little about it.

While her mother was away, this was all she could do. She learned the names of the big oceans were "North Blue, South Blue, East Blue" and "West Blue" and the lines that divided them were the "Red Line" and the "Grand Line".

She watched the marines and pirates fight. The marines were suppose to be good guys and the pirates were bad, but her mother always said that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, though the little girl had only had her mother read her books before, and that you should know someone before labeling them with titles.

She envied her mom, who often went down to that planet for reasons she never told her daughter. She wasn't even allowed to go the the moonians and play with anyone there. It wasn't fair. They were suppose to be close descendants, right?

As the girl was lost in her thoughts, staring off at a dream world that was billions of miles away, another bright light, one accompanied with the sound of waves and the screech of seagulls, the cries of goodbye from men drilled for life on the sea, the smell of salt water and sweat and the thumping of boots on deck, shined in the dark void and a woman stepped through, the sights, sounds, and smells promptly vanishing soon after.

The little girl was jolted from her daydreams when she noticed the woman's presence. Her smile grew impossibly wide and she flew over to the woman. "Momma!"

The lady caught the three year old child in her arms and twirled her around. "How's my baby been?" She asked, wrapping her arms and far larger wings around the child.

"It's so boring when you're not here, but now that you're home everything's better!" She squeezed her mother just a little bit tighter s she spoke. "Ooh can you make the thing-umm the whatsitcalled-Ah! Bedroom?!" She looked up at the woman with an excited gleam in her eyes.

"Oh course." The mother closed her eyes and suddenly a wooden flooring grew from the dark. The two no longer floated as a gravity pulled them towards the flat surface. The wood expanded out, forming walls and a roof. Next a table, bed, bookcase, and two chairs sprouted up from the floor. A window popped out as sheets and pillows spread themselves out on top the mattress and books slid themselves in the bookcase.

The little girl immediately ran to the window and pushed the translucent white curtains to the side before sliding the window up to peer out. A large field of sunflowers stretched before her and the sun shined brightly up above.

'I like the sun from the outside so much better and those flowers-sunflowers something or another were they called-look like it so much. I wish we had some in here...' She thought as a cool breeze blew across the field.

She felt strong arms pull her back inside and only then realized she'd almost fallen out of the window. "Oops..." She said rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"I've told you how dangerous the human world is." She crouched down to her daughters eye level. "You need to be more careful not to accidentally fall in."

"Yes mommy."

The two played various games, and the mother read many books to the little girl until she fell asleep. She made the room dissipate and planted a kiss on her sleeping child's forehead. "See you soon, I promise."

She opened a portal, breathed in the familiar scent of salt water, and smiled. She stepped through as she heard her daughter cry out.

She felt a faint push against the back of her legs as the portal closed behind and terror struck her. "M-mommy? "

She turned around to face her slightly terrified, slightly excited daughter and scooped her into her arms. The little girl no longer was decorated with pure gold. Her hair was pitch black and her eyes were an amber color. She had a simple navy blue dress and black flip flops on."Oh my little girl, what trouble you've made..." She sighed and began walking towards the bar. 'Stay positive, it could be worse, you could be in the council room right now...' She thought to herself, calming down once she reached the bar's front door.

The door jingled as she entered and the woman behind the counter looked up in surprise. She had a short, black bob cut. She wore a simple pairs of jeans and t-shirt with the logo of some store on it.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise! I haven't seen ya in a while. If you're looking for Ray-San, he'll be back from shopping soon, Taiyou-sa-" She looked at the little bundle in the woman's arms. "Oh? And who is this little cutie? She your daughter right? A little more plain and less 'gold' than I imagined her, but she does look a lot like her father." The bartender crossed her arms and leaned in. "So what's the name, darlin?"

The little girl poked her head out and proudly declared. "Luffy."

Luffy dug into the plate of food in front of her. She'd never eaten before, never needed to, but now that she was down here and in this... form, she fell upon the meat like a ravage beast. The bartender-Shakky was her name-laughed at the sauce covered princess.

"You sure don't have the manners of royalty, Luffy-chan!" Shakky said in between chuckles before passing her a washcloth to clean her face.

"Royalty? Anyway, thank you for the food Shakky-San! It was the best thing I've ever tasted!" Luffy burst out, giving her an impossibly wide grin.

Shakky chuckled before replying, "I'm sure it's the only thing you've ever tasted!" She proceeded to clean up the dishes as Luffy scrambled around the room, observing every little thing, her eyes sparkling. She'd gotten over her change in appearance surprisingly fast and had made it a point to check out everything that she could.

"So, what brings ya here, Taiyou-San? And don't worry, while she's here nobody will hurt her." Shakky asked, eying the woman's motherly instinct begin to take over.

Taiyou slid her worried gaze away from the playing toddler. "I just came to see 'Ray-San', if that's what he goes by these days..."

"You called?" A rough, yet gentle voice called from behind them. Taiyou turned on the stool she sat at as the door clacked shut. There stood a tall, old man. He had silver hair with streaks of its former color sprinkled in that went to just below his shoulders and a short beard. Glasses adorned his face, though given his reputation, some would wonder if he really needed them. Wrapped in a light grey cloak with similarly plain clothes, he held onto many large bags filled to the brim with supplies.

"Ah, here Shakky-San!" He said, calmly setting the bags on the counter before turning to Taiyou. "It's been a while, Taiyou-chan!"

He walked up to her and ruffled her hair, smiling, though it was made slightly awkward as she was somewhat taller than him. Her eyebrow made the slightest twitch and she gently grabbed his hand. "Please don't call me that, Rayleigh-San. I'm not a child anymore."

"Hahahaha! While your body may have changed I see your attitude hasn't!" He quieted down before asking, "I can't see you coming to see how I'm aging, so what's on your mind?"

Her demeanor changed. She glanced over at the little girl who was now staring out of the window with wide eyes. Rayleigh caught her glance. "I need a safe place. One hidden from... them."

"It'll bring her more trouble if she stays with me..." The Dark Knight replied, shuffling through the cabinets in search of sake.

Taiyou closed her eyes, thinking for a moment. "Is that your answer, Rayleigh-San?"

The man cringed unnoticeably at the formal name. Sometimes seeing her like this nearly broke his already scarred heart. "I'm afraid so..."

She looked towards him, her face placid. "I see..." She glided over towards the little girl and scooped her up. "I'll be off then."

She opened another portal, the smell of salty air penetrating the saucy scent of the bar. "Bye-Bye Shakky-chan, Ray-San!" Luffy called, waving over her mother's back as the gateway opened.


Life aboard the ship had been like any other day on the ship. Men cleaning and cooking like usual, the navigators plotting their course, and their captain drinking in his chair on deck. Then a rip in the air opened up and a tall, majestic woman carrying a small, waving child in her arms stepped through. And Marco's idea that he would finally get some peace and quiet came to an end.

Luffy stopped waving and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. She squirmed in her mother's grasp until she was let down and immediately ran towards the railing at the side of the ship, staring at the crashing waves that lapped onto the horizon. Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was wide open. A blush spread across her face as she whispered, "This is the first time that I've seen it with my own eyes! It's so much more beautiful than I ever thought it would be..."

Taiyou looked on and felt her heart give a sharp pang, hazy memories flitting through her mind. She smiled at the memories of what that felt like before turning away from Luffy.

She spotted Marco and he waved at her. She gave a polite smile and nod of the head back before heading towards the giant man who was drinking and holding a giant bisento.

He turned his head towards her and grinned. "It's been awhile, Taiyou!" He took a swig of sake from the giant container he held before offering it to her. "Want some?"

She gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her head. "Checheche, I'm not very good with alcohol, you know that Oyaji!"

"Finally decided to start acting normal, brat?" He chuckled as he gulped down more sake, noticing how uptight she'd been as soon as she appeared on deck. "Care to tell me the reason behind your sudden visit?"

At this she stopped chuckling and her face went blank. "I'm sorry for my strange behaivor..." She shook her head back in forth as if to rid herself of the silly personality she showed moments ago. "I've already asked Rayliegh-San and he declined my offer. I can no longer keep control, so I'm turning to you for help next." At the mention of the man who could be no other than "Dark Knight" Rayliegh, the pirates atop the ship all turned to look, Marco moving to Whitebeard's side.

She ignored it and kept talking. "They're really brilliant, the people in the council. They can travel across worlds in an instant, talk with people who are galaxies away if they wanted to, and now have the power to be able to enter the sun. Can you believe that those in the Fire Nation have developed their abilities that far?" She gave a glance at her daughter. "It's not safe there, Newgate-San. I won't be able to, no I physically can't hurt them..."

Her unemotional mask twitch slightly. "I can't protect Luffy anymore..."

"Gurarararara! If not you then who? Me? What makes you think that I can beat whatever weapons they've made up there? Probably have something equal to the ancient weapons if I were to guess."

"No, they haven't developed their weaponry since the First War. It was forbidden by the council and is not much more sophisticated than yours..."

Whitebeard sat in silence, thinking as she stared at him with a blank face. He opened his mouth to speak when Marco dashed in front of him and raced to the side of the ship.

Just as she was about to fall, Marco caught Luffy's arm before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her up. "Jeez. Be more careful, yoi!"

Luffy turned her head towards the man carrying her and reached up to grab his hair. "Thank you, yoi! Shishishi! Yoi, yoi, yoi!" Marco's eyebrow twitched violently as she looked over at her mom then the giant man beside her. "H-Huge! It's a giant-ossan!"

Whitebeard chuckled at the little girls reaction and even more so when she squirmed from Marco's grasp and climbed into his lap. "Aren't you afraid, brat? I'm a pirate, ya know?"

"Oh~? So this is a pirate ship! That's so cool!" She looked up at Whitebeard before cocking her head to the left. "Are you strong?"

Whitebeard laughed. "Of course, everyone on this ship is!"

"Eeeeh?! Even Pineapple-ossan?!" Whitebeard stopped laughing. Everyone on deck stopped and looked towards Luffy in silence, wondering if they heard correctly.

Thatch hunched over, his body rocking before bursting out laughing, falling backwards. "Ahahahaha! Ah-sh-Ahahaha she's spo-ah-spot on, Marco! Ahahaha! How did I never notice until now!" Soon everyone joined in, all throwing in their own fruit and bird jokes(the reason for those Luffy didn't know,) and even Whitebeard chuckled.

"Shishishi! You guys are funny!" Luffy said as she turned towards the man who's knee she was currently perched on. "Can I explore?! Pretty please!"

Whitebeard gave into the little girls pleading and turned back towards the woman before him, who was getting over a small laughing fit of her own, tears in her eyes. "See, ya can show emotion if you try, Taiyou."

She wiped a tear from her eye and gave him a sad smile. "I can't afford to, Oyaji. I- I can't let them hurt her." She looked towards the floorboards, her wings twitching in agitation. "It wasnt in the plan to bring her with me, but she decided to sneak along..." Her demeanor changed and it made all the Whitebeard Pirates sad to see her like that. "They will kill her, Newgate-San. Please."

Whitebeard watched as Luffy came running from inside the ship, yelling something about a big monster coming to get her, his giant white dog chasing her. He chuckled. "Luffy, eh?"


Done! By the time I post this I believe that I'll have already finished a few more chapters ahead of this one because I have this strong desire to post this entire story regardless if anybody will reads it or not.

Also, while I have the next few chapters typed up, I'm not going to posting anymore chapters until I've solidified my entire plot. Because, there are still some things that I'm deciding between and messing with and don't want to have to go back and edit them and leave all ya readers who read the original chapter confused.

Please don't forget to review, it keeps the French disclaimer at the top of the page a lie!

Until then my dumplings,
