Last time, Lalamon had finally digivlove into her Ultimate form, but the team soon encounter the same man, who had given the Digivices to Marcus and Cleo, in Digital World.

Chapter 18: Episode 18: The Clash With Merukimon

The old man reels in his bait, "Not even one. The bait's too bad." he sighed with disappoint as he puts up his fishing gears.

Marcus and Cleo couldn't believe that the old man is here in the Digital World as well.

"Truly mysterious, Old Man." Marcus spoke.

"Very mysterious..." Cleo added.

"He could be a Digimon." Agumon muttered out loud.

Dalmatianmon suddenly bonks Agumon's head, "Don't be an idiot, Agumon!"

"Ow!" Agumon rubbed his head.

Yoshino glances at Marcus and Cleo, "Come to think of it, you two seem like you guys know him."

"He's the one that gave us the Digivice." Marcus responded.

"Gave you your Digivice?!" Yoshino exclaimed.

"It's true. Right before Agumon and Dalmatianmon digivolve." Cleo explained.

Gaomon gaped at the Old man. Lalamon then spoke, "Then could he be..."

The Old Man ((A/N: Let's just call him Old Man for now)) stands up, speaks to the group, "Okay. This way, follow me." then walks ahead.

"Hey wait...!" Marcus called out.

"You want to go to where Merukimon's is, right?" said Old Man as his back to facing the group.

"Where is he? You know?" Marcus asked.

"Didn't I just tell you to follow me?" Old Man told Marcus then continues ahead as the group stare off at him.

"Should we trust him or not...?" Thomas wondered with suspicion about Old Man.

"I trust him." Marcus spoke.

Thomas stares at him, "Marcus?"

Marcus clenches his fists, "The way I see it... We must get to Merukimon's. So I trust Old Man!"

Agumon clenches his fists or claws, "That's right. We aren't going to get anywhere by standing here!"

"Let's go Agumon!"

"Okay!" The 'Ultimate' fighters ran after Old Man.

"Really... Those two only know how to rush into things." said Thomas with irritation.

"What other choice do we have?" Cleo spoke. "Besides, Mister is okay and we can trust him on this." Cleo follows after Marcus and Agumon with her two Digimon by her side.

The rest follows after them... Towards their biggest battle yet.

Few moments later, the group and Old Man stops near a secret cave.

"This is the entrance." Old Man spoke.

"Strange... I never notice this before." Dalmatianmon spoke with awed.

"How come?" Impmon asked.

"I always took the front entrance instead." Dalmatianmon shrugged.

All of the sudden, Old Man swiftly took out his fishing pole, cast it out as the small suction cup sticks onto a small floating Digimon then threw the Digimon far away into the sky.

"Nice fishing, Old Man!" Marcus praised.

Old Man reels in, "Why can't I get any fish..."

Cleo looks at Dalmatianmon, "What was that?"

"That was Kuramon. Kuramon is an Unidentified Digimon. A Baby level Digimon. ((It's really a Baby/Flesh Digimon)) They maybe small and weak, but they can use their special attack known as Glare Eye as a camera."

"Then... We've been watched all along?" Thomas spoke with disbelief.

"Just about." Old Man spoke as he puts away his fishing pole. "Okay. Let's continue a bit more carefully" then walks into the cave.

Inside the cave, everything was ice, crystal like all around.

Impmon suddenly slips, "GAH!" and lands on his bottom. "Dang it! That hurt!"

"Be careful. The floor's slippery." Old Man spoke to Impmon.

"I wish you told us that sooner..." Impmon grumbled.

Cleo went over to Impmon, "Are you okay?"

Impmon slowly stands up, "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine."

Dalmatianmon's ears suddenly twitch, "Hm?" then scans the area.

At the same time, Old Man suddenly stops in front of Marcus, who bump into him. "Old Man, don't stop like that!"

"Dalmatianmon, did hear something too?" Old Man asked towards Dalmatianmon.

"Yes... We've been spotted." The winged Digimon looks up ahead and see many small blue Digimon with one eye and five finger-like claws.

"Tsumemon. Another Unidentified, In-Training form of Kuramon. They destroy data at frightening speeds. The known attack is Nail Scratch."

The Tsumemons floats towards the group very fast. The group starts to run away from the claw-like Digimons.

"Pepper Breath!"

"Double Backhand!"

"Seed Blast!"

"Shadow Spheres!"


The Digimon of DATS manages to defeated Tsumemons and keeps running with the tamers and Old Man until they were out the tunnel.

As they come out, up ahead they see a huge crystal-like castle.

"That... Merukimon's hideout?" Marcus spoke with wonder.

"This is the place... That is where I go to Merukimon." said Dalmatianmon.

"Beautiful..." Lalamon gasped with wonder.

"Like a palace of ice." said Yoshino with awed.

"This is not the time for that!" Gaomon exclaimed.

"Being here is like being in the enemy's playground. It's perfectly normal for us to be attacked." said Thomas.

Agumon scoffs, "Heh. We've come so far so let's show them!"

Marcus spoke, "Nothing can stop us. Not even Merukimon!"

Suddenly, Cleo spots something on the near top of an ice pillar, "LOOK OUT!" then a boomerang flew towards her and her friends.

The group quickly ducks down before the boomerang could hit them.

"Humans. I...will defeat you!" Once again, it was Keenan and Falcomon.

Suddenly, Old Man seem surprise to see Keenan. /That kid... could he be.../

"Interesting. Let's end this right now!" Marcus gets up then charges at Keenan.

Keenan jumps down from the pillar, preparing to fight Marcus once again.

Marcus tries to punch Keenan, but the boy blocks it with his boomerang and land a few feet away from Marcus.

"I... Digimon warrior... Merukimon's enemy... I will defeat you all!" Keenan exclaimed with anger and hate.

"We won't let you stop us, Keenan!" Marcus charges at Keenan again.

Marcus tries to hit Keenan with his fists, but the child keeps dodging.

While they fought, Falcomon swiftly flies down towards where Agumon, Lalamon, Old Man and Impmon are.

"Pepper Breath!"


Falcomon dodges the flames and flew over the small group, "Ninja Blade!" throws many shurikens at them.

"Seed Blast!" Lalamon's attack impact Falcomon's, creating cloud of smoke.

As Falcomon emerges from the smoke, Gaomon begins to attack the bird Digimon, "Gao Rush!" jumps up towards Falcomon and tries to punch him.

However, Falcomon swiftly dodge the attack and knocks Gaomon to the ground.

"This is bad..." Dalmatianmon spoke with worries and glances at her tamer, "We've got to stop Keenan and Falcomon from fighting us!"

"You're right..." Cleo spoke, knowing they have no choice.

After the talk, Keenan tries to hit Yoshino and Thomas with his boomerang when suddenly, Cleo knocks down Keenan to the icy ground. Keenan tries to punch Cleo, but she quickly grabs his hand before they could hit her.

"Keenan, stop it! Y-You have to listen me!" Cleo grunted as she tries to hold Keenan down.

"Keenan!" Falcomon saw Keenan is in trouble and was about to attack Cleo. "Ninja-!"

"Feather Slice-Dice!" The winged Digimon knocks Falcomon down a bit, but he flew back up to see what hit him and saw it was Dalmatianmon.

Dalmatianmon shouts at Falcomon, "Falcomon, you and Keenan know this isn't answer! Please, stop fighting and listen to us!"

Falcomon glares at Dalmtianmon, "NO! All humans are enemies to us Digimon!"

"Not all humans are bad! ...And you know it." Dalmatianmon exclaimed.

Before Falcomon could shout back, another voice came in...

"Keenan!" It was Gotsumon, who's riding on Yanmamon. "I've come to help!"

/To help? What is he up to?/ Dalmatianmon thought with suspicion.

Gotsumon suddenly smirks with evil, "Rock Fist!" and hurls many small boulders at the ceiling to make the rock-like icicles fall on everyone.

Everyone see the danger and tries to dodges the falling ice rocks.

Gotsumon laughs with malicious, "Destroy everyone!"

"What do you mean by everyone? Gotsumon!" Keenan exclaimed with confusion. He couldn't understand why Gotsumon is attacking him and Falcomon as well with their enemies.

Suddenly, one of the pillars falls down next to where Marcus, Keenan and Cleo is and the floor the under them crumbles into a big crack, making them fall into it.

Falcomon, Agumon, Dalmatianmon and Impmon cries out to their tamer, suddenly the rocks knocks the Digimon over and they too fall into the huge crack.

Gaomon and Lalamon seal their tamers from the falling rocks until it was over...

After the rocks stop falling...

Halfway down in the crack, the four Digimon; Falcomon, Agumon, Impmon and Dalmatianmon, were laying on a ledge.

Falcomon slowly wakes up then sits up, "Gotsumon, that idiot has gone too far."

"He's been like this since he first saw Keenan..." Dalmatianmon wakes up as she slowly sits up then looks at Falcomon, "You should've known he can't stand Keenan very much... That rock hates Keenan a lot and will do anything to get rid of him."

Falcomon was kinda shock to hear that from Dalmatianmon. He knew Gotsumon doesn't like Keenan very much, but he didn't knew Gotsumon would try to kill his friend.

"I-I didn't know..." Falcomon muttered then winces in pain. He felt pain from his right wing.

Impmon woke up and rub his head from the fall, "Ah... I swear if I see that rock creep again..." then notice Cleo isn't here with them. "Huh? Where's Cleo!"

Agumon wakes up and doesn't his boss, "Boss! Boss, where are-?" he looks over the ledge and cries with worries and shock. Marcus was holding onto the rocky wall while also holding Cleo's hand, who's holding Keenan's.

Agumon looks at Dalmatianmon, "Can't you fly down there and help them?"

Dalmatianmon moves her wings then winces a bit in pain, "I-I can't! One of my wings is kinda sore..." She looks at Agumon then at Impmon, "Try pulling them up."

Agumon and Impmon nods at her then tries to reach for Marcus. Falcomon was about to move, but wince again from the pain.

"Don't even think of trying to attack us!" Impmon growled at Falcomon.

Cleo starts to feel scare, not for herself, but for her brother. "M-Marcus..."

"J-Just... hold on!" Marcus grunted as continues to hold on.

"Let go!" Keenan shouted at Cleo.

"Don't joke!" Marcus exclaimed.

"Let go! I will not be saved by a human!" Keenan shouted.

Cleo glares down at the child, "Will you shut up and let us help you? I am not gonna lose you again!"

Marcus begins to pull up Cleo and Keenan slowly towards Agumon and Impmon.

Few moments later, Marcus, Cleo and Keenan manages to get on the ledge with Impmon and Agumon's help.

Agumon looks down at Marcus, who's laying down, with concerns, "Boss, are you...?"

"That was nothing." Marcus panted.

Cleo glares at Marcus, "Nothing? We could've died!"

Keenan was too busy thinking about what Gotsumon did. He couldn't understand why the rock Digimon did it. The child then looks at Marcus and Cleo, "Why did you both... save me?"

Marcus slowly glance at Keenan, "You have to ask that? It's because we haven't got a winner yet." Keenan looked surprise. "How could I just watch you die?"

Later on, they all manages to climb out from small ledge and back on the surface. Everything around them was partly destroy from Gotsumon's attack and Thomas, Yoshino, Old Man and the two Digimon weren't around.

"Just what happened?" Marcus muttered.

Agumon then call out Marcus, showing him the Digivice of Yoshino and Thomas'.

"Oh no... Gotsumon must've took them to Merukimon." Cleo spoke with worries.

"This really doesn't look good." said Marcus.

Agumon spoke to Marcus, "Quick. Let's go to them!"

Marcus turns to Keenan, "Keenan, we'll continue our battle another time!" Keenan looked flabbergasted.

"Let's go guys!" Marcus runs off ahead to the palace with Agumon behind.

Cleo look back at Keenan with sadness in her eyes, "I'm glad you're okay..." then goes after Marcus with her two Digimon behind.

Now, Falcomon, even Keenan, feel more confuse about the humans.

Falcomon spoke to his friend, "Keenan... I feel that there's something different between them and the humans that killed Frigimon... Especially that blue hair girl who seem kinda have the same eyes as you do... Could Dalmatianmon be right? Could there be good people amongst the humans?"

Keenan took moment to speak again, "...That's impossible!" runs after Marcus and Cleo.

Falcomon just stood there for the moment with sympathy at Keenan then follows him.

Marcus, Cleo and their Digimons continues through inside the palace to find their friends. They stop in the hallways with three more hallways. They were getting close, but now which way should they go?

"Boss, this is the top!"

"Dang it. Where's everyone?" Marcus look at each hallways, trying to decide.

"Dalmatianmon, which way should we go?" Cleo ask her Digimon.

Before Dalmatianmon could answer, she shouts, "Duck!" everyone duck down as the same boomerang almost hit them and it went back to it's owner, Keenan.

"Fight!" Keenan shouted at Marcus.

"We don't have time now!" Marcus shouted.

"I don't understand! Why?! Why are you keeping attacking us?! What did we do to make you and your Digimon friends so upset?!" Cleo exclaimed. Cleo really wants to know what's going on. Why are the Digimon attacking them? Why does Keenan hate humans so much?

Keenan charges at Marcus and tries to hit him with the boomerang, but Marcus grabs it before it hit him.

"Humans... killed Frigimon... Cannot be forgiven!" Keenan growled with anger.

Cleo gasped when she heard what Keenan said. How could Frigimon be killed by humans? And how can Digimon be kill when they can reborn as a DigiEgg?

Marcus pushes Keenan back, "Wait. What do you mean by kill? If a Digimon lost in battle, don't they revert to a DigiEgg? They don't die!"

Unknown to them, Dalmatianmon looked sad and angry...

Keenan yells, "Frigimon never returned to a DigiEgg! Disappeared. Nothing was left."

"What?!" Marcus gasped.

"That could happen?" Agumon was stunned.

Cleo looks at Dalmatianmon with shock, "Dalmatianmon... is that true? The monsters were... humans? Is it true that... Digimon never went back as DigiEggs?"

Dalmatianmon look away from her friends with grief, "...Yes... It's true! I could never forget what happened to my friends! The brutal action of the humans... Humans just came here out of nowhere... Humans killed everywhere. Killed every Digimon. N-No data was left so they can't be reborn!"

Cleo gasp with fear as she remember the dream she had back at snowy mountains. It wasn't a dream, it was a vision of what happened to Digimon.

"I couldn't understand why... Why did the humans attack us? Why did they do it! I-I hated them... I hated all the humans! But..." Dalmatianmon looks back at everyone, "...after I came into the Human World, the humans I saw before weren't like the ones in that world. They seem not notice what's going on in Digital World or what happened before... When I met Cleopatra, Marcus, Thomas, Yoshino and every other humans... I begin to think that maybe the humans ain't responsible for attacking our friends."

Keenan suddenly shouts at Dalmatianmon, "NO! Humans are responsible for what happened before! Humans are enemies to us Digimon!"

"Really? Then why Gotsumon attack you as well?!" Dalmatianmon pointed out. "Why did these humans help Falcomon to find the cure for the sickness? Why did Marcus and Cleopatra helped you?! ...Don't you see, Keenan? Can you feel something strange about this girl?" she points at Cleo. "Doesn't she look or feel familiar to you?"

Before Keenan could answer, there was suddenly rumbling, booming sound from somewhere in the palace then smoke peeks out from the middle of the hallway.

Marcus, Cleo and their Digimon quickly runs off through the middle hallway to help their friends. They ran out from the hallway and onto the high bridge-like ceiling, seeing their friends with slight bruises on them from Merukimon's attack.

Marcus jumps off, "Wait up!" then punch the surprise Mega level Digimon in the face, making his DigiSoul appears and lands on the ground with Agumon by his side. Cleo, Dalmatianmon and Impmon flew down.

The rest of team was really glad to see Marcus and Cleo.

"We meet at last, Merukimon!" Marcus shouted.

Merukimon looks down at Marcus with stun, "That fiery fist, that DigiSoul, is..."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me, Marcus Damon!"

"Damon? Could you be Spencer Damon's son?" Merukimon exclaimed.

Marcus gasps with shock, "How do you know my father?"

"I don't have to answer you!" Merukimon growled then tries to hit Marcus, Cleo and their Digimon with his fist, but they jump away before the fist could hit them.

"Dang. Then I'll make you tell me by force!" Marcus growled then he throws the Digivices to Thomas and Yoshino.

"Let's go!" Marcus exclaimed.

"Right!" Yohino, Cleo and Thomas shouted.

"DigiSoul... Full... Charge!"

"Agumon wrap digivolve to... RizeGreymon!"

"Gaomon wrap digivolve to... MachGaogamon!"

"Lalamon wrap digivolve to... Lilamon!"

"Dalmatianmon wrap digivolve to... WereAngeWolfmon!"

"Impmon digivolve to... Devidramon!"

Four Ultimate and one Champion Digimons prepares to battle against Merukimon.

Keenan and Falcomon suddenly runs over to Merukimon. Then Gotsumon pops in, surprising to see Keenan alive, "K-Keenan!"

Keenan glares at Gotsumon, "Gotsumon!"

"Keenan, stand aside!" Merukimon spoke as he stood up from his throne, getting to fight the Digimon of DATS.

"Let's start this!" Lilamon steps up first then attacks, "Lila Shower!" she fires multiple pink beams of energy from her leaf-like fingers at Merukimon.

Merukimon easily swats the beams away.

MachGaogamon quickly flies towards Merukimon, "Winning Knuckles!" and tries to punch the Mega level Digimon, but gets block by Merukimon's hand.

Merukimon smirk with no worries and easily pushes back MachGaogamon.

RizeGreymon flies up to attack Merukimon, "Trident Revolver!" and shots three times at him.

The last attack didn't effect the Mega level Digimon and he leaps towards the three Ultimate Digimon, "Thousand Fist!" knocks them away to the wall.

"Impressive!" Keenan exclaimed.

"No doubt this is Merukimon!" said Gotsumon.

WereAngeWolfmon and Devidramon looks back at their fallen friends then look at each other.

"Ready, Devidramon?" WereAngeWolfmon grunted.

"I was born ready!" Devidramon flies towards Merukimon, "Dark Gale!" and shoot the dark beams at Merukimon.

Merukimon blocks the attack with both of his arm, leaving no scratches on them.

Devidramon gaped, "Huh?! You've gotta be kidding me!"

Merukimon prepares to attack Devidramon, "Thousand-!"

"Ribbon Slash!" The red ribbons slashes multiple times on Merukimon from WereAngeWolfmon, making the Mega level Digimon stop attacking and steps back.

The two Digimon flew back to where Cleo and the rest are as the rest of Digimon begins to move.

RizeGreymon stares at Merukimon, "No damage at all even with our power?"

"All four attack at the same time towards WereAngeWolfmon!" Marcus commanded. "If we combine our strength on her, the power will increase."

"Don't joke. We've never done this before. Too risky!" Yoshino spoke.

"You won't know unless you try, Yoshino." Cleo smiled at Yoshino.

"No matter when, we have to try our best to create a possibility. That is being a man!" Marcus exclaimed.

RizeGreymon nodded at Marcus then stands with MachGaogamon, Devidramon and Lilamon by his sides with WereAngeWolfmon in front.

"Okay. Everyone, let's do it!" WereAngeWolfmon shouted then flies ahead towards Merukimon.

"Okay!" Digimon of DATS shouted.

"Lila Shower!"

"Howling Cannon!"

"Rising Destroying!" RizeGreymon fires a barrage of beams from the six guns on his wings and the two on his chest.

"Dark Gale!"

As the four attacks impacts onto WereAngeWolfmon, the colorful spots on her body begins glow brightly, "Tri-Color Shine!" then combines the attacks into a powerful beam and impacts on Merukimon with full blast.

After the powerful attack impacts Merukimon, the powerful sound-wave from the blast knocks away Keenan, Falcomon and Gotsumon away from Merukimon.

Gotsumon slowly sits up and gasps at the result, "The door to the Digital Gate..."

It seem the powerful beam manages to knock down the wall around the throne to reveal a huge Digital Gate.

"The Digital Gate's right in there..." Marcus spoke with surprise.

As smoke clears from around Merukimon, he was still standing, but then he notices a slight burnt mark on his right arm, "That actually damaged me..." then sneers at the Digimon of DATS.

Merukimon then begins to charge up with green aura on his hands.

"No!" Old Man panicky yelled, sensing something bad was going happen.

Merukimon suddenly shoots out a big, powerful beam at the Digimon of DATS.

WereAngeWolfmon then yells, "NO!" then attacks the beam "Ribbon Slash!" the red ribbons collides into the beam, however she gets hit by the powerful beam of Merukimon, engulfing her and her teammates; Digimon of DATS, creating a gust of smoke from the powerful impact.

The Digimon screams and yell in great pain when the beam hits them all. As the smoke clears up,the Digimon went back to Agumon, Lalamon, Dalmatianmon, Gaomon and Yaamon with cuts and bruises on them.

The tamers runs over to their Digimon with great concerns. Luckily the Digimon were still alive, but badly hurt.

Cleo hold Yaamon in her left arm and lift up Dalmtianmon with the other, "Dalmatianmon, why did you do that?" Cleo asked.

Dalmatianmon slowly opens her eyes, "I-If I didn't attack... we all would've went back into our... D-DigiEgg f-forms."

Merukimon stands over the young DATS members, "Dalmatianmon... I'll use this to send you to your grave!" the same aura appears around his fist.

Cleo then shouts at Merukimon, "What good it will do? This war will bring more suffering, pain and grief!" as tears began to form in her eyes.

That made Merukimon widen his eyes a bit...

"Step down, young lady..." Old Man steps between the DATS member and Merukimon then pulls out... a green Digivice?!

"Kamemon, Realize!"

Green digital particles comes out from the Digivice, revealing Kamemon! "Kamemon!"

"No way! Kamemon is that guy Digimon? Kamemon is a Cyborg turtle-like Digimon. Kamemon's appearance is based on a PC mouse; the ball on his stomach is the track-ball, and his shell is the back of the mouse. He's a Rookie level and Data type. His attacks are Met Tackle, Pointer Arrow, Cora Guard and Cora Attack."

Suddenly, green digital particles appears on Old Man's hand...

"DigiSoul... Charge!"

"Kamemon digivolve to... Gwappamon! Yo!"

"Whoa! That Gwappamon, the Champion form of Kamemon. He's a Cyborg Digimon. His data is mixed with that of a music player's, this is shown by the way you can put CDs on the plate of his head, and listen to music with the seaweed headphones. His attacks are DJ Shooter and Rubber Fist. He also makes a great DJ for clubs."

"DJ Shooter!" Gwappamon shoots many CDs from his head at the pillars to cut them down, making the ceiling crumbling down on Merukimon and Gotsumon.

The DATS members and Old Man runs off towards the Digital Gates. Of course, Marcus was pulled by Old Man.

"We can't defeat him so we're running away?!" Marcus shouted.

"Don't talk, just run!" Old Man keeps pulling Marcus towards the Digital Gate.

"Don't kid me!" Marcus manages to get hand out of Old Man's grip. "How can I retreat like that?"

Old Man gets to the point, "Agumon can no longer fight. If this continues, we'll be annihilated! At a time like this, protecting your friends is the act of a man!"

Marcus understands what Old Man is saying to him. Right now, his friends' safety are important.

"I won't let you run away!" Merukimon was still standing as the ceiling continues to crumble down.

Marcus grunted at Merukimon.

Cleo touches Marcus' shoulder, "Marcus, come on! We don't have time this!"

"Marcus! Cleopatra Crier!" Old Man called out to them, holding Keenan in his arms. "I'll leave Keenan to you two!"

As Marcus took Keenan, Cleo realize something... /How did he know my last name?/

"Bring him back to the Human World!" Old Man commanded.

Yoshino pulls Marcus and Cleo to get to the Digital Gates, leaving Old Man and Gwappamon behind to deal with Merukimon.

Falcomon begins to wake up and see Marcus carrying away Keenan. "Keenan!"

"Falcomon, come on!" Dalmatianmon yells out to Falcomon. The bird quickly flies after them.

The DATS members, knock out Keenan and Falcomon manages to jump into the Digital Gate before Merukimon could attack them with powerful beam.

On the Human World...

The young crew falls out from the Digital Gate and into the river bank, except Lalamon, Falcomon and Dalmatianmon who's flying above water. The rest emerges from the water then see a helicopter of DATS with Commander Sampson and Kudamon in it. They made it back into the Human World...