Title: Aftermath
Author: Watoshimi Kairou
Fandom: Hollywood U: Rising Stars
Characters: Thomas Hunt / Main Character
Rating: General
Status: Complete
Summary: There was a bitter taste in his mouth.
Original prompt by Anonymous (on Tumblr): Hunt's reaction to the prank quest.
Hours after the prank, Thomas could still feel the sickening feeling in his stomach, the hammering pound of his heart, and the icy-cold chill shooting down his spine. He couldn't remember the last time he had ever felt so scared.
Thomas was known for—prided himself in—his ability to keep a cool head no matter the situation; he formulated plans while everyone else panicked, he lead while others followed. But when she fell—
—when the fog had swallowed her up—
—her blood-curdling scream—
Since when had his feelings for her run so deep that he had completely forgotten himself?
Currently taking 100-word prompts.