Chapter 21


"This is called kidnapping." I stated as Hisoka kept a tight grip on me.

"I can't risk you going back to your friends to tattle on me~!" Hisoka said with his usual grin.

"Izanagi is with Gon. I told them I would go get him later. They'll know something is up."

"Are you sure?"

"...Then again...considering my personality..." I do like to disappear once in a while...kind of like a stray cat. "...Damn it..."

"Then all is good~."

"Geh, creep..."

"Don't say it like that~. I quite like you, little kitty~."

"Who is a kitty?!"

"Good kitty~, good kitty~!"

"Don't pet my head! Damn fucking clown!"

I was dragged into a room and Hisoka locked the door behind him. I was released and I tried the door, but...what the hell did he do to it. I turned my attention to Hisoka who is...s-stripping?! I released a screech before turning back around, covering eyes. I know I'm a guy, but seriously?! What is up with this pervert!

"Don't go stripping in front of a girl!" I shouted at him without turning around.

"Hm~? How could I take a shower then~?"

"Do it in the bathroom! You god damn pervert!"

"Then why don't you j-"

"Not happening!"

I heard Hisoka hum before I heard a door open and close. I hesitantly moved my hand and turned around, not seeing him. I tried the door again before thinking about how I can get this open. I stared at the door before using Examine. Huh? Wait, what does it mean by unknown substance made out of Nen?! Hisoka, you bastard! I thought checking out skills I could possibly use to get rid of it. The only bad thing is...I didn't have enough points! There's a cheaper version, but I doubt it'll be strong enough to break it. Oh, wait. I lifted my foot up and I pulled my combat knife out of my boot. I activated Scan, but I kept it localized over the door so I could see the affected area.

"Okay, let's see. I don't got any knife abilities, but I might be able to break it if I infuse the blade with Nen then...sharpen it to cut it..." I muttered trying to coat the blade with Nen.

I couldn't get it...I sat down in the chair, staring at my knife as I attempted to coat it with Nen. I kept Scan activated as I stared at my knife. Every time I tried coating my blade with Nen, it glowed a soft red, but...it didn't work out as well as I wanted. I'm not used to consciously activating my Nen. When I activate it as a skill I already know, I don't do it consciously. I thought staring at the knife.

"Hm~? So you haven't broken out yet, I see~." Hisoka said gaining my attention.

"P-Put some clothing on!" I quickly looked away with reddening cheeks. "I swear, you're a damn pervert!" I screamed covering my eyes.

Male or not inside, it doesn't matter when the man doesn't care about whether or not he is showing his body to someone who is a minor! It's embarrassing as fuck for me since I barely know the man! Before any of you say anything about Marc-sensei, it is completely different with my teacher! The man is more of my brother or father in this life! Hisoka is a pervert!


"You were cheating! You damn bastard! You were using Nen on the cards!" I shouted at Hisoka while we were playing poker...again.

"It's not my fault you didn't bother to actually check~." Hisoka sang with a smile.

"I won, but you can't tell because you did something to the cards! What the heck is this anyways?!" I questioned slamming my hands on the table.

"Texture Surprise. Now answer one of my questions. What type are you?"


"There are a total of six types of aura. A person falls into one of these six categories. Enhancer. Transmuter. Conjurer. Emitter. Manipulator. Specialist. So, which one is you~?"


"I knew it~!"

"I guess we'll be playing a game of questions and answers." I leaned back in my seat, resting my cheek against my palm. "Since it's my turn, why are you here?"

"You three purchased your tickets using the electronic network. With a bit of work and manipulation, it's easy to find where, when, and how someone moves. I fully intend on testing you three, you especially~. How did you pull out weapons from nowhere?"

"I can store an unknown number of items in a pocket dimension." I began to think about my next question. "What do you have planned for Gon and Killua?"

"I merely intend to test them. They have yet to learn Nen. I look forward to their growth."

"Pervert..." Hisoka only smiled, the words clearly not bothering him. "This is the only question I got right now, when can I leave? You can't exactly keep me here forever."

"Only until your friends register~."

"God damn fucking..."

"Language, little kitty~. A foul mouth doesn't suit you~."

"Don't touch me! Sexual harassment!"

"Do you want me to make it sexual~?"



"I feel like a prisoner..." I said seeing Hisoka had me sit next to him with my hands tied up with Nen.

"It's not that bad~!" Hisoka said tugging on my hair.

"The moment those two are here, I am so leaving." I stated slapping his hand away.

I heard the elevator ding and I was about to get up, only to find my ankles bound together and Hisoka had a hand around my mouth, preventing me from speaking...god damn it...I knew I should have taken the chance and run when I had it. Hisoka moved around to corner to show himself to my two friends...although there is a third voice...and it is a very familiar one. Hisoka released some Nen and I could hear Hisoka tell them that they couldn't get past...well, I doubt Marc-sensei would explain Nen to them without me around...even if they say they are my friends...especially if they're boys.

"It's been a while, Hisoka."

"It has been, Marc Fawcett! It's quite a surprise to see you here after so long~!"

"Hm...Where's my student?" Hisoka reached out, grabbing me by the back of my collar, pulling me out from around the corner. Marc-sensei stared at me and sighed...while I gave a hesitant wave. "Seriously...Why is it you like to do dangerous things?"

"..." I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't...open my mouth that is. God damn Hisoka and his Nen. "HMPHWHH!"

"What's wrong, little kitty~?"

"Hisoka, give her back to me now." Marc-sensei had a murderous look on his face. "If you dare to touch my student..."

"You'll do what~?" Hisoka sat down, me on his lap. I reached up, aiming to punch him in the face, but he blocked it without looking. "I'll be willing to give her back...if those two are the ones to fetch her. If you try, I'll slit her throat."

"Scarlett, when you get away from him...you and I are going to have a very long talk about this."

I was mentally crying at this...It's not my fault! Marc-sensei grabbed Gon and Killua by the back of their shirts, dragging them away while muttering a few curses here and there. He shot Hisoka a look as the elevator door began to close...I'm so dead later. I groaned, burying my face in my hands. I can just predict what is going to happen when those two do succeed...because Marc-sensei will not let them fail and he'd kill them before then!

"So you're Marc's student, hm...No wonder your fighting style is similar to his~!" Hisoka said tugging on my hair.

"..." I can open my mouth again. "How...exactly do you know him?" I asked wearily.

"A job~!"

"What kind of job...?"

"Hm...He was very cute~!"

"...Pervert..." Hisoka began petting my head and I tried to stab him for it, only to get my knife taken away from me. "I do want that back later."

"Later." Hisoka tossed the knife up and down, testing the weight. "This is a nice knife~! A gift~?"

"It is, I want it back."

"That's fine. You carry a lot of toys on you."

"You took all of my 'toys'. You only didn't bother for the one in the boot because you were seeing how long it took until I decided to stab you!" I still have a few dozen in my inventory, but...yeah, I'm not taking any out after he took my knife, my spinner, and my beloved katana! "I want those back! Do you have any idea how much those costs?!"

"I'm hurt you care more about your weapons than you do me~!"

"I do, for sure." I looked up at Hisoka blankly. "The beautiful sheen of a blade...the rarity of a weapon..." I held my cheeks as I thought about the weapons just waiting for me to find! "At first, it was games for me, but weapons...are so beautiful! The more rare weapons I gather...the more I see the beauty of them!"

"Hm...So you like rare weapons?"

"Yes! Now give me back my weapons because the longer I know you're holding onto them, the more I want to have Marc-sensei gut you like a pig!"

"What would you give me~?"

"Why should I give you anything? You're already holding me hostage."

"You're very cute when you glare up at me like that~!"

"You already felt me up when you searched me for more weapons." He handed me my knife and I put it into my inventory. The man watched with interest when he saw it just disappear. "Spinner."

"Hm~, this is an interesting ability."




"I think I'll hold onto this one~!"

"Give it back!"

Since the others were taking a long time...Hisoka and I played poker again, this time I cheated using my abilities and I finally got a goddamn victory out of him! I dropped the cards, sensing something sinister and dark coming quickly...very quickly. I wanted to run away...so badly when the elevator dinged and...Marc-sensei came out with half-dead Killua and Gon.

"W-What the hell did you do to those two!?" I was about to lunge for them, if Hisoka didn't grab me. "Gyah!"

"You two, move it. If I don't get my cute little student back, I'll strangle you both!"


"How the hell did Scarlett stand this bastard...?"

"I heard that!"

Gon and Killua walked towards us, going through Hisoka's Nen. When they finally arrived, the Nen holding me in place disappeared. I felt like crying tears of joy...but we can't! In that instant, Marc-sensei closed the distance between us, grabbing me by the back of my collar. He shot Hisoka a dark look before dragging the two boys behind us to the receptionist. Hisoka only smiled, tossing my katana to my teacher, the man catching it without looking. I didn't move an inch...in fear of my teacher giving me a verbal lashing that will kill me...both mentally and emotionally.

"Until your next match, you three belong to me, is that clear?" Marc-sensei asked with a 'kind' smile.

"Don't argue...trust me and you'll avoid three times the training exercises if you do..." I whispered to them.

"Don't you think we realized that! He almost killed us earlier!" Killua hissed at me.


I was in a nice hotel room...but it would have been better if I didn't have a giant rock on my lap and six books situated at the top of my head. It would also be nice if I wasn't in a short red skirt and sleeveless dress shirt with a red tie...I look like a damn school girl. This is Marc-sensei's...lighter punishment, sitting seiza perfectly while enduring the pain on my lap and on my head. The outfit was merely there for mental torture...at least I hope so. Thank god he didn't take pictures of me in this outfit...the only reason he has that stupid album is as blackmail material if I ever decide I want to disobey him when it comes to my training.

"So, my adorable little student...are you ever going to tell me why it is Hisoka managed to kidnap you?" Marc-sensei questioned patiently.

"Y-Yes...I registered as you said when three guys had me surrounded...I was going to use force when Hisoka came up from behind me..." I answered trying not to cry from the pain my neck is going through.

"I see, is that so...Damn Hisoka...my student is off limits to his perverse desires..." Marc-sensei muttered darkly.

"Sensei...where is Killua and Gon...? Along with my Izanagi...?"

"Those two? Training exercises. Izanagi is with them." Marc-sensei waved off my worries. "They won't die, not so easily anyways. They got potential, greater than your own in a way."

"Why am I dressed like this?"

"You look cuter and it is punishment."

"..." I knew it. "When is this going to end...?"

"It's not, you'll be training your Ten and Ren in this state until I deem it necessary."

"You could at least properly explain things..."

"Very well."

Marc-sensei then went on a long lecture about Nen...that I barely understood even though he pulled a whiteboard out of nowhere and began drawing on it, tapping on the whiteboard on occasion with a pointer rod. The most I caught was the name names of Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu along with the basic breakdown of what they do. I would have normally fallen asleep by now...but I'm in a crap ton of pain right now...I think my feet fell asleep...they're getting all tingly. I released a high-pitched squeal when Marc-sensei poked my foot with the pointer rod. The books fell off and I fell over sideways in a very...failed attempt at getting away.

"Y-You jerk! What was that for?!" I questioned angrily.

"I should have recorded that. You rarely do anything cute and girly." Marc-sensei said looking all too damn pleased with himself.

"Get back-kyah!" I fell over after trying to stand. "I can't get up...!"

"You're really cute right now, Scarlett."

"You're really dead when the blood goes back to my feet and they stop feeling so tingly...!"

"Okay, picture..."

"Get that camera out of my face!"

I changed my class to archer, sending a few arrows flying at him. I had tears in the corner of my eyes due to the tingly feeling in my feet. It feels weird...! Still...this is a hell of a lot better than getting stuck with Hisoka. I probably shouldn't mention all the passes the man made at me...for my own mental health and to avoid another interrogation by my teacher.


Chapter 21 Ends

This story isn't dead yet! In truth, I had a lot of difficulties finding inspiration to do another chapter...instead procrastinating on other stories I have yet to post. That and I decided to go over some old favorite manga of mine, Pandora Hearts, Shut Hell, Hellsing, and Fullmetal Alchemist are a few to name. Lazy~! Hisoka is a pervert...not giving a damn about age or gender...not something pleasant when you think about it, but very funny to do to Scarlett~! Nothing else to add so that's all for now! Bye-bye~!