This will be a collection of my random mini Klaroline drabbles.
Being the most powerful of one of the most powerful species in the world, there were only few times in his long, long lifetime when he got drunk, as far as he could recall.
Unfortunately, today was one of the rare exceptions, when he had gotten himself too lightheaded to walk straight, or even proceed proper sentences- hell knows how much Scotch it took to make him into this state.
He groaned as he dragged his feet up the stairs of his NOLA palace, finally making it to the master bedroom, the room where the king and his queen of both the sons of the moon and the daughters of the night met the dawn in each other's arms night after night.
"Unlock the door, Caroline!" Klaus growled in a husky voice, his hand linked to the fixed door knob. He knew he shouldn't have yelled, but with all the alcohol and amber nectar he'd just consumed boiling in his veins, it wasn't so easy for him to control his rollercoaster temper.
"It's Thursday. We agreed on this." Please don't tell him she'd regretted letting him go out for fun once every week. Because Klaus Mikaelson was far from those who answered to their wives and the ones who had to ask for permission on everything they did. The king of the French Quarter was only letting her letting him because his loved her enough.
When Klaus caught her sweet voice from the other side of the door, he wasn't sure if it was his liquor-blocked senses or it was her lying in the bed in her birthday suit, wrapped in that sheer white sheet of theirs that made it sound muffled, "Who is it?"
He rolled his eyes- he wasn't sure if he was doing it right under that condition, truth be told- and huffed, "Caroline, let's not play this game. You know who I am."
Yet there was no reply.
After a few more seconds of silence, Klaus finally gave in, "fine. You have the king of vampires and werewolves at your door, begging for your allowance in OUR room, is this enough?"
Still no response.
His hands shot to the door and the knob once again, knocking and turning simultaneously, "open the goddamn door, Caroline, you know I can easily break through if I want to. I thought you were okay with this! What the hell is wrong-"
Suddenly, a thought struck him out of the dizziness and drowsiness.
"I'm your husband, love." He whispered in realization, head braced against the walnut door plank that he was all too familiar with, "let me in."
And with a quiet creek of the door, the light in the room greeted him with the warmth he hadn't known he'd been longing for the whole night- or his whole life.
Okay so this is actually an adapted story, and its original protagonists would be Queen Victoria of Britain and her beloved husband Albert.
I don't know about you guys but I love their love story so much that they became two of my favorite western historical figures.
Anyway, since this is such a small piece of writing, let's not make the AN longer then itself.
P.S. Gonna update Beauty by the end of next week.
Please review and I'll see ya soon!