Disclaimer: I don't own Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) or Yahari Oregairu no Seishun Rabu Kome wa Machigatteiru (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long I was sick, still am unfortunately but some reviews that bring motivation to right back so that how this chapter got done despite me being a bit sick

Anyway now that this is done I'll be focusing on The Return of Haruhi Suzumiya I hope you guys do check it out

And thanks again for all your support its been a fun ride

Anyway Enjoy the final Chapter

After bowing Hikigaya went to the piano and sat down, then with one hand he undid the lower button of his blue suit and then moved that hand up to the piano and started his performance.

The piece he played was Chopin's Ballade No. 1 in G minor , Op. 23. The very same piece he played the day Kaori died. As soon as he started playing the audience was taken in by the sounds coming out of the piano and where intently listening to his playing.

Hikigaya's Mind

Here I am again playing the same piece from that day, the day where I more or less promised to myself that I will keep playing but people change and I've changed a lot. Hmm I even broke that promise I made with her and kept it all hidden away in a place that even hides my chuunibyou phase. But I don't regret any of it since thats the same as hating an action you made in the past which is the same as hating yourself. And no matter what I can't hate myself, not again, after all I'm my own greatest ally. Even when everyone else goes the only one who stays is me.

I'm a loner but I'm also a musician I have to accept that part of me. So the message I'll get through with my playing is simple one, one where those listening should understand.


As Hikigaya's performance carried on they got more and more taken in by the music coming out of the piano he was playing. Some people even had tears in there eyes. Yukinon and Yuigahama were on the edge's of their seats along with everyone else on their row but two people had smiles on their faces The two with smiles on their faces were Takeshi and Emi. The reason they were smiling was because they heard the message Hikigaya was sending through his playing.

Hikigaya's Mind

There sure is a lot of sound just like last time. I wonder if she'll appear again like last time. So like last time I turned my head to right and just like time she was there.

She had sad looking smile on her face,

I guess you would be happy that I'm playing again sorry about stopping and sorry about trying to hide you away

She just nodded as if understanding what I was thinking, she then raised up her violin and started playing the accompanying piece to what I was playing.

We played like we've been practising together for years and the short time we had together went by together very quickly.

As the piece reached the climax I turned to my right again since I knew the same thing as last time would happen. And just like I predicted she was now looking at me her normal face no longer playing the violin.

Unlike last time I just said one word, "sorry" she just smiled and slowly faded away with a single tear flowing from her eye.

After that I was in a daze and when I came to there tears on my cheeks and the audience was clapping.


When Hikigaya first finished playing everyone was still taken in by the music and it took them a while to snap out of it when they did they all rose up and started applauding.

Yukinon and Yuigahama and everyone who knew Hikigaya from high school where completely stunned they didn't know that he could play the piano this well.

"Why are you two smiling" asked Watari, his question was directed at Takeshi and Emi

"Because my rival is back"

"How do you know that" asked Tsubaki

"You could here it in the music" replied Emi

Everyone else just tilted their heads, and looked at them expectantly

Takeshi sighed, "The words he was getting out through the piece"

"You can talk through music?" asked Yuigahama

Takeshi and Emi nodded

"So what was Hikigaya-kun saying?" asked a curious Yukinon

"I'm a pianist"

Yukinon and Yuigahama looked at each other with a slight look of concern in their eye's although none of the people around them noticed their concerned expression


As soon as Hikigaya got backstage he collapsed onto his knee's and wiped the tears of his face

"Wow, Senpai that was amazing" said Isshiki as she approached him from behind

"Well it was to fulfil your request" replied Hikigaya with a small smile on his face

"Were you just making a pass at me senpai, sorry but even if you can play a musical instrument your still you" replied Isshiki with a smile on her face

'Whats that even supposed to mean, maybe I should getting shot down without even asking someone out to my 108 skills' as Hikigaya thought that he sighed, "Don't you have to give you're closing speech"

"Oh yeah thanks for reminding Senpai" said Isshiki as she left to close the show

Outside half an hour later

Yukinon and Yuigahama where waiting outside, everyone else went back home for various reasons , after standing outside for five minutes Hikigaya appeared


"Hiki that was amazing"

"Indeed I was very surprised that someone like you could make music that eloquent"


Yukinon and Yuigahama kept staring at Hikigaya both of them clearly had more to say

Hikigaya sighed and asked, "Why are you guys staring at me?"

They both blushed and Yuigahama replied well, "Um… you see Hiki, Watari told us about what happened to you in the past"

Hikigaya's eye's widened a bit, "I see"

"Yuigahama-san and I would like to know Hikigaya-kun that we'll be here to support you"

"Thank you for the offer but you guys don't need o push yourselves"

Yukinoshita shrunk back a bit after hearing Hikigaya's reply but Yuigahama wasn't done yet

"We're not pushing ourselves Hiki after all we're friends right and friends help each other whenever they have problems, isn't that right Yukinon"

Getting back some confidence Yukinon replied, "Thats right Hikigaya-kun even I have considered you friend for a while now"

"Didn't you say no when I last asked if we were friends"

"I lied"

Hikigaya's eye's widened once again clearly his views on certain things have just collapsed. He sighed and said, "Alright then I'll be in your care"

Yuigahama and Yukinon both smiled and all three of them started walking forward

"Hiki, will you play the piano again"

Hikigaya's face was neutral, "We'll see"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the story but now that I this fic is over there is one less fic that's updated in the Oregairu crossover section. Like a lot of people are doing in the main section of Oregairu I'll be hoping that more people do write some more crossover fics since there is so much potential for Oregairu crossover fics. Anyway I'll be continuing in this side with The Return of Haruhi Suzumiya

Thanks again for all your support over the last months all the reviews really did help find the motivation to finish this
